One Despicable Guy by Friendl...

By eleighjah

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When Megumi turned 16, she was officially at marriage age, which forced her to have wedding interviews in fav... More

Chapter 1: The Wedding Interview
Chapter 2: Life at the Institute
Chapter 3: Obento!
Chapter 4: Brotherly Love
Chapter 5: Annoying Friends
Chapter 6: One Despicable Family
Chapter 7: Yahiro's Troubled Mind
Chapter 8: A Dream in Common
Chapter 9: A Day with the In Laws
Chapter 10: Promises
Chapter 11: Together we Stand
Chapter 12: New Found Feelings
Chapter 13: For my Loved One
Chapter 14: Merry S. A. Christmas
Chapter 16: Lady in Red
Chapter 17: A Wife's Concern
Chapter 18: Walking Side by Side
Chapter 19: The Value of Money part 1
Chapter 19: The Value of Money part 2
Chapter 20: Deadline
Special Chapter 1: Our Special Days
Special Chapter 2: The New S.A

Chapter 15: Megumi's Determination

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By eleighjah

January 26,164 days to deadline.

"Are you... sure...?" Yahiro Yamamoto was a genius mastermind. His I.Q. was too high, same as Kei's one was. But he knew that his wife's one, even if it was just as high as his own, had a lesser attention span. Megumi was easily distracted. "I know from Ryuu that you and your brother barely study at all. And regardless of how easily you absorb any kind of knowledge, Tokyo U is..." Yahiro began, and Megumi just blushed madly. They were in the middle of the hallways of Tokyo's University, waiting in line for the moment when they could pay the inscription fee, and every girl was facing Yahiro, and blushing madly. He never cared about them of course, but he cared about his wife's stare. "What?" He asked.

"Ya-Ya-Yahiro-kun... those clothes... they win too much attention..." She confessed while lowering her face not wanting to stare at her husband at the moment. Yahiro was wearing some thigh-looking black pants, and a long-sleeve slim wine-red shirt, unbuttoned to reveal some of his chest. His hair was combed nicely, and he was wearing violet colored glasses. "Please, cover your chest... I'm starting to get... jealous..." She admitted while facing the many girls drooling for him. Megumi was even sure some guys were even having disgusting thoughts, and Yahiro was only modeling his clothes as if nothing bothered him.

"Jealous, but you are my wife." And she blushed, faced his chest, and moved her face several times in negation. "At any rate... it is them who should be jealous." He continued, grabbed Megumi close to him, and approached his lips to hers. Every girl at the hallways then yelled in anxiety, and Megumi just gulped hard and went tomato red. "Soon... only 19 days, Megumi." And Megumi blinked twice at that last. "And afterwards, you will be legal." And then Yahiro smiled and covered his ears. Megumi then analyzed then information, and when it finally hit her, she yelled hard in surprise.

"Eeeeeeeeeeh!" She yelled, and everyone at the hallway was knocked unconscious. "Ya-Ya-Ya-Ya-Yahiro-Kun! Sa-sa-sa-sa-saying such things. It is, it is... embarrassing." And Yahiro uncovered his ears, and smiled for Megumi. "In 19 days... my birthday...? Legal... just what are you going to do on my birthday?" She wondered with teary eyes.

"Umm... tease you..." He added, and Megumi felt like crying. "But for now, I was getting bored of waiting. I needed you to knock everyone down so we could skip the line." He explained, and Megumi saw the hallways. It looked like a war zone after an epic battle. "Your destructive voice got some advantages. Now we can fill the registration form and get back to work, aren't you glad, Megumi-chan?" He wondered.

"...He... used me..." Megumi added, a vein popping at her forehead, weak tears in her eyes for Yahiro always teasing her like that. "I wanna cry." She added with teary eyes, and Yahiro smiled at that last. "Yahiro-kun... so cruel..." And she sniffed hard.

"Think so?" He added with a grin on his face, and Megumi nodded in agreement weekly. "Ok, no more teasing." He added, and Megumi smiled relieved. "Then we will definitively do it once you are legal." And Megumi flinched hard, and Yahiro covered his ears once again.

"Eeeeeeeeeeh! If that's not teasing, then you truly are... we are gonna..." And Megumi fainted, while Yahiro just laughed hard at her reactions. He was actually having too much fun.

One Despicable Guy.

Chapter Fifteen: Megumi's Determination.

"Yahiro-kun is so horrible with me." Megumi mentioned while cleaning her tears at the bathroom of Tokyo's University. She was so nervous about Yahiro's last statement, that she couldn't even fill the registration and ended having Yahiro filling it for her instead.

There was no one to protect her anymore, she was alone with Yahiro. Jun and Akira had left for an apartment near Todai, they were still in Tokyo, but not close enough to protect her from Yahiro. Ryuu had moved away from the country to study at Finn's, he was going serious with their relationship, even going as far as to leave Japan over a relationship. Tadashi was sent to the United States to study, and was extremely sad since there were no forests or jungles nearby, everything was industrialized. Kei and Hikari moved together, much to everyone's surprise, and to the United Kingdom. Yet, when asked about he reasons, Hikari would only blush madly, and Kei would speak for her and say it was only competition.

