Turned to Dust (A Halo x RWBY...

By Herath_Fireborn

62.3K 520 713

A Spartan III survives the glassing of Reach through a freak of nature. He is placed on a world clinging to r... More

You readers can be a part!!!
A talk with Ozpin.
Hanging out with Ruby Rose
Talking with Blake
Defending the Faunus
The End of a Friend
The Dance
The Bird's Aid
Summer's Rebirth
End of the Beginning
True Identety and a Family Pet
Underwater Fight

Raven's Camp

1.9K 13 6
By Herath_Fireborn

Blade's PoV:

The boat landed and I got out. Looking around, no one was out, even though it was midday.

"Summer, motion tracker."

"Set and running. I'm getting nothing."

Wary, I made my way to the inn. No one was here.

"Where the hell is every-."

The click of a revolver's hammer being primed came from behind me. Slowly, I looked around and saw hundreds of armed men, all with smiles on their faces. There was this one man who's teeth were far from perfect and a revolver sat it his hands. My hand flew to Retribution and it transformed into its axe form and I swung at the man before me. To my surprise, it was met with a red sword.

A woman with raven hair and a white Grimm mask stood before me, one hand resting on her sheathe and the other holding her sword. She began to chuckle.

"You're gunna be worth a fortune."

I narrowed my eyes. "Who are y-"

Someone placed their hand on my back and electricity coursed through my body, taking out my shields and Aura before I could react. Rapidly loosing consciousness, I fell to the floor as Summer screamed in my head.

Summer: Activating soft-Armor Lock!

My suit's pressure locks and seals tightened, preventing the bandits from taking off my armor. My limbs were still limp, though.

Who the hell are you?

An undetermined amount of time latter.....

I woke up to tightly bound hands and two guys laughing. Baring my teeth, I tried to break my restraints but they surprisingly held up. The two bandits noticed that I was up.

"Hey! Mr. Loner 'ere is up! Maybe we can start some breedin'!"

The fuck?!?

Someone tried growling at the two, but was silenced when a woman wearing a leather jacket came over with Retribution and... Mytrncaster? (I can't remember how its spelled.)

"Some fancy weapon you've got here, girl. I think I'll keep it."

I looked straight at her. "What are you planning?"

She gazed at me and smiled. "We're planning on ransoming you two, of course."

I heard someone stand up and two hands grabbed the bars of the cage next to mine. Their's seemed to be wide open while mine was almost closed on all sides, save for the heavy bars before me.

"Once my sister realizes I haven't arrived in Mistral, she will track me down, free me, and end your petty tribe."

Wait a sec, I know that voice... Who is she?

The woman simply laughed. "Oh, kid. Haven't you heard? Atlas has pulled all troops from the kingdoms. Everyone's worried about saving themselves with the threat of war on the horizon."

I heard the girl gasp, then slide down against her cage walls. The woman then walked over to me, smirking.

"You are an interesting one. A rouge Spartan, here on Remnant. Sadly, no one's coming for you. Now, I suspect you'll be here for a while, so here," she threw me Noble's tags and a Spartan Bar. "Eat up. See you soon."

She gave me a wink and I remembered what happened the last time a woman winked at me.

You're gunna die.

Retreating to the dark recesses of my cage, I took off my helmet and noticed Summer's chip in the back of my helmet. Smiling smugly, I ate my food and put my helmet back on.


Vernal was right in that I'd be here for a while, it had already been a week. Weiss (how she was captured is beyond me) was trying to summon something when I heard commotion coming from the main tent.

"Must you be so rough with my men?"

I did not expect the reply to come from Yang. "They asked for it, Mom." Malice was in the word 'mom'.

Raven ignored the malice. "And you delivered. Well done. I knew you'd find me. You are my daughter, after all."

Fucking swell. We've been captured by Raven. Any OTHER curveballs you want to throw at me?

I noticed a shimmer before me.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Yang and Raven's discussion quickly got heated and it escalated so high that Yang punched someone through the tent before us, causing it to collapse. Yang and Weiss gazed at eachother, shocked, the Weiss mumbled something.

"Well there goes quiet."

I heard a high whine as an Atlesian Knight formed next to me. Vernal thought quickly and aimed Retribution at me and fired. I knew my Aura could take the hit, but my shields had broken back when Vernal shocked the living daylights out of me. As I braced for the round, it blew up prematurely.

The fuck?

An orange glow shone in the air before it shimmered and a Spartan slowly revealed themselves. They clutched their arm, probably in pain.

"That fucking hurts!"

I gasped. It can't be-!

The Spartan ripped open my cage, handed me my weapons and the two of us rushed to support Yang and Weiss (the latter of which had no weapon.)

Tapping Weiss's shoulder, I offered her a kukuri and she took it, holding it in her left hand. The camp grew silent as a tumbleweed blew past.

Raven broke the silence. "Lower your weapons. Vernal, return the girl and Spartan their weapons."

Vernal glanced at Raven before tossing our weapons back at us. I caught my Retribution and aimed it at Raven.

"You'd better start talking right now, Raven."

She rolled her eyes and turned around. "Come in. I'll explain in here."

The Spartan next to me slowly lowered her rifle as did Yang with her arms and Weiss with releasing her summon. Out of peer pressure, I let my weapon droop.

The four of us entered the tent and Raven began to explain why she distrusted Ozpin. I couldn't help but keep glancing at the Spartan who freed me.

It can't be her. It just can't!

And now I have added an OC. How will her presence change Remnant?

Also, do you want to see something grow between Blade and my OC? Just say so!

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