Alive [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

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SEQUEL TO "TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY"! Please read "Irresistible", then "Truly, Madly, Deeply" BEFORE this one! Th... More

Alive [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (NEW)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - LAST CHAPTER!

Chapter 21

490 22 4
By hopeangel11

Chapter 21


"Are you sure you have everything?" Liam asked frantically over the phone at bloody 5 o'clock in the morning. "This is very important, Dylan. You need to make sure you have everything you need for the babies."

"Yeah, Dad. I got everything in the bag," his son answered as he threw the bag in the back seat, then got into the driver's seat to start the car.

Just when Dylan was about to drive out of the driveway of his and Maddy's house, he heard his girlfriend call out to him from the front door. "DYLAN! You freaking left me here! Don't you dare drive off without me, you idiot!"

"You forgot  your pregnant girlfriend?" Liam questioned in disbelief on the phone.

"Yeah, okay, I did. Don't need to rub it in. I'm freaking out right now, so I kinda forgot to bring the most important thing," Dylan responded, getting out of the car and running to Maddy's side. "Sorry, love."

"Oh, shut up. I can't believe you forgot about me. I'm  the one who's about to give birth, you know?" she countered as he helped her sit in the passenger's side.

After Maddy was seated and had her seatbelt on, Dylan ran back to the driver's side and started pulling out of the driveway with his cellphone on speaker. "Dad, we're heading to the hospital now. I'll call you back after Maddy gives birth to the triplets."

"Sure. Tell her good luck, cuz I know she'll need it," Liam returned, then hung up the phone with a tired sigh.

"They're having the babies today, huh? I wonder how that's gonna be like, having triplets," Harry asked beside him on their bed, yawning and pulling Liam closer in his arms.

"I'm just glad they're on their way to the hospital and that I  didn't have to triplets," said the younger man. "Can you imagine if she has to give birth to triplets naturally? And with Dylan  in the room? He ran out and threw up in the washroom at the hospital for half an hour when Abby  was born."

Harry chuckled and nuzzled his face in Liam's neck. "I remember that. Had to drag him back in the room with Ethan's help. He won the bet, though."

"Think he'll be able to stay in the room with Maddy while she gives birth to three  babies?"

"Hell  no! He'll be lucky to even last through the hours of labour with her before the births. I think he'll either pass out when the first baby's just starting to get pushed out, or he'll run out of the room."

"I should've wished him luck too, then," Liam said sleepily, eyes closing as he turned to face his husband.

"They'll both need it," Harry muttered, arms tightening around Liam before they both fell asleep.



Liam, Harry, the twins, and Abby made their way to the room where a nurse informed them Dylan, Maddy and their newborn triplets were. Claire was skipping ahead of everyone else, holding three balloons and Ethan was carrying a small bouquet to give Maddy from all of them to congratulate her on giving birth to three babies.

Their parents lingered back a bit, taking their time to walk to the room as they held hands and talked.

"I can't believe we're about to see our first grandchildren," Liam said in awe, squeezing Harry's hand. "I'm too young to be a grandfather. I thought I'd still have a few more years before they had any kids; especially Dylan."

"Yeah. Just rub it in about how young  you are compared to me," Harry grumbled, making Liam chuckle and kiss his cheek.

"You could really pass off as our kids great-great-great-greandfather with your real age," the younger man teased, earning a scowl from his husband. "Aw, come on. You know it's true."

"Doesn't mean you have to keep reminding me about how old I really am."

"I love you, honey."

Harry just scoffed and avoided Liam's eyes, even though he was tempted keep looking back at his beloved. "Mhm."

"Dad, Papa! This is the room!" Claire called out a short distance away as she was practically bouncing from excitement in front of a door. "Ethan and I are gonna go in now, cuz you two are busy flirting and frolicking there."

"Make sure you knock firs- " 

Instead of letting her Dad finish, Claire opened the door and started congratulating the person in there. Ethan cursed under his breath for Claire's loudness, but followed after her with the bouquet in hand and paused at the doorway when he didn't recognize the person.