Everyone moved on, and Megumi had to move on as well, and that meant dealing with Yahiro's teasing on her own, which recently had grown more embarrassing, probably because Yahiro felt free without Kei and Akira always ruining his relationship with Megumi.

Whatever the case was, she couldn't deny that Yahiro's teasing today went beyond anything he had ever done before. Not to mention, it was true. So far, and for more than half a year, Yahiro had respected her despite them being husband and wife. She was 17. And once she became 18, she was probably going to have to share that kind of relationship with her husband. The day would arrive, eventually, but stating a date was freaking Megumi out.

"Ueh! No! I shouldn't think about it." She added, and the loud tone of her voice broke the mirrors, and she cried when witnessing that last. "And if he is serious?" And she gulped hard, and her face went red once again. "Yahiro, Baka!" She yelled, and stormed out of the bathroom. She then noticed her husband was waiting for her outside. "You heard?" She flinched.

"What? The baka part? Or you thinking about what will happen in 19 days?" And Megumi just shivered in fear. "Hey..." He finally added in a calmer tone of voice, and placed his hand at Megumi's head softly, forcing the girl to stare at him with teary eyes. "I would never force you to do anything you don't want." And Megumi smiled softly. "That been said, I don't want you to think over it too much, we got work, Idol." He added, and Megumi then blushed at that last.

"Ye-yes..." She mentioned anxiously. "Pro-Producer." She finished, and Yahiro smiled at that last. "Please take good care... of me... please..." And Yahiro nodded in agreement, and walked away, followed by Megumi, who tried to stay as close as possible. Once reaching the front doors of the University, however, the flashes of cameras surprised Megumi a lot, who suddenly found herself immersed in a shower of light. "...Paparazzi...?" She wondered.

"Media." Yahiro corrected, and Megumi hid behind him. "What are you doing? You need to look cute for the camera. Paparazzi and media are different. Media is good publicity, paparazzi is bad publicity. Smile, wave for your public, but don't talk." And Megumi nodded, and then she began waving to the cameras, who flashed her even more. She was actually dying of fear right there.

"Lady Yamamoto! Your discs sold millions of copies not only all around Japan, but worldwide! What are your thoughts about this?" A reporter asked, and Megumi flinched. "Lady Yamamoto, you are on the top five of the Japanese idols of all time, got some words for your public?" A lady asked, and Megumi faced her and moved her head in negation. "Lady Yamamoto! Are you going to give a concert here? Why coming to Tokyo's University?" And Megumi then faced that reporter, and then at Yahiro, who remained in silence and began walking away.

"Umm... eto..." Megumi began, and Yahiro stopped his march and turned around to face her in surprise. "I want... to help my husband... that's why I want to go to Tokyo University... so I can help him..." And everyone went into silence. Even the camera's stopped flashing. "Did I... ruin it...?" Megumi wondered while facing Yahiro.

"...Not at all..." Yahiro added. "It's just... the world never heard your voice like this before..." And Megumi made and odd stare at him, not knowing if that was good or not. "Idol. I think the media got the message. Megumi Yamamoto says, stay at school." Yahiro mentioned, and everyone faced him back there. "Am I right? Idol?" He added with a smile, to which Megumi replied with a blush.

"Right... Producer..." She added and made a reverence toward him, and the reporters faced Megumi, then at Yahiro, and then it hit them, and they began flashing cameras at them both. "Producer?" She wondered, and Yahiro laughed hard.

"It is forbidden for a Producer to date his Idol, you know?" He mentioned with a grin. "And forbidden is money." And Megumi nodded, and then ran to his side and grabbed his hand, giving more material to the media, and starting a scandal, as the two entered their limousine. "That was fun." Yahiro admitted, and Megumi faked a smile. "Now that they have a scandal, openly declared to the media and not to the paparazzi, you will appear in news reports, newspapers, talk shows, and much likely social talk-pages. I mean, some knew we were husband and wife, but only now you are that famous. They will talk about this for months."

"But is it all right, Producer?" She added with a now more than evident blush. "...I feel... surrounded... uneasy... it's too fast..." And Yahiro nodded in agreement. "...But... if Producer says it's all right... I trust my Producer..." She added with a blush, and Yahiro nodded in agreement, and then took his electronic agenda out.

"I know you hate this part, but we need to schedule your day." And Megumi felt tears in her eyes. "From 10:00am to 11:00am you got a photo-session with In-magazine. You are modeling Akira's spring line. She send it yesterday, she is working hard for you too, so it's the least you can do." And Megumi nodded. "From 11:00am to 12:00pm, you got your daily training session." And Megumi lowered her head. "The CEO isn't happy about you taking too many breaks during each concert, you are losing audience, and he even sent you to get some medical diagnosis, you are going and I want to hear no complaints." And Megumi nodded with sadness. "12:00pm to 1:30pm you are eating with some talk-show's..."

