From the Other Dimension - A...

By victoria_l709

101K 4.6K 2K

*COMPLETED* Charlotte "Charlie" Wood moved to Japan from America with her mom in hopes of finding a better... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Authors Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
10 THOUSAND?!?!!
Valentines Day Special! ❤️
Update 061721

Chapter 30

1.9K 131 30
By victoria_l709

(Quick A/N: Sooooo, I don't have many active followers on this story and I just wanted to take some time to thank and dedicate this chapter to volpecula7512! Honestly, seeing that you voted on all of my chapters makes me so happy because I know that there's at least one person who is enjoying this story as much as I do! So thank you for everything! And thank you to all of my other readers who made it this far! Love y'all!)

I turn on my heel to run back into the woods where I came from. Before I could move, a tight hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back.

"Charlie, I need you to go inside with the others."


My own shout shocked me, I'm not the type to yell at authority figures and I immediately realized what I did when Aizawa glared down at me.

"I-I'm sorry Aizawa, everyone is out there fighting for their lives! I can't sit inside and wait with the others I came to UA to be a hero and that's exactly who I'm going to be!"

"You're not a hero yet Charlie, you're a student!"

I scoff and stare back at the adult.

"With all due respect, Pixie-Bob is knocked out right now and there are way more major villains than at USJ. If you expect all the students to not fight and wait on the pro's then it's a losing battle."

He waited for a few seconds and released my wrist. Izuku sprinted out of the woods with Kouta on his back and immediately set him down.


"Sensei! Charlie! I'm so glad! We're in trouble, there's so much I need to tell you but for the time being, I've got something to tell Mandalay. Please look after Kouta! Protect him at all costs, if it helps anything, he has a water quirk!"

Izuku turned to run away but Aizawa and I both stopped him. He can't fight like this! Both of his arms were broken and he definitely had a very swollen black eye forming on his face.

"Those did it again, didn't you?"

"Ah, but, I...I didn't..."

"So this is what the two of you need to go and tell her!"


Izuku and I phased into the clearing where Mandalay was fighting the reptile man. I quickly phase to the reptile and land a hard punch on his cheek, causing him to tumble backward.


Izuku screamed as he kicked the man that I was fighting.

"Everyone in classes A and B! On the name of the pro hero, Eraserhead you are hereby permitted to battle!!"

Mandalay took over our battle as she repeated the message.

"We appreciate the message! However, you need to go back as soon as you can! Those injuries are serious!"

Izuku started sprinting around, helping wherever he can.

"Sorry I can't yet! There's something else! Please relay one more thing!"

I blocked a hit the reptilian was going to hit on Mandalay as I looked over to Izuku.

"The villains have at least one target, THEY'RE LOOKING FOR KACCHAN! PLEASE USE YOUR TELEPATH!"


"Oh my...that kid- we really ought to kill him now!"

The reptilian and I both made a move to stop the large man that charged at Izuku. A knife whizzed by his face as I froze in place. Did he stop him?

"What do you think you're doin'?!? Don't you know that boy was on the priority kill list?! What did you even come fore Spinner?"


I shouted as he disappeared into the woods. I turned to face the two villains who were arguing with each other.

"That little brat is the one stain saw fit to save! In other words, he is a man worthy of the title of 'hero'!"

Mandalay cut Spinner off by kicking him in the cheek. We need to stop that big guy, like now! I quickly took my belt off and phased behind him and wrapped my belt around his neck. I pulled hard as he struggled and closed my eyes. He'll just pass out, just pass out, I felt my body shaking as the two of us dropped to the ground and I rolled over to the side. I pressed my fingers on his neck and still found a pulse.

"He's still alive don't worry!"

Mandalay relayed the message as Tiger helped me get to my feet. I quickly put my belt back on and sprinted in the direction that Izuku went in. I phased back and forth in between the trees and saw Dark Shadow knocking trees down left and right. I phase towards it but the second I reappear I'm smacked away. My body skid on the ground as I shakily get up.

"Charlie! You found us!"

Izuku was riding on Shouji's back and I got up to sprint next to them. Dark Shadow was raging overhead, distracted by Shouji's taunts. That's right, he can't control him in the dark right? That's why Tokoyami was always screaming in the cave.

"We're bringing it to Kacchan and Todoroki so they can use their quirks to calm it down!"

I nodded and phased in front of them, this continued until the air temperature suddenly dropped.

"They're up ahead! I feel Shoto's ice!"

I scream at the two boys as we enter a large clearing. Shoto's ice covered most of the ground as a man in a straight jacket flipped around wildly.


I stopped in my tracks as Dark Shadow slammed the villain down to the ground. He kept picking him up and slamming him down until the villain was knocked out cold. I sprinted to Katsuki and gave him a huge hug. He froze but put one of his hands on the back of my head. I felt bursts of heat behind me and Dark Shadow's strangled screaming. Suddenly, the sound and the heat stopped and I was released from Katsuki's hold.

