Anime Characters x Male!Reade...

By demonshinkai

372K 4.7K 932

what the title says. Just pure and utter yaoi/bxb/homosexual/queer/gay reader inserts with various anime char... More

f o r e w o r d
piercings | Alibaba Saluja
sneaky snake kisses | Gin Ichimaru
bara kink? | Tadokoro Jin
puppy love | 2p!America
you like me! | Oikawa Tooru
you reek! | Roronoa Zoro
dry your eyes and start believing | Jean Kirschtein
appetence | Bokuto Koutarou
sideburns | Roronoa Zoro
morning glory | Sabo
until execution do us part | Erwin Smith
autumn chills | Sasori
so you like men too? | Jyugo (1315)
devil | Charlotte Katakuri
daddy issues | Sasuke Uchiha
jealousy? don't know her | Oikwa Tooru
throw it like a frisbee | Oikawa Tooru
viola tricolor | Kenpachi Zaraki
bliss | Kurosaki Ichigo

sadism | Ren Kouha

13.4K 220 17
By demonshinkai

General information:

(Yandere!)Ren Kouha x Male!Reader

warning(s): sexual themes, strong language and violent themes.

reader info: the reader will go by he/him/his pronouns.

word count: 3413

other info: this work is not following the manga nor the anime to a tee, but it exists in the same universe. please note that this is also posted on my quotev and deviantart. this is not beta read, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes.


As the third prince of the imperial empire – Ren Kouha's boyfriend you had only seen the sides Kouha wore amongst others in the palace. His admiration, but also annoyance towards his brothers, his way of treating servants, the loathing towards his mother and the anger he held towards Judal were all familiar sides you felt both honoured and a bit awkward to witness.

However, the traits Kouha was most known for was his possessiveness and sadism. Sure, he had an admirable willpower and strength, but that was some of his sides you were less familiar with.

You, [Male Name] [Last Name], had no place on the battlefield seeing as you were nothing more than a mere heir of some low-blooded royal. Not that you were complaining though. You had heard plenty of stories from both Kouha and the other members of the Ren family about how scary and dangerous a dungeon could be, so you had absolutely no plans asking Judal to raise another one for you to conquer.

Despite lacking knowledge of his fighting and military skills, you knew very well how Kouha was in bed, so you guessed he used a lot of the same passion on the battlefield too. The way he was unable to control the bottled up and repressed feelings yet being able to convert them into an angry passion whenever your bodies entwined into one was always prominent.

Your body was always covered in proof after such a session, but you didn't mind one bit. Instead, you thrived of the feeling of his hands all over you, and the dark and sore bruises reminded you of the warm and sensation-filled night as well as who you belonged to.

Now, Kouha's sadism was well known all over the Kou empire and especially among the ones living in the palace, however, you were probably one of the few who knew that Kouha could match Judal's possessiveness when it came to a few things and especially when it came to you.

This time was no different from the other occasions where Kouha's possessive streak decided to shine through;


"Kouha!" You couldn't help but exclaim when your boyfriend grabbed your wrist in a way too familiar harshness making an even more familiar warm feeling flush your cheeks as memories of him pinning your arms over your head in bed, against walls and even over Kouen's study desk, flashed before your eyes.

"What are you doing?" You breathed out, hitching a bit as you felt your boyfriend's long and talented fingers squeeze your wrist a bit harder while drilling his intensely focused fuchsia eyes on one particular spot which stood out on your (s/c) skin.

"[Male Name]..." A set with shrills crawled slowly down your spine as Kouha's sickly sweet growl rung through your ears.

His hand seemed to tighten its grip around your wrist making your breath hitch once more as he continued, "What's this ugly thing that's staining your beautiful skin?"

Your aroused expression changed into confusion by Kouha's words.

Staining your skin?

What could he possibly mean by that?

However, your moment of confusion was short lived due to the sudden realisation hitting you almost immediately.

You snatched your hand back from Kouha's vile grip to check if your suspicions were correct.

Which they were.

"Oh!" You let out a relieved laugh, happy it wasn't some sort of curse mark.

"You mean this bruise right, Kouha?" You smiled glancing up with curious (e/c) eyes only to be met with a venomous glare.