"Move it..." Megumi added, and Yahiro faced her in concern. "Yahiro... from 12:00pm to 1:30pm... please... don't' schedule anything." And Yahiro closed his eyes for a second, and Megumi could tell he was mad somehow. "Please... just... trust me... I'm also... doing my best..."

"Yeah... but... you never tell me what you do every day between 12:00pm and 1:30pm..." And Megumi lowered her head ashamed. And for a while, there was silence. Yahiro then began tapping his foot at the limousine's floor, and Megumi gulped hard. "Megumi... what do you...?"

"Please don't ask." She added as fast as she could. "Please... just... trust me..." And Yahiro faced her with concern once again, then at his agenda, then back at her once again, and finally, he began typing at his agenda.

"I will move the interview with the talk-show to 6:00pm to 7:00pm." And Megumi smiled once again. "But you will have to recover the lost time... from 1:30pm to 2:00pm you got a recording session, I had to adjust the times, so you better do it in the first try." And Megumi lowered her head hard. "From 2:00pm to 3:00pm you are singing at a birthday party. 3:00pm to 4:00pm a calendar photo-section. We sold the first edition, and it ran out. So we are launching a second set, with different photos, the demand is that hard. From 5:00pm to 6:00pm, a toy store wants you to model for the design of a doll. From 6:00pm to 7:00pm..."

"Producer." She interrupted, a blush on her face, and Yahiro faced her with curiosity. "My schedule is important... but... it's 8:00 am... and you began the schedule at 10:00am... why...?" She added while being anxious, and Yahiro just smiled at her.

"You husband called, he demanded breakfast." And the limousine stopped. Yahiro then left the limousine, walked to the other side, and opened Megumi's door. "Hotcakes and sweets?" Yahiro asked, and Megumi's eyes sparkled with anxiety, and she accepted Yahiro's offer and took his hand, which he kissed gently. They were outside of a coffee stand, and there were many sweets all around the place. Megumi then heard her phone ringing though, and she took it and read what was labeled there, it read: 'Producer', it was a mail, and once she turned around she noticed Yahiro had just sent her a message.

"From Producer." She read, and ran her eyes through the message while Yahiro entered the coffee shop. "From 7:00pm to 8:00pm... nutritionist..." She read, and her eyes watered. "Please don't eat too much at breakfast with your husband. Yours truly... your Producer." She finished.

"Who was it?" Yahiro joked, and Megumi felt her eyes watering. "Well, enjoy yourself to your heart's content. You are not working until two hours according to the schedule of your producer. Let's have some fun, love." And Megumi both blushed and cried when reading the message again. "Let's go then." Yahiro added, and Megumi nodded and followed him inside.

January 25. United Kingdom.

"Finally! Takishima! I finished unpacking my stuff!" Hikari added with enthusiasm. She and Kei had moved to the United Kingdom together, so Kei could challenge Cambridge University. Kei even rented an apartment for the two of them to live at. "How was your unpacking?" Hikari yelled while leaving her room only to find Kei had already unpacked not only his room, but the kitchen and everything else around their apartment. "Unreal." Hikari added.

"Ah? You finished unpacking your room? Nice work, Miss Number Two." Kei added, and Hikari felt her anger rising to boiling points. "I finished cleaning the kitchen a while ago, so please, don't destroy it while cooking, I ordered something to eat. Tomorrow, however, I would gladly eat something Hikari-made." Kei added and drank form his cup of tea.

"You truly annoy me sometimes." Hikari admitted, and took a book from her backpack and went to the living room, where Kei was working on Yahiro's investments as was usual. "You are working? It's 11:00pm." Hikari added.

"And it's 8:00 am of January 26 of Japan." And Hikari began doing the calculations. "Yahiro just started a scandal. It is forbidden for a Producer to date his Idol, I guess I can spread the news to the United Kingdom's citizens, that will surely increase Megumi's popularity, don't you agree?" Kei added, and Hikari nodded with sadness. "What's wrong? Are you tired? You can go to sleep if you want."

"It's not that." She mentioned with embarrassment. "I... want to study English for a while longer... I'm having problems with it..." She admitted, and Kei left the computer for a second to stare at Hikari. "It's not like I want to stay awake until you go to sleep! I just need to study." She added and opened her book.

"With your book upside-down?" Kei added, and Hikari flinched and fixed her book. "Hikari... I promised... remember...?" And Kei showed the golden ring resting at his hand to her, and the girl blushed madly. "You made me promise not to get distracted until the end of the investments against the Saiga's financial group... and I'm planning to keep that promise."

"Ye-yeah... and you should..." Hikari added, and faced her own ring in embarrassment. "We aren't getting married, not at all... the rings are... well... they are only... an engagement... item..." And Kei nodded in agreement, while Hikari's heart ran faster and faster. "I... need to go to bed... good night... Takishima..." And Kei nodded and continued typing in his laptop. "No... that's not right... not right at all..." She began, and Kei stopped his typing to stare at her with concern. "...Good night... Kei..." And Kei's heart froze just then. And Hikari entered her room and tried to close the door, but found Kei's hand preventing her from closing it. "Uwah! Kei?" She wondered, and Kei just stared directly at her.

