~A Cinderalla Tale ~

Av Sh_aarohi

59.1K 7.8K 6.3K

She stops abruptly as a Familiar cologne hits her nostrils She freezes as his hot breath falls on her cheeks... Mer

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Sneak Peaks of Upcoming Chapters
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 *New*

Part 22

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Av Sh_aarohi

Dedicating this Chapter to _Sayari_ Happy B'day Gurl and I am Sorry for this Late wishes 🙈

and Dedicating this chapter to chibixcheeks For Writing Amzing Books on RiKara Marriage Contract Being my Favorite and Thank you for Giving in to my demands LOL 🙈

Chapter 22

"You are Not Coming to India as I am Not Gonna Observe for Him , So In the Pretext of this ceremony Don't you Come to See me as an excuse-- !" Shivaay yells over the phone to the other person who is online with him .

Frustrated That The Other Person is not giving into his demands He cuts the call and throws it on the bed . Gauri Stops by his Door contemplating whether to go in or not . Shivaay turns around to leave the room but seeing Gauri there with a nervous look His lips hooks up in a smile .

"Come in Lady!" Shivaay calls her out showing his thirty two teeth .

Gauri walks in standing right in front of her She says "You are Not Here For any Close-up Ad I guess ? , So Could You please shut that up - Because One Cannot See something so eerie for a Long-time ! "

Shivaay narrows his brows and Shuts his mouth irritated and Looks at her intently.. Seeing a nervous smile trying to break through her ..His grin widens as he assumes She is Here to see him.

Taking Her hand is his Shivaay Keeps her hand over her heart " This will speed up when you see the person You like ! , It would start beating faster ! Flutter Like Butterfly wings , Do you Feel it Now? " He Finishes With a wider goofy grin itched on his face .

Gauri's mind drifts to Him He had been the Only One Who could make her heart flutter , "Am I Falling for Him?" She questions herself , "No Gauri You are not it is just attraction , att-ra-ction !" Her brain interjects emphasizing, "Yes you are!" The Heart says frowning at the brain .

"Gauri where are you lost?" Shivaay taps her shoulder breaking her daze .

"Aah No nothing .. ! " She says quickly trying to stop her loud "Lub-dobs" of her Heart , She strokes it slowly While Shivaay Looks at her Confused .

"Is it speeding up seeing me?" Shivaay asks her thrilled jumping on his toes ,

"No!" She tells him scrunching her nose and continues tying her hands across her chest " I Do not Feel anything around you ! " She tells sternly Her lips curve up as She continues while her heart paints His Picture While She says " It would Flutter Only When I am With the Person I Like!"

Shivaay looks at her irritated not Liking the way She saying it in a dreamy way , She was saying as if She had One But He Knew She did not at least not yet -- . Faking his smile he takes her hand and Keeps over his heart .

"Can You Feel My Heart Banging loudly? That Feeling here ? "

"It feels a bit irregular, Have you got arrhythmia?" Gauri asks back Faking her concern

Shivaay glares at her as She pulls her hand back . The Nerve of this Woman! He clenches irritated .

"Shivaay ..Ermm ..I ..am ..Here." She fumbles with words ..oh god why am I stuttering? Her mind ponders.

" The..Memorial.. Are you going to attend Your Father's Memorial?" She blurts it out .

"No I am Not Gonna Observe !" Shivaay replies pissed That She is here in the first place for something else .

"Why is that?" She asks again curiously

"Because .. It is ..Why should I tell you?" He walks out saying that..

"There is more to it!" She murmurs wondering The brothers got their own set of difficulties in life & secrets .


Gauri decides to give it another try . She walks into Rudra's room but stops midway seeing him lost in the picture Rudra with his father ..The way he was thinking Gauri decides not to disturb him , Maybe He might attend . She walks back to her room .. Walking to and fro biting her thumb to come with a plan to make the head horns attend .Yes Head Horns Omkara & Shivaay .

"Haven't you got College today?" Omkara walks into her room folding his shirt sleeves .

