The YouTubers Amazing Race

By M1ckyj789

406 23 107

11 teams made up of fans and online social media influencers, race around the world to win a prize of 1 milli... More

Leg 1 - Part 1
Leg 1 - Pitstop
Leg 2 - Part 1
Leg 2 - Pitstop
Leg 3
Leg 4
Leg 5
Leg 6
Leg 7
The Final Leg

The Starting Line

157 3 2
By M1ckyj789

(First off I need to say that the idea and Name that is The Amazing Race is not a Unique one, All rights go to CBS As they are the original license holders as well as where the idea was first broadcasted. This is a completely fictional idea and just me having fun and getting all giddy and stuff about doing something I would dream about.)

How it works

So for each challenge I came up with, Every time planes are added in, Even down to travelling. Each time there comes a chance for a random factor to be added I will have rolled a D20 for both team members if they are together, Or a D6 Twice for each character individually. The outcome that is shown in the story is the equivalent of the rolls. So if they rolled less than half of what it could be, So a 10 for the 20 or a 3 for the 6, It would be a bad roll. And vice versa for the good rolls. 20 being the best outcome and it does come a few times. But this is how I managed to recreate the randomness factor of the actual show.

Connor Gilbert: "The Amazing Race, An idea that started way back in 2001. Is one of the most ambitious reality shows in the world. Having 11 teams racing around the globe, completing challenges, and all vying for first place and to win 1 million dollars.

This time starting a little differently, My name is Connor Gilbert. And this is The Amazing Race.

11 Individuals are now making thier way via Speed Boat towards Surfers Paradise Beach here in Sunny Queensland, Australia. Where they will converge under the famous Surfers Paradise Arch over looking the beautiful Beach. Teams will start thier journey here, The starting mat as they race around the world for 1 million dollars.

They are...

Kaila - A Factory Floor Manager from Alabama, USA

Kaila: "My name is Kaila and I am 23 years old.

Being a floor Manager for a team in a factory is grueling, especially when most of your workers are taller and physically stronger than you are. But that hasn't stopped me from holding my own against the boys and showing that just cos I'm a girl, doesn't mean I can't look after myself.

I've thought about applying for the race a few times but when the guys at work caught wind of the idea, They began to drop subtle hints saying I wouldn't make it far, that I wouldn't last long... Basically I'm doing this out of spite and curiosity. I've always wanted to do this don't get me wrong but hearing the boys tell me I couldn't because I was weak, or because I was female, It just spurred me into action."

Callum - A Professional Amateur Boxer from London, England

Cal: "My name is Callum and I am 25 years old.

Only ever being able to Box at an Amateur level has really started to annoy me, I've been doing it for years and I never got the chance to really show how capable I was of going further. I started fighting differently, changing up my foot work and style before hearing about the Amazing race. Looking for individuals I thought great, Maybe this time I can show these people I'm worth the shot and I'm ready to knock over anyone in my way to the top... I want to win bad now.

Anyone who says they are just doing this for the experience or doing it for the traveling is kidding themselves. I'm hoping that even if I don't win, I'm still going to be able to go back home and start competing professionally in the ring."

Caitlin - A part time Speech Therapist and Part time Comedic Magician from Manchester, England

Caitlin: "My name is Caitlin and I am 23 years old.

In my line of work, I've luckily been able to blend my two jobs together. Even though I originally wanted to do magic shows as a way to help people smile and laugh, I learnt I wasn't very good so I made it a comedy show instead. When I'm working with kids especially, helping them sounding out certain words or letters, trying to get them to laugh and feel comfortable is everything. So I try as hard as I can to make sure they feel safe and easy while we work and it really does work wonders when helping them learn or re learn to talk again.

With the race I want to win, I need to win, I want to build a facility back home in Manchester that can focus solely on entertainment and research while helping as many people as we can. It would be a nice little legacy to leave. I don't think other racers will take me seriously and I'm kind of banking on it."

Kim - A Fast Food Manager from Sydney, Australia

Kim: "My name is Kim and I am 47 years old.

Being an older woman will have me perceived as the mum and I hope they all do that, It will make it easier for me to beat them. Haha I joke slightly, But just because I'm double most of these kids in age, Doesn't mean I can't move just as fast. Working in Food keeps me on my toes all day, and sometimes I'm there from 6 am in the store, until midnight.

I don't give up and I don't complain. I work with kids the same age and younger than the other competitors daily. I think I got this. Running this race as an individual is going to be incredible, I won't have anyone else holding me back and I can just fire ahead and leave these kids in my dust.

Chris - A Musical Artist from Arizona, USA

Chris: "My name is Chris and I am 20 years old.