"Kouha?" You couldn't help but stutter out utterly surprised by your boyfriend's murderous facial expression.

"[Male Name]." He hissed out in the same tone as before making you shutter again. Kouha was surprisingly hot and arousing when he was in one of his many angry moods.

Your cheeks flushed as a natural response to the throaty growl of his when he repeated your name in an even deeper tone. It made your body respond on pure instinct, making your knees wobble some and you fought the thought of wanting to drop down on them.

What was so special about this particular bruise which made Kouha seem as if he wanted to snap your arm in half? Not as if he was actually going to do it, but his possessive mood swings were so unpredictable and unstoppable to a certain degree which both frightened you and enchanted you at the same time.

"This bruise," He spat out with such venom that you started to wonder if it hurt him physically to say it out loud, "was not made by me." When the last word had left his mouth, the grip he had around your wrist and you knew for sure he was cutting off your circulation, if not halfway to actually snap the bone in half.

"Kouha!" You exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, genuinely scared. Not of your boyfriend, never of your boyfriend, but by the thought of the outcome if he continued to tighten his surprisingly strong grip.

By the mention of his name and what tone it was pronounced in, Kouha let go of your aching wrist immediately as if he just got burnt. His eyes showed regret and there was no doubt that you had already forgiven him.

"[Male Name]." He croaked out carefully as if he were trying to sooth a scared animal. You could hear the underlying apology along with the ever-adoring concern to it. Sure, Kouha was a sadist both in bed and among the royal household, but he would never hurt you unless you consented to it and begged for it.

You replied with the bashful and secret smile of yours which you only let Kouha see and when he let a smile of his own tug at the corners of his lips you felt your heart flutter at the sight. Kouha rarely let a genuine smile adorn his lips, instead, he let the sadistic trademark smile of his, which was carefully painted on after years of practice, remain on his face most of the time.

Your moment only lasted less than a minute though seeing as Kouha's attention had again returned to the mysterious bruise of yours. However, you couldn't help but emit a small chuckle at that. Kouha wasn't known for being a romantic person and frankly, you wouldn't want it another way. So, there was no surprise in your boyfriend's attention change. He still hadn't gotten his question answered and you could see how annoyed he was.

"What's troubling you, babe?" You just had to ask after at least two minutes of pure silence.

"This bruise," He repeated his own words in a less venomous tone, but the possessiveness was still as present as the day.

"What about it?" You countered, tilting your head in a slightly confused way. You already knew that it had to do something with him not having made it because Kouha was the master of bruises and he loved making them, loved counting them and he loved to press down on them only to have you hiss in slight pain and writhe in pleasure. He was a sadist after all, but he was your sadist.

His eyes found yours in a second and a new set of shivers found their way down your spine. You could see the possessiveness burning like icy flames in his glowing irises as they proceeded to burn into your own (e/c) ones with a fiery passion.

"Who made it?"

Feeling your heart leap and your breath hitch at the same time was not a pleasant feeling at all, and especially since you knew what Kouha was hinting at with that small question. The dread hit you like a sledgehammer and you didn't dare to break the intense eye lock between the two of you even though you could feel the slow and burning build of tears gathering in your own (e/c) eyes.

His question stung just as much, no, even worse than the slaps he loved dishing out when he was in a bratty mood.

A small bruised adorned your hand and he went as far as to question your faithfulness to him.

The fact that you trusting and believing each other one hundred per cent meant so little to him made your heartache and head spin. Before you knew it, your knees had given out under you which made you collapse to the floor in a puddle of gasps and fat tears rolling down your cheeks.

Kouha's harsh and cold demeanour crumbled as he watched your now shaking and sobbing form on the floor. Stepping back, he bit his lip harshly aware over the fact that he had screwed up big time. You were more than used to his mood swings and possessive behaviour, so watching you break down hit him hard.

His strong feelings towards you were something Kouha was unable to control. Obsessiveness, possessiveness, control, lust, love and anxiety was just some of them who blossomed inside him by the mere thought of you. What Kouha wanted more than anything was to lock you up in heavy chains and keep you under his watch forever, yet something he couldn't allow himself to do.

