Too Late

By pandora_101

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Sophia Lockhart was in love with Tyler Greene. Those two were never seen anywhere without each other. People... More

Chapter 1 - Guess Who's Back?
Chapter 2 - Party?!
Chapter 3 - Unexpected Fallouts
Chapter 4 - Awkward Conversations
Chapter 5 - Don't Touch Me
Chapter 6 - Tyena
Chapter 7 - Who Brought Me In Last Night?
Chapter 8 - Trying To Move On
Chapter 9 - Date Night... Goes Wrong
Chapter 10 - Truth Be Told
Chapter 11 - Shock
Chapter 12 - Pathetic
Chapter 13 - He Was A Daddy
Chapter 14 - He Can't Let Her Go
Chapter 16 - Wedding Bells A Ringin'
Chapter 17 - Closure
Chapter 18 - His Mistakes and Her Wants
Author's Note

Chapter 15 - I Can Do This

7.4K 299 84
By pandora_101

Chapter 15 - I Can Do This

I woke up to 348 notifications. Not all of them were from Tyler, but definitely more than 90% of them were from him.

I don't know why he's trying to contact me, he made his decision. Once again he's choosing her. And today he'll get married to her.

I'm jealous. I'm jealous. I'm so jealous. I want to be the one marrying him, I want to be in Ava's spot right now. But I'm not. She's going to be the Mrs. Greene.

I'm stuck here as Lockhart. Forever.

I'll never find another love like Tyler, he'll always be there in my heart.

I sat on Justin's couch, little Stephanie on my lap. I was miserable. My hair was all wet from my shower, laying on a messy bun on top of my head. I was in an old raggedy shirt and my graduation sweatpants.

I was watching cartoons with Stephanie, and feeding her toast. I kept checking my phone every two minutes. I hadn't replied to any of his texts or calls from last night.

He was going to get married.

And it wasn't to me.

He was going to get married to the woman who I used to call my sister. Who I used to have silly sleepovers with, who I told everything to. What a shame that friendship that had become.

Then it hit me again. Tyler was getting married. I jumped up off the couch, and checked the time. In an hour!

Quickly pulling my hair out of my bun, "JUSTIN!" I screamed, and Steph covered her ears.

"Sorry honey," I said, rubbing her back. I picked her up, off my lap and put her on the couch. "I'll be back in a second."

I ran to Justin's room, to see he was still passed out. "Justin! Wake up!" I said, shaking him awake.

He grunted, "Go away, Sophia." He turned around, and I groaned.

"Justin! This is important!" I whined.

"Go ask Josh." He mumbled, and seconds later, I heard snores.

"You fucker." I said, grabbing a random shirt and whipping him with it.

I stomped out, and tried waking up Josh. That was an even harder task since he didn't even reply. He was out cold.

Jesus, I should have remembered he was the heaviest sleeper in the world.

I decided to take matters into my own hands. Grabbing Stephanie, I quickly packed some clothes. She would be doomed here alone with her hungover father and uncle.

"Auntie? Going where?" She asked, curiously.

"Grandma's house, sweetie." I said, and a huge grin spread across her face. She clapped her hands in glee.

I slung her bag over my shoulder, quickly wrote a note to say that I was going back, and taking Steph with me.

I grabbed my suitcase in the same hand, and with the other grabbed Steph's. We stole Justin's car keys, and left.

Buckling her in, I finally thought about what I was going to do. Putting a children's song disk into player, I became excited.

I was so done with running away from my problems. I was going to that goddamn wedding. I was going to let go of Tyler, just like he let go of me.

I was going to act like we were now strangers, and most importantly, just friends.

I was not going to be the homewrecker. He is going to have a wife. I'm not going to be sneaking behind her back to have a quick shag with him.

I wasn't that low, and certainly not desperate. It was already enough that we had done many things while she was his fiancé.

I was going to become strong. I was so done. So done with moping around, being heartbroken. So done.

I wasted four years of my life heartbroken, four years that I will never get back. Time to become fresh. This is my wake up call. Tyler is getting married.

Glancing at the clock, it had read that I had about 45 minutes til the wedding.

As I pepped myself up, I started to do my makeup during every red light. I know it was dangerous but I needed to be ready in time.

I prayed to God that we wouldn't get into an accident since I had a freaking child in the backseat. I have officially gone nuts!

When I was five minutes away from my house, I was beginning to lose courage. Oh god, what was I thinking?!

Pulling into the driveway, I quickly took out Steph, and brought her inside. My mom thankfully, was still home. She was all ready and looked absolutely fantastic.

"Sophia! You're back?!" She exclaimed, shockingly. I felt a sense of déjà-vu.

"Yes. I'm going to be at the wedding. I'm not going to miss it for the world."

Putting Steph into her hands, I gave her the instruction to put the dress I had brought on her.

I ran back to Justin's car, and sped off to my apartment like a mad man. See, I said I was going crazy.

Unlocking the door, I sprinted to my closet, and glanced everywhere. I had to have some dress laying around here. Pulling out dresses, I started to count down.

"Too plain."

"Too ugly."

"Too tacky."

"Too slutty.. What the hell was I thinking buying this?" I mumbled to myself.

I blew out a breath of frustration, and pulled on my hair. Why could I not find a dress?! Pacing around my room, it suddenly hit me.

I had a dress for the wedding. It was under my bed. Throwing myself down to my hands and knees, I pulled out the garment bag.

I threw it onto my bed, and unzipped it. It was a deep strawberry red colour with silver sequins along the top. It was flowy, and elegant.

I put it on, and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I touched up the makeup I had applied during the car ride, and grabbed a pair of pumps.

