The Extroverty-Introvert

بواسطة LethargicGenius

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Hey Guys! John is a 15-year-old student who is trying to figure out the best way to stay connected with his... المزيد

CHAPTER 2:-The Problem I Have With Weddings.
Chapter 3:- Embrace the Third Wheeling
Chapter 4:-A Bad Start Does Not Mean It's A Bad Day.
Chapter 5:-Always Keep Your Phone In The Bag!
Chapter 6 :- Abdomen Guards Should Be In All Sports!
Chapter 7:- Never Daydream When A Girl is Talking.
Chapter 8:- Grandmothers
Chapter 9:- Is it Pancakes Or Videshi Dosa?
Chapter 10:- It's My Birthday!
Chapter 11:-Should I Make A Move?
Chapter 12:- The Things We Do For Love
Chapter 13:- Tutoring Natalie.
Chapter 14:- Can A Hairband Be A Weapon?
Chapter 15:- Watson, We Have A Problem!
Chapter 16:- Lost and Found.
Chapter 17:- Those Are A Nice Pair of Tits.
Chapter 19:- The Creep is Back.
Chapter 20:- Wait, You're a Gangster?
Chapter 21:- The Target's Daughter
Chapter 22:- Perspective
Chapter 23:- The Betrayal
Chapter 24:- What the heck Rachel? Where are my Clothes?
Chapter 25:- Overconfident in a Tuxedo
Chapter 26:- Psyche Grandma Rose!
Chapter 27:- Always Lock the Door
Chapter 28:- The Brief Past
Chapter 29:- Juan and Jose
Chapter 30:- Prom

Chapter 18:- Do My Instincts Warn Me?

41 11 0
بواسطة LethargicGenius

Do you guys ever feel that some of the things that you see happening in front of you, has already happened before, or you've witnessed it long before it happens but it only hits you between the fraction of a second of the event taking place and you frowning at the people involved in it as your brain says," Oi Mate! This shit's happened before!"

Ever experienced that?

If yes, then you're in for a treat.


My vision is blurry and all I can see is a red thing approaching me at high speed and bang! My screen goes black!

I shake my head and realize that I'm on the floor, somehow and my cheeks hurt. Might be because of the long talk I had with my uncle last night about Batman and why he is a creepy superhero. Anyways that is a weird start to a Wednesday, but whatever.

Sleepy faced me walks into the karate class in school at 7 am in the morning, today was supposed to be the first training session for the upcoming karate tournament and that I was participating in, by MYSELF.

The fact that there was no one who could match up to my skill and PoWeR of the punches and kicks that I threw shaped my road ahead to represent my karate clan in this district-level championship.

Subconscious Mind:- "The others were busy with their preliminary exams and tied up with assignments, it is not that this douche was that great to go ALONE."


Not one time can I have a break from this subconscious!

Subconscious Mind:- "Suck it, I'm going to be here ALL the TiMe!"

Anyways, I will try and not drift away from my topic.

My school doesn't really encourage karate as an activity that can be organized as a huge event with eliminations and blah blah with the victor being awarded a trophy and MaaaYbe, a cash prize. Nevertheless, they encourage students to take up chess. Yes, ChEsS.

The one sport that is soooooo old that it was used in ancient times for drawing out battle lines and discussing strategies for a war when armies used compose of Spearmen, Knights, Bishops (excuse me wtf, how can a holy man do shit? At least call them spiritual wizards!), Elephants, Queens and A FUCKING fat, lazy king who would only take a step!

I mean this is ridiculous! You're the flipping king, do something. The stupid spearman can move more than you, and they get paid less! You own the fucking treasury, buy some jetpacks and start moving you, little wanker! You don't expect your wife (queen) to be loyal to you, do you? She can literally travel to the other side of the board and kiss the enemy king and come back to your side while you manage to only cover one block of the chessboard.

Subconscious Mind:- "Calm the fuck down John! It's just a game."