"Good night... Hikari..." He added and then kissed Hikari softly, forcing her own heart to complain wildly at that gesture, and to stay with her eyes wide open at the door of her room, even after Kei broke the kiss and walked back toward his computer to continue working on it. "Sweet dreams." He finished.

"Yeah... sweet... dreams..." She continued and then entered her room. "I... called him Kei..." Hikari mentioned, tears in her eyes. "I... lost to him again... and I don't care..." She continued, and then launched herself to her bed. "I will work hard... I truly want to beat him... but... losing is not too bad now..." She added, and slowly began falling asleep.

January 26. Japan.

"Cake for later? You remember you have a date with the nutritionist, don't you?" Yahiro added, and Megumi lowered her head ashamed. "It's not like we can't spare money, but you are buying a cake you won't be eating." He explained, and Megumi nodded in agreement. "Then why?"

"A present." Megumi added, and Yahiro grew suspicious. "I'm... not doing anything wrong..." She explained, and then carried the cake behind her back cutely. "Please. Take good care of me... Producer." Megumi added, and Yahiro nodded in agreement.

"This girl... she worries me sometimes..." Yahiro whispered to himself, and Megumi just made an odd face when actually hearing him say that last. "Let's go, we are going to be late for your responsibilities." Yahiro mentioned, and then faced Megumi. There was some chocolate close to her lips, and an evil smile appeared on his face. "Idol. You got some chocolate in your lips." He explained, and Megumie blinked twice, and faced a nearby mirrored column from the coffee shop. "Can't be helped, as your Producer, it is my responsibility to make sure you are always presentable, regardless of where you are. So, I will clean it away for you." He mentioned, went closer to her, and licked her chocolate away and then pulled her into a kiss, forcing Megumi to blush madly, and everyone at the coffee shop to stare at them both with their jaws dropped. "Be more careful, Idol." Yahiro added, and Megumi fell to her knees due to the feeling. "You will get those clothes dirty, and Akira will be mad."

"Ah! Yes! Producer!" She added, and then clumsily followed Yahiro back to their limousine. But before leaving, she turned around, made a reverence, and apologized to the surprised costumers silently. "You could have used a handkerchief." Megumi added.

"That's not fun at all. Embarrassing you in public is payback for not telling me what you do between 12:00pm and 1:30pm every day." And Megumi lowered her head. "Maybe I should accept the swimsuit magazine photo-session. What do you think?"

"Yahiro, please, I'm not telling you." And Yahiro then accepted the offering. "Eh? What kind of swimsuits I will be wearing?" She wondered, and Yahiro delivered an evil grin to her. "Mo! Producer!" She mentioned and then entered the limousine.


"Swimsuit photo-session?" Akira yelled hard. And when she did she freaked out all of her classmates at Todai University. "That damn Yahiro! I'm going to hurt him badly for this! How can he schedule my sweet and precious Megumi-chan for a swimsuit photo-session! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!" Akira complained, and then began typing furiously on her phone. She was so furious she was even standing up and typing in the middle of her classroom. "Do-you-want-me-to-kill-you? Yahiro-baka? Send!" She added with hatred, and then someone snatched her phone away. "Hey? Who do you think you are?"

"Your professor!" Her professor yelled, and Akira flinched. "Lady Toudou! If you interrupt my class once again with your phone calls and your yelling, you will be left in detention." The professor declared, and then walked with Akira's phone toward his desk, opened it, and locked her phone inside. Akira bit her lips in annoyance but nodded in agreement and sat down at her sit. She immediately, however, began poking Jun, sitting at the desk in front of her own.

"Akira... please... I don't want troubles..." Jun added with blue lines adorning his face as he knew Akira was once again going to get him in troubles. "Akira, please." Jun begged, and Akira took a ruler and continued poking him, this time even harder. Jun of course sweat dropped at that last, but once he began feeling pain for the strong ruler-oppression, he grabbed his phone and delivered it to Akira. "Fine! Take my phone." Jun added and delivered his phone to Akira.

"Curses, curses, curses!" Akira began and started sending a message using Jun's phone. "I-don't-agree-with-this-Yahiro-baka." She added while typing. "You-want-me-to-rip-your-head-off? Send!" She yelled, and her professor snatched the phone, and Jun saw with sadness how he walked toward his desk, opened it, and placed his phone inside. "Ha! It's not my phone!" She added and stuck her tongue out.

"Yeah... it's mine... and Sakura gets depressed when I don't dial her number every day." Jun added and lowered his head. "She is going to be awfully mad at me now."


"Ah?" Yahiro mentioned while reading his last message. He then rubbed his eyes and read it again. He initially blamed the flashes of the cameras already taking pictures of Megumi wearing Akira's spring designs. But after reading it a third time, he understood his eyesight wasn't the problem. "I'm impressed." Yahiro mentioned. "Idol-chan! I'm sending some of my agents to punch your brother a little! I hope you don't mind!" Yahiro added with enthusiasm.

