
afa786 द्वारा

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Assalamuvalikum wa wahramatullahi wa barkathuhu to all readers.. fariha is a Muslim teenage girl. fariha is a... अधिक

New life with Past
first day
First meeting
unexcepetd neighbour's
The party
love blossom in air
My past
He ignores me..
Feelings Started On Him ..??
The Proposal..!!
Heart break
Sad mornings..!!
Locked In Heart..!!
My Life Is You..!!
Sweet Touches..!!
Our Destiny..!!
Authors Note

Will You Be Mine..!?

265 54 88
afa786 द्वारा

Assalam u valikum guys ❤

I won't take your precious time.. Just jump on to read ❤

Fariha's pov :

****after two years *****

Tring.. Tring.. It was 1:30 Am. My phone is ringing continuously. Though it was late to sleep .. I couldn't get a sleep. I took my phone.. It was a call from Amaan.. As usual I cut his all calls.

"It has been for two years.. Neither we talk on phone nor we saw each other ". I didn't reply to any of his messages from these years.

"Mashaallah he is a successful business man". He had a big heart who gave his most of profit to charity and helps the poor people.
"I miss him very much,I miss his sweet names, I miss him a lot.

Sorry my love.. Today" I had a meeting it goes on so late. so now this the reason I called now. I think you haven't slept yet. Now you can sleep my princess.. I always wish a reply from you.. It's has been two years long.. I missed you so much. I haven't hear your sweet voice, you haven't talk at once in these two years. I didn't expect this from you my love".

Every day he called me and messaged me.. I never replied to him.. His call make me sleep without any worries." I know I'm hurting him a lot by not replying to his call and not to single message" .

"How can I explain him that I Dont want to loose him due to my nasty thoughts". How can I explain him that I always want to be a successful man. How can I explain him that I lost my first love due to my nonsense dreams and Nasty thoughts.

"In every namaz, I pray to Allah to bless him with health and success".

He so sweet and caring he never miss out a day without calling me.By seeing messages form him, I start my day with a smile.

"Again a message from him... Interrupted in my thoughts"

"Its enough fariha.. I can't stay here anymore, Allahamdulialh I got fame for my company . I have achieved what I aimed will be enough proud on me my princess. I informed to Ammi that Im gonna come tomorrow from my first flight." Inshaallah Tommrow will be our engagement" . Sorry making you wait for a long two years. " I can't bear this distance and your silence any more". No one can stop me to see you.

So princess.. Get ready for tomorrow to meet your prince. Now smile my love.

"By reading his message my heart filled with joy". I gave a big smile..

Now that's my princess. Now go and sleep princess. " I don't want that my princess will asleep while her prince arrivals" .. So now take a rest. I'm going to pack my luggage. See you soon my love❤.

"I kept my phone aside.. I slept with happiness... Yahoo I'm going to see my prince.. I'm desperately waiting for Tommrow to see him.

***the next day***

" princess wake up, today is your engagement ". Momma knocking my door by informing me in a loud voice.

"oh hoo... Momma let me sleep for a while.

Princess... Princess.. She pulled my blanket." From now you have only few days to stay with us. She placed my hand on my head. Her tears are falling down. Her tears expressing the sadness of losing her daughter". Momma I hold her hand and kissed on her hand. I hugged tightly.

"I remembered how my momma and dad cares the whole night without sleep for me. When I had fever in my childhood. I'm the princess of my king and queen. Who can scarfice their whole world only for the sake of me. I remmbered how momma make me have to eat on time without missing. They never did a complaint against us. They guide us three in a right and pious path in our life. A tears falling Down by remembering those unforgettable moments".

"I was crying...momma weep out her tears. She weep out my tears. Now stop crying my princess it's your day. May Allah bless you with all happiness and with a good future with your prince".

OH yeah.. Prince. He is coming to home today. Thats why I'm here to inform you that.. Your engagement will be tonight. I didn't response to my momma words. I still deeply in my thoughts. Fariha she shaked me.. Are you there..?? What are you thinking..?? Yeah.." I'm listening to you". Now smile princess your prince is coming.