That's the flipping point! Why do y'all still play it? It's not like Trump would say "Queen to C5" and Melania Trump would slide forward and slice opens some soldier's neck for him. It could be Ivanka Trump to do so because the old guy himself admitted that he'd date Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter.

Subconscious Mind:- "......."

Yeah.... I know I went off topic again.

Aaanyways! The Bottomline is chess is something that should be played as a sport or best just leave it as a relic, but don't choose it over KARATE. In today's world, you don't know when you are going to get jumped by some random dude, and you're in a situation where you have to fight for your life.

You're not going to whip out your chessboard and ask him which side he wants, black or white? Noo, you're going to whoop his ass by doing a series of punches and kicks that you'll learn from karate! Karate helps all the time!

But this didn't seem to entice the genitals of my principal, or maybe she didn't have the balls to straight up tell everyone that chess is StUpiD.

Subconscious Mind:- "Your principal is a female."

Oh, so she literally doesn't have balls? Interesting.

Subconscious Mind:- "Uhh.. this kid will never grow up."

I realized that having this argument in my head was quite pointless because I was the only participant in it, so I chose to get back to training.


It's 10:30 am now. 3 ½ hours into my training of exercise, combinations of punches and kicks and jogging has got me sweating like a pig. My sensei calls in for a break of 15 mins, so I walk up the stairs from the school's basement and up to the ground floor where all the crazy shit happens.

Looking at the time on my watch I realized that I might bump into my friends because it's break time for the seniors from 10:30 - 11:30 am. Just as I turned the corner to the canteen from the staircase my instincts called it out; there in front of me was Dhruv and Shreya. Dhruv the muscular chump had my friend pinned against the wall and was making out with her.

She looks up to me and makes eye contact, I wave and she winks back. I take that as a reply and move on to the canteen where I assume the rest of the gang would be.

I see Arya and Abhay casually sitting by the podium where the choir stands for the morning assemblies, and I walk up to them.

"Oooh look who's here, the karate kid of our class! So how's the training going?", Arya asks.

"It's tiring as hell bro, but the fact that I'm the only one representing our school makes me feel like I need to put in a lot more hours of practice.", I exclaimed while sitting down beside them and giving Abhay a high-five.

"You really need to work harder than you are right now, I mean this could make or break the future of karate in our school man. God forbid, the former shouldn't be the end result.", Aakash added while walking up to us with Priyanka following suit.

"I've heard that Greenville School's, Cobra Kai Karate club too is participating in it. Those guys have a history of winning titles and also cheating... I just hope you are putting in your best for this.", Priyanka advised.

[Sidenote:- Remember the clan's name, it's important.]

Well, I didn't think this far for the tournament. I thought it was just a debut for us, turns out that the fate of the karate buzz in my school was in my hands.

Subconscious Mind:- "Soooo filmy....uh!"

Gossips fill in the vacuum created after my topic of karate and I wander into my imaginative land of peace and prosperity. I'm still physically present with my friends, I.e. my face only, but it is in the direction of the staircase opposite the canteen from where I walked up previously. I'm just blindly staring at anyone who walks up and down those staircases.

In my head, I'm running down soldiers with my favourite stallion, Rupert and I am a British Sergeant with a musket and a longsword. The galloping of my stallion makes me bounce up and down to maintain my balance so that I can cut down the approaching enemy.

1,2,3,4....5 and 6! Blimey, I've killed half a dozen people already. I'm pretty sure I was a military officer in my past life for this level of skill.

Then I see something...something in red approaching me, and it's coming fast. Like really fast and I'm about to intercept when I get knocked off my horse.

*shakes his head*

"Ouch.", I said realizing that I actually fell down.

I look up to my friends who gave me cold stares in return.

"What was that for?", I asked all of them.

"What was what?", Abhay asked.