"I would never cheat on you, Kouha..." Your broken voice brought him back again and when his own unsure eyes met your wet and angry ones, he wanted nothing more than to scoop you up in his arms and apologise from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, he knew you wouldn't cheat on him. The servants he had trailing you every second had been assured that if they let you out of sight even one second they wouldn't live to see the next day.

"I love you," you hiccupped, feeling the anger ebb out and leaving a hollow feeling swallowing you up from the inside.

When Kouha heard the desperation and sorrow in your voice, he felt himself shuddering in pleasure and a dark smile spread over his features which he hid from your scared, unsure and angry eyes.

Oh, how he loved how he had you wrapped around his finger.

Though he had servants watching you twenty-four-seven, they were merely there to keep an eye out for the dark magi, Judal, and his unpredictable notions.

Your deep-rooted and burning love for him resembled something dark and twisting, like a mass destructive virus spreading to every corner. If you were the carrier, then he was the maker, controlling and filling every inch of your body with his sick and twisted feelings. Forging your entire being to live, love and exist only for him and his needs.

Dropping to the floor too, Kouha began crawling towards your hunched-up form as a predator closing up on his pray. Letting go of his precious djinn, Leraje, when he reached your shivering body, Kouha hesitated some and wondered how he should approach your current state. If he ended up being too forwards and forceful he would definitely lose some of your trust and feelings he had worked so hard to gain.

Then there was the scenario if he ended up being too soft and forgiving.

If you somehow got into your pretty little mind that you had freer rein and control over him than he allowed you to have, god, knows how you would act. Perhaps you'd realize Kouha's tight grip around your entire being and escape.

He'd hunt you down if so be it.

Clicking his tongue to get your attention and cupping your tearstained face, Kouha started to make soft cooing noises as if he was advancing towards a scared animal – which you were in a way.

"Of course, baby." He cooed. "Of course, I know you didn't cheat on me." The silky words emitting from his mouth worked their way around your mind as soft and elegant yet poisonous snakes, paralysing everything they touched.

Your tears stopped as you stared deeply into your boyfriend's pink irises looking for even the slightest hint or trace of him lying. Kouha stared back just as intensely, silently challenging you and just to observe what your next move possibly could be. If the third prince was lying to you, you had no way of proving it to him, to his brothers, to anyone. His eyes showed nothing but fierce and strong feelings clashing and mixing into each other, but there was no sign nor a flicker of guilt, doubt and regret to be found in them.

Kouha saw the hesitation in your demeanour and he acted quickly on your vulnerable moment. Gripping the arm where the tiny bruise who had caused the entire situation was present and tugging you forward into his arms, Kouha managed to place you into his lap without any flailing limbs and secured his own lean arms around your waist to prevent you from leaving.

Brushing away some hair and rubbing at your dried tear streaks, Kouha began to whisper sweet nothings in a calming and loving voice, wanting to reassure you that the question which caused you to break out in tears was not intended to sound accusing and doubtful.

Kouha simply sought complete control over your entire being. Whether he had someone trail your steps for a day, followed you himself when he could, asked you questions about your whereabouts and doings, his unstable and stirred mind wouldn't let him relax until he knew your steps in details.

Not that he allowed you to know that either. You probably thought his interrogation-like questions were his way of expressing how much he missed you. Which was what you were supposed to think too.

The loving and reassuring words combined with your boyfriend's warm embrace as he held your hiccupping form, made the most of your doubts and anger wash away like writings in the sand. Kouha was the wave washing over you with nothing but love, acceptance, forgiveness and patience. You couldn't believe you could call him yours.

When Kouha felt you wrap your arms around him to return the embrace, he knew you were back into his grip again – where you belonged. The thought of losing you, even if it was just for a second, was unbearable and it was something he couldn't allow himself to lose. If you ever were to leave him, he knew he would lose his sanity too.

Kouha removed his arms around you, but he didn't let your hand go as he stood up from the floor along with you. You noticed that his eyes were still lingering on the almost transparent bruise and you knew just from one glance at his expression that it still bothered him even if he didn't voice his thoughts out loud.

"Kouha," you started out softly, not wanting to anger him further nor startle him in any way. "You don't have to worry about this bruise, really. I'm more than certain that it happened right after Judal-,"

You were interrupted by Kouha's grip tightening, cutting off your circulation again, and as he lifted his head to meet your (e/c) eyes, you saw how his expression had darkened as well as his lips were almost white because of how hard he was clamping down on them.

