Stucky High School AU

By deuce_tiberius

66.6K 1.8K 4.5K

WARNING! Ships, head cannons, lgbtq+ relationships and characters (obviously), mention and attempts of suicid... More

The Move
First Day
Gum Wrappers
Help me
Dances and Jerseys
Strawberry Milkshake
Finals Week

The Hospital

4.2K 129 409
By deuce_tiberius

Bucky could hear faint, muffled sirens. His vision was growing blurry. Steve was there. When did Steve get there? He was saying something, but it was scrambled in his mind. What was Steve doing?

"Steve?" Bucky forced out as his vision went black.

"Bucky!" Steve yelled, he could feel tears welling in his eyes.

He knew Bucky would be alright, some how he just knew, but the thought of Bucky is going through this struck him through the heart. He'd believed Bucky, he hadn't done anything to stop this while it was going on.

Steve heard Brock finally getting up off of the floor. He coughed and forced himself up to his feet. Steve stood back up and glared him down, if he tried anything Steve was ready.

Police came bursting through the door a few moments later. They cuffed the man and paramedics tended to Bucky. Steve was not allowed to ride in the ambulance, he had to get a shirt or a jacket or something on before he got to the hospital.

Steve was able to find a zip up hoodie in his car. As soon as he could he ran into the hospital. Steve sat outside of the room and waited. It was late and he was tired, but there was no way he was going to sleep now.

He heard footsteps quickly approaching and looked up. Steve recognized the man approaching.

"Where's James?" He asked frantically.

"He's in there, we aren't allowed to see him yet." Steve replied.

George sighed and sat down in a chair next to Steve. "What happened?"

"I don't know exactly." Steve explained "But, his boyfriend was here an-"

"That bitch." George mumbled.

"He did some bad crap to Bucky. Bucky called me, I don't know if he meant to or if he was trying to get ahold of someone else, I just came as soon as he called." Steve continued.

"Where is Rumlow now?" George asked.

"Who?" Steve asked back.

"Brock Rumlow, Bucky's boyfriend." George clarified.

"Jail, I think. I don't know how any of this works." Steve stated "I don't really know any details about any of this."

Steve and George sat in silence for a few minutes before a doctor walked out of the room. George stood up.

"Is he alright?" George asked.

The doctor sighed, "He's going to be alright. He's still asleep, but you are welcome to see him if you'd like."

A few hours later Bucky woke up. He looked over to his side. His dad was sitting in a chair by the bed, next to him was Steve, passed out.

"Daddy?" Bucky spoke up, his voice raspy and quiet. (I had to, I love adorable father son moments like this)

"Hey, Buck." George smiled slightly. "How are you feelin', Bud?"

"Could be better." Bucky chuckled slightly in an attempt to lighten the mood. 

"Yeah, I bet, kiddo."

"So much for staying out of trouble, huh?" Bucky tried to joke, his eyes stinging with tears.

George pulled Bucky into a hug, he had to stop himself from hugging him to tightly, as to not hurt Bucky's cut up back or ribs. Bucky wrapped his arms around his dad and broke down. His whole body began to shake as he sobbed into the man's shoulder.

"I-I should've listened to you." Bucky cried.

"No! Don't do that! Don't you dare blame yourself for what that jackass did to you!" George told him, "No matter if you chose to be with him or not, there is no excuse for him doing this to you! None of this was your fault. Do you understand that."

"We should probably tell someone I'm awake, huh?" Bucky mumbled, looking away from his dad.

"Bucky." George said, trying to get his son to look at him, "James. Look at me."

Bucky looked up. He knew that look all to well. His dad was being serious. But this time it was different. He wasn't angry like he usually was. He looked as if we were about to cry. It only made it that much harder for Bucky not to do the same.

George looked his son in the eyes, "This was not. Is not. And will never be, your fault. Do you understand that?"

"Yeah." Bucky nodded.

"Good." George smiled a little and he kissed his son's forehead, "I'm going to go get the doctor, okay?"