Gauri Looks up at him shocked and gulps down seeing two of his shirt buttons undone giving her a hint of what lay beneath .. The Crisp Slim fit blue shirt He wore hugged him at all correct places making Gauri take a deep breath trying to calm her veins .

"Done Checking me out?" He smirks as She turns her head

He could swear that He saw her cheeks going pink making all the more make her look beautiful even in a casual wear , Dressed in a nude pink Floral print t-shirt paired with an overcoat with blue jeans , Her hair left open .

"Urgh-What me checking you out? In your dreams Jattadari !" She tells after few minutes regaining her breath .

"Then enlighten me your highness on what was you drooling on? He tells smirking

Gauri's hands goes to the corner of her mouth to check whether was she drooling . Seeing him laughing , She scrunches her nose he was making fun of her ..Irritated She throws the cushion at him which was nearby which hits right on his nose .

"You woman stop harassing me!" He whines at her ..

"Serves you right!"

"Haven't you got college?" He repeats his first question for what he was here at the First place .

"Oh my it's already time ! " She panics and runs to pack her bag .. Om smiles looking at her .

"You Know You got a Private Chauffeur who drives Fast!" Om says winking at her .. Her Lips break out to a lopsided grin without giving him a chance to let him notice her smile She drags him out with her as He says in a near shout to slow down .

Stopping right in front of her College . Om tilts his head sideways to Look at her .

"Gauri ?"

She looks at him "Why?" She asks softly .. This feels awkward , They had been travelling in silence because When Gauri was trying to bring up the topic of his father He had showed his palm indicating her to stop since then She had been tight-lipped .

"Never Stopped Talking Even If I say so ! , It Felt like I am travelling with a silent rat! " He tells shocked about himself How he missed her talks .

Her mouth goes "O" Shaped "How Dare you call me rat? You Godzilla!" She snaps at him getting down from the car .

"Did She just call me Godzilla? Do I look Big , Ugly and Scary?" Omkara asks her shocked but Getting no answer He Looks up to see her already gone .

"She is crazy !" He shakes his head and drives back home .His mind still debating Does he look like a Godzilla? .

Gauri mutters curses under her breath as She walks into her class ..Just as She enters She is attacked by Priya in a bone crushing hug before Screeching out loudly in excitement "Riii! , How have you been?"

"I am Fine !" Gauri replies self conscious due to Priya's excitement the whole class is watching them but Priya doesn't not give a shit to anyone instead She drags Gauri with her .Others get back to their works giving weird looks . but Feeling a Strong gaze on her Gauri before sitting looks sideways but not finding anyone looking at her She turns around to Find Rahul smirking her , It wasn't a Normal one but a Sinister smirk . He eyes her in a creepy way making Gauri cringe inwardly She pulls the overcoat more close to her chest as She sits down beside Priya .

The Lectures start , Gauri eyes gives in hearing the preaching's of the Old man . She rests her cheek on her palm Keeping her elbow on the table balancing herself .

"Who is He?" Gauri almost loses her balance hearing Priya . She turns to Look at Priya shocked Who has her eyes glued to the Old Man ..

"Who is He?" She repeats her Question playing the pen but Not taking her eyes off The Old Man .

"Who?" Gauri blurts out looking at Priya .

"He" Priya whispers softly not Looking at her .

"Which He ?" Gauri asks her this time a bit louder .. Gauri gulps down lowering her eyelashes seeing that she had gained the whole attention on the class .

Gauri turns to Look forward at the Old Man He was puffing out in anger "Out!" He yells .

Gauri leans on the table currently Sitting alone in the canteen She Keeps her head on the table with her hand stretched bored out and feeling lonely and angered that She is Out right Now .

"Who is He?"

Gauri jumps on her sit startled to Find Priya Looking at her mischievously .

"How are you Out?" Gauri asks shocked as Priya sits next to her .

"I Followed Suit !" She shrugs and orders two cups of coffee .

"Now Don't change topic Who is He?"

"Which he?" Gauri asks confused

"That Handsome Hunk Who dropped you !" Priya tells dreamily cupping her cheeks .

