All About Business (Dave East...

By KCelestain22

921K 26.3K 10.8K

What do you give a woman who already has everything ? Find out and read !!! More

Meet up
I see you
One to rememeber...
Im coming for you
Why me ?
Just Great
Baby Daddy
The truth
Not so lonely
Do you know me ?
Acting Weird
Playing with Fire
Authors note
So far So good
Trust Issues
Issa Date
In the morning
Old Flame
Studio Love
Give it up
Breakfast Klubbin
Cold Blooded
Facing Demons
Fresh Air
Liar Liar Pants On Fire
Issa Reveal
Party Crasher
Knuck if you Buck
A resolution
An ending...for now

Chapter 1: The meeting

78.5K 1.1K 298
By KCelestain22


My heels clicked across the marble floors of my office as I paced back and forth on the phone with a client. They were going on and on about how they personally wanted me to handle their account  like I did before my position got moved up. I was no longer doing the dirty work , due to me being the new president of my accounting firm. The client was having a hard time coming to terms with it. It was understandable though I'm a genius at what I do.

"I assure you Mr.hastin you're account is good hands....yes yes i understand that i was the best but Iam no longer an accountant...if it will make things better ill personally look over your account at the end of every month....yes sir , no problem." Tired from going back and forth across the office I plopped down behind my desk and rubbed my temples. I'd been getting phone calls all day from my former clients. They were all pretty upset to let me go. You'd think getting a higher position would reduce the stress, but today was quite the opposite. I was the youngest and the only black employee let alone woman in the position i was in within the company. I worked my butt off to get here and was glad i finally made it. 4 years of school at Howard university as an accounting major and a 2 year internship at a top accounting firm in D.C. landed me at the Draymont & Ferdin firm . Id only been here two years and made my way up to the top . I was now in my own corner office with a full bathroom and a beautiful view of New York City. Not to mention access to the company jet , 6 weeks paid vacation, and a annual raise every year.

Life was goodt hunty ! Ok?! Not only was i successful i had a just as successful man. He was everything i dreamed of . Handsome , smart, successful and did i mention a beast in the sheets ! He spoiled me more than i did myself. We met when i moved to New York and been inseperable ever since. He was a dream come true especially after dealing with nothing but bum ass niggas. Chris was lightskinned , tatted , good hair, freckles , and just all around sexy. I was in a daze thinking about Chris when a knock on my office door took me out of my trance.

* knock knock*

"yes , come in."

I turned around to see my assistant Liz peeking her head in.

"Hi , ms.Steele your 3 o clock is here ", she said lowly.

I had no idea why but she always acted as though she was scared of me.

" Ok let them in."

As Liz opened the door further I was immediately hit by a strong smell of marijuana. I scrunched my noise and made my way to the back of my office before the headache could start .

" im sorry , you guys can go ahead and have a seat ill be right there." , i said waving them off.

Another downside to my new position, I personally had to meet with big clients to introduce them to what exactly it is that we do . Every now and then there'd be the occasional drug dealer or rapper and of course they always had to flash there money and try to get my number . I always shot them down because im about my business and money , plus i got a man at home. After i got myself together i headed to my desk to sit down . The quicker i got this over with the quicker they were out .


I was high as hell sitting in the back of my managers car just vibing when this nigga told me we had to go meet with my new accounting firm . This definitely blew my high . Dont get me wrong i want the right people to handle my money , but I wasnt in the mood to be meeting no stuck up , ivy league white motherfucker.

" hey , dave i know your high right now but look im gonna need you to be paying attention in this meeting.", Myrve said.

" yeah yeah , whatever", I shrugged him off .

We arrived at the building and got out the second we walked in I knew this was some stuck up place .

It wasnt a nigga in sight , nothing but white people in suits running around . I was ready to go already. We walked up to the receptionist desk and i heard myrve ask for a nigga named Blake. I shook my head knowing this was gone be boring . We went to the elevator and Myrve pressed floor 21. We rode in silence stopping a few times for other passengers. I knew they could smell the weed i just smoked based on the faces they were making when the doors opened . I laughed everytime Myrve shot me a glare . Oh well I told this nigga i aint wanna be here . We finally made it to our destination and went straight to a set of double doors with the name Blake Steele across. A weird looking skinny white chick with glasses got up from her desk and went to knock on a door. I heard a female voice behind the door much to my surprise and we walked in . I sat down and immediatelt got in my phone. I aint wanna hear nothing . Myrve is the manager so he the one needs to be listening and he can handle it .

