Panstagram <> Vkook

By Aeri_Taekook

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Taebeach_95: Hey hottie ;) Jeon_Cena: Hi daddy 👋🏻 In which a graduating boy gets a DM from a stranger. More

Important update :)


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By Aeri_Taekook

Jungkook's P.O.V

Today was finally Saturday, two things were happening today; for one it was cleaning day and for two my date with Taehyung was tonight, at 7:09pm to be exact.

I hopped out of bed and went downstairs where I heard the sound of a frying pan sizzling and the smell of bacon.

"Morning!" I chirped, sitting next to Jisoo.

"Morning!" Mom and Jisoo replied back at the same time.

"So y'all know it's monthly cleaning day!!!" My mom said happily. "The chart of what to do is on the fridge...with assigned tasks to the names so y'all don't fight again." She informed.

"Ugh," Jisoo grumbled, "Mom I'm on my period and I just want to snuggle with Yuna and like bleed out." She said as Mom put eggs on her plate and she dove in.

"Mom I'm on my period to." I said.

"Jisoo I don't care if your on your period, your helping, and Jungkook if your bleeding out down there then please inform me because your tip is only supposed to ooze out cum." She informed.

"MOM!" I covered my face in embarrassment and I heard her laugh.

"Mom guys are so lucky, they only leak cum—"

"STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP!!!" I yelled, covering my earS, "Also it sucks."

"How?" Jisoo asked.

"Well it's never happened to me before without having done anything but sometimes enough comes out that your boxers and dick are sticky and it's really uncomfortable." I said. I love how close our small family is.

They both nodded and hummed.

"At least your privates are gooey with blood." I heard Jisoo mumbled, making me groan, flustered.

Once we finished breakfast we did our dishes and went over to the chore board, picking a task to start with.

Mom started blasting music and we all headed our separate ways.

Jisoo went to the bathroom, my mom stayed in the kitchen and I went upstairs to clean my room.

As I was cleaning my room I came along a box.

It was the Polaroid camera I got for Tae!

I forgot about it...I'll give it to him tonight. Hopefully he likes it!

I went back to picking up my clothes and making my bed, then I dusted and vacuumed.

First chore done.

Then a loud knock made all the noise in the house settle down.

"Helllooooooo???" Yuna's voice came booming through the house and I heard Jisoo screech and trip while running into Yunas arms.

I walked downstairs and said hello to her.

"Babe, I'm on my period did you get the stuff?"  Jisoo asked Yuna.

"Yup, chocolate ice cream, sprinkles, fudge topping; and gummy bears. But that's for after you and I finish cleaning." She said and Jisoo whined at the last part.

At least the chores would go by quicker.

Eventually evening came and I was getting ready for Taehyung and I's date. He said to dress fancy for where he was taking me.

I checked myself in the mirror one more time before walking out.

(What Jungkook is wearing but he has raven colored hair)
Taehyung said he would be here soon.

I walked downstairs and saw Jisoo and Yuna on the couch.

"Lookin' good Jungkookie!" Jisoo cheered.

A knock on the door signaled Tae was here.

"Have fun!" Yuna said as I walked to the door.

"Thanks!" I opened it.

Taehyung stood infront of me, he looked absolutely perfect.

(What Tae is wearing, but he has blonde hair)
"Why hello beautiful." He leaned down and kissed my lips, making me giggle and blush.

"Hi TaeTae." I smiled.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah just let me grab my wallet—" I went to turn around and Taehyung held me in place.

"It's on me, I'm taking you out."

"Thanks." I said.

Taehyung backed up and allowed me to go in front of him, I walked out and to the car, getting in the passenger seat.

Taehyung got in the drivers seat and started the car, then we were off.

"So what did you do today?" Tae asked.

"Cleaned. I tried to get out of it by saying I got my period but it just got awkward." I laughed, making Taehyung chuckle.

"Oh my," he smiled at me as we stopped at a red light. Taehyung placed his hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently.

I put my hand on top of his hand that was on my thigh, my hand was small compared to his. His fingers were so long to.

I wonder what those fingers can do.

We pulled into the parking lot of a big building, the outside was ravishing.

Taehyung got our and came over and opened my door, he took my hand and we walked into the restaurant.

I gasped at the inside

"Kim Taehyung, table for two." Taehyung said to the waiter.

She nodded and we headed back to our table.

"Would you like anything to drink?" She asked us.

"Two red wines please." Taehyung said. I had never actually tried wine before.

"I have never tried wine," I whispered when the waiter left, "I feel like this place is to fancy I feel under dressed and ugly—"

"Hush, love, you look fine and I know you have not that's why I ordered it." He smiled, taking my hand in his.

The waiter came back and gave us our drinks, Taehyung took the wine and used his wrist to swirl the contents inside.

He took a sip, then looked at me.

I took the glass and took a sip.

It was literally one of the best things I have ever tasted.

"It tastes good." I hum.


Soon a waiter came out and greeted us.

"Hello! I'm Exilo! What would y'all like to eat this fine evening?" I looked at the menu and nearly dropped over.

The cheapest item was 150$

Taehyung noticed and kicked my foot gently under the table to get me to shut my mouth.

"I-I-I would like the grilled steak, with mashed potatoes and green beans please with a side of fried kimchi." I ordered the cheapest item on the menu.

"I will have the same but with roasted vegetables instead and no side." He smiled at Exilo.

"OK! Your food will be out shortly!" He smiled and walked away.

"This place is so expensive Tae!" I scolded.

"I got a raise and I want to use that money in the most beautiful, precious, lovable man in my life." Taehyung kissed my knuckles, making me blush.

Soon our food was out and we both dug in.

The meal was literally the best thing I ever had.

Expensive things taste good—

Once we were done eating they put the check on the table. Taehyung quickly snatched it so I could not see and I whined, he put the cash in and closed it. Then we headed out.

"So I have a place I want to bring you." Taehyung said.


Taehyung drove for about ten minutes and then we arrived at a beautiful beach.

We got out and walked along it, the view of the ocean was beautiful.

The sky was black and and blue, stars were all over; the ocean was a dark blue and black also; a lighthouse was seen in the distance and the sand was soft.

Taehyung and I walked hand in hand along it, then he took my hands in his.

"I have a gift for you." He said, "For us." Taehyung pulled out a box from
His back pocket.

"Jungkook I know we have only been together for about six months, but I love you so much; and I want you to know I got us forever rings." He smiled, opening the box.

The box contained two sterling sliver rings; one had diamonds on it.

He took the one with diamonds out and tenderly grabbed my hand; sliding it on.

I looked at it and admired it.

(Jungkook's ring...pretend it says 'love forever' on the inside)

The Taehyung slid one on his hand.

(Taes ring)

"Jungkook, I love you so so much, you are the light in my've helped me so much and made me feel so important...when I'm around you I feel a spark—god I'm not good at speeches I love you so fucking much." I blushed and looked down. Taehyung grabbed my chin gently and pulled me into a kiss; it was passionate and soft.

I had been thinking about something a lot lately...countless nights I wondered if I should take this step...and I finally feel ready.

"Taehyung...?" I started.

"Yes baby?" He replied.

"I think I'm read to take our relationship to the next level." I stated; feeling confident.

"What do you mean?" He asked, clearly confused:

"I'm ready to give myself to you," I replied.

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