To hell with it

By SaraSchrader5

645K 13.3K 13.2K

You are Loki's assistant. He is a ass and you always are cleaning up after him. Beside your normal job duties... More

Part 1
part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11 (smut)
Part 12. (Smut)
Part 13(smut)
Part 14
Part 15 (smut, evil laughter)
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18

Part 6

34.2K 797 279
By SaraSchrader5

       A month had passed and Thor had to go to some photoshoot back in Australia. Which you were a little disappointed. But again not surprised. When he called you, you were at work waiting on Loki. Loki came out, noticed you were tense. He walked over you put hand hand on your shoulder which startled you. You jump a little as you looked to see loki.
       "What's wrong?" Loki asked.
       "Your brother.." you started to say.
        "He didn't hurt you did he.?" Loki cut you off.
         "No, he just can't make it to the wedding and I don't want to hear this I knew you didn't have anyone bull shit my mom will give me. Then try to hook me up with ever Single farm hick out there. You sighed, you looked annoyed and tired. This wedding had been stressing you out and you weren't the one getting married.
         "I'll go then." He smiled warmly. Without thinking, but then again he knew what he was doing. You eyes widened and you jaw went Slack.
       "What?" You heard him but you thought maybe, you didn't hear him right.
       "I'll take my brother place at you side for this wedding so you mother can get off your back." He smiled genuine one.
       "Really, you are willing to to go to my sister wedding as my date and willing go through the torment that is my mom?" You questioned him. Something had to be up.
      "Yes, I'm will to go with you. I'll do this for you, for all the stuff you do for me."
       "What's the catch?" You hand rest on your hips. As you looked into his eyes.
       "There is none. Just trust me." He sighed.
        "Fine. But you'll need to be prepared for a million an one questions from everyone. And my sister is the only one that knows your my boss. So I'll need to worn her." You sighed not really wanted to do this but you really didn't want to deal with your mom alone. 

        The flight was long but you slept through most of it. It was always easy for you to fall asleep on plans as long as your boss wasn't in a chatty mood. But he let you sleep. At some point you moved and ended up using him as a pillow which he didn't mind at all. He eventually fell asleep as well. You woke up when you heard them call that they were about to land. That's when you notice you were on Loki. Who was still asleep.

     Making it to the hotel which Loki had asked why we didn't just stay with your family, which caused you to laugh. Though as you went to get your two room you found out that they had over booked and you only had one room with one bed. Great, this hotel was not like ones you had normally stayed in. It was nice but not a Bentsen. But this was as good as it got without being in the big city which was four hours away. You walked back over to Loki. Who was looking around. You weren't sure what he was expecting.
        "Well there's a problem with our rooms!" You grumbled.
     "That is Darling?" Loki looked at you.
       "They only have one room available, they ended up over booking." You looked up at loki waiting for some kind of complaint but you got nothing. "And I know this isn't what you're used to, but this is what we got that's not a drive. Even now it's about an hour drive from where the wedding is. Can you deal with this for just one weekend?" You asked.
     "It is fine. Beside it's probably better we have one room if we are to act like we are dating." Loki smiled a hint of something you weren't sure what was in that smile. You sighed heavily and started to walk towards the elevator with Loki on your heels.
      "Loki, please be on your best behavior and try not to hit on anyone while we are here." You looked over at loki while in the elevator you felt nervous about this hole thing.
     "Darling, I will be the best boyfriend you have ever had. My eyes are only for you." He stated. You rolled your eyes.
      "Really Loki. I'll believe it when I see it. I know your mo, I am your assistant remember." You snipped. As the elevator stopped on at your floor. You walked out with Loki making it to the room. You took a deep breath as you opened the door. The room was nice it had a huge tub in the middle of it. But you didn't bring anything to go in it so there went that idea. You had gotten this room for Loki knowing he like thing of luxury so what better then the honeymoon suite. Well that backfired, but at least you got to keep the nice room. You made plans to meet up with your sister. You got ready as well as Loki which you had packed his suitcase. You set out what he was going to wear. As you chose something simple black Jeans and a button up shirt. As you wear your blue jeans and a loss sweater.