"Punch my brother?" Megumi added, and Yahiro nodded in agreement and launched his phone toward her, which she caught clumsily. She then opened it and read the message that was written there. "I don't agree with this, Yahiro-baka. You want me to rip your head off? Eh? From Jun?" She added with concern, and then faced Yahiro, who was using another phone to make a call, forcing Megumi to get worried.

"Yo, Aoi. I need you to send some of your agents to Todai and punch Jun please." And Megumi flinched, and then she ran toward Yahiro with concern while he spoke to Aoi. "Yeah, break his leg." He sentenced and then turned the phone off.

"Please cancel that order!" Megumi yelled, and everyone at the set flinched and covered their ears. "Jun didn't mean that." And Yahiro just laughed hard at Megumi. "Yahiro?"

"Producer, we are at work." He corrected, and Megumi nodded in agreement. "And I was just toying around. I didn't send Aoi's agents to punish your brother." And Megumi breathed out a little more relaxed. "I sent a professional wrestler." And Megumi flinched. "Just kidding, I know it was Akira the one who sent the death note from Jun's phone. She is monitoring your schedule." And Yahiro began typing a message for Akira. "Once-you-get-your-phone-back. I-need-you-to-prepare-the-swimsuit-line. Send." And Megumi sweat dropped. "Everyone works hard, Megumi, for us to beat my father. Aren't you glad?"

"Uh? Yeah... I am..." She added. "Speaking about father... what time is it?" She wondered, and Yahiro blinked twice at what she just said. "It's... nothing... I need to go..." She began and then ran out of the set.

"Hey! Wait! You got training session! You need to be in better shape for your concerts." Yahiro explained, and Megumi nodded in agreement several times. "Megumi?"

"Please, move it for tonight." She instructed. "I will see you... later... Producer..." She mentioned and then ran out of the set. "Ah! The cake!" Yahiro heard her yell, and Megumi's behavior, went more suspicious for Yahiro.

January 25, United States.

"I hate the United States so much!" Tadashi yelled hard in the middle of the street. Luckily for him, he yelled it all out in Japanese, so no one truly understood him. "Too much technology! I need trees! I need green fields! I need peace and silence! I need Akira's cakes! Cakes here taste like cakes! Not like Akira's cakes at all! I need hand-made food!" Tadashi continued yelling.

He now lived in New York City. His mother wanted it that way. New York was so different from the usual, the population was mostly the same, but there were fewer parks, and the police was a lot ruder in the United States. If he were to climb a tree, it could mean going to jail, so he had to resist the urge.

There were tons of food stands, but everything was industrialized, nothing tasted sweet, everything tasted to bacon and despite being delicious, it wasn't his taste, he missed Akira's cakes a lot.

Yet, he was improving too much in his studies, the United Stated made wonders for him. It made him more responsible, he was currently looking for a library to finish his homework for tomorrow. There were no distractions for Tadashi, so everything he could do was complain in his native language.

"Uwah! So cold! Why did mother send me to a place like this! Kei and Yahiro may feel like home here, but me? Concrete walls, light shows every night! At least libraries are calm! But I can't fall asleep there!" He complained, and then his stomach growled. "I'm hungry! Akira!" He cried, but then took some money out and faced a hot dog stand. "Hot Dogs?" He wondered, and then saw the funny reference of a dachshund dressed in bread. "They are made of real dogs?" Tadashi complained, and everyone once again faced him oddly. "Well, they taste delicious. Two dogs please." He told the owner of the stand, who faced him oddly and then delivered the food to him. "I'm sorry doggy." And he chomped the hot dog. "So good." He said with teary eyes.

January 26. Japan.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Megumi yelled upon her arrival to the Saiga's financial group, and everyone there launched their papers up scared after the loud tone of Megumi's voice freaked everyone out from their work stations. "Eto... gomene..." She added cutely, and everyone faced her with hatred. "...I'm leaving then..." She added silently, and the guard allowed her inside without saying a word. Megumi was still hated inside the Saiga Financial group, but everyone was slowly getting used to her daily visits.

Unknown to Yahiro, Megumi have been seeing his father, trying to warm his heart, trying her best for him to accept their relationship instead of ignoring it or trying to destroy it. It wasn't that Megumi doubted Yahiro could win this challenge. It was only her way of helping. She truly wished that Saku would accept their relationship only because it made Yahiro happy, and she was going to share that happiness with him.

"You again, old lady?" Even if it also meant dealing with Chitose, who just drove her totally mad. "Father won't see you, quit on insisting! He doesn't care about you!" Chitose yelled, and Megumi felt a vein popping on her forehead, "Just leave us both alone! We don't care about you, witch!" And more and more veins popped at her forehead, but she tried to swallow her anger. "Talentless idol!" And a dark aura surrounded her, one that scared even Chitose. "Scary... she really is a monster..." And Megumi thought about launching the cake to his face.