I know I'm not going to be taken too seriously if they find out I've just released my first Studio Album, Thinking I'm only here for publicity but I don't want to just be known as the sellout using this experience to further himself in music. I want the other racers and the world to know that yeah its nice for me to have music under my belt, I also want to have fun and enjoy myself.

I didn't really get to take time off after school finished as I went straight to work on my music, So I'm thinking of this as kind of like my own little holiday. The Race will hopefully prove to people that being gay isn't going to hold me back. If someone gets in my way I will barge them over if I have to."

Milan - A DJ from Perth, Australia

Milan: "My name Is Milan and I am 22 years old.

People in general seem to think of a DJ as this weak, Boring line of work where we just stand in front of a board filled with nobs and dials and just keep turning them off and on again to make music. I mean they are sort of right but it's a lot more physically demanding than people think. It's hard because you really need to hype up the crowd, get everyone up and dancing to the music and hold thier attention.

Being on the race will likely help me out with gigs I'm not going to lie, but I want to prove that what everyone sees, which is us standing behind the board for hours at a time, means that we are strong, But that we are actually smart too. I can tell you now not one of these other racers would be able to do my job without training.

Cheyenne - Medical student from New Haven, Connecticut

Cheyenne: "My name is Cheyenne and I am 18 years old.

I'm currently a student at Yale's school of medicine and hoping to become a doctor at the least but the ultimate goal is to go down the women's health route. I love learning and I am really enjoying my studies but when the Amazing Race came around I had to jump at the chance. Being only 18, I want them to treat me like a kid so I can prove to them that I'm not like all the others.

Winning the race is everything right now, I didn't think about it until after I was already traveling but this race, will pay my student debts and pay for my course as well. The rest of the money I can hold and invest into my future and not be stupid with it."

Liam - a Lawyer from Coffs Harbour, Australia

Liam: "My name is Liam but everyone calls me Sprig, And I am 23 years old.

With me fresh out of Law school, Having finished High school at 16, Life got hectic after that. Between going straight into studying and working at the same time, I learnt very quickly how great Coffee and Energy drinks were at keeping someone awake half the night to complete homework and study for exams. I know that a few people can see me as a decently attractive guy and if I have to use that to get ahead I have no issues there.

I didn't even know about the race until I got an email from my old law teacher about how he thought I would be great for the race, Though I did see he forgot to make it a private or individual email and had also sent it to 8 other students but, A keen eye and logical approach should help me out. I'm not afraid to act dumb to get ahead."

David - Military Sniper man from Dublin, Ireland

David: "My name is David and I am 28 years old.

I've served in the middle east for the past three years but recently, I was discharged from service due to severe illnesses. Honestly all that means is I was apparently stressing out so hard I would start acting irrationally and they don't like that. They believed I wasn't fit enough to work in other countries away from home even though I'd already served in two foreign Middle Eastern countries and so they let me go.

I'm here on the race to prove not only that my mental health is fine, with no real issues there. But also to the military that I can handle myself under stressful situations in New countries and hopefully I can get reinstated in my old position as a Sniper on the front lines. While needing a very keen eye in my work, I feel like I have a HUGE advantage over other racers when it comes to noticing details and having to react quickly, Trusting my gut is one of the biggest qualities when working with any gun. You need to really focus and be quick in sorting out everything in a split second before taking that shot."

Luke - An up and coming Musician from Birmingham, England.

Luke: "Hello, My name is Luke and I am from Ye Olde England... I'm never saying that again.

People don't normally assume I'd have a music background as I like to let loose, fumble around and have fun. I'm a nice guy but I do take my job seriously, if anyone is in my way, I'll just look over them to see if they could fall and get hurt. If not, I'll push them aside and get through. Being so tall definitely gives me a massive unfair advantage, especially if we have to reach for something. I mean I can reach the top shelf, imagine how mucg time people are going to waist getting to the top when I can just reach up and grab it.

I hope this race will boost numbers to be honest, I mean everyone wants to make it one day but seriously speaking. I'm excited, And ready to go, but instead I'm stuck here telling you about why I want to do the race and who I am, like your writing this as a book."

Connor: "Come on Luke no breaking the fourth wall."

Luke: "Hey I gave you permission to write me into this I get one gimme."

Connor: "That's not how it works... Fine, you did give me permission you get one gimme."

Luke: "I want Ellen as my partner."

Connor: "Fine, but like everyone else in this world you two don't know each other. Deal?"

Luke: "Deal. This is going to be fun."

Tina - A High School Teacher from Toronto Canada

Tina: "My name is Tina and I am 29 years old.

I love my job, I love working with the kids and seeing them all coming in and ready to learn while feeling dead inside, Yes students around the world, we know you hate it. But I do love my job, I feel like a pioneer for the future. Raising a whole new generation of kids and learning from them just as much as they learn from me.