"Well it doesn't seem logical that I fell down by myself, it's obvious that one of Y'all hit me on purpose. Which one of you did it?", I rubbed my cheeks, stood up and started dusting my uniform.

"I did it.", a voice said.

I looked up to my friends and then to the right where I saw a girl wearing a red sweater staring down at me.

"Oooh, that's weird. Who are you and why did you hit me?", I asked in confusion.

"If you look closely I've not hit you, I've just slapped you. I thought a guy who learns karate would know the difference.", she smirks while looking at me up to down.

I feel my cheeks once again and boy they hurt. I looked back at my friends for confirmation and they were holding their laughter, trying to not break the tension that is created right now.

"And for the record, I didn't slap you without any reason I slapped you because according to the law of this country a woman can defend herself from filthy men like you if things go out of control.", she smirks again.

"So what did I do exactly, because of which you slapped me?", I asked.

"Well, you see there are 4 stages of harassment according to me, of which you were in stage 2 so I retaliated before you could make a move.", she explained with gestures to prove her point.

"Wait, what?", my brain was still on the reboot menu.

She frowned and walked up to me.

"Don't act smart here karate boy, I know you were staring at my breasts from here when I was walking up the stairs trying to get to my class.", she shouted.

"Hold up, Hold UP! What?! Me and your breasts? Oh no no no!", I took a step back to create breathing space.

"You really think I'm that gullible to not believe my own eyes? I mean you were clearly shaking your head up and down while looking at me, rather my breasts. The whole time!", she added.

"Omg, listen I'll say sorry on his behalf. You see he has this problem of daydreaming and he might have been thinking of something else whilst only his head was actively taking part in the dream. Just forgive him this time, I'll make sure he doesn't do that EVER.", Aakash steps in to calm the tide.

"Really? Daydreaming? That's your excuse to save his ass from my hands? Your just lucky that I have to attend my biology lecture right now, and I'll deal with YOU later!", she screams.

I just looked at her the whole time as she walked up to the stairs, that's when she turns around and screams, "There he's doing it again!"

"I'll take care of him!", Aakash covers my eyes and turns me around.

I was clueless as to what just happened, and looked up to my friends to explain the situation to me.

"Dude, have you lost it? Like why were you just staring at her?", Arya asked.

"What made you even think that it was a good idea?", Aakash asked.

I just looked back at them for a few seconds and said, "I was daydreaming."

"This is ridiculous, I mean the audacity that you have to lie to us with the same excuse that I used to save you from her.", he shakes his head.

"No, it's the truth! I was in this imaginary world where I was riding a stallion and killing soldiers with my gun and sword.", I defended myself.

There was silence.

"Oh-oh-oh! I get it now, he was on a horse so his body was moving up and down, but in reality, only his head was! That's the reason!", Arya added.

"Ahh, and the staring explains itself that he is dreaming. Well, that's the proof we have got and coincidentally only we understand it. So yeah now that random girl thinks you're a creep.", Aakash laughed.

"Not just any creep, a karate kid creepster!", Priyanka chuckled.

The whole group laughed about it while they walked up to the stairs and headed to their classes, while I walked downstairs for training.

I wondered why I could see a red thing approaching me in my dream and coincidentally a red dressed student was in front of me when I fell down. This was a complicated puzzle to solve.

Then it hit me! The dream I saw today too had something related to this, in my dream, I saw a red thing approaching me very fast and then it all blacked out. I was on the floor.

Had I just discovered a superpower in me? Or did I just travel to the future and my subconscious warned me about something that would happen because of which I had this weird dream?

This fascinated me! Although the fear late realization, that I was in trouble did play ping-pong with my thoughts, the fact that I connected the dots intrigued me a lot more and I was curious to know more about this supposed time-traveling-concept in my dream that warned me of certain events.


Helloooo My Beautiful Audiences!!!!!

Hope Y'all are enjoying reading the book, this is a new idea that came up in my mind, what's your opinion on this type of humor?!

Next time, Peace!


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