Fate of DXD (Fate/Stay Night...

By BW1301

108K 1.4K 1K

Summoned into a new world, Shirou Emiya prepares his own faction in the supernatural world of Highschool DXD... More

Dragon Reborn
Ars Goetia
Kiba's Test
The Servant Faction
The Father and the Nun
The Promise of the Saint
Wishes Granted
Familiar Missteps
Rewrite in Progress


6.5K 115 66
By BW1301

Raynare grinned seeing the frightened face of Asia Argento, walking towards her. The little bitch was taken by that hero-wannabe, that human scum of a mage. After he cut off her wings and blasted her with some sort of holy sword, she managed to get away thanks to her allies. Then when Asia came, Raynare was forced to submit to the nun, having no choice but to be assisted by scum to regrow her wings. It made her sick.

After she was healed up, she and her ally Fallen Angel allies (Dohnaseek, Kalawarner, and Mittelt) recruited a small army of excommunicated exorcists. They were all pieces of trash, not looking for monetary compensation and just willing to kill just for Him. She hated them. They were so expendable, useless. Even her own allies were useless; both Dohnaseek and Kalawarner couldn't even kill that damn brat Issei Hyoudou.

Raynare took another step.

Once she got Asia, she'd steal her Sacred Gear, Twilight healing. Then with that power, she'd get promoted by Lord Azazel and rise through the ranks of the Grigori. She wouldn't have to scrounge around with these idiots.

Raynare took another steps and then a loud alarm came from all angles. Raynare looked around in alarm, not expecting it. Magic circles appears around her and Raynare rose in the air, ready. After a flash of light, ten humanoids, albino and with red eyes, appeared, and each created a shining spear, aiming towards Raynare.

Raynare gritted her teeth. "Damn humans!"

Creating a light spear, Raynare charged the humanoids, but the one she was aiming for simply caught the blade. Twirling his spear, the humanoid's spear was surrounded in light and he stabbed Raynare in the side, the force sending her into a nearby tree.

"W-what the..." Raynare said, surprised by the strength of the humanoids. "This is bad."

With a flap of her wings, she prepared to teleport but two of the humanoids, one female and the other male, raised their hands.

"Dimensionssperre!" they yelled and a surge of magical energy surrounded them. Raynare felt the magic but felt nothing of it. She teleported but was somehow bounced off, landing on the ground.

Raynare coughed blood, and stood up. The humanoids surrounded her, each pointing their blades about ten centimeters away from her face. Raynare, desperate, jumped into the air, spreading her wings to escape through the air.

"I don't think so," a female voice said aloud.

Raynare was suddenly blasted from the sky. Some sort of energy attack had slammed her down. Raynare picked herself up when someone stepped in front of her. Raynare looked up and gasped. This... this human.... She was beautiful. Flawless eyes and beautiful purple hair, she was shrouded in a religious-theme and also seductive garb and held a spear, no it was a cross. But what really surprised Raynare was the power this woman was emitting. It was pure holy power, enough to compare to a higher ranking angel, far stronger than any normal human should have. Raynare knew immediately, she was fucked.

"A-are you with the Church?" Raynare gasped.

The beautiful woman closed her eyes in thought. "No." She opened her eyes and slashed at Raynare. It was only through pure luck that Raynare was able to dodge, but the woman simply made a prayer. Suddenly a blast of light sent Raynare into the ground. Raynare could feel that she could barely move. The fallen angel desperately flapped her wings, trying to escape.

The woman, who Raynare now saw as an Angel of Death, approached her. With a slash from her staff, she slashed one wing off, and with a prayer she annihilated the other. Raynare screamed in pain, falling to the ground, covered in blood, dirt, and feathers. She looked up to see the woman holding the butt of her staff. With a quick motion, she slammed it into Raynare's face and Raynare blacked out.

Scene Break

Martha wiped the blood off her spear. She honestly didn't like senseless slaughter but Martha couldn't deny that this woman didn't deserve it.

"She's still alive, Martha-sama," one of the homunculi, Alois she thought, said. "What shall we do with her?"

Martha sighed. "Bring her to Elizabeth. She's been wanting a fan to listen to her 'music.'"

The homunculi nods and carries the unconscious fallen angel back to the Gardens, where she will be interrogated and subjugated- I mean given the 'honor' of listening to the Lancer Servant Elizabeth Bathory's 'music.'

Martha closed her eyes and used the Master-Servant telepathic link. 'Master,' she communicated. 'We caught one of Fallen Angels trying to kidnap Miss Asia.'