"I gave a little smile". Now lets have a breakfast we all are waiting for you at downstairs.

Yeah I will be there in few minutes momma. "make sure come soon". OK momma.

I was heading to down stairs.. Suddenly Nida bumped into me.
Sorry api.. I was heading to your room. She said rubbing her eyes.

"Why my little charm do you want anything from me".??

Yeah.. "I want you" api

Hey stop crying my charm.. Now hug me tightly.

Api...please don't leave me alone. I miss you much.... To whom I love and with whom I fight for chocolates api.

"my sweet charm I'm not leaving you alone, let me tell you a secret.. First you have to smile.

OK api.. See I weep out my tears. I'm smiling now. Tell me

Do you know why I'm marrying to Amaan..??

Offcourse you love him want to spend rest of your life with him.

No no my charm, I love him but there is one another reason that is.. I'm marrying him with a purpose because his house is beside to my house. So you will daily visit to see your api, and I too visit my house. We will play a lot Like we used to play.

Yeah your right api.. I didn't thought of this. Your too smart Love you api.

Love you tooo...three... And Four..

Now let's have breakfast.. Yeah... Let's go..

"Thanks Allah I convinced her". She will be so sad if I didn't told her.

Where dad is ordering to servants make sure that everything thing should be look perfect.. He was looking so happy.

Good morning dad..!! I hugged him back. He smiled good morning princess. Lets go have a breakfast .

Fardan is waiting for me.. Which make to stood in shock.

Fardan are you waiting for me..?? To have breakfast with me..??
His waiting wait me little bit awakard "I'm in a shock because he never wait for me to grab his breakfast

Yes api.. He stood up and hugged me. He eyes got wet. I will miss you so much api. Me-too more than you my naughty. Everyone was quite staring at us. I don't want make them upset anymore.

I'm so hungry now.. Let's have a tasty breakfast.

***engagement ceremony ***

Hey fariha you haven't got ready yet.. Ujma Huda Hana screamed behind from me.

Oh hoo my cuties.. At once they all hugged me tightly. Now you leave me idiots you make breathless. From 2 min.

Oh no fariha...dont freak out. We are hugging our Amaan's fiance. Not you idiot.

We all brust into laughter.. We gonna miss you a lot fariha... They all sad In upset tone.

I will be with you whenever you need me now give me a tight hug. I said in a sweet manner...

Fariha.. Get ready at anytime your prince will be here. So fast otherwise your mom will gets angry on us.

OK OK fine..

After one hour...

Fariha where are you..?? Guests are waiting for you to see you. Momma entered in my room by questioning in a worried tone.

"I was sitting on a couch without any expression on my face ". Here you are..

My princess you look so beautiful mashaallah.. Momma stood in awakard moment. "Maryam bring fariha what are you doing"..?? A strong familiar voice distract moma from me.

"It was dad he came to see me, he also stood in a awkward moment mashaallah you look like so beautiful my princess".

"A tears in their eyes due to happiness". Now come us with me dear. Where momma and dad hold my arms at both sides. I was in their middle moving slowly.

"I reached down stairs where everyone was glaring at me".ya Allah once Im the highlight in the crowd.

Everyone will glares you because today is your day.. My heart said.

"I sat on a couch where guests are praising me". Zoha ammi came to me "mashaallah my darling you look so beautiful and gorgeous no one can beat your beauty, she kissed me gently on my forehead where Abba and umer came to me you looks so beautiful my daughter. Yeah sister - in - law you like princess.

where is Amaan?? I whispered slowly only umer can hear me.

Bhai isn't came yet.." I called him he was heading to home soon" .

" Im pressing my fingers in nervous". Why he haven't came yet.. Is he reach home safely..?? It's too late he haven't reach yet.

I'm sweating.. My heart is pounding faster and faster as I can hear my heart sound.. My heart is worried about him. My mind is distarcing from the function by horrible thoughts.

Ya Allah make sure he is safe... The only words I kept repeating in my mind.

Zoha Ammi and Abbu calling him continously but he is not picking up his phone . I can see a worried expressions on their faces.