"Oh! Whoops! Wrong room. My bad. We're really sorry,... Sir?" Claire exclaimed.

"I'm a woman!"

"Okay. We're gonna go now. Sorry, Ma'am," Ethan interjected, quickly pulling Claire out and rushing over to the room across with the right number. "Wrong room, Claire."

"Sorry. I really thought it was the right one," his twin said with a sigh. "But did you see her? I actually thought she was a man!"

Ethan shook his head and knocked on the correct door, then walked in after someone called out they could come inside. Claire squealed and skipped inside, cooing at the babies immediately.

Liam and Harry could hear Claire clearly even from where they were still walking, hearing her cooing at the babies. The younger father smiled up at Harry, and pulled his hand to quicken their pace to the room.

With a knock on the door, Liam and Harry walked in to greet their son and his girlfriend. Maddy smiled tiredly from the bed, waving at them as Dylan was in the chair beside her, looking as white as a sheet. Stifling their laugh, Liam and Harry went over to their youngest son cautiously, making sure not to scare him even more.

"Hey, Dyl. Congrats on the triplets," Liam started gently, placing a light hand on his son's shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Hey, Dad and Papa. Congrats to me," the teen responded distractedly, shaking his head to hopefully clear it from the images of the birth from his head. "Can't get it out of my head."

"Did you even manage to stay for one of the births at least?" Harry questioned teasingly.

"Actually, he stayed for all three of them," Maddy informed them. "He almost threw up a few times, but he managed to stay the whole time. He hasn't even left the room yet. I think he even took a video of the whole thing."

Her boyfriend smiled appreciatively at her, squeezing her hand. "I still feel like passing out now, though. I wish I didn't know what it looked  like. Ugh. With all the crying and screaming..."

"From Maddy or from you?" Ethan asked playfully, laughing with Claire.

"Both of us, I guess," Dylan admitted hazily, surprising everyone else that he actually said that. "I couldn't really stop myself from screaming and crying with Maddy. That's  how awful it was to watch the births of my children."

"Have you carried them yet?" Claire questioned, smirking at her twin.

"Cuz if you have, did you drop them already?" Ethan added as he chuckled with her.

The youngest teen scowled at them, saying, "No, actually. I've been very careful not to drop them like Papa did to me. I'm trying to be a very good  father, okay?"

"Excuse you? You don't think I'm  a 'very good father'?" Harry argued, taking offense to that. "I literally fathered  all four of you. Your Dad may have given birth to you, but I needed to help by willingly giving my sperm to make  each one of you. I should be greatfully appreciated for that."

"EW! Papa, Abby's in the room too!" Claire exclaimed in protest.

"No, she isn't. You guys didn't come in here with her," Dylan pointed out.

Liam's heart almost jumped out of his chest (at least that's what if felt like), frantically looking around the room. "Harry, I thought Abby was with you!"

"No, she wasn't. She likes you  better, so why would she be with me?" Harry countered.

"Well, she clearly isn't! Where the hell is our youngest child?!" Liam cried out, running out of the room and looking both ways down the hallway. "Abby? Abby! Where are you, baby? Daddy's looking for you!"

"I'm sure she's fine," Ethan said dismissively. "She probably walked off to play with some kids."

"This is a hospital, Ethan. She can't just play around with some kids who are probably sick or injured here! Do you know how dangerous that is for her? We have to find her - Why am I the only one panicking?! Abby is missing!" Liam shouted, walking back in the room and grabbing Harry's arm to pull him out.

The older father let out a yelp from Liam dragging him out so suddenly, trying to pull his arm back. "Li, calm down for a minute."

"You  calm down, Harold! I don't have time to 'calm down'. Our daughter is probably running around this place, scared and looking for me - us! For all I know, she could have gotten hurt or maybe even infected. We can't lose our daughter like this! AAH!"

"Firstly, no screaming. Secondly, we'll find her, and she'll be just fine, okay?"

