Turned to Dust (A Halo x RWBY...

By Herath_Fireborn

62K 520 713

A Spartan III survives the glassing of Reach through a freak of nature. He is placed on a world clinging to r... More

You readers can be a part!!!
A talk with Ozpin.
Hanging out with Ruby Rose
Talking with Blake
Defending the Faunus
The End of a Friend
The Dance
The Bird's Aid
End of the Beginning
True Identety and a Family Pet
Underwater Fight
Raven's Camp

Summer's Rebirth

3.3K 25 17
By Herath_Fireborn

Blade's PoV:

Qrow and I were walking side-by-side through a forest full of green and wildlife. As we walked, Qrow sighed.

"Six, do you ever wonder why I stay away from people?"

"I assumed it was simply your personality. Am I wrong?"

"Yes. It's because of my Semblance."

"Which is...?"

"Bad Luck. I can't control it."

"I understand now. Your Semblance accidentally affected Summer and she was dragged away, I presume?"

"Yep. That's what happened. I was able to complete the mission, but I couldn't save her."

A tear rolled down his cheek and he stopped. I did so, too, and followed his gaze. A stone slab sat before us.

Summer Rose
Thus kindly I scatter.

"Who wrote that?"

"Dunno. Ruby, maybe? She visits here from time to time. Anyways, we're not too far from where everything went wrong."

I nodded and looked around. Nothing was showing up on my motion tracker, but I couldn't shake that we were being followed. Shaking off the feeling, I followed Qrow down the cliff into a wide open field. Several bullet casings were scattered across the area.

"This the spot?"


"Take me to where you saw her get grabbed."

Qrow stood in a specific spot and pointed at the forest. "I was right here when I saw her get grabbed and dragged away. I tried chasing after her, but I couldn't find where she was."

"Thanks for the help, Qrow. Like you, I work better alone."

"Yeah... I understand. Give us closer, alright?"

"If I find anything, you will be the first to know."

Qrow nodded, then walked back to Tai's. Drawing my DMR, I walked into the forest without fear.

I will find you, Summer. That's a promise.

I walked for hours until I found my first clue. A chipped and rusted spear. Picking it up, I gazed at it, but couldn't find any markings on top. It had been too long and rusted away.

It was halfway in the dirt, so half was protected from the elements.

I turned it over and saw my sister's emblem. Smiling, I slung it over my shoulder and headed the way it was pointing. If Summer was smart, she'd have to tip pointed the way she was going.

Several Grimm tried to stop me, but I simply stabbed them with Emile's kukuri and continued on. The next piece was her cloak, or at least, her cape. It had been snagged on a sharp rock and ripped close to the hood. Hope rising up, I picked up my pace to a jog and continued to look for clues.

My training as a Headhunter is really paying off.

I found the chain containing her emblem and I knew her hood was close by. Indeed, I found it and when I looked up, a flat stone wall stood before me. With a couple of quick taps on my datapad, I was able to see through the stone and saw empty space.

I've found you.

Stepping back, I gave myself enough distance to run and slam through the wall. My entrance scared the hell out of the Alphas in the room and I quickly and efficiently dispatched them. Looking around, I saw no one. My DMR drooped and a frown found its way on my face.

Damn it. I was too late.

Just as I was about to leave, a white dot flashed on my motion tracker. Spinning around, I drew Kat's Magnum but saw nothing.

"Who's there?"

My motion tracker pinged a white dot once again and I heard what sounded like someone coughing up blood. Wary, I walked over to the dot and heard another cough, this time below me. Slowly, I looked down and saw Summer sitting against the stone wall of her cage, dried blood at her feet.

My eyes widened and I ripped open her cage and lifted her out of there. She began to cough more, but Summer managed to look up at me.

"Wh-. Wh-." She coughed up a worrying amount of blood. Her skin was a sickly white.


She managed to speak, but her voice was barely that of a whisper. "who are you?"

Quickly, I took off my helmet and set it next to me. "It's me, Blade. Your brother."

Summer smiled at me weakly. "blade? is it really you?"

I nodded. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I knew you'd come back. i'm really tired. I think i'm going to take a nap..."

"No! Don't die!"

But it was useless, she had lost too much blood. Naturally, I started to cry and remember Reach.


