
By beautifulkrecioch

4.8K 285 41

Dylan is new and has a shadow to follow. He spots a boy and he cant keep his eyes off him. These two boys enc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

166 8 0
By beautifulkrecioch

Dylan's pov
I sat down on the bench, coming to terms that I may not be able to stop the wedding. My dad has been such an ass since my mother died. Part of me thought that it was because of his guilt and sorrow, but the other says that's just who he is.
My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID, it's Jackson.
"Hey, where are you? I'm worried"
"No need to be worried my love. I'm fine"
"Dylan, can you please just tell me where you are?"
"I'm at the park I took you to, remember? The park that means a lot to me?"
"I'll be there"

"You alright?" Jackson asked, wrapping this arms around me for comfort.
"Yeah, I just had a fight with my dad."
We sat there in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence. But it felt awkward, as if we wanted to say something but we couldn't.
"I wanna show you something" I said grabbing Jackson hand, and walking to a cabin my mom used to own.

We approached a small beautiful cabin. I used to come here with my mom when dad would get out of control. We stepped inside.
"My mom and I would come here when dad would get out of control. He never knew about this place. My mom told me that if she ever died, that this cabin would be all mine."
"You and your mom were close. What happened to her?"
"My dad killed her" I hung my head low
"What the fuck? Why isn't he in jail!?"
"He made up a story. I can never forgive him for killing my mother" I walked to one of the bedroom's, and opened the closet. There was a box.
"What's in there?" Jackson asked.
We sat on our knees and opened the box. There were pictures of my mom and I. I picked them up with care. We kept going through the box when we came across a letter. Jackson opened it and read it out loud.
It's your mother. If you find this, please never get rid of it. Dylan, there are some things you need to know.
Your dad was never a monster. He was a kind man who did whatever it had to take to save the lives of others. But he did grow into a monster. Your dad has a box of weapons he has stolen from organizations and police officers. If you ever come across them, take them and return them. He told me that he'll use them on people whenever he wanted. If he hasn't done it yet, he's probably waiting for me to die. And if I am dead, you are one of those people he's going to hurt. Take the weapons over to this cabin and call the police. I love you Dylan, I'm always gonna love you.
I stood there. Very frightened about that letter.
"I guess my mom knew she was gonna die. Maybe that's why she chose me over my dad, so we can leave and start fresh."

Jackson's pov
It's been an hour since I read that letter. Dylan hasn't talked about it since. He's been busy talking about his mom and how amazing she was. I wish I got to meet her.
"Jackson, you've never talked about your dad before. What was he like?" Dylan asked.
"He was the dad everyone wished they had. Having him was a blessing. He was such a gentlemen. My parents were so happy. When he died, I was afraid that everyone around me would die, or leave me. Including you."
"I would never ever in my entire life leave you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." We both smiled as we kissed. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I gently pushed him down on the bed, me lying on top of him. He removed his shirt as he removed mine. I felt the cold wind against my skin, but it didn't bother me. I hope Dylan feels the same way.
We're both fully naked, making out as the night went by. Dylan flipped us around, he's now on top of me. He lurks around my neck, beginning to suck as my moans filled the room. I've never done this before. There were times where I had the urge to rip Dylan's shirt off but I knew, we both knew we weren't ready, but at this moment, we are ready.
The next morning
I woke up being blinded by the sun's beauty. I look over at Dylan fast asleep. The sun may be beautiful and blind you, but the sun can't compete with the love of my life, Dylan.
Last night was the best night of my life. Yes I am sore but I don't care. I don't need the sex to prove that I'm in love with Dylan.
I get dressed as I try my hardest to stand up. I'm finally dressed, and Dylan wakes up.
Dylan's pov
I'm awake as I see Jackson dressed.
I'm dressed and we already ate and now we're headed home. In Jackson's car of course.
I drop him off as I have the scary feeling in my stomach as I drive and I eventually stand outside my door.
I walk in, and as expected, my dad stands there with a mad look, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Where the hell have you been?!"
"Out" I said carelessly
"Out? I was worried sick!"
"You were worried? Oh please you never gave a crap about me!"
"I may not care about you, but you're my responsibility!"
"Like I didn't already know that" I rolled my eyes.
"You were with Jackson weren't you?" I kept quiet
"Of course you were. What in the world were you guys doing?"
"You know what?! I'm just gonna say it loud and clear. Jackson and I had sex last night and it was amazing!" I shouted as I attempted to run to my bedroom, but my dad pushed me to the floor.
"You actually think that if you have sex with him, you'll fall in love?" My dad laughed
"No dad! I don't care about the sex. Yes it was amazing but I don't need the sex to prove how much I love Jackson! I don't care if Jackson and I never have sex! All I care about is him and I want to spend every moment with him as if it were the last!"
"You are gonna break up with him!"
"I am not!"
"You will!"
"I'm 18 dad! I can make my own choices!"
"You can't be with him once his mother and I get married!"
"I will stop that wedding"
"I would like to see you try"

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