"He is Not Handsome !" Gauri retorts back not liking the way Priya had eyed him .

"Oh Come on Girl I Am Not gonna steal that Man from you !" She winks at Gauri taking a sip of her Coffee .

"First He is Not Mine , He is Jatatdari " Gauri bites her tongue

"Jatatdari? Not yours and you got a nick name too !" She mocks at her grinning .

"I am so confused Priya " Gauri whines

"First tell me who is he?" Priya asks curious

"His name is Omkara" Gauri's lips curve up in a smile as She says his name .

"Madam seems already smitten " Priya tells showing her dimple teeth

"No I am not ! ..I - Am-Not!" Gauri assures herself more

"You are Gauri it's all over your face I saw the glow you had on your face when you got down from the car . "

"I was cursing him !" Gauri answers back Was She glowing? Oh yes in anger

"That Godzilla called me a rat!" She continues pissed .

Priya chuckles "You guys seems interesting , If you are not ready to share out right now I'll Wait !" . Gauri smiles back in gratitude that She did not force .She first needs to figure her feelings then His .. If He likes Anika She would leave him let him go to her even If She liked him .


Omkara parks the outside Anika's boutique . He Knowss She felt bad the way he wanted to push her out of His room . In the morning he wanted to have a word with her but with the Memorial , That had dropped out of his mind .

"Ani " Om calls out to her as He walks into Her Office . Anika scribbles in a piece of Paper frustrated and Hurt to what she saw in the morning Shivaay holding Gauri's palm closing to his heart .If He likes her Why did He act like being Jealous yesterday when she spoke about Om? Her mind filled with many unanswered questions..

"I knew You would be Sulking without talking to me !" Om tells chirpily trying to her cheer her up .

Putting the Papers Aside Anika Gets up from her place packing her bag She says Omkara who looks at her Surprised by her gesture ,

"Can we meet later? I am Busy right Now I have to go to deliver Set of dresses !" She tells hurriedly and walks past him but Om catches hold of her wrist as She turns to look at him .

"When Did you start going For Delivery Ani?" He asks hurt that She was lying to him when He knew Usually it is her assistant who goes for delivering .

" I am getting late!" She tells and removes her hold from him and walks out leaving behind Omkara .


"Priya I am Leaving!" Gauri says swinging her back over her shoulder setting her dress .

"Why early? It is just 2 "

"Priya I got a work today , so I have to-"

"Is that Work involves a certain Omkara?" Priya teases making Gauri blush , Yes it does involve him , He would be the hardest to convince .

"No !" Gauri tells blushing and runs off before Priya could tease further .

Walking out of College She sees Rahul coming from the other side with the same creepy look itched on his face .

"Feisty How are you doing?" He sneers at her pacing around her before Gauri could snap at him He continues , "You should be doing Good after catching a Rich jerk!" , He eyes her from top to bottom making her cringe inside .

She glares at him and smiles as She replies " Yes A Handsome Jerk Unlike someone!" , Rahul clenches his fist angrily and stomps off Girls throw their selves at him but She is insulting him way too much .

She Looks at him and sways her hair back haughtily happy that She gave it back to him yet again ..Her lips press in a thin line of a smile as Her words echoes through her heart Handsome Jerk , taking out her phone She drops him a text saying that She getting back home early . Before He could lash out at her She switches off the mobile and decides to take a bus ride back home .


Gauri Finds a Primly dressed women sitting in the Living Room in the Mansion. Gauri walks up to her ,

"Hi , May I Know who are you Madam ? " Gauri asks her unsure How was she suppose to speak ?

Gauri Feels self-conscious seeing the scrutinizing gaze the Woman was giving her .

"You , You are Shivaay's Date right?" That Woman asks Gauri identifying her from the Business Party .

Gauri does not say anything How is she supposed to say she was just pretending?" . Instead She asks back "Maam you?" ,

"I am Shivaay's Mother Pinky! " She says sternly .

Gauri gives a nervous smile as She says "I'll go get Shivaay !" .