I want to prove to everyone that you don't have to be physically tough and fit to run the race, I want to show that literally anyone can do it and I can't wait to bring home the money, A house won't build itself."

Connor: "With the 11 individuals now making thier way to shore, They will arrive shortly to begin a race around the world."

Third Person POV

As the 11 individuals arrive at shore, Stepping from thier boats and onto the sand, Walking up the beach to the Surfers Paradise Arch, The racers begin to jog, Almost running to stand under the arch and facing the road, seeing Connor standing before them and a crowed gathering and cheering behind barricades. Everyone clapping and calling out. Luke and Caitlin looking around and smiling, Liam, Kim and David all Eyeing the other racers. Almost silently acknowledging each other of the three that they were doing the same thing, Seeing who was competition. Liam and Kim nodding to one another slightly, Understanding between them.

Kaila: "This is actually happening Holy shit."

Whispering to herself so the others couldn't hear her, Kaila looked around at the crowd.

Connor: "Welcome everyone to Beautiful Surfers Paradise, The start for a long, And Grueling race around the world. You will encounter challenges that may shock you, test you, and ultimately, take your breath away. Of course you know, at some point during the race, it is likely you will get Eliminated, But if you endure, race smart and play the game, And come first, you will win 1 Million dollars."

The crowd began to cheer louder, the racers all smiling and showing nothing but delight on thier faces. They were ready for this, they were hungry for it, and they were itching to begin.

Connor: "Your first clue, Is hidden inside Infinity, an attraction here in the city among the many rooms to fight your senses, 11 clues spread around inside. You will make your way there, Find your clue and read it out, And then jump into one of the 11 Taxi cars that will be waiting along the main road. Is everyone ready?"

Cheyenne was getting nervous, Looking around at everyone and getting scared. Worrying about what she had gotten herself into... She almost wanted to back out but she felt someone grab her hand and lightly squeeze.

Chris: "Relax, we are all nervous, You can do it."

A smile on his face, Reassuring the young lady and helping to try and steel the nerves inside her. She nodded once.

Cheyenne: "Thanks."

Connor: "The world is waiting for you, Travel safe, And remember... Don't fuck it up. Oh and one last thing."

The questioning hint to Connor's voice, caused the racers to give off a panicked gasp.

Connor: "You guys aren't racing this alone."

The contestants began looking at each other again.

Connor: "And you won't be pairing off with each other after this leg. Inside each of the cars waiting for you when you find your first clue, is your team mate, Your won't know who your partner is until you open the door."

Confused glancing and some delighted and relieved faces adorned the racers. With Caitlin and Milan looking relieved, thankful they wouldn't be alone in this.

Connor: "Remember, the world is waiting for you, Travel safe, and get ready."

The racers got into position, The crowd became quiet, anticipating the start of the first international Race around the world. This was the start for something new for everyone, and they couldn't wait to get started.

Connor: "GO!"

(Welcome to a book I've been working on behind the scenes and getting ready for about 6 months now. I wish I was joking.

Now this is how it's going to work, It is all going to be written on the fly aside from the challenge details and what each winner gets for first place at the end of each leg of the race. This means it will be completely random as to what team gets where so I hope you all love a team and pick your favorites."

The team mates will be introduced next chapter and will begin the race officially, Now as for the random factor, everything will be randomized. From when teams find and solve clues, to thier placing on the pit stop and the final pit stop. This is done through me rolling a single 6 sided dice twice or 2 6 sided die. Obviously the highest score is first and the lowest score is last.

But wait what about if a team is really strong how can they fail at a strength challenge? Well each team member I have written in my little planning book, Has a bit of help from Stat numbers. I chose three, Intelligence, Endurance and Strength. Each with a plus 1 point to thier role, a 0 for neutral or minus 1 if they are not proficient in that category.

For example Tina is a High school teacher. This would mean she would have a plus 1 Stat to intelligence. But minus 1 to strength as they aren't required to be very strong. However neutral endurance as they stand and sit for multiple hours a day. See what I mean.

These totals will be added or taken away from thier roles and the number is added between team mates. So it could potentially be a plus 2 points or minus 2 points.

Each challenge will cause a new role as well as traveling by plane and the likes, this will all be done outside of the book and the story will play out naturally. So if a team is getting royally fucked, they probably got consistent low roles.

Remember this Is all a bunch of fun and fiction as I am a HUGE fan of the show and I've always wanted to do it in some way shape or form, and as Australia only got 3 seasons and it didn't get received well, this is the only chance I will ever get to do it. Hope you guys are ready, and remember, with it all being random go ahead and pick a favourite team already and cheer for them, they might just win.

Hell share it around if you want to see what your friends would pick as thier favorites. This is as much for all of us as it is for me. The more the merrier.)

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