Only a few minutes later the doctor walked in, "Glad to see you're awake James." The doctor said, "We're just going to check up on how you're doing."

The doctor asked questions and Bucky answered. He checked on few things then pulled George into the hall to talk with him. All the talking woke up Steve.

"Buck?" Steve grabbed his attention.

"Hey Stevie." Bucky smiled.

"You good?" Steve asked.

"Been better, obviously, but I'll be fine." Bucky answered.

"So, uh, what did that guy do to you?" Steve asked, Bucky looked down "It's alright if you don't want to talk about it-"

"He-he raped me." Bucky mumbled, "He'd hit me lots of times before so that wasn't new, but tonight he wanted- I wasn't ready, and he-" Bucky put his face in his hands and started to cry.

Steve wrapped his arm around Bucky, "I'm sorry Buck. Why would you have ever stayed with him when he was abusive?"

"I don't know, I guess I just felt like I deserved it." Bucky replied, "Steve?"


"Thank you, thank you for coming." Bucky mumbled.

"Hey that's what best friends are for." Steve replied.

"Till the end of the line."

"Till the end of the line, pal." Steve smiled, "Can't believe you still remember that."

Bucky smiled back, "Clearly you still remember it too."

"Don't know. So how bad are the injuries?" Steve asked with a small sigh.

"A few bruised ribs, nothing broken or fractured, might have a minor concussion." Bucky explained.

"What about your back?" Steve asked, extremely concerned.

"Just cut up." Bucky said, shrugging a little.

"What the fuck is wrong with that guy." Steve muttered.

"Wow Stevie, I didn't think you knew that kind of language." Bucky smiled slightly.

"Well, it's a real question." Steve huffed.

"He didn't just cut up my back." Bucky replied quietly.

Steve's eyes narrowed, "Well, then what did he do?"

"Stevie, please just calm down." Bucky whispered.

"What did he do?! What ever it is it isn't okay, no mater if he just straight up cut you not!" Steve continued just below a yell.

"Told me he wanted to remind me who I belong to. He carved his name in by back with my pocket knife." Bucky explained.

"Why would he do that, you didn't do anything wrong!" Steve snapped.

Bucky mumbled, "You should probably go home and get some sleep."

"No! I want to know why he would do this to you!" Steve stated.

"He saw me wearing your hoodie, thought I was cheating on him." Bucky mumbled, he saw Steve's face change from anger to sadness, "Steve, it wasn't your fault. If I hadn't been arguing with him I wouldn't have been out there, you where just being a good friend!"

"Why wouldn't you just let me drive you home? You knew he'd be pissed if he saw you in my hoodie."

"I didn't want to bother you with my problems." Bucky explained.

"What problems? Why where you two arguing?" Steve asked.

"He was kissing another guy. When I got mad he said it was payback for everything I'd done. After we argued I left, he said he wasn't taking me home so if I wanted to get back I had to walk." Bucky explained, "I didn't mind anyways."

"Why didn't you tell me, or your dad or someone?" Steve asked, slightly angry again.

Bucky looked like he was about to cry again, "I thought everything was fine. I thought that love was supposed to hurt like that."

"No, that isn't love, Bucky." Steve sighed sadly.

"It was the only relation ship I've ever had that lasted more than a week. I don't understand, why I can't just have something real." Bucky cried.

"Bucky I-" Steve began, "It'll get better. You're going to find the perfect person someday."

George walked back into the room, "Steve, it's really late, you should get home." He sighed.

"Oh, yeah. I guess I should get going." Steve replied. 

"Hey, Stevie?" Bucky called out before the other boy could leave the room, "Remember when you were stuck in the hospital?"

Steve turned around to face his friend, "Yeah." 

"Wanna try and sneak me in some chicken nuggets tomorrow, like I used to do?"

"Yeah. I'll bring you some chicken nuggets, you nerd." Steve smiled, "I'll see ya tomorrow. Bye Bucky."

"Bye." Bucky said, he didn't want Steve to leave, not yet.

Angry, protective Stevie. Boyfriend mode activated.

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