'Really?' Shirou communicated. 'What did you do with her?'

'I gave her to Elizabeth to be interrogated,' Martha replied.

'Good try to get- Wait did you say Elizabeth? Isn't that a bit too cruel?'

Martha shrugged. 'Maybe but she probably deserves it.'

'Understood, I'll alert the Gremory Peerage.'

'There are still Fallen Angels and those 'exorcists' in the city. What's our next move?'

Scene Break

Shirou smiled. 'Don't worry. I'll have someone handle it."

Issei, sitting next to Shirou, noticed the smile. "Something funny?"

Shirou looked at his friend and shook his head. "No, it's just I just got a message."

"Message?" Issei said confused. His friend didn't seem to have done anything except space out.

Shirou nods. "It seems Yuma-san has been taken care of." Shirou kept talk of the magical world secretive but Issei understood what it meant.

"S-she is?" Issei said. "I'll tell Buchou but what about Yuma-san's... friends?"

"Don't worry," Shirou said. "I have someone working on that."

'Isn't that right-'

Scene Break


On the top of a skyscraper, a beautiful young maiden looked down on the city, scouting it out and eyes landing on a certain church. The maiden's eyes narrowed, the cat ears on her head shifted and her tail swirled.

"Understood," Atalante responded, "Master."

Atalante jumped over buildings, looking to land in front of the church. "Huh. I managed to jump across the entire city. New record."

Atalante walked to the church when her cat ears detected movement, incoming projectiles. She jumped back before three light spears struck her location.

"Oh?" one of the Fallen Angels, a male dressed in a suit, said. "A Nekomata?"

"What the hell is something like that doing here?" the second Fallen Angel, a beautiful woman in a trench coat, said.

"Who cares?" the third Fallen exclaimed. This one was much younger than the others and dressed in a Gothic Lolita outfit. "Let's just kill it. Raynare-chan will be back any minute!"

"So you are the Fallen Angels," Atalante said. "I think you have misunderstood who I am. I am-"

"Shut up!" the fallen angel in a trench coat yelled, slashing at her, but Atalante was easily able to both read her movement and dodge the attack. With a single kick, she managed to send the Fallen flying back.

"That attack had barely used half of my strength," Atalante mused. "So you all can easily be beaten by E rank attacks. How... disappointing."

The trench coat Fallen Angel glided and landed on her feet. "D-damn you! Don't underestimate me!"

The male Fallen pulled her back. "Be careful, Kalawarner! She's dangerous!!"

Kalawarner nodded and Atalante aimed an arrow at her wings. She released the arrow.

"Look out!" the male yelled, stepping in front of her and creating a magical shield. However, the arrow simply pierced the shield and impaled both Kalawarner's and the male's wings to the Church's wall. The two Fallen screamed in pain.

Atalante looked down at her bow in surprise. She barely pulled it and it released its normal A-rank attack. So it was really was a good idea to have Shakespeare and Edison to turn her bow into a B rank Noble Phantasm. The bow can now fire an A rank attacks even when it wasn't fully drawn.

"Kalawarner! Dohnaseek!" the youngest of them screamed.

"M-mittelt, run!" Dohnaseek groaned.

"No!" she yelled. "I won't abandon you!"

Mittelt snapped her fingers and suddenly the horde of exorcists in the basement arrived, ready to defeat this 'Nekomata.'

Mittelt laughed, a bit crazed. "Now you're in for it! You can't even call for help! Our barriers keep all people from seeing us or communications from being used."

"So no one can see us and you won't be able to contact anyone," Atalante nodded in understanding. "Perfect."

She took two arrows out and Mittelt took a step back in fear. "D-don't screw with us! You can't do anything! Exorcists, kill her!"

The exorcists charged, screaming about the justice of god. Atalante merely closed her eyes.

"With my bow and arrows, I respectfully ask for the divine protection of the Sun god Apollo and the Moon goddess Artemis."

Scene Break

In Greece, more specifically Mount Olympus, a young maiden looked into the distance, a surprise look on her face. The maiden wore a beautiful white dress, had white-bluish hair, and wore red sandals. By her side floated a giant bow, too big to be fired by any ordinary human. This woman was Artemis, goddess of virginity, the Moon, and the hunt.

"You feel that too, right?" a male voice came from beside her. There a man who had black curly hair, wore a chiton, and had beautiful, rare golden eyes. This was Artemis's twin brother, Apollon, the god of Music and Sun. The normally serious god had a look of shock on his face.

