Fate of DXD (Fate/Stay Night...

By BW1301

106K 1.4K 1K

Summoned into a new world, Shirou Emiya prepares his own faction in the supernatural world of Highschool DXD... More

Dragon Reborn
Ars Goetia
Kiba's Test
The Servant Faction
The Father and the Nun
Wishes Granted
Familiar Missteps
Rewrite in Progress

The Promise of the Saint

6.4K 101 39
By BW1301

Sorry for the wait, everyone, but I was busy with school and work and all that.  I'm both physically and mentally exhausted.  So here's the next chapter.  Enjoy and comment!!

Asia Argento was all alone in a dark void, nothing but darkness all around her.

"W-where am I?" she asked herself.

"Where you belong, you witch!!" a voice rang out from the darkness.

"That voice!" Asia said. "One of the fathers from the Vatican!"

"This is where a corrupted witch who would heal a devil belongs!" Another voice called out.

"You don't deserve salvation!"

"Don't deserve Heaven!"

"Don't deserve to exist in God's world!"

"False holy maiden!"

"N-no..." Asia protested, tears in her eyes. "That's not true!"

"Oh, but it is," a voice came from behind her. She turned to find Freed Sellzan standing behind her with a wicked grin on his face.

"This is the fate of all who turn from God and help those shitty devils," Freed beamed, as he moved to reveal the corpse from before. Asia gasped, putting her hands over her mouth to keep the screams silent and tears falling.

"No one will accept you," a female voice called from above. Asia turned to see the female fallen angel from before. "The church has forsaken you, and you know those devils will see you as the enemy. But we, the fallen, will give you a chance at redemption, oh former fallen maiden. No one will have to suffer."

The fallen angel descends to the ground. "All we require is that little gift of god you have."

The fallen then thrusted her hand into the nun's chest, ripping out two silver rings, the Sacred Gear Twilight Healing. Asia falls to the ground, blood begins to flow all around her as the fallen disappears.

"W-why?" Asia wondered.

"ASIA!!" a familiar voice called. That voice was familiar and warm, full of friendship and kindness.


And Asia woke up with a start, in a cold sweat. The girl looked around to find herself in an unfamiliar environment, a nice Japanese style bedroom. Asia stood up, looking around and exiting the room. Wandering the halls, she found herself in the kitchen. There, a woman with white hair and red eyes was making breakfast. Said woman saw her and smiled.

"Oh, you must be Asia," the woman said in Italian. "I'm Sella. Shirou told me about you."

Asia looked confused. "Who's Shirou?"

Sella blinked then nodded in understanding. "He was that swordsman who helped save you and that devil pervert Issei." When she said Issei's name, it was full of loathing and content.

"Issei," Asia gasped. "Is he okay? Did my healing work?"

Before Sella could reply, a voice came from behind. "Issei is fine. You healed him fully and he's back with his peerage."

Asia turns to find the man who saved her and Issei, the red headed swordsman. He was certainly handsome, with his auburn hair and golden piercing eyes. He smiled at her, causing her to blush a bit.

The swordsman smiled. "Hello, I'm Shirou Emiya. And what's your name?"

Asia blinked, regained her composure, and tried to speak in Japanese. "My name is Asia Argento. Thank you for saving me."

"Don't mention it. So, shall Sella and I make you breakfast?"

Asia smiled. "S-sure. Thank you, Shirou-sama. Sella-sama."

Sella smiled happily. "You don't have to refer to me with such a title. I am just a lowly maid of the Einzberns. Just Sella-san is fine."

"You seem happy at being called sama though," Shirou rolls his eyes.

Sella turns away with a huff. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Asia, ignoring that last part of the conversation, says, "Okay. Thank you, Sella-san."

As the breakfast was being made, Asia looked around curiously. While this place looks like a normal, family-friendly environment, Asia could sense something strange about this place. Suddenly, the noise of footsteps running down stairs was heard. Asia wondered who it was. Suddenly, three young girls ran through the door.

"Oh," Sella said. "Guten morgen, Illya, Kuro, Miyu."

"Good morning, Sella!! Good morning, Onii-chan!!"

They were all smiling before seeing the nun, with a surprised look.

"Um, Onii-chan?" Illya asked. "Why is there a nun here?"

"Is this some kind of cosplay?" Kuro asked, a teasing expression on her face. "How kinky."

"I don't think it's anything like that," Miyu said, stoically.

"Oh, hello," Asia said, bowing politely. "I'm Asia Argento. It's nice to meet you all. Shirou-sama let me stay here in my time of need. I'm sorry to be a burden."

The girls blink in surprise at that level of politeness. "Uh, it's okay," Illya assured her.

"Asia, these are my little sisters," Shirou explains. "The one with white hair is Illya. The one with tan skin is Chloe-"

"I prefer Kuro," Kuro smiled.

"-and the black haired one is called Miyu," Shirou finished. "Anyways, everyone, sit down and eat. Breakfast is ready."

"Breakfast?" an unfamiliar voice came from the door. It opened to reveal a beautiful women with purple hair and blue eyes. She was dressed in a black suit, but it somehow highlighted her stunning body. She also had an air about her, some kind of saintly presence.

Shirou blinked in surprise. "Martha? What are you doing here?"

"Some of the Hundred Face's personalities told me that you had brought an unconscious nun home," Martha explained. "I felt the need to make sure that our master didn't do any lecherous acts."