"Tears welled up in my eyes a thought of losing him".

AMAAN IS BACK....umer said in joy tone.

"Allahamdulialh he is fine".

I took a deep sigh in a relief. Ufff..

Zoha ammi, Abbu, momma, dad, fardan, Nida, umer. All faces are beaming with a happiness. All hugged Amaan.

Then all make him sit beside me..

"All are busy again arranging the rings and all". Where my friends are chit chatting with each other and taking selfies in annoying way.

"His soft hand pressed my hand.
Assalam u valikum love.
How are are you my princess"..??

Valikum u assalam.. I wishpered slowly.

"I don't want to answer him so, I removed my handy slowly.
Again he carved my hand in his hand..

It's has two long years.. I haven't seen your face.. Can show me your face princess..??

I slowly look at him..

Awww... He he look so handsome so cool and cute .

Mashaallah my princess... You are just beautiful and gorgeous girl.

I make my face emotion less.

Are you anger on me..??

"I bent my hand".

Attention here guys... The enanagement ceremony started.. Dad said in a cheerful way.

Fariha reply me.. He is asking me in a worried tone.

Zoha Ammi and momma gave both us of rings..

"He took a ring... Princess will you be mine" ..!!?

"Awww so sweet many people is whispering in the crowd".

Yes my prince.." I will be yours until my last breath" . I gave a big smile.

Finally you smiled my princess.

"I took a ring, I pull the ring in his left hand". This ring connects to his heart my love. He was blushing continously.

Amaan's pov :

Finally it happened what I aim for. I'm so happy that fariha is going to be my wife.

Amaan now it's your turn my son ammi said by chuckling.

"I took her right hand where I saw she was wearing a ring which is I offered when I proposed her. She is still wearing that ring. A huge surprise smile on my face" .

She offered her left hand.. You can proceed my prince she smirk at me. I gave a smile.

"I pull the ring in her left hand" she is smiling continuously.

A huge rounds of applauses and everyone seems so happy.

We both are happy...

Everyone is congratulating us and wishing a bright future.

We both stood up.. And she hold my hand. The feeling is amazing.

I aimed for this day when my princess hold my hand tightly.. It's happening.

Fariha pov :

Allahamdulialh.. We got engaged.

After a long hours... We both tried a lot.

The amazing moment in my life. I hold his hand entire ceremony. He place his on my hand to make me feel comfortable.

All guests are heading for dinner.

Fariha.. "Why aren't you talking to me dont you miss me" ..??

"I kept silent".

Answer me... I have no answer to give. I leaved his hand. All are so busy so I decided to go my room.

He hold my hand.. This is not fair my love. He said in a sad tone.

I didn't responed him. I headed to my room. Hey stop.. You can't leave me in this situation.

I entered in my room.. I was looking at the sky thanking to Allah he is fine. Thanking to Allah that he is back.

"Princess he slowly pass his hands through my belly and hugged me from back. He hold my hands from back. He placed his head on my shoulder I'm sorry my love I know you got angry by my late appearance in the ceremony first all my car got troubled i thought what the heck is going on".

Then why didn't you replied to Ammi calls..??

Oh ho princess I was getting fresh up in bathroom so I couldnt answer any calls.

"I'm so scared I couldn't take a proper breath while you didn't answers any calls".

The same way happened with me in these two years my love.. I thought quit everything and come to see you. Again I remembered my promise which I gave you.. That's holds me till now.

Not even a single call nor as single message from you fariha.

I had a pure intention behind this, where I didnt want to distrub you with my thoughts.

Oh hoi...princess now see we got engaged after two days we will got married.

You make me breathe less... Amaan by your laziness.

He hold my shoulders.. Make me turn to face him.

May I help you to breathe properly.. He leaned so closer to me. May I.. He wishpered in my ear. A warm sensation passes to my spine.

Oh hoi... No way Amaan..

Yes way princess.. No one can stop me to make you breathe properly. He was getting close I try to escape but my back bumped to the wall. There was no way to escape from him.

He hold my both hands.. I was sweating. He was so closer to mine a few inches distance between us. A chocolatly smell from him which attracts me very much. My heart started beating faster and faster.