Carter, Emile, Jun and I had just finished protecting Halsey's hidden lab and now she was inviting us in. We walked in and saw Halsey preparing an AI for a pull. She slowly pulled out the AI's housing unit and handed it to me while explaining what this base was for. I grabbed onto the unit and Halsey stared right into my visor.

"Do you have it?"

I nodded.

"Say it."

"I have it."

Halsey let go, then slipped something into my datapad. I gazed at it, curious.

"What was that?"

"A single use program for making an AI. To be precise, an AI based off of someone's mind."

"I don't need it."

"Just take it. You will never know if you need it later."

Present day...

I still have the program!

"Summer. Summer!"

"Blade? What is it?" Her voice was raspy and eyes barely open.

"I have a program that can make you into an AI."

"Digital imprinting? Won't that kill me?"

"But your memories and personality will be preserved. Don't you want to see your loved ones again, even if you're an AI?"

Summer let out a quiet sigh. "... okay..."


"I said okay... do it..."

"Thank you."

I slipped my helmet back on and plugged an empty chip into the back of my helmet. With shaky breaths, I raised my arm and activated Halsey's program. Lights started to scan Summer's brain and I felt a tsunami of mercury crash into my mind. Blinking my eyes several times, I regained my vision and pressed two fingers on Summer's neck. She had no pulse.

A voice echoed in my mind. "Blade?"

I smiled. "Summer..."

The program had worked. A smoking chip ejected from my datapad and I crushed it to dust. Tenderly, I picked up Summer's (I guess old?) body, I walked out of the cave and had Summer contact Qrow.

"Who is this?"

"It's Blade. I found her."

"Is she alive?"

Summer spoke to me via thoughts.
Summer: Will we tell him?

Not now.

"No. I'm bringing her body with me."

Summer: What?!? Why are you lying?!?!?!

Summer, the Covenant are here on Remnant. I don't know if they're following a different religion or what, but they're smart enough to understand human speech and hack into our systems. I want to take them by surprise and take them out with one fell swoop. Then we can tell them.

Summer: ... okay...

Qrow sighed. "Thanks for trying, Blade. Tai and I'll bury her."

"Will Ruby be with you?"

"Nah, let's save the kid the pain."

"Alright, see you soon."

"Yeah, see ya..."

Qrow ended the call and I sighed. Summer formed a hologram on my shoulder.

"Everything okay, Blade?"

"It feels a tad selfish keeping Ruby in the dark about this."

"Qrow's just looking out for her. But I have a question for you."


"What are we going to do once you drop off... uh..."

I understood what she meant. "I'll see if we can't get any leads on where the Covies are hiding. You're going to be put through hell, Summer. Are you sure you're ready?"

Summer took some time before answering. "Just get me under the hood, Lieutenant."

"That's the spirit."

We were silent the rest of the way back. I handed over Summer's old possessions and Tai thanked me, gave me some Lien as compensation for my endeavor and let me go "mourn" in my own way.

After getting some supplies to fight the Covenant, Summer and I left Vale to find a good spot to scan radio waves. As I waited for Summer to finish tapping into old Covenant frequencies, I decided to watch the Vytal Tournament. I watched as Yang made it to the singles round, then widened my eyes as she took out Mercury's Aura.

"Yang Xiao Long is the winner!"

Yang took a deep breath and quipped over her shoulder. "Better luck next time."

"There won't be a next time."

I watched as he got up and Yang spun around, her Ember Cilia extending into their combat position. She fired off a shot, but Mercury stood still, a smile on his lips. The round hit and he took half a second before falling down, yelling in pain.

He's faking.

"Who's faking? Wait, why are those Atlesian Knights surrounding Yang?"

"Yang Xiao Long! Stand down!"

She looked around, confused. "But he attacked me!"

"Stand down!"

I got up. "The Covenant can wait. Let's get back to Beacon before something everyone will regret happens."


I entered Spartan Time and rushed to Beacon, blowing past Grimm as I did so. The gate before me started to close after a squad of Atlas soldiers.

Damn it! If only I could go faster, or teleport!

Something in that thought resonated with me.

Teleport. That was it.

Closing my eyes, I imagined myself just beyond that gate and I felt a thick smoke envelop me. Snapping my eyes open, I realized I was exactly where I had imagined myself.

Summer: You just found your Semblance! Teleportation!

Good to know. Let's enter quietly.

