FADED ▷ Sam Winchester [2]

By mwthatcher3

118K 3.5K 1.1K

❝ And I'm faded away you know I used to be on fire And I'm standing in the ashes ... More

21 | HOLD ON


4K 103 63
By mwthatcher3

    Road trips aren't as fun now that I'm so used to my bike. With Dean and Sam sitting in the front seat, Cas is forced next to me in the back. This is a problem for me because whenever I ride in the backseat, I'm usually by myself, so I don't have to share it. Obviously, I don't say anything because as unfortunate as it is, I like sitting next to Cas.

    Sam gives me a look in the mirror every once in a while, one that I can't quite figure out. Jealousy? But why would he be jealous of Cas? He could've told me if he wanted to sit in the back with me, that would have been more than fine by me.

    The ride is mostly silent as we head towards where the president is known to be, well, it's not really the president right now, it's Lucifer.

   I whip my head around as a siren starts going off behind us, the sound of a police car. Except when I turn around, there's something strange about this car, it's not just a regular police car. I'm pretty sure it's a government car.

    Dean curses before slowing to a stop, allowing the vehicle to swerve ahead of us as if to block us from going any further. Like we haven't already stopped.

    "All right, stay here. We got this," Dean says to me and Cas as him and his brother step outside. Castiel visibly exhales before nodding a little. I'm not as obedient as Cas, especially when it comes to the Winchesters. I scoff before pushing the door open and stepping out myself.

    "Bailey, don't," Cas begins in a hushed voice but I only shush him before closing the door behind me.

    "Gentlemen, is there a problem?" Sam asks as two very government looking men step out of the huge black vehicle, which, from this angle, looks more like a van than a truck.

    "Federal agents, guys," Dean holds up a badge, and I briefly wave mine up too. "We need to keep going."

    "And I need six grand by Saturday, but that ain't happening, either," one of the men says. Two more stepped out from the other side. I tense up a little, straightening my shoulders. No way this is gonna be good.

    Sam scoffs. "You guys know who you're talking to?" He asks.

    "Winchesters," the man replies. My expression drops and I look over to Sam, who looks surprised. "And Bailey Mitchell. Yeah, we know you too."

    I scoff and grin a little. "Who doesn't?"

    "You make those toy badges in craft class in the psych ward? Nice car, by the way, it really stands out," the man continues. The guy reaches back for a gun or something, but Dean notices and punches him first. This starts a fight.

    We basically throw a few punches around, before pulling out our guns, but we end up with the guns trained on us, with our hands held up in surrender. I turn my head as the back door opens and Cas finally comes out.

    "Stop!" Douche number one says, aiming his gun at Cas as the angel comes forward. Cas doesn't listen obviously, as he continues towards the group. "Don't move!" The guy yells louder.

    "Cas, don't," Dean warns, holding a hand out. So Cas just stops, then it's four of these government guys training guns on four of us. I look down at the ground, sighing deeply before thinking about my powers. As I exhale, I feel the rush of power through my veins. I open my eyes and everything is tinted with blue.

    I'm hell bent on smashing these guys to pieces with my powers, not really caring if they're just human or not. But suddenly there's the sound of a car rolling up to the scene, loud jazz music playing inside. All of us turn, looking at the strange car quizzically. It slows to a stop before a strange man steps out, holding a grenade launcher. He aims it in our direction and we all jump out of the way in fear. Only, I'm a little slow to react so Sam grabs my arm and pulls me out of the way with him.

    It smashes the car window before the whole thing explodes into flames. I only hear it, but I don't actually see it because Sam is keeping me behind the Impala where I'm away from it.

    The strange man walks right up to the scene like he owns it. When he talks, it's with a British accent. "You, Angel. Wipe their memories," he orders. Cas only tilts his head to the side and gives the most confused look ever. The first government man who was speaking to us lifts his head, but the British guy kicks him in the face and knocks him out. "US government plates. Elite dog catcher level," the British man continues. "Someone special wants you. Whose hydrant have you lads been tinkling on?"

    "I'm sorry, who the hell are you?" Dean asks, squinting from the fire. Sam still has his hand wrapped around my arm, just tight enough to keep me next to him.

    "Oh, where are my manners? Arthur Ketch. British Men of Letters."


    "So it's all very simple, really," Ketch says. "Mick Davies asked you to join our effort, which we're taking international. My instructions are to strongly encourage a 'yes'."

    "And so, what, you've just been following us?" Castiel asks. It's dark now, which means we've wasted a lot of time talking to this asshole from an even bigger group of assholes.

    "Not at all," Ketch says. "We're good dogs, we only come when called." I furrow my eyebrows and I notice dean doing the same thing. "And he called." He gestures to Sam with a nod of his head.

    "You what?" Dean and I ask simultaneously, turning to Sam.