"When have I ever been lecherous or perverted!?!" Shirou protested.

Martha raised her brow. "Please. I know what happens in your bed at night."

Shirou rolled his eyes. "My sex life is none of your business. Anyways, I'm a perfect gentleman and you know it."

Martha smiled, beautifully. "True, you aren't as perverted as most who have harems."

Asia blinked. "Harems?"

"It's not important," Shirou quickly said. "Asia, this is my friend Martha. Martha, this is Asia Argento."

"Lovely to meet you," Martha beamed. "So why did Shirou have to bring you here? Why were you with that fallen priest and those fallen angels?"

"You know about Father Freed and the fallen?" Asia asks in surprise.

"I think everyone who lives in this house has some knowledge of the supernatural, Asia-chan," Shirou smiled, passing a bowl of cream of wheat with mixed jams.

Asia took a bite of the food and was met with an explosion of flavor. She smiled, then looked up at the happy family, the children eating their meal at a fast rate and even Martha nearly losing her saintly nature by indulging in the irresistible meal.

"Onii-chan's food is super yummy, isn't it?" Illya smiled.

Asia nods, happily eating more of the heavenly meal.

"So, Asia-chan," Shirou said, "you were telling us about your relationship with those fallen."

Suddenly, Asia's food, full of flavor and perfection at its finest, turned bland and cold. The nun shrunk, her face showing shame and self-disappointment.

"I-I suppose I should explain from the beginning," Asia said. "I hold the divine power of Twilight Healing, a Sacred Gear forged by God that allows me to heal wounds."

At the mention of God, Martha straightens, intent on listening to this story.

"I had received this power when I turned eight," Asia further explains. "After I was born, my parents abandoned me. It was the orphanage at the church that raised me."

The children winced, each having some experience with being forsaken by their family.

"After the church found out my power, the church treated me as a Saint and I was worshiped."

Shirou narrowed his eyes, remembering similar tales from many holy Heroic Spirits. His own reincarnations has had faced this situation before. None of the tales ended well.

"I used this power to help a lot of sick people, and many were indeed cured because of this. The rumors started to spread everywhere, so People kept coming to the church seeking aid. The church guarded me heavily and treated me well. I'm very grateful to the Almighty God who blessed me with this power that could help others. My heart is filled with appreciation. But since I'm being called a 'saint,' normal people would look at me differently, and I started to feel lonely."

"But one day, I met a mortally wounded devil who was being hunted by an exorcist. I used my power to save that devil. The devil I had saved killed the exorcist and fled. I committed a serious sin for helping a devil."

Asia looked down into her meal, which once had vibrant colors, now only reminded her of blood. The nun refused to look up, convinced this family would only have disgusted looks on their faces.

"The people who called me a saint and worshipped me now in turn called me a demonic girl," Asia continued, wiping tears from her eyes. "Then I was expelled by the church. T-then a fallen angel took me in and-"

She was interrupted by Martha giving Asia a warm embrace. Before she could respond, they were dog piled by the three girls, each with tears in their eyes.

"It's okay, Asia," Martha told her. "You did nothing wrong."

"Yeah," Kuro said. "So don't cry."

Asia, amazed that they didn't reject her, began to shed tears once again, but not tears of sorrow, but of happiness. The five soon got back on their feet.

"Asia," Martha said, "I swear that I'll make things right for you."

Shirou smiled on the happy scene. "Congratulations, Asia-chan. You now have the help of the great Martha. Nothing will stand in your way, now."

"Shirou!!!" Martha blushed, dismissing the idea. "You make it sound as if I'd wipe out anything that would make her cry! I wouldn't do that!!"

"Sure you wouldn't," Shirou teased.

"Um... What does you all mean?" Asia asked.

"Nothing," Martha quickly said. "Shirou, may I speak with you in private?"

In another room...

"So the church is corrupt," Shirou said. "Saw that coming."

"It seems this world isn't so black and white," Martha said. "Even some of His devoted followers have fallen. And that devil boy. The one who's also a pervert. He actually showed her kindness."

"You okay?" Shirou asked. "You said devil without getting that angry look."

"I'm fine," Martha sighed. "I just need to broaden my views a bit. I think I know what I'm gonna do."

"Storm the Vatican and take over the Church?" Shirou asked, with half a mind of doing that himself.

"N-no!!!" Martha shouted, though the look on her face said she had thought about it.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Shirou rolled his eyes. "Storm the Vatican and 'scold' the Church leaders?"

"No!!" Martha yelled automatically, then thought for a moment. "M-maybe... No. Just let me explain."

Back with Asia...

Asia and the children had finally consumed their food, each had a satisfied smile on their face.

"So yummy!" Asia happily cried.

"Yep!! Onii-chan's cooking is the best!!" Illya beamed.

Shirou then entered the room. "Girls, it's time that we all got to school."

The girls nod, heading out. Shirou turned to Asia and smiled.

"I'll be back after school," he promised. "And I'll bring Issei too."

At the mention of Issei's name, Asia beamed. "Thank the lord I met you, Shirou-sama. Thank you for everything!"

"Don't mention it," Shirou smiled.

As the family left, Asia was feeling happy and relieved that they had welcomed them despite her past.

'Things are looking up,' Asia thought, before looking out the window.

Then she saw something that made her body freeze. She felt like all hope was taken from her. Standing a block away from the window was the fallen angel, Raynare, an evil smirk and expecting look on her face.

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