I closed my eyes.... "He kissed me his pure rosy lips placed on my cheek.

I opened my eyes.. I was blushing.. You kissed on my cheek.

Yes. Hope Now you feel better to breathe.

AMAAN... I thought you will kiss on... Suddenly I remain silent.

On what ..?? He asked smilingly

Nothing. I said in a embrace tone.

I know on what you thought... Hahah he laughed. My cheeks got red in color I was blushing.. I hide from him to not find me while blushing.

"I have a right on you but I haven't have complete right on you princess". I know you will not comfortable with this so I kissed on your cheek.

Thank you so much for understanding me my prince.

I hugged him tightly for a minute...

I understand you very well my prince.

"Princess do you Remember your promise"..?? Now don't say no. Already you make me wait for a long and you always make me wait a long.

Now... You want to listen from me
Yes.. Right now.

I pull back myself from the hug.

I open my wadbore.. Where I kept a fresh rose. I knew that he will make me remember my promise.

"I took a rose with a chocolate which he used to give me. I bent my knees.. I slowly grabbed his hand. I kissed on his hand. My lips touched his hand for a second. I offered a rose" .... I started to say

"My prince I don't wanna be the princess to my future hubby,I want to remain the princess of my parents, but you treat me more than princess, now I always wanna be the princess of my prince, I'm addicted to your love, I'm addicted to your sweet care, In these two years I never miss you because I assumed that your love will always beside me who is taking care of your princess, I don't want to fall in love again in my life, but you make me die heart fan of your love, I can't imagine my life without you, your a precious man in my life, your name is the first reason to make me smile, I want you rest of my life, I want to spend every minute with you in a beautiful way, may Allah bless our love, may Allah fill love in our hearts for each other in this way until my breathe is not separated from my body, I know I hurt you many times and as I promised to you I will heal your heart my love which is has no end on you, your the whole world to me, so
I LOVE YOU AMAAN... Will you hold my hand until we together enter in jannah "..

Can I stand now... My knees are hurting. I rise my head to see him.
" A tears are following down continuously from his eyes ". He sat down in front of me. I weep out his tears my moving towards him. Why are you crying..? Stop crying like a child Amaan.

Fariha my heart Melted by hearing your feelings for me. I couldn't stop my tears falling down." I'm so lucky to have you my princess" . Offcourse I will hold your hand until we both together enter in jaanah.

He took a rose form my hand.He kissed me on my forehead.

"I know I want to give my real feed back for winning my heart ".

"I went closer to him and my lips touched on my prince cheek".i kissed him. I felt blushing and he was blushing too.

"I try to went outside from him". But he hold my hand.. I forget to say that... He pull me back..." You look like a angel" my princess. I felt blush..

AMAAN.... stop kidding me.

I'm not kidding with you my prince.

I went at downstairs... He followed me hey stop stop.... I smiled.

We all headed to dinner... I and Amaan sat beside. Suddenly he hold my hand hey stop Amaan.. Our families will find us. Im my fiance now. They won't tell me anything. Hahahaha.. Now stop laughing

Hope you remember my challenge.. That I will complete now..

No please.. For God sake not now please... I made a puppy face.

OK I will give on our Nikkah..

I smiled a him.. We completed our dinner and families decided our Nikkah day. We both lost in our eyes.

After few hours.. AMAAN family went to their house with a joy..

Ok love meet you on our Nikkah. Desperately waiting for that day.

Mee too sweet heart.. Bye.

We all tired... Today we all headed to our rooms and fall asleep soon.

Nikaah... The word make me feel that I belongs him.

So thanks for reading this chapter. ❤

Stay connected with me until I update the last chapter of Destiny guys ❤❤

Heartfelt thanks to every reader guys ❤I'm so thankful to you ❤❤

Do vote and comment on my story guys ❤❤

Until stay blessed and keep smiling. Be in a right path in your entire which make Allah happy towards you and forgive yours small and big sins. He is the most merciful, he can forgive the entire world he holds lots of mercy towards us.... ❤❤❤❤

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