Artemis nodded. "T-that force. It's calling upon our blessings for an attack. I-it feels like-"

"When we punished Niobe," Apollon finished.

The two looked towards the East, wondering what exactly it could be.

Scene Break

"I offer this calamity. Phoebus Catastrophe!" Atalante yelled, firing the two arrows into the sky. The exorcists stopped in their tracks as the arrow disappeared, then laughed at the seemingly pointless action.

"What was that supposed to do?" Mittelt laughed, swinging two light spears.

Atalante nearly pointed up.

Suddenly, a sound rang out and all the exorcists looked to the sky, eyes widening. A rain of arrows of light fell down upon them, causing dust and explosions to take place. Once the dust settled, all that could be seen was Atalante, standing in the middle of exorcist corpses and pure destruction. The Archer Servant turned towards Mittelt, who was also unharmed. Mittelt didn't even react, still shocked by the attack.

"I- what?" Mittelt said, then realized Atalante was in front of her. Screaming, she leapt back, only to find herself trapped against a tree. "N-no! Stay away!"

But Atalante just kept on moving toward Mittelt. "I'm under orders not to kill you. Please do not struggle."

With a supersonic chop, the Archer knocked out Mittelt. "Evil as you may be, you are barely a mature Fallen. I do not want to cause you too much pain."

Atalante caught Mittelt in her arms and went to collect the other Fallen, who had fallen unconscious due to blood loss. Looking around, she jumped back to the Hanging Gardens.

Scene Break

After school, Shirou stepped into the ORC building. There Rias sat on the couch in the middle of the room and surrounding her were her peerage.

"Hello, Emiya-kun," Rias greeted with a smile. "I heard you took care of our Fallen Angel problem."

"Hey, Gremory-senpai," Shirou waved. "Yeah, after the mess that happened last night and their 'attack' from this morning, I decided to take a more offensive approach."

"Attack? Is Asia all right?" Issei asked concerned.

"She's fine," Shirou assured him. "In fact, Asia, Martha, you can come in now!"

The doors opened to reveal Asia and Martha. While most weren't concerned about Asia, the sight of Martha made all of the devils uneasy. It was as if the polar opposite of them had appeared, like they could feel how powerful this woman was and how easy it would be for her to destroy them. Issei in particular was actually feeling pain. Instead of his usual fantasies he experienced when normally seeing such a beauty, all that was going on in Issei's head was a voice that wasn't his own screaming its head off. The scream was full of terror and fear, completely terrified of this beautiful stranger. He only returned to his senses when he received a hug from Asia.

"E-emiya-kun," Rias said, trying to keep her composure. "W-who is this?"

"One of my associates," Shirou said. "Her name is Martha and she has great knowledge of both the supernatural and the nature of God and his angels."

This was a half-truth. True, Martha does know about the supernatural and has definitely encountered angels and God, but Shirou refused to mention just what Martha truly was.

"I-I see," Rias sweatdropped. "It is nice to meet you, Martha-san."

Martha merely scoffed and turned away from Rias, causing her to blink in surprise.

"Forgive her," Shirou requested. "Sh-she's difficult to deal with sometimes...."

Martha blinked in surprise. "Since when I'm hard to deal with?"

Shirou ignored the annoyed saint and turned to Rias. "I wanted to deal with her myself, but since she cause you so much trouble...."

Shirou snapped his fingers and a magic circle appeared in the center, with the six-point star in its center. In a flash of light, the Fallen Angel Raynare appeared, wrapped in chains. Her clothes were covered in dirt and some blood. Blood could also be seen trickling from her ears. The Fallen looked up at the Gremory Peerage in surprised and looked to the exit, but was stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Martha, standing there with a simple, stoic expression.

"Yu- No, Raynare," Issei said, clenching his fists. Asia moved behind Issei, a bit frightened.

"So you're giving me this Fallen," Rias said, "and her associates?"

"They're currently in my custody," Shirou replied. "I can summon them afterwards, but I thought Raynare would take priority, being a bit more... personal."

Rias nods in understanding, then turning to Issei. "Issei, this woman was the one who lied and betrayed you. Thus, it is only right that you decide her fate."

Issei nods and steps forward. Raynare instantly had him within her sights and in an instant, she appeared under her 'Yuuma' disguise.

"I-Issei," 'Yuuma' pleaded, "don't let them kill me. You can't!"