"What are you doing here?" Megumi suddenly heard, and she flinched and backed off scared. Saku Saiga had just made it outside of the elevator. "It's true that I haven't ordered my guard not to let you in... but I still haven't heard your rendition..." Saku added.

"Nice... to see you too... father..." She added, and just then, everyone flinched. Even Chitose was surprised after what he just heard. "I was wondering... if you would like... to eat some cake..." And Saku faced the girl with hatred evident in his eyes. "Uweheh!" She yelled scared when noticing his stare. "Yahiro-kun and I... went having breakfast... we ate some cakes... they were delicious, so I thought perhaps... father... likes sweets too...?" She suddenly asked.

"Get out of my building." Saku added, and then began walking away and toward the exit. Megumi just faced Saku as he left, then at her cake, then at Saku, and then at her cake again. She then rudely gave it to Chitose.

"I hope it gets stuck in your throat. Chitose-baaaaaka, baka, baka, baaaaaka!" She complained, and then Chitose faced her fiercely.

"Well I'm not eating it, Megumi-fatso! Fatsooooo, fatsooooo, faaaaatsooooo!" He replied to her, and Megumi then felt several veins popping at her forehead, but she then smiled cutely, surprising Chitose a lot. "What's that smile for?" He asked, and Megumi then grabbed his hands softly as he carried the cake with them and began rubbing them gently. "What are you doing?" Chitose freaked out by her gentle touch and blushed madly. "You are with Nii-chan! Not to mention you are too old for me."

"That made me feel dirty." She replied, Chitose blinked twice, and Megumi then pulled the cake up and slammed it at Chitose's face. "Baka!" She yelled, and then she ran after Saku. "Wait... father..." She continued, and left the building following Saku Saiga.

"What the hell is wrong with that girl? This suit is expensive! And how come she acts so brave against me and is a coward to everyone else?" Chitose complained, and all the employers there laughed silently at Chitose. "What are you idiots laughing about? Get back to work! Now! We have a company to run!" And the employers continued laughing, but they slowly went back to work.

Finn's Country.

"Hot dogs aren't made of real dogs, Tadashi." Ryuu mentioned. He was taking care of the animals of a zoo he bought not long ago when he accidentally invested on it. Many of the visitors to the zoo were just facing inside the cage he was at. Between them was a worried sick Finn who was dying of fear as she witnessed what was going on. Ryuu was in the middle of the alligator's cage, and was rubbing an alligator's belly, and the alligator was doing weird noises of relaxation. Many other alligators were there as well, and Ryuu was caring for them all while speaking on the phone with Tadashi.

"Ryuu! Please, get out of there already! I got enough problems managing a hotel as to start arranging a funeral for my groom!" She mentioned in fear and crossed her hands in a prayer. "Please, Ryuu!" She begged, and Ryuu just blushed madly.

"Just a second, Finn... I'm almost done with this call." And Finn cried for Ryuu's safety. "Tadashi... just go to central park if you want some nature. You don't have to call me just to hear the sound of the animals of Yahiro's zoo." He continued, and Finn tried entering the cage to save Ryuu, only for the alligators to all scare her away by opening their jaws in signal of defiance. They really wanted Ryuu to scratch their bellies.

"Ryuu! I don't like the smiles on your friend's faces!" Finn cried, and Ryuu then noticed Finn had made her way to the middle of the cage and was now surrounded by alligators. "Ryuu!" She complained, and Ryuu sweat dropped, whistled, and all the alligators rolled and showed their bellies to him. "Woah! That's impressive." She admitted.

"Tadashi... if you call me later I will allow you to hear a lion's snore while I tame them." Ryuu added, and then turned his phone off. "Finn, why are you risking yourself like this?" Ryuu asked, and Finn just blushed madly. "Sorry, I know I got carried away. Without Jun and Megumi... I suppose I wanted to care about all the animals of this zoo as replacement." And Finn lowered her head in annoyance.

"You could care about me more... you are my fiancé anyway." She mentioned, and showed him a jade-made bracelet, and Ryuu smiled and showed his own to her. "In my country... the jade-bracelet means you are engaged... remember?" And Ryuu nodded. "Then why don't you care for me enough?"

"Because I can't rub the belly of my girlfriend in public." And Finn just blushed madly, and Ryuu sweat dropped. "Sorry... I guess I miss Yahiro too... he likes teasing a lot, that felt a lot... not Ryuu-like, right?" And Finn nodded in agreement.

"Yeah... mostly because I'm still his secretary." She admitted and rubbed her own arms, and then felt Ryuu's ones around her. "I'm not... girly enough anyway... I can tolerate some coldness..." She admitted, but Ryuu then pulled her into a kiss, and the alligators all growled in annoyance. "But you can carry me princess style! I'm not that mainly after all! Ahaha!" She faked her laughter and stayed away from the alligators in fear. "Can we go to my hotel please? Enough of animals for one day!"

"As you wish, my princess." Ryuu added, and walked Finn out of the cage while the girl just rested her head at his chest out of embarrassment.