      You meet you with your sister and her soon to be husband Steve, at a little Italian restaurant. You walked in spotting your sister at the table already. She spot you as well. Giving you a hug. She eyed Loki suspiciously.
      "Loki this is my sister y/s/n, sis this is Loki.  The boyfriend." You chuckled nervously, she knew loki was your boss. You saw her raise an eyebrow. Oh god you'll never be able to leave here alone with him. Knowing your sister and that she would be interrogate him. He shook her hand. Before she could say anything. "So where's Steve?"
      "Oh he running a little late. What are you two drinking?" She asked. You both ordered and started chatting after two drinks you really needed to use the bathroom but still not wanting to leave them alone without a babysitter. You gave up, and excuse yourself hoping it would be a quick run.
    "So your the boss that doesn't let my sister come home to see me?" Your sister quipped, leaning forward, Swirling her drink in her hand.
    "I think you're mistaken." Loki chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.
    "My sister can fool a lot of people, except me, so you can keep up this little charade you have going on, I promise I won't tell anyone. Except Steve." She stated, her eyes barring into the man who sat across from her. "I see the way you look at my sister, I'm not blind, and I'm not stupid. Here's a couple of things for you to keep in mind."
    "Oh, the riot act? How I do love these." Loki rolled his eyes thoroughly unimpressed.
    "For starters, you hurt my little sister and there won't be a cave far enough, dark enough, or remote of enough that I won't find you. I have the means, and I have the tools, I'm pitbull that way." Her voice dropping an octave. "Secondly, if you don't get your head out of that pretty little ass of yours and see what an amazing woman that she is, like will rip her from your grasp faster then you can drink your British tea, I am her twin, wombies after all. Third, if you think for one hot second I don't know how you'd like to get into her pants then you sir are dumber then I thought. My soon to be husband is a navy seal and thinks of her as his own sister, so trust me, my threats are very real, and I am very serious. Do you understand me?"
     "Perfectly." Loki responded flatly. As he saw a man walk towards the table. He look to be about his own brother build maybe border in the chest, about as tall as himself.
        "Hey honey." Y/s/n looked up. Kissing that man. "Steve this is y/n boyfriend, Loki." She cooed looking at loki with a slight smirk. Steve looked confused there for a moment.
        "I thought loki was...." Your sister patted his chest as he sat down.
       "Oh don't worry your pretty head about it." She smiled sweetly with an innocent look, just like you do on occasion. This was definitely going to be interesting for him to say the lest. You walked back as Steve stood to great you. Wrapping his arms around you pulling you in and up.
       "Well isn't the missing link. Little miss big European city girl. God did you get taller? No wait it's the fancy clothes." Steve said with his now thick Brooklyn accent. You rolled your eyes. You sister looked at loki who rolled his eyes, as he watched the interaction.
       "Are you jealous?" You sister leaned forward as she whispered to loki watching his face, how annoyed he looked to see Steve hug his assistant. "Just so you know there will be a lot of that going on in the next few days, so might need to put you big boy pants on." As Steve let you go, you're sister moved away from loki, looking at you with a sicking sweetness.
        The evening went better then you had thought. That you knew of you sister didn't threaten Loki. He was well skilled at staying in the conversation. He talked a lot with Steve as you and your sister caught up. Once back at the hotel. You started to get change.
      "So you're sister is an interesting person." Loki called through the door. You opened it to look at loki.
      "Oh god what did she say or do? Damn it. I wasn't even gone that long. I'm sorry. I think." Loki eyes raked over you. You had short and a tank top on. Toothpaste on the corner of your lip.
         "She did nothing. She just total opposite, from you that's all." Loki chuckled a little as he lied about what had happened with your sister. You relaxed a little. Loki stepped closer to you. As he reached up to cup your face. His thumb brushed across your lips. As he wiped the paste off your lips. You tensed up as he did so. "Sorry you had toothpaste on your lips still." He pushed away from you as he found he way into bed. Beside being slightly embarrassed having toothpaste on your face, you had just realized loki was only in boxers.
       "Um Loki you know there are sleep pants in you suitcase." You looked over at his bags then back at him, he had a smirk on his face.
        "Oh but my love, I thought you liked it when I was naked in your bed." He purred. Your face turned red as you throw the pillow at him. You crawled into bed staying close to the edge as possible.
       "Good night loki." You mumbled as he turned out the Light. You could hear him chuckled as he did so. This was going to be a long weekend.

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