I ran back outside, and into Justin's car. Speaking of Justin, my phone started to go off, and of course it was him.

I picked up, and cringed, preparing myself for his wrath.

"Why the fuck did you leave? And with my daughter? And my car!" He roared, and I sniggered a little. Justin never scared me when he was angry.

"I'm going to the wedding, and Steph came along because you two asses we're too busy hungover and sleeping. Who would have known how long she was going to be alone for?"

"What the fuck?! Why are you going to the wedding?" He asked, exclaimed. Maybe a little more mad now.

"I can't keep running away from everything, Justin." I sighed.

"Oh Sophia. Bring my baby back by tomorrow and I'll forget how big of an idiot you're being. And bring my kid back too." He said, and hung up.

I hate my twin. Baby?! You mean car, asshole.

When I got back to my parents' home, they were standing outside. My dad was holding Steph's hand, as she jumped up and down, excited to be in a dress.

"You look great, honey." My dad said, with a small smile.

"Thanks daddy." I said, with a grin and hugged him.

"Okay let's go! The wedding has already started, they started early for some odd reason." My mother said, shooing us into her car.

Ava probably couldn't wait to get her whore ass married to Tyler. Whatever, it wasn't my business. I was going and I was going to act happy for the newlyweds.

Breathing in a huge breath, I walked into the chapel. You can do this Sophia. The ceremony had already started, and when we walked in, I made direct eye contact with the groom.

Tyler's POV

1 hour, 49 minutes left until I become a married man. 1 hour and 49 minutes until Ava becomes a Greene. I rubbed my freshly shaven cheeks, and sighed. I couldn't believe I was going to have a wife. A wife that I didn't even love.

I guess this was just karma hitting back at me for being a player all those years. Well fuck. I loosened my tie, and ran my fingers through my hair.

This grooms room in the church was huge. It had a huge mirror, and sofa's everywhere. I sat on one of the couches, feeling miserable. Looking out the window, I saw the paparazzi waiting in their cars for the ceremony to start.

How the fuck did they know I was going to get married?

But most importantly, where did Sophia go? Getting up, I pulled my phone out and saw I just had a text from my manager. None from Sophia. She hadn't replied to any of my calls and messages last night. Why is she not replying? Is she okay?

It was going so great; so fucking great. We were talking, she was laughing. It was great. Then.. She just hung up. Because of Ava.

I sighed. What if that baby wasn't really mine? What if.. She lied? What if she just wanted to ruin my fucking life. She is pretty crazy like that.

But to be honest, Ava wasn't really that bad. She was somewhat funny, yet serious. She wasn't ugly at all. Plus she was nice... Okay maybe not nice but we could fix that.

She did love my bank account, though.

"Tyler, how you doing?" Brent asked walking into the room, Derek trailing after him.

"Shitty. I seriously need her." I said, clenching my jaw.

"Honestly, you have to stop being so selfish. You need to let her go. You're getting married today." Derek spoke, knowing automatically who "her" was.

"What the fuck." I spoke angrily, "I can't let the love of my life go. This is my second chance." I told him, bunching my hands into fists.

"How is it your second chance when you're marrying another woman?" Brent asked confusingly. "You gotta let her go."

"Never." I said, pisses out of my mind. They didn't understand.

We finally talked about our feelings. I knew I never should have broken up with her. But fuck, I was stupid. I let her go to live my dream. My dream to be a soccer star.

It was a glorious lifestyle. I was quickly up at the top, for being one of the greatest soccer players. The girls, money, the houses I have around the world.

Messi was on my speed dial, for god sakes.

I never wanted to flaunt it though. Nor did my parents. They wanted to stay here in Miami. They didn't want one of my homes in Greece, or Italy.

Nope. They wanted to stay here.

But it didn't feel right. Living my dream, without Sophia. Winning the World Cup, and seeing the rest of my teammates hugging their girlfriends or wives. I couldn't help but long for Sophia to be there with me to celebrate.

But no. I fucked it up. Intensely.

I was devastated. I don't want to get married. I want Sophia.

My mom opened the door, and sighed out of relief. "Thank god you're ready. Everyone is here. They want to start the ceremony early. You're out in 5."

My eyebrows shot into the air. "What the fuck? Alright then." I said, shocked.

In 5 minutes, Ava is going to be my wife. God that doesn't sound right at all. Brent and Derek gave me a pat on the shoulder and back.

And with a nod of good luck, they were out.
Aw fuck. It's over, it's going to be over. No more Sophia. Ava for the rest of my life. Fuck.

I left the room, to stand outside the door and get ready to walk down the aisle. I let out a sigh, and started to walk down.

Everyone started to clap, and I realized it was a huge turnout. My teammates were all here, even my coach!

Ava and I's whole family were here. But that one person, that one person who meant the most to me wasn't.

I looked around one more time, and she wasn't here. I felt like a huge weight fell onto my chest, and I'll admit some tears sprung to my eyes.

Pussy. I quickly wiped them away, and planted a fake smile. My groomsmen were standing beside me, as the bridesmaids starting walking down the aisle.

Just before the bride walked in, the doors sprung open, and there were the Lockhart's. Sophia's parents, and Justin's daughter. But then.. Oh god, she's here.

I made direct eye contact with her, and she gave me a huge smile. My grin broke out, and finally. Finally I didn't feel so shitty.

I don't think I can do this.

I can't marry Ava.

I need Sophia.

Right when I was about to run to her, the bride's song started to play, and here Ava came.

It was too late.

Not edited. Getting yelled at to go shower, lol.
Hope you guys enjoyed xxx

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