Creation of new power

By magee17

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Mila-Lyn Alomar Howick, born raised by her great aunt for the last 18 years as her parents were killed trying... More

News I never new
Angels and Seconds
Jasons P.O.V
Meeting the off spring
A Familiar.
The way of life
Jasons POV
My last
Mind link
Who's who
Scott Samual POV
Scott POV pt2
Meet me
One two many uncles

Creation of new power

200 1 0
By magee17

" Mila for the third time would you please pay attention, this information will be of good use to you on your up coming exams in two weeks time"

I let out an annoying breath that seemed to be highly recommended for this kind of conversation.

I was totally over my school work and the people around me, no one liked me any way because I was rebellious never followed orders and defiantly didn't like been told what to do.

" Well its not like I will ever use this kind of knowledge in the future any way Ms so what's the point in learning any of this? "

I glared at my Math teacher who has a serious look on her face, so I gave her the same one back. which didn't do me any good.

" Well Miss Howick if you don't feel like learning any of this then feel free to leave my class so that your fellow class mates can learn"

Ms Meloney was standing behind her desk and waved her hand at the class room door.

I gave her a smile and packed away my note pad and pens. and headed for the door but was stop just as I was to walk out the door but Ms Meloney said something.

" Mila I will be talking to your dean to ensure that you wont have to attend this class again. "

I turned around gave her a smile and two thumbs up, and walked right on out of the door and school. I was not going to stick around for the rest of the day.

when I got to the front of the school I pulled out my phone and texted my bestfriend Jason.

: im heading home mate, catch up after school? school really isn't for me.

I waited for his reply but I didn't get one, so I sliped my phone back into my pocket and headed towards my car. I seen out the corner of my eye a tall man walking towards me, I quickly beeped my car though my back pack on the back seat. Just before I was going to open the door he yelled out to me to stop.

" Mila stop right there young ladie "

I turned to see my English teacher Mr Samuels a few meters away. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, I so wasn't up for a lecture.

" Mila where do you think you are going young ladie? school hasn't even started and your leaving already. This will not look good on your attendance record.... "

I rolled my eyes again and shugged my shoulders, not really caring about anything.

" Mila please your great aunt will not be very happy about you just upping and leaving school like this. "

I sigh with annoyance.

" Uncles Scott whats the point in school when I don't enjoy it at all. Im only here because I was kicked out of my last school and forced to come here. I f n hate it!

I shouted the last bit, but for some reason it came out as a growl which made my uncle take a step back.

" Mila calm that dog down inside of you would you, I dont want you to course a seen "

I looked up at my Teacher/uncle. He knew I was struggling with things right now and new anything could send me over the edge to the point where I would shift without realizing.

I knew my eyes were glowing a bright golden colour, looking at him I could see the fear hurt and sympathy in his eyes towards me, which I ignored.

" Just let me go then sir..... I dont wanna be near anyone nor do I want to be around you for that matter"

I hurd him sigh and opened my car door for me, I quickly slid into the drivers seat, and put my seat bealt on.

" I dont know what happened to the sweet happy and bubble girl I used to know but I know she's in there some where"

With those words he closed my door and walked away with his head hanging low. " she grew up " I said out loud as he walked away.

I know what I said was harsh but he of all people knows that I like to be left alone when im in my moods.

I headed towards my home, it was a huge house for just my aunt and I which I never really under stood. it has always been her and I, and Rusty my pup I found one day woundering around the woods. out the back of my house. And another thing I never really got was how the rent power and what not got payed for. I have never seen my Aunt work a day in her life, yet she always had everything payed for.

As I pulled into the drive way and put my car in park, and killed the engine. I seen my aunt walk out the front door with a very very handsome man. I had to give him a side ways look, as he look familiar in some way I just couldn't pin point it.

as I got out of the car, I sniffed the air. I turned my head towards my aunt and at lightning speed, I stood in front of my aunt and sheilded her with my own body. With all of my strength I pushed the man off the porch, he flew at least 5meters away from me.

I new my eyes were a gloden color, I let out a protective growl.

I watched as a male and female got out of a car I didn't even notice across the road, and ran to help the man up. I didnt want them any where near me or my aunt.

" Get the hell off my property before I kill the lot of you!"

They looked at each other and gave me a smile. I was confused as hell.

" NOW!!!"

I took a step closer, but was stoped when my aunts hand grab my arm.

" Mila honey please clam down you have it all wrong I - "

" No I dont, I know what they are and im not gonna let them hurt us! "

" Honey they aren't here to hurt us, they are actually - "

" I dont care who they are, I want them off my property now before I make them. "

I looked at them all, I flashed them my gloden coloured eyes. Then got into attack mood.

The three of them stood in attack mood as well, The man and ladie who had gotten out of the car there eyes went a light brown yellow colour. and the man I pushed his went a gloden colour, just like mine.

I backed down straight away, just as I remebered something my aunt had told me years ago just after I had shifted.

I let my eyes go back to there normal bright hazel brown colour, I took a step closer.

they all stood down and took controll of there eyes and stood up straight as they could see I wasnt going to attack them.

When I was all of a meter away from them I stoped and took a better look at them.

" I see you have realised who we are, I thought for a second there you were actually gonna attack. Im - "

I held up my hand to stop him from talking.

" I dont care who you are. I just want you to leave and never come back. this is private property, and your trespassing on my land."

the woman to the left of the man laughed at what I said. which made my wolf growl at her. I could feel her wanting to come out.

" Ohh please honey your little wolf doesn't scare me at all, Iv got years on you. "

with a smirk on my face I had to say what was on my mind. " Yeah you do! And the line by your eyes say it all ladie. "

I took a step back and held my hands up as she took a step towards me. with out a word being said she ended up flying to the other side of the road.

I hurd my aunt run towards me and pull my hands down in front of me.

" Clam down Mila honey please they mean no harm to us at all."

I looked at my aunt in the eyes, she screwed up her face. and leaned closer to me.

" Your eyes "

I instantly closed my eyes and took a few breathes. then re-opened them and looked at my aunt.

I mouthed a "Thank you "

then focused on the man standing in front of me, I finally decided to let him speake.

I waved a hand to let him talk and say what he has to say.

he nodded his head. he held out his hand. I reached my hand to his.

" Thomas James Howick "

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