"He is not Here rather Could You help me with Shopping?" She asks Gauri .. Gauri nods .

Walking from each store to store Pinky buys so many dresses and other necessities while Gauri had been Carrying all her bags tailing behind Pinky .. Gauri was hell tired her muscles aching from Carrying more than 10 bags in both hands and walking from another floor to another and from to store to store . Pinky had asked Gauri for recommendations in buying dresses but When Gauri had answered She had turned it down taunting at her ways of dressing with a smile . Yet Gauri did not let that enter her instead She had smiled back at her nodding at her politely agreeing with her She doesn't not have much knowledge on Fashion and Style.

Presently , Gauri keeps all the bags in Pinky's Hotel Room Where She is currently residing .

"Would You Like to Have Dinner with me?" Pinky asks sweetly making Gauri smiles Maybe She was reading too much This Woman Seems nice .

She nods at her as indeed She was very hunger as She had skipped her lunch too . Once the Food arrives Gauri has hers while Pinky keeps looking at her intently .

"Aren't you having your meal Maam?" Gauri asks her raising her head . Pinky Shakes her head with a smile . Pinky pulls out stack of cash from her purse and holds it in front of Gauri .. Gauri widens her eyes shocked and eyes from her to the cash she has in hand .

"You worked too Hard Girl the Whole Day , So Here!" Pulling Gauri's hand she thrusts the cash with a force .

" I Was Happy to Help you but this isn't needed !" Gauri turns the cash politely Keeping it beside her hand .

"But Why Were you Happy to help me?" Pinky strikes back .

"Because ..You..are..!"

Pinky cuts her off as She says "Why ? Are you practically assuming that you been married to My Shivaay ? or Planning to get married? !"

Gauri widens her eyes hearing her She was about to refuse but Pinky continues taunting "We , Oberois Have A Pick Of Who would come into the Family , So you Girl is not of my taste or either the status , So it is better you just get away from my son ,Maybe I could pay you more!"

Gauri looks at her deflated standing up She tells her " Money is not what I need Mrs. Oberoi , money is just a piece of paper in my view by the Way I and Your Son - "

Gauri stops talking seeing Shivaay walking towards them furiously , Following Gauri's gaze Pinky Finds Shivaay standing next to her .

"How are you Shivaay?" She asks him lovingly .

Without answering her back he gets hold of Gauri's hand and drags her out with him "Let's go !" .

Pinky laughs as She says sneering "My Son has not time to reply to his mother even Now! " . Without Looking at her Shivaay drags Gauri out with him not caring about the surrounding .

"What the Hell is Wrong with you?" Gauri yells at him massaging her wrist Once out .

"Are you anyone's personal assistant or a slave to tail behind any random person?"

Shivaay yells in a near shout resting his hands on his hips pissed When Meena had asked him whether he met his mother ? He had wondered where did she go then finding out from the Guard that both his mother and Gauri left together He Knew What would Happen He knows his mother very well & her intentions .

"She isn't any Random Person Shivaay She is your mother !" She answers back surprised of How He is calling his mother a stranger.

"And I was not a slave I was helping her because She asked me too !"

"Helping? " He shouts pissed " Why is that So Who is she to you?"

"She is My Friend's Mother " Gauri replies back

"My Friend ?" He laughs then sobering up He tells her " Bull Shit !, Friend , How Dare even assume that You were my Friend ? , Gauri I am warning you don't you dare step the line!" .

Gauri's eyes brims with tears as She says him "Maybe I assumed that I am more than a Fake-girlfriend too you , maybe I thought during our playful encounters We were Friends , Maybe I assumed that More than just A Fake Date I held some significance in your life .. ! " She tells chuckling through her tears yet she doesn'ts cry .

With a Smile She says him "I am Sorry for Overstepping the Line ! " and Just like that Walks away leaving Shivaay Who looks at her retreating figure sadly .


A Longer Update With 3.5k Words

So How was the Chapter?

I have planned on writing longer updates henceforth but it depends on Whether you guys prefer longer ones ?

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