"Listen to me jerk!"

He looked at me with wide eyes and scowled.

"I don't give a crap about your stupid ego and being the best, I don't care about that one bit so swallow your pride and listen to me! You will comply and you will listen to us so we can protect you! Understood?!"

He slowly nodded and I pushed him to the center of the group. We all walked in a line with him in the middle, that way he can't be taken. We slowly walked through the woods, all of our guards were up as we looked in every direction. Where is Toshi?! He was with Momo right?! I reached my hand behind me and grabbed Katsuki's. I looked behind me into his crimson eyes.

"Please don't get snatched okay?"

He scoffed and looked away from me.

"Of course I won't."


Huh? I look forward and see a small blonde girl jump away from Ochako and turn to run in the forest.

"There are too many people and I don't want to die so...bye-bye!"

She disappeared in the woods and we all ran to Tsu and Ochako. The two of them looked pretty hurt up and tired. But I'm sure they can manage.

"Right now we're protecting Kacchan as we head back to the camp."

Izuku tiredly said as he winced in pain from his earlier battle.

"Ribbit. You're protecting Bakugou? Where is Bakugou?"

Wh-What? No, he's here he was right behind me. I turned around and obsessively searched for ash blonde spikes.

"No no no! No! I just had him!"

I screamed and dug around in the bushes and looked around the trees.

"I just had him! He was here! Katsuki! Katsuki! Come out!"

I screamed, I felt streams of tears run down my face as I shook. I felt cold and hot grip my shoulders and turn me around.

"I had him!"

"Charlie, it's okay, we'll get him back it's not your fault."

"Oh what a touching display of affection!"

My head snapped up to a magician looking man who was standing in the trees above us. My fists tightened as I stared at the masked villain.

"The boy, I took him with my magic."

I stepped forward with Izuku and clenched my jaw so tight, I felt a migraine forcing its way into my head. He tossed a small blue pearl in his hands and stared demeaningly at us.

"We'll take him to a stage where he can shine more."

"You a*shole! Give him back!"

I screamed at him and stepped forward. Shoto grabbed a hold of my arm and tightened his grip.

"My, my, such a crass way for a girl to speak! Give him back you say? He's his own person, he doesn't belong to anyone."

"Move out the way!"

I stepped to the side as Shoto shot large crystals at the villain. He dodged with ease and flipped around in the air.

"We simply want to show him that the path he's on now with its fanatical values is not the only path he can take. Kids these days are made to choose their paths based on their values."

Shouji quickly turned around and looked at the group.

"It's not just Bakugou! Tokoyami's not here either!"


"He snatched the two in the back noiselessly? What kind of quirk does he have?"

Shoto faced the magician again, except now he was in a different tree than before.

"To go out of your way to talk to us. You're underestimating us."

I felt myself growl at the realization as I stepped closer to the villain.

"I was an entertainer you know, it's a bad habit of mine. Taking Tokoyami was an improvisation on my part. Moonfish, the man with the blade-tooth, he may not look it, but he's a cutthroat on death row whose appeal was dismissed. With a violent nature that trampled that cutthroat down one-sidedly, I decided that he was good too."

I'm going to wreck him and get my friends back.

"You bastard! Don't take them!"

Izuku screamed next to me, the pain in his voice stung my chest and I clenched my fists once again. If he can't save them in the condition that he's in, I sure as heck will.

"Uraraka! Take this guy!"

Shoto handed her the boy that he's been carrying around and launched into action. A large ice formation sprouted from him, much bigger than the one he created during the Sport's Festival. In the distance, I could faintly see the villain's yellow trench coat as he dodged the mass attack.

"Sorry, tricks and running away are my only redeeming features! There's no way I'd fight students who are hero candidates! Vanguard action squad, target successfully collected!"

"Freak! He's telling the rest of his team! We have to do something now!"

I shouted at the rest of them as I phased closer to the man.

"As arranged, head to the retrieval point in the next five minutes!"

I continued to phase closer to him as my hero friends ran below me.

<:Hitoshi's POV:>

I held Yaoyorozu over my shoulder as I sprinted away from the large beast that was chasing us.

"This is bad!"

The beast came towards us with its blades whirring quickly. I let go of Momo and placed her on the ground next to me. I immediately dodged some of its attacks to get its attention away from her. Suddenly, it stopped and began walking away from us, almost as someone flipped a switch and was calling it back home. In the corner of my eye, I saw a faint pink glow coming from Yaoyorozu's hands. She passed me a dagger and a small button-like object.

"I know it's gorey, but I need you to put this inside of him."

"What so you want me to stab him? He's going to f*cking murder me."

"Then control him or something! We need to do this!"