"Shut up. You don't know that," Liam retorted, continuing to drag Harry around the hospital, asking people they passed by if they've seen a little girl with light brown, curly hair and green eyes.

After walking around the different floors of the hospital, Harry finally spotted Abby sitting in a chair outside a random room, eating a cookie and wearing a doctor's coat. Liam nearly fainted from relief and ran over to her, picking her up in his arms and hugging her tightly. Abby dropped her cookie from the sudden movement, so she pouted and pointed at it when Harry reached them.

"Cookie, Papa."

"You can't eat it anymore, baby. It's already on the floor and dirty," Harry said gently, picking up the cookie and throwing it away.

"But 'five second rule'!" she said in protest, trying to get out of Liam's arms.

"That's gross, Abby. We're in a hospital," her Papa said in disgust taking a seat beside Liam after he finally sat down with her still in his arms.

Liam kissed Abby's face repeatedly, murmuring, "Thank goodness we found you alive! I don't know what I'd do if you were gone, Abby. Daddy was so worried about you. Why did you leave my side?"

"I hungry and ask a nice nurse for food," she replied, giggling when Liam kissed her cheek.

"Why are you wearing a doctor's coat?" Harry asked.

"I walk in room with doctors and took it. I like it, Papa," Abby answered, raising her arms up with the too-long sleeves covering her arms.

"You stole  it from a doctor?!" Liam said in disbelief. looking down at her.

"It like a dress, Daddy!"

Harry let out a chuckle stood back up. "Come on, you two. Let's go return that coat to a doctor and see Dylan's babies. Abby, you're gonna meet your niece and nephews."

"What's that?"

"You'll see them soon enough, baby. But let's bring this back first," Liam said, standing up from the chair and carrying her in his arms.


"Abby, what do you think of them?" Liam asked as he carried her so she could look down at the babies in Maddy and Dylan's arms. "They're cute, right?"

"I cuter, Daddy. I baby, too," she declared, hugging Liam tighter and turning away from the triplets.

"Aww. Someone's jealous of them," Harry cooed at her, kissing her forehead.

Ethan hummed at that, then said, "They are  cuter than Abby, now that I really look at them. I mean, Abby was a little over 'averagely cute', but these babies are definitely 'adorable'. What do you say, Claire?"

"I agree. Sorry, Abby," his twin declared, smiling at their little sister.

"No! I cutest!" Abby exclaimed in protest, jumping out of Liam's arms quickly and landing on Ethan.

Liam and Harry could only stare as their youngest child tried to hurt her older siblings for calling the babies cuter than her. On the other hand, Dylan and Maddy were laughing, knowing that Dylan was once the 'cute one' before Abby came along. But he didn't mind passing on the title once he grew out of that title.

"Abby, no hurting your siblings!" Liam scolded her after a few seconds of being frozen from shock.

"Ow! She's pulling my hair!" Claire cried out as Ethan tried to pull the little girl off.

Instead on letting go of Claire completely, Abby put one of her hands on Ethan's ear and started pulling. Liam scolded her again, but she just kept yelling and pulling on them. 

"Harold, you better be helping me instead of just standing there!" Liam shouted.

"Hold on, love. Let me capture this moment for the future," Harry said with a smile, getting the camera and moving to the front of the bed. "Okay. Dylan and Maddy, smile like this is the happiest moment of your life, even though there's actual chaos around."

They did just that, letting Harry take a picture of them. He even got a nurse to come in and take a picture of the whole family after telling her to ignore the fighting.

In the picture, Dylan and Maddy were sitting on the bed holding their babies, while Harry stood beside Dylan at the bed and the other were off to the side, fighting. Abby was yelling as she was finally pulled away from the twins by Liam, who nearly fell over and the twins looked to be in some pain because of their sister.

That was the best picture they got to welcome the triplets into their crazy family.

*Just letting y'all know that I won't be able to update every day regularly, because I'll be busy with family vacations and other stuff. I'll try to update as often as I can, though, but no promises on anything consistent.

Sorry about this! Hope y'all understand!

Lots of love! <3 x*

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