" Hello gentlemen, its very nice to meet both of you." , she said.

"Yeah you too", i scoffed not bothering to look up.

"Yes , yes your very beautiful as well Ms.Steele .", Myrve said .

"Well Thank you. It doesn't seem like Mr.East wants to be here so I'll try to be quick as possible. "

I laughed to myself this nigga Myrve would try to get at anything moving. He was desperate af and it was  such a shame cause he had a wife and kids at home. She always caught him messing with some groupie who thought she could fuck her way to me. This nigga never seemed to learn his lesson. I continued to scroll my timeline while they talked . I used to be a street business man so all this corporate bullshit was a foreign language to me. I dont understand why he had to drag me here. They went on for about 30 minute talking about the Taxes , and regulations and other shit i could care less about. As long as I can walk in the Gucci store whenever I want Im good. Myrve stood up tapping my shoulder saying it was time to go. I locked my phone and stood up to shake her hand .

"Damn", I whispered to myself .

I looked up to see a caramel skinned goddess standing in front of me. She was the exact opposite of what I was expecting to see. I wish my dumbass  would've been paying attention cause Blake was fine as hell .  I reached out to shake her hand and when her hand locked with mine I immediately wanted to know what the rest of her body felt like. I studied her up and down. She was beautiful no doubt and obviously smart to be a president of an accounting firm. I was gonna have to get up here by myself one day.

"Mr. East...Hello ?" She tapped my arm breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh yeah im sorry", I chuckled .

"I was just saying to take down my business number just in case you needed anything . "

She gave a small smile and escorted us out the door. I could think of a couple things she needed from me , but i just took her number for the moment . As we made our way to the lobby I thought about how i was gonna get to know Ms.Steele a little better . 😈

I told Myrve to go ahead and bring me home ,because I was in desperate need of nap. Ive gotten to the point I gotta take a pre-turn up nap. i was definitely gonna need it due to the concert I had tonight at Club Indigo. We pulled up to my penthouse in Manhatten since it was the closest to where we were. Ive been blessed by Allah to have 3 houses in New York in different parts of the city.
Manhatten was just one of the places i had a crib at as well as Harlem and the Bronx.

I took the elevator up to my floor and the doors opened revealing my place. I never got tired of the view I had overlooking Central Park and the city skyline. I walked over to the sofa and plopped down about to pull out a blunt when I heard someone stirring in the kitchen. I reached my hand underneath the couch for my gun waiting to see if I heard something else. I don't care how fancy a place is , Im always prepared in case something jump off. I didnt hear anything else so I sat back and closed my eyes.


I jumped up and swung twice . I only landed one punch and thank Allah I didnt land both, because it was my little cousin Kayla on the ground holding her stomach.

"Yo ! Is you fucking crazy ? I could've killed your dumbass ! ", i yelled.

"Yeah I see that", she moaned.

"I aint mean to hit you. I thought you was a nigga tryna catch me lackin."

"Well im not and its good to see you too."

"Yeah , all that. How tf you get in here ?"

"Your mama brought me here . She said I could stay here instead of getting a hotel. Its winter break and i thought I'd come see my favorite cousin."

I shook my head at her. No doubt i loved Kayla , she was like a little sister to me, but trouble followed her everywhere she went. Growing up I'd always have to bail her out of shit. Im surprised she was still in school doing good. I hadn't heard about her getting in any trouble since she's been down there , so maybe things are different now. At least for my sake I hope so.

"Man you know you good. I did miss yo lil ass ", i said grabbing her for a hug.

"Mhmmm i know you did. Im taking the master so if you're coming to stay here don't come in my room. You never i might have company."

"Hell no ! You aint bringing no niggas in my shit. You for damn sure not bringing them in my bed. You aint too old to get yo ass whooped. "

"Blah blah blah blah."

By now she had her fingers in her ears rolling her eyes at me. I laughed to myself , same old Kayla. She walked up the stairs and headed to the master room. She had grown up so much since the last time i saw her.

I sat back down on the couch closing my eyes once again. If Kayla come down here interrupting my nap I was gone shoot her ass forreal!

Hey guys its Keochia the author ! Im dying to know if you're intrigued i know its starting kind of slow but i promise to pick it up . I have alot of ideas ! But i would love to hear some of yalls and im willing to take any pointers from you guys. Im definitely gonna be updating frequently !!! Excuse all my grammatical errors and other mistakes.

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