"Judal did what?"

Swallowing, you regretted opening your mouth in the first place. You never knew when to shut up nor stay quiet. This was a prime example of you screwing it up again after everything had calmed down, but you just dug it up again – like scratching off the scab on a wound just to make it bleed.

Forget the tiny bruise caused by Judal accidentally shoving you into a bookshelf, just the way Kouha was absently squeezing your hand as if he wanted to crush every bone was going to leave a huge mark formed as a handprint.

"He may have accidentally pushed me into a bookshelf?" You said after a slightly awkward silence.

The way you voiced it as a question immediately gave away how nervous and uncertain you were. Kouha wasn't going to react nicely even if you were gifted rhetorically and managed to make Judal sound like the most innocent lamb ever.


The damage was already made right after your lips formed Judal's name.

You knew Kouha already made up his mind as soon as your explanation was said. Whatever words and sense you would try to talk into him would definitely fall upon deaf ears.

Your boyfriend's deep-rooted hate for the dark magi was something you had sensed long before the two of you even got together. It had always been there, right underneath the surface of his almost sociopathic mask – easily cracking Kouha's whole façade by the mere sight of Judal.

Despite you knowing this, you still didn't know what caused Kouha's dark and twisted loathe towards the long-braided male. Your newest discovery was simply the fact that these feelings increased rapidly the moment Kouha formally and officially courted and claimed you.

"Why wasn't I notified about this?"

The sudden and angry question brought you out of your quick daze and thinking it was directed towards you, you answered stuttering: "I thought it wasn't a big deal and I wouldn't dare to disturb your duties."

Eyes flashing of burning rage and icy disgust met with yours briefly and you recoiled in shock, backing slightly away from your boyfriend.

Where were the familiar pink eyes filled to the brim with everlasting warmth and love?

"How dare Judal-," Interrupting himself, Kouha brought his gaze to the small bruise yet another time and bit down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw some blood.

Worry replaced your sudden fright, and you stepped forwards again to cup your boyfriend's face to make sure his attention was on your face. Who knew that such a tiny mark could bring the third imperial prince to this state?

"Kouha, love, look at me." Rubbing your thumbs in what you hoped was soothing circles on his cheeks, you brought his face closer to your own, so close that your noses touched, and you felt his warm breath ghost over your own lips. Licking them unconsciously and taking a slow intake of air, you locked your eyes with his.

"It's the smallest bruise I've ever worn and Judal had no intentions of causing me harm in any way, okay baby?" You asked him, still holding his gaze firmly and moving one hand to brush through his long hair.

His eyes twitched, and you saw how much he wanted to protest at that. "No, I'm not finished," you quickly said before he was able to bristle with bloodlust. "You have nothing to worry about and I'm pretty sure by the way you gripped my arm that it's covered by your bruise tomorrow." Finishing off by putting emphasis on the fact that you were going to be covered by his marks, you kissed him sweetly and wrapped both of your arms around his neck.

When you pulled away, you noticed the lack of anger in his eyes, but it was no victory due to his anger being exchanged with guilt.

Kouha hated the thought of you being hurt in any way, either if it was by accident or by others, and the thought of him being the one to harm you was even worse.

"I'm so sorry," he breathed out, sounding as if he was on the verge of breaking down in front of you. "Just thinking of Judal doing something-,"

This time you interrupted him by locking your lips with his. Kouha responded immediately, almost on instinct, and eagerly- wanting to please you and wanting you to feel how truly apologetic he felt as he poured his heart into the kiss.

Your lips moved and fit together perfectly, as it grew more passionate, harder, faster and longer each time you parted to breathe. Your silenced moans mixed with Kouha's throaty growls and the sound of your lips smacking.

As you parted for the last time, Kouha couldn't help himself but tug slightly at your lower lip before releasing it slowly, enjoying the way your breath hitched and how your cheeks erupted into a lovely rose-like colour.

The smirk painting your boyfriend's lips made a smirk of your own spread over your now swollen and glistening lips and a chuckle tickled your throat.

"How about," you started in your teasing tone, feeling a playful mood take over, "you show me how sorry you really feel, by covering my entire body with your marks and bruises?"

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