Summer: Activating armor ability.

I slowly vanished as Active Camo kicked in and I slowed down. Yang was being escorted by several Atlesian Knights and soldiers, alongside Ironwood himself. RWB were already in their dorm with the door open. I slipped in before Yang and Ironwood entered and the general locked the door.

Yang started to defend herself. "It wasn't my fault! He attacked me!"

"Thousands of others would beg to differ."

Summer: When do-


Summer: Okay then.

Summer made my cloak shimmer, then slowly fade away. This made everyone in the room jump at my sudden appearance.

"He is in cohorts with someone else. They made sure Mercury's Aura was depleted so no one would suspects something when he was hit by Yang. Also, he had ample time to recognize the 'threat' and react. Instead, he stood still with a smile on his face, was hit by Yang, then fell down half a second later. Whoever he is working with made it so that Yang hallucinated into thinking he was attacking her."

Ironwood sighed. "Look, despite what you may say, it doesn't change the outcome. Thousands of people worldwide saw you attack a student and they've already drawn their conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... your team has been disqualified."

Yang gazed at him in shock, but that shock slowly turned into sad acceptance. Quickly, I thought of a plan to cheer her up.

"Yang, we can go spar if you want. Vent all your emotions out on me. I can take the hits."

Yang shook her head. "Thanks, but no. I... I'll just... I'll just stay here."

I nodded. "If that's what you want."

I left the room and Summer sighed.

Summer: I wish we could do something for Yang.

We did the best we could, Summer. Let's go watch Pyrrah and Penny.

Summer: M'kay.

I snagged a Bullhead up to the stadium and found a spot covered in shadows, but close to Blake and Weiss. Ruby hung back a bit, probably to buy snacks, but something in my gut said she was in trouble. Taking out my Scroll, I tried to call Ruby, but it failed. Calmly, I stood up and saw a maintenance door cracked open. Someone let out a grunt of pain and I swung it open, combat knife ready.

Ruby and Mercury were squaring off against one another and Mercury looked past my niece to see me.

"Don't mind us, just a pair of friends."

"Bull crap. Ruby's not friends with you, I know that for a fact, Mercury Black." Venom started to seep into my voice.

Mercury's eyes started darting around and I walked in front of Ruby, my free hand drawing a kukuri I bought.

"Ruby, go. I'll deal with Mercury."

Suddenly, Port's voice echoed through the stadium while the crowd began to scream in fear. "No!"

Mercury smiled and watched as Ruby and I ran out to see Penny Polendina in pieces as Pyrrah gazed at her remains in shock. Tears began to fall from Ruby's eyes as she fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Welcome to life, kid. People die."

Ruby began to cry harder as I slowly turned to face Mercury.

"Now I understand why you were named Mercury. You are pure poison."

I let my combat knife drop from my hand and stick into the ground as I drew Emile's kukuri. An inferno raged behind my eyes and silver flames rolled down my neck and onto my arms, then they licked my twin blades, perfecting them. This made Mercury raise an eyebrow, but I simply walked towards him, poised for the kill. His eyes widened when he realized my intent, so he rolled over to my combat knife and yanked it out of the ground, blade raised in defense. With unbridled rage, I swung at him and the knife in his hands shattered to dust. I made around twelve deep, mortal cuts before he managed to shove me away. Despite his already fading life, I rushed him with Emile's kukuri aimed for the neck. With one swift motion, he fell to the floor, wound cauterized.

People ignored us as they started running to evacuate. A Nevermore pounded at the barrier and Pyrrah was still in the arena, frozen with fear. Slowly, Ruby got up, looked at what was going on, then made up her mind.

Jaune leaped over the railing and ran at Pyrrah, yelling her name. The Nevermore breached the barrier and sent the two of them stumbling back. The Creature of Grimm screamed at Pyrrah and made a move to eat her, but a flurry of rose petals appeared and the thing reeled back in pain. Before Pyrrah stood Ruby, eyes burning for revenge.


Dozens of rocket lockers slammed down on the beast and the students took care of the immediate problem. Now it was simply to defend Beacon from the inevitable.

And there we go! Blade has managed to use his silver eyes and gave Mercury what he deserves! What will go down during the fight for Beacon? Will they succeed, but at major costs? Will they fail but at minor costs? Or will something grim happen? Find out soon.

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