"Father! Wait up!" Megumi added, and then she faced her hand-watch. "The schedule... the birthday is about to start..." She mentioned, and then faced Saku Saiga as he entered a restaurant. "Aw... I'm sorry little girl... I promise to made up for this..." And she took her phone out. "Aoi... emergency... can you send another idol to the party please..." She added, and there was silence at the other side of the phone. "It's not the time to be impressed about me speaking so openly... I beg you... Aoi... please..." She added, and then she smiled. "Thanks a lot! Tell the girl I will arrive later..." And then she listened to Aoi. "Tell Yahiro to fix my schedules... please... it's really important..." And Megumi turned her phone off and made it inside of the restaurant.

"I'm sorry lady, you can't enter without reservation." The man at the door added. "Wait... you are Megumi Yamamoto! My kids love you!" And Megumi faced inside of the restaurant with concern, and the man at the door noticed. "You are with Mr. Saiga? He always eats alone. He never comes with anyone, not even with his wife."

"I'm sorry! I will sign some autographs for your kids... but please... I need to go inside..." And the man rubbed his chin, but then took a notebook, and Megumi began signing an autograph for him. "Thank you very much!" She added and ran inside of the restaurant. "Father!" She added, sat in front of him, and gasped for air. "I'm sorry... I... I'm sorry..." She mentioned.

"You are persistent... but I'm not paying for your food." He added and began reading the menu. "Damn Yamamoto, now I can't even eat in peace." Saku mentioned, and Megumi breathed out heavily, glad to know Saku wasn't yelling for security to kick her out. "Waiter!" He suddenly yelled, and Megumi flinched thinking she was going to be kicked out. "I want Fettuccine Alfredo, and red wine." And the waiter was about to speak. "I said red wine! I don't want your white wine garbage! And if you spit on my food, I will break you, understood?" And the waiter nodded in agreement. "What are you ordering?" Saku asked.

"Eh?" And she saw the menu, and remembered she just escaped an exercise session after eating a lot of sweets and she was supposed to see a nutritionist later that day. "Caesar salad... and water... please..." She added with sadness.

"Don't joke around!" Saku yelled, and Megumi flinched. "Bring her lasagna and orange juice!" He ordered, and the waiter nodded and rushed away. "Salad? You are so thin you could use some weight! If you are trying to make me feel pity for you, it's not working! So stop pretending!"

"I'm not pretending... I... never pretend..." Megumi added, and Saku faced her in disbelief. "I fear father... but... I want to... be able to love father... that's why... regardless of how much I fear father... I'm doing my best..." And Saku made an annoyed sound with his throat, as if growling at her. "Father is... lonely... is he not...?" And Saku suddenly smiled.

"You think I'm lonely? Ha! I am rich! I don't need anything! Just look at me! I always eat in the fanciest restaurant this rat-hole of a city can offer me! And you call me lonely?" And Megumi gulped hard. "You are wasting your time? Why even bother about something fruitless?"

"It's not fruitless." Megumi began. "It wouldn't be if you tried... you don't know... maybe... you haven't kicked me from your table... because... deep inside... you want me to be here..." And Saku once again faced her with hatred. "Nothing is impossible... father... I already... conquered one impossible by getting married with Yahiro-kun..."

"Seducing him you mean!" He yelled. "My son was perfect! You hear me! He was everything I ever desired! Powerful! Rude! Greedy! And now look at him! You destroyed all I paid for!" Saku complained.

"No... father... I... just loved him..." And Saku sat back at his sit. "...You miss him... don't you...?" And Saku said nothing. "I took him away... and I'm sorry... but... I'm trying to share him... I just want... everyone to be happy, together... as a family..."

"You started this... remember...?" And Megumi nodded in agreement. "Well, we are finishing it... my son needs a lesson, and I will give it to him. I am better than my son, you hear me?"

"He doesn't care." And Saku widened his eyes in hatred. "Yahiro doesn't want to defeat you for vengeance... or anything like that... he doesn't really hate you..." And Saku closed his hands into fists. "The only reason Yahiro is placing too much effort into this... is because he wishes... for you to acknowledge this relationship... father..." And Megumi delivered a smile to him.

"Yamamoto... Megumi..." And the girl nodded. "I'm never... acknowledging this relationship... you hear me...?" And Megumi lowered her head, but nodded in agreement. "But it's true..." And Megumi widened her eyes. "I want my son back... but not by the hand of a weakling like you..."

"...I see..." And Megumi lowered her head, and then noticed her plate arriving. It arrived fast because the waiters feared Saku Saiga and wanted him to leave as soon as possible. Saku then began eating, and drinking his wine. "Ah? Akemi's favorite red wine?" She began, and Saku was surprised. "Then father likes... Akemi's wine too... Red Rouge wine... 1968... Akemi's birth year." And Saku was impressed. "Akemi mentioned it... how her favorite was Red Rogue... and how you opened a bottle for her from the year of her birth when you proposed to her."