I sighed as I stared at the large monster.

"I can't control him, I tried. Bastard's brain is as fried as they come. But I'll do whatever I can."

I held the knife tightly in my hand as I sprinted up to it, I quickly tried to stab it but the knife wouldn't go through. The monster paid no attention to me as he continued walking and I repeatedly stabbed him in the back.

"What the f*ck?"

I growled and sprinted back to Yaoyorozu.

"I couldn't plant the tracker, what I can do is find some villains and capture them. Now let's go hunting!"

<:Charlie's POV:>

I was close enough now! I phased directly above the man and outstretched my legs, slamming him into the ground below me. I phased on top of him and grabbed him by his shirt.

"What in the-"

I landed a hard punch to his face, causing his head to swing to the side.

"Give them to me now!"

I landed another punch to his face, this time his mask cracked.


I brought my fist down and punched him directly in the throat. He started choking and when I pulled my fist back, a warm hand encased around it. Searing pain ripped through me as I was yanked to the side.

"Mr. Compress, this girl certainly got the better of you."


The rest of the group busted through the forest as I laid on the ground, my hand throbbing in sharp pain. Their worry was soon cut short as the blonde girl from earlier suddenly attacked Izuku and everyone began fighting the villains around us.

"Give him back."

I weakly demanded and drug my body to stand upright. My legs were shaking with adrenaline as I stared back into blue eyes.

"I told you we'd meet again."

"Lucky me!"

I yelled and launched forward towards the man. Heat flushed against my face as I phased in and out between his punches and blasts of flame. Suddenly, I was kicked to the ground, I watched as blue flames launched my way and the dimension start glitching. This isn't going to be pretty. I braced myself for impact but suddenly felt my body being yanked to the side. I opened my eyes and saw lavender eyes glaring away from me.


He smiled down at me and helped me sit up straight. My body was trembling as I forced myself to sit up with my hands. The man stood next to the magician with a bored look on his face. Hitoshi scrambled to his feet, blood leaked down his face and I could see scrapes and bruises all over him.


"Don't worry beautiful, I got this covered."

The patchwork man scoffed and turned away from the magician.

"I don't know what your quirk is, but inside that right pocket of yours that you keep flaunting were these-- Tokoyami and Katsuki, right entertainer?"

Shouji held up two blue crystal balls and I felt myself relax as I saw them in his hand. Good, we have them back. Now we just have to beat these idiots.

"Oh, that didn't take you very long! As expected from someone with six arms! You're good at feeling around!"

Shoto quickly put up an ice wall and began running away with the other two boys. Hitoshi quickly helped me to my feet as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"I need you to run, I'm going to capture them okay?"

"What? No, I'm not leaving you here alone there's like four of them here at least!"

"It'll be fi-"

He was interrupted as villains circled around us and slowly began venturing inside of the warp gate.

"We're running out of time. Hey, blondie!"

He shouted towards the insane girl. She stepped out of the warp and looked at him, an odd look of adoration passing on her features.

"Oh, hello!"

Hitoshi smirked and leaned forward, moving slightly closer to her.

"What's your name?"

"Oh! It's To-"

Her eyes glazed over, an overwhelming amount of pride filled my stomach as she followed his directions to walk back to the camp.

"Let's just hope her possie doesn't notice."

He smirked at me but froze as he stared in front of us where the magician was standing.

"It's a habit, one of the basics of magic. When I flaunt something, it's because there's something I don't want you to see."

Mr. Compress moved what was left of his mask aside and stuck out his tongue, revealing two blue orbs.


I screamed and tried to rush forward but Hitoshi kept a good grip on me.

"Ch-Charlie you can't!"

"I almost lost him at the USJ and I won't let them take him please!"

I found myself screaming hysterically as Shoto and Izuku rushed towards him. All of a sudden, a bright laser emerged from the woods and hit the magician head on. He coughed up the two beads as Shouji and Shoto launched forward to grab them. Shouji got a hold of one of them. Shoto nearly had his hands around the other when the patchwork man snatched it first.


I phased over to the portal as the two men sunk back.


Katsuki appeared in front of me as I launched myself towards him. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as I reached out for him, only to be consumed in darkness.

<:Hitoshi's POV:>

My whole world went silent. All I heard was a dull high pitched ring as I watched everyone else scramble to where the warp gate once was.

"She's gone."

I dropped to my hands and knees and stared at where she was standing seconds before.

"She's gone!"

I felt the cool tears stream down my face as they dropped to the dirt below me. I crawled forward to where she was and slammed my fist on the ground repeatedly.


I screamed and crumbled to the ground. I felt a cool hand press on my back as Shoto glared at the area in front of me.

"We will get the both of them back."

"I promised her nothing would happen."

The two of us were silent as I slowly stood up, my fists clenched at my sides.

"They have it f*cking coming to them."

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