The Arising: A New Start of L...

By SNovaC

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The Arising: A New Start of Life Set in The Arising Universe First Book In The Arising Series A Group Of Stu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Authors Note

Chapter 30

99 13 0
By SNovaC


"The stars. They are so beautiful. I've never seen them like this before" Megan said.

"They are" I said.

Megan yawned.

"Are you feeling a little tired?" I asked.

"Yeah" Megan said.

"Do you wanna go to bed?" I asked.

"Ok. Yeah" Megan said.

"I'll be back" I told Hunter.

"Goodnight mummy" Megan said.

"Goodnight sweetie" Hunter said giving Megan a kiss.

I brought Megan to our bedroom and tucked her into bed.

"Dad" Meagan said.

"Yeah" I said turning around.

"Tomorrow can you borrow a space book from the library for me?" Megan said.

"Sure thing" I said getting on my knees to kiss her goodnight.

"I love you" Megan said.

"I love you too. Have a nice sleep baby" I said.

I walked out of the room and locked the door behind me. I then walked back to Hunter. I climbed up the ladder and laid down next to Hunter. She laid her head onto my shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Tomorrow we are going to try our best to finish off the expansion, hopefully we would be able to get it done. Because once we do we can grow crops, maybe even build a few extra houses" I said.

"I can't wait" Hunter said.

Hunter moved her arm around me and hugged me. I started to stroke her back with my hand. I kissed her on the side of her head and she smiled.

"This place that we have made, I can't believe what we can do. Thanks to Arman we completely transformed this place into a place worth fighting for. Which is something we are probably going to have to do at some stage" I said.

"Heath is still out there, somewhere. If he attacks this place we will be ready. We took down Thomas and Heath wasn't as strong as Thomas. I think we could just sit back and relax" Hunter said.

"Yeah. But that was a year ago. He might have more people, he might even have a new Safe Zone somewhere. He could have an army. Thomas killed lots of our people as well. His people almost killed Alleigh and many of us. We still have to fight hard" I said.

"I know. I just don't understand why we can't just all get along. We're all human, why can't we team up and fight together against the dead ones?" Hunter said.

"People change. You heard about Mr. Harris, how he used to be a nice man and how he turned into a murderer. Ana told me that Heath escaped prison from a life sentence. She told me that he murdered his entire family. He even killed his grandson, who was only a toddler at the time. I don't know why he did it but he escaped the prison and no police officer was trying to arrest him. That's apparently when he found out that it was the end of the world" I said.

I heard rattling on the fence. I looked over and saw that it was a Walker. I was about to get up to get it but then Hunter pushed me back down.

"You don't have to get everyone. It isn't doing any harm. You could just leave it" Hunter said.

I stood up and picked up the long stick with a knife on the end of it. I stabbed the Walker in the head.

"It could attract more" I said putting the stick down.

I laid down next to Hunter again.

"I guess Megan is now into stars. She asked me to get her a space book from the library" I said.

"She's gone through so many hobbies. First it was superheroes, then it was construction and now it's space" Hunter said.

"I guess it's good she has something to keep her mind off of things" I said.

"Yeah" Hunter said.

"You know I never asked you. Did you have siblings?" Hunter said.

"I did. His name was Finn. He would be around 18 now" I said.

"How come you never talked about him?" Hunter said.

"Because he treated me like I was nothing. He made me feel like I was born for nothing, he made me feel useless. All I wanna do is forget him and hope he's far away" I said.

"Why not dead?" Hunter said trying to make a joke.

"Even though he's an arsehole he's still my brother. Even though I would love him to be dead. Another side of me wishes he's alive. What about you? Did you have any siblings?" I asked.

"Nope. I didn't have anyone. I mean I guess I liked being the only child in the family. I didn't really want a sibling" Hunter said.

We both laid there looking up at the stars for a little bit longer.

"I think Megan would be waiting for us. We should get to sleep" Hunter said getting up.

"Yep" I said standing up.

I waited for Hunter to go down first. She got to the ground. I climbed down after and put my arm around her as we walked towards our bedroom which used to be the schools office. I unlocked the door and we both walked in. I saw that Megan was sleeping so Hunter and I slowly crept to our bed. We got in and pulled the covers over us. We sat in the bed looking at each other. I put my hand on her hip. We moved in closer and we hugged each other.

"I love you so much" I said.

"I love you to" Hunter said.

We both feel asleep hugging each other.


I woke up and saw that Hunter was still hugging me. I slowly got out of her arms and stood up. I got changed and walked outside. As people walked past me they nodded to me and said hello. After the war with Thomas, Arman and his group went to Underdale with me and we fixed it up. Some of his people chose to stay at Underdale. I walked over to the construction group.

"Morning Sam" Anastasia said.

"Morning. How are we doing with the expansion?" I asked.

"It's pretty much finished. They are just putting up the last metal plate and then they are just going to make it a little stronger and we're good to start growing crops" Anastasia said.

"That's good" I said taking out a piece of paper from my back pocket.

I unfolded it and showed Anastasia.

"This is what the future will look like" I said.

The drawing was of Underdale. Two nights ago I drew up a plan. Mainly I worked on the expansion. The expansion had lots of crop areas but it also had a training area and also an area for some new buildings if we needed them.

"It's time to make the future" I said.

Anastasia smiled.

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