"Why would Akemi tell you something like that? Our marriage was pure business." Saku added, and Megumi moved her head in negation. "Akemi betrayed me for money... she believes Yahiro can make more money than me, that witch."

"She... actually hates being called that..." Megumi mentioned. "It makes her cry..." And Saku reacted to that last. "Father... you love Akemi... don't you?" And Saku lowered his head. "Then, you know what I feel for Yahiro... why won't you accept it? Is your greed that strong?"

"It is." He concluded. "Eat your food before I ask the waiters to kick you out... you say at least one more word... and you are out... understood...?" And Megumi nodded in agreement. "Good... now... eat..." And Megumi was about to speak, but she knew Saku was serious. Yet, she then had an idea, began taking stuff from out of her purse, found a notebook, and a pen, and began writing on it. She then delivered the notebook to Saku, who read what was writing. "Thanks for the food... father...?" And she began eating, and doing cute sounds when tasting the delicious dish of the Italian restaurant. "Don't call me father." He added, and Megumi then took the notebook and wrote on it, and then delivered to him, who read it carefully. "Your mustache reacts each time I call you father." And Saku grabbed his mustache. "You are playing a dangerous game... girl..." And Megumi just smiled and ate her lasagna in silence. "How is the lasagna...? I have never tried it..." He asked. And Megumi then took a plate, cut some lasagna and delivered it to him. "I just asked how it was!" And Megumi pointed at her lips, and then pointed at the waiters. "Fine! I will taste it myself!" He yelled, and ate the lasagna. "Umm... a little burned..." And Megumi raised an eyebrow, and took some of the lasagna, and then moved her face in negation. "You are saying I don't have good taste?" He yelled, and the girl pointed at her lips. "Your taste is wrong! It's burned!" And she moved her head in negation. "And this Fettuccine is cold!" And Megumi faced Saku's food. "Are you calling me a liar? Taste it yourself!" And he placed some on her plate, on top of her lasagna, ruining her dish. Megumi then took her fork and tasted the dish, and when she did she smiled happily. "What?" And Megumi stood up, took Saku's plate, took some lasagna, and mixed it together. "What are you doing?" And Megumi made the mimicking of eating with her fork. "You are crazy!" And Saku tasted it. "Oh? It tastes... good..." And Megumi nodded. "...Umm... I may mix them again... but... eating two dishes is too much for myself." And Megumi had an idea, and she took her notebook and wrote on it, then she delivered it to him. "We can try different mixes together every day... father..." And then Megumi giggled, and pointed at his mustache. And Saku faced the girl, and when he did, he smiled.


"You say you saw her entering this restaurant?" Yahiro asked, and Aoi, next to him, just nodded in agreement. "Is she safe?" Yahiro asked, and Aoi just flinched at that last. "What's the matter, Aoi? I asked if she is safe." And Aoi then pointed at the front door of the restaurant, and at Megumi and Saku Saiga making it out of the restaurant. The girl was smiling, and so was Saku Saiga. "Megu..." Yahiro began, but upon noticing his father's smile, he had second thoughts. "The old man is... my father is..." And then Megumi waved her hand to Saku. The proud man didn't even wave back at her, he just left. Megumi then was about to leave, but suddenly, she noticed Yahiro at the other side of the street, and her heart froze.

"Ya-Yahiro...?" And she lowered her head ashamed. "You... didn't trust me..." She added, and her eyes watered. Yahiro then walked toward her, there was confusion in his eyes, and Megumi refused to stare back at him. "I told you... to trust me..." She cried, and Yahiro saw his father at the distance, then faced Megumi, then at his father again, and finally, he calmed down.

"I trust you..." And Yahiro took his scheduling tablet out. "Fine then... it's 3:00pm... you left at 12:00pm... three hours... well... I suppose if you wake up an hour earlier every morning, I can fix your schedule, so you always get the time to join my father for supper at his favorite restaurant... I suppose I can arrange it somehow... there... no more scheduling between 12:00pm to 3:00pm. You are officially booked to this restaurant. Just let me know if there are changes in your location, you don't want to worry me more than needed, do you?" Yahiro explained, and Megumi faced him with concern.

"What... was that...?" She wondered, and Yahiro moved his shoulders up and down as reply. "You... are allowing me... to see your father...? Every day...?" And Yahiro rolled his eyes in annoyance and then showed his agenda to her. "But... I thought you didn't..."

"I was weak... and committed a mistake by distrusting you..." And Megumi blinked twice at that last. "In a marriage... trust should be mutual... I'm not going to forbid you from seeing my father... even if I know, that different than mother, he can't be convinced to decline... I at least will allow you to try..." And Megumi nodded, and she then hugged Yahiro hard. "There... don't cry... I said I was sorry..." Yahiro added with a smile and while rubbing Megumi's head. "Don't get discouraged. No one can resist your charms anyway. Maybe stone-heart will understand." And Megumi nodded. "Let's go are late for a birthday party, and they already paid us, so you better do a nice performance. And no cake for you." And Megumi flinched, but nodded in agreement.

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