Issei stops, unable to take his eyes off his ex-girlfriend's face. He closes his eyes in thought, then gazes at 'Yuuma,' and then to Asia. He looks at Shirou, a determined look in his eye. The magus only nods in understanding.

"You're right," Issei said and a look of relief and triumph appears on 'Yuuma's' face. "I can't let them kill you."

"Thank you, Issei-kun!" 'Yuuma' squealed. "Thank-"

"I have to do it," Issei calmly told her.

'Yuuma's' face lost all signs of hope and she quickly reverted to her true form, an angry snarl on her face. "You'll what?! Kill me!?! You!?! A mere reincarnated devil?! No!!! I refuse!! I, THE GREAT RAYNARE, WILL NEVER BE KILLED BY SOME NOBODY DEVIL WITH A SHITTY SACRED GEAR!!! I-"

"Shitty?" Shirou inquired. "I'd hardly call the Boosted Gear a shitty Sacred Gear."

Everyone, sans Martha, looked at Shirou in surprise and the room grew quiet. The group then looked at Issei's left arm. Then in an instant, that silence was destroyed.

"WHAT?!?!" everyone yelled.

"That was quite loud...." Shirou said, covering his ears.

"Emiya-kun!" Rias yelled. "What do you mean it's the Boosted Gear?! Is it really the Longinus Class?!"

"It would be easier to show you," Shirou said. "Martha."

Martha responded to his orders and walked over to Issei, causing Raynare to flinch when she got close.

"Devil," Martha said, "please give me your left hand and summon your Sacred Gear."

Confused and a tad scared of this woman, Issei slowly showed her his hand, summoning his Sacred Gear in the process, still in its Twice Critical form. Martha merely placed her hand on the gauntlet and pain filled Issei, as if his entire being was rejecting Martha's touch. But as he felt this pain, he felt something, some great power rise from deep within him. The Sacred Gear began morphing, becoming more dragon-like and covering more of his arm.

"U-unreal...." Raynare said.

Rias had a gleeful grin on her face, overjoyed by her find. "A Longinus class... I never would have guessed!"

Raynare looked around, desperately. Seeing no possible way out, she looks at Issei again. "I-it's not my fault!!! Azazel! He did this!! He told me to kill y-"

"Lying again?" Martha snapped, causing Raynare to flinch again. "Did you forget the information you gave to Elizabeth? You didn't have to kill Issei or try to steal Asia's Sacred Gear. You merely decided that they would be easier for you to just kill the humans."

Issei narrowed his eyes, a look of determination in his eyes. Raynare fell to her knees, broken and giving up. Shirou summoned a new sword, one emitting demonic flames, and handed it to him.

"Thanks, Shirou," Issei said, moving the blade up and preparing to strike. "Goodbye, Yuuma."

He slashed Raynare and the magical flames consumed her, leaving nothing left but a pile of ashes. The Gremory Peerage gave a look of approval and Asia closed her eyes, silently praying to herself.

Issei turns back to Shirou, handing him back the sword. "Thanks for the sword, Shirou. Where'd you get this sword?"

"Oh," Shirou replied, "I got it from just an old, dead demon."

Of course that 'old, dead demon' was actually Surtr, the greatest of the Norse fire demons, but they didn't need to know that.

"Anyways," Shirou said, changing the subject and snapping his fingers, "what do you want to do with these guys?"

Suddenly, the three Fallen Angels appeared, looking broken. Shirou had told them the info he had Elizabeth get from Raynare and now they knew they were outcasts in the Fallen Angel ranks, because Raynare had used them for her own purposes.

Rias looked at them in thought. "Well, technically they didn't do anything wrong...." She sighs. "I guess I have no choice. I'll let you decide their fate."

Shirou smiled. "Thank you, Rias-senpai."

Martha walked towards the Fallen, giving them her hand. "Come, I will take you back."

They looked up and Mittelt reluctantly took her hand. Once they made contact, Mittelt is consumed in brilliant light, blinding everyone, even Shirou. Once the light faded, Mittelt's black wings had become pure white. Everyone stared in shock.

"W-wha-wha?" everyone muttered, unable to comprehend it.

"Uh..." Shirou said nervously, "thanks for giving me them, Rias-senpai! Issei, I promise that I'll help you master your Sacred Gear later. Bye!"

"Wait, Emiya-kun!" Rias cried as Shirou teleports him, Asia, Martha, and the shocked Fallen away.

Shirou disappears and the Gremory Peerage just stares silently. Rias breaks the silence.


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