    "I didn't– I uh... I hung up," Sam tries to explain.

    "Yes you did," Ketch acknowledges. "Which made Mr. Davies think that you were in trouble, which you were. So he rings me, bing-bang-boom, meet Bob, he's your uncle."

    "What?" I ask in confusion, not understanding half of what he said.

    "You're welcome," Ketch says.

    "And why should we believe anything that you have to say?" Dean asks after a moment's pause. I agree with him; after what they did to Sam, I would never side with them.

    Ketch chuckles a little before looking at Cas. "You, halo, do you sense I'm lying?" He asks. Cas only looks at him a moment. I clench my jaw and stare at Ketch in pure hatred. Why does he have to talk to Cas like that?

    "My name is Castiel," the angel responds firmly. I half smile. It's a start, at least. "And... no," Cas continues. All three of us turn to him. "But the truth can be situational."

    Ketch chuckles again. "Oh, I do enjoy an angel," he says. "But, I understand your hesitation. You haven't exactly seen us at our best. Lady Bevell is a bit... excitable."

    "She tried to kill us," Dean points out.

    "Like I said, excitable," Ketch says.

    "And you're better?" Sam asks.

    "I don't care about you one way or another," Ketch says. "I'm not an ideologue."

    "And all you want to do is help these American hunters to clear this country of monsters," Cas says sarcastically.

   "We understand things are different here," Ketch tries to reason. "We're eager to collaborate. The British Men of Letters are centuries old. We can offer expertise, weaponry, skills."

    "Like what we saw out on the road?" Sam says, gesturing back to the road.

    "I'm an artist, Mr. Winchester," Ketch says. "I paint in many colors." He clicks a button in his hand and the trunk to his car behind him beeps open.

    "Was that a... grenade launcher?" Dean asks.

    "Quite," Ketch confirms. Dean turns to Sam, ready to say something, but Sam holds a hand up to stop him. I smile a little, amused. I liked the grenade launcher too. Who wouldn't?

    "Our engineers have spent years blending sorcery and technology," Ketch says. "For instance, we don't always decapitate vampires. Inefficient, really." He pulls out a weird looking device that I don't really know how to describe. "Especially for large nests. We irradiate them. Reorder their DNA. Their own blood becomes lethal to them."

    "That sounds expensive," I say, eyeing the device in his hands. Honestly, I don't like any of this.

    "Quite worth it, Miss Mitchell," he says. "The toys are the fun part."

    I bite my lip to stop myself from making a joke. Why did he have to say that?

    He pulls out another thing, this thing looks like a large golden egg with little Enochian scribbles around it. "Hyperbolic Pulse Generator," Ketch tells us. "Exorcisms are unreliable. This device emits a force which drives the possessing demon from the vessel."

    "What about a possessing angel?" Sam asks. Dean glances at his brother before back to Ketch expectantly.

    "And what might you be working on?" Ketch asks.

    "Well, you want us to trust you? You're gonna have to trust us first," Dean tells him.

    "And that means?"


    "So you're gonna pop Lucifer out of the president with that?" Crowley asks as Dean pulls out the golden egg. It's a different one than Ketch was showing us before, but pretty much the same.

    "I hope so," Dean says. "Otherwise we're all dead. Then Rowena zaps him back to the cage. Of course, we gotta get him here first."

    "Yeah, we gotta get ahold of this secret girlfriend Crowley found out about, this Kelly," Sam says. Crowley nods. "Of course, she's in that mansion with the President, which is guarded like a fortress. Only one of us has a chance of getting in there." Everyone turns to look at Crowley expectedly. He furrows his eyebrows before realizing.



    "No, no, you're making it up, it's impossible," Kelley Kline says nervously as she sips from a glass. She's sitting at the edge of the bed in this motel room. Crowley was only gone for a second before bringing her here. We tried explaining everything, but she doesn't seem to believe us. Obviously, no one ever believes this stuff at first.

    "Well, to be fair, so is teleporting," Dean points out. Kelly teleported here with Crowley earlier. "But, ta-da."

    "Who are you people?" Kelly asks.

     Rowena steps forward. "Well, dear, I'm a witch, he's an angel," she gestures to Cas. Cas nods his head a little in greeting.

    "And I'm the King of Hell," Crowley waves.

    "Oh, God," Kelly says.

    "No, actually, he left," Cas says. I notice Crowley roll his eyes.

    "Okay, guys, not helping," Sam says.

    "Y-you can't. He's the president," Kelly tries to reason with us.

    "He was," Sam says. "But now... tell me he hasn't been acting different."

    "Jeff's been under a lot of stress, he—"

    "Wrong," Crowley says. "He's the devil. Horns, pitchfork, the whole nine."

     "Crowley, still not helping," Sam says. I watch a little suspiciously as Crowley walks away from the group. "Listen, we know what we're talking about here. We have been on Lucifer's trail for a long time."

    "And we know you're pregnant," Rowena says. "With his child."

    "Congratulations," I say, waving my hand a little sarcastically from the chair I'm sitting in. Sam gives me a look.

    "That's, thats... you're lying," Kelly says, looking down at her glass.

    Cas suddenly walks across the room. "The thing inside you, it's unholy. It's an abomination." He brings a bible to Kelly and holds it in front of her.

    "That's..." Kelly stops when she sees Cas holding a bible.

    "Place your hand here," he says. She looks up at him like she thinks he's crazy for a moment. Then she puts her hand on the Bible. After a moment, it begins to smoke. She pulls her hand away and gasps and the Bible catches on fire. Kelly gasps in horror. Dean brings over a pail and a picture of water, putting the Bible in it and putting the fire out.

    Kelly closes her eyes, shaking her head. "No. No."

    "Does he even know you're knocked up?" Dean asks.

    "Yes," Kelly says quietly. "He said he was thrilled. He said it was the only time he ever created anything."

    The brothers glance at each other before back to the pregnant woman. "Kelly," Sam starts. "We need your help."


    "Hey," Sam says quietly as we hide in the adjoining room. Kelly is on the other side waiting for Lucifer.

    "Yeah," I whisper back, keeping my ear right up to the door. It'll be a few minutes at least, but I like to be prepared.

    "When Lucifer gets here, you should stay with Kelly," Sam suggests in a quiet tone. Everyone else is a good distance away from us but still in the same room. I turn to Sam in surprise at what he said.
    "I can help," I argue.

    "I know you can," Sam argues back. "But after last time–"

    "It'll be different," I wave him off. "We have that egg this time."


    "What?" I fully turn to face him. "Huh, what? What is it, exactly, that you think I can't handle?"

    Sam only sighs a little before we hear the sounds of a door opening on the other side. Someone's here.

    After a moment, we realize that it's only down government officials doing a sweep of the room, not yet Lucifer.

    I push my ear to the door, listening to them talking. "Kelly, what's wrong?" That must be Lucifer.

    "I told you on the phone, I can't have this baby," Kelly responds quietly. Some footsteps and then the sound of something smashing.

    Sam bursts through the door pressing his hand against a blood digit painted on the back. Lucifer releases Kelly and Sam says the spell before the egg lights up and starts to do its work.

    I help Kelly out of the way and sort of use my body to shield hers. She looks so frightened, I feel so bad for her.

    I look up as Rowena is doing the spell, throwing something in the bowl, which glows even brighter with the ingredients. A mirror breaks on the wall next to Kelly and I and she gasps in surprise.

    "This isn't over, Sam," Lucifer manages to yell out over how loud everything is. He is glowing white from the spell that's trying to work him out of the vessel.

    "Go to hell!" Sam yells. Rowena yells something else, throwing another something in the bowl before Lucifer finally comes out of the vessel. The large trail of white smoke exits the room through a vent in the floor. Jefferson Rooney's body falls to the floor unconscious. Kelly gasps in surprise and shock, probably disbelieving of the whole scene she just witnessed. I grasp her arm lightly.

    "Come on, it's alright now," I say, helping her to her feet. I make sure she's stable enough to stand before walking over to the president's body. Cas is bent next to him.

    "He's alive," Cas says. "He won't remember a thing."

    "Jeff? Oh my god," Kelly is practically shaking.

    "You gotta go," Sam hands Kelly's jacket to Cas. "Get her out of here. Go. Kelly, you gotta go. Go." The poor woman stumbles out with Cas. Dean closes the doors to the adjoining room, leaving Sam, himself, and I with the unconscious President.

    "Not bad, huh?" I half smile as I stand up and look down at Sam who is crouched over the body.

    "We got him," Dean says. "We got Lucifer." The two of them both smile a little in relief. Yay.

     Crowley and Rowena must have disappeared the second Lucifer was gone, because they're nowhere in sight.

    "Mr. President?" Sam asks, shaking the man a little. Rooney moves his head a little. He's starting to wake up.

    "Okay," Dean says. "All right, take it easy, tiger."

    Suddenly there's a knock on the door. "Mr. President?" A man says on the other side. Damn, we forgot about those agents. A few men come in, aiming guns at us. "On your feet! Hands on your heads! Hands behind your heads!"

    What can I do but obey? They're waving their guns around like lunatics.

    "Listen, we were just tying to—" Sam tries to reason.

    "Shut up!" The Agent cuts us off. "You're under arrest for the attempted assassination of the President of the United States."


A/N: cue the dramatic music...

lol most people don't like season 12 because they say it's too much like a soap opera? Lmao I love this season and I love how dramatic it is, okay. Hope you enjoyed :) next chapter will include Bailey in prison, which she doesn't take too well :)

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