
By JustAReader248

4.7K 216 16

(Warning - Poly/Femslash) I had never given much thought to how I would die. I was only twenty-four, I had my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

357 18 1
By JustAReader248

a/n please comment any inconsistencies with my writing, I don’t reread chapters before starting new ones

Amazing banners made by americanmediocrity

Chapter 3


The next morning I woke up with regret. Why had I done that? Why did I make it seem like I was a psychic like Alice? Obviously my brain had taken an hour long vacation. For someone who could remember everything I’ve ever read or seen I was really stupid!

In the library back where I came from I had never thought of the future, or the past. I had always lived in the present, if you could call that living. It was more like excisting. I had no real purpose or goal; even now I was just foolishly running around this new life.

Did I need a goal? What a stupid question. What was Bella’s goal? As far as I knew she had wanted to become a teacher before she met Edward and then suddenly became obsessed with becoming like him. I didn’t want that.

We drove to school in silence; I think Dad enjoyed the silence for a change instead of the needless babble. Maybe we didn’t have to talk nonstop. My mind was preoccupied with my future, for the first time in my life I was thinking of one for myself.

I walked through the parking lot still in thought; I hadn’t greeted anyone, not even Angela. I didn’t even smile; my face was the same stoic expression I had always worn before, somehow the fairytale like gloss that enveloped me since I got here had been abruptly removed from my mind. I was so deep in thought I realized too late that I was about to be squished by a dark blue van.

Really! Why had I thought that since I didn’t drive to school in that awful truck that the van incident wouldn’t happen? Was something in this universe out to get me? Will I be subjected to all of Bella’s bad luck? I watched as the van neared, it skidded, tires locked and screeching against the brakes, spinning wildly across the ice of the parking lot. It was going to hit me straight on.

I didn’t notice anything else; it was just me and the van. I couldn’t just fling it out of the way like I had done to previous dangers. But maybe I could stop it in its tracks. I curled into myself, jutting out my hand to stop it with my power and surprisingly, it worked. The van halted mere centimetres in front of me, the force of my power making Tyler slam straight into his steering wheel.

Chaos immediately erupted around us, most of the students rushing towards Tyler. I thought I could get away quickly, but an iron grip stopped me from running. I turned and stared into the pitch black eyes of Alice Cullen.

“Isabella, are you alright?” she was frantic, her voice hoarse with emotion. I couldn’t answer, my power had sprung forth again with the knowledge her black eyes provided. Suddenly she let out a shriek and jumped away from me.

Without her grip on me, I stumbled, my power taking its toll. My vision faded and I fell onto the icy road with a hard thump.


Why does this keep happening to me? What had brought on this new force field that wanted to protect me from hungry vampires? I had no idea where it had come from, maybe my powers were growing. I sighed and rubbed at my eyes. One thing was for sure, I had to practice controlling this force field, and soon!

I opened my eyes and looked around me, I was in small room with two beds and a desk, seemed like this was the nurse’s office. Good I was still at school. My eyes fell on Alice, who was sitting on the other bed next to me. Edward was leaning against the door behind her.

They were both watching me and I suddenly felt really uncomfortable. This was even worse than all those people who used to watch me as a child on the streets. “Uhm, hi?” I moved into a sitting position, with my feet on the ground. “How long was I out?”

Alice frowned, “Five hours.” Her voice was shaking with worry and unwillingly a warm feeling spread through me. I’ll never get used to people feeling worried about me, kinda pathetic.

“Oh, that’s not so bad,” considering the first time I passed out I was out for like half a day! “What are you guys doing here?” it was a legitimate question, and I think I knew the answer. They thought I could see the future like Alice.

I was sure Alice would answer, but it was Edward who spoke, “We wanted to talk to you.”

I nodded my head, my eyes fixed on Alice. I admired her petite features, the way she pouted her lips. She seemed upset, but I didn’t know what about.

“Okay.” I waited for them to speak, but they were just staring. “Well, talk then!” I frowned, folding my arms, this was annoying, they should just ask what they want to ask and get it over with!

Alice’s mouth lifted into a small smile, but again it was Edward who spoke. “How did you stop the van?”

To say I was caught off guard was an understatement, could they really tell that I stopped the van? I thought they’d ask about yesterday! “What do you mean, I didn’t stop the van?”

I knew I was a bad liar, seeing as I’ve never had to lie before. But, I was going to just keep denying anything they threw at me, hoping they’d just give up. It could happen, right?

Edward scoffed. “Tyler would not have stopped in time, so something stopped the van.”

“How do you know he wouldn’t have stopped in time? Because he did stop in time!” I was intently aware of their eyes on me, it was really unsettling. “Did someone call my Dad?”

Alice got up and sat down next to me, “I called him just before you woke up, he’s on his way.” She took my hand seemingly carefully. Her face was serious, like she was testing something.

“We know you stopped the van! And after yesterday’s display, it’s quite obvious that you can see the future as well.” I looked up at Edward as he spoke, he was very displeased, and it was completely the opposite of the book. I smiled suddenly, I just couldn’t stop the laugh escape my mouth.

His face twisted into a scorn, I kinda messed up, but decided to just go with it. “So, just because I have a good memory, I can see the future?” I laughed again; it was more forced this time.

Alice stiffened next to me, “You’re Dad’s here, Isabel.” I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face as I nodded.

I got up, but Edward wasn’t done yet. He stopped me before I could leave the room. “You did stop the van.”

I looked at him; his handsome face was filled with mistrust. “Nobody will believe that, you know.” Surprise flitted across his face but before he could say anything, I left.

I met Dad halfway, he held me at arm’s length to check for any damage. “I’m okay, Dad. The van stopped before it got me.”

We walked back to the cruiser in silence, before I could get in though Alice came up behind me. “Isabel, you forgot your bag.” She handed it to me with a small smile, and suddenly I felt really bad. I thanked her and got into the cruiser.

Before we pulled away I whispered, hoping she would hear me, “I really can’t see the future.”

We pulled up to the house a few minutes later. The first thing I noticed was that the truck was gone. I turned to my Dad and saw him smiling. “Sold it for scrap, Bells, we’ll get you a nicer car next week, what do you say?”

I smiled and nodded my head, “Thanks Dad!”

We entered the house just as the phone rang. I looked towards my Dad and he seemed sullen. Of course, it was Renée. “I’ll get it!”

I was right, my Mother was hysteric, she wanted me to go back ‘home’. I told her straight that my home was with Charlie and that nothing even happened. The van never touched me. I finally hung up after at least an hour of complaining and went to conjure some lunch for me.

Dad went back to work since it was still early, so I was all alone at home. I was pleased by this, now I could start testing out my new force field. I ate my grilled cheese and downed my cup of coffee before I made my way up to my room.

I conjured some curtains since I was sure that the vampires would eventually start spying on me soon. Once they were up I sat down and crossed my legs.

I calmed my mind for the first time since my death. I used to meditate hours on end, just thinking. It was dreaming, to be honest, now my reality was better than my dreams.

I called my force field; it took a few minutes until it formed around me, covering my body like a warm blanket. I closed my eyes and extended it, moving it away from my body, across and back towards me.

It took a lot of energy out of me and I had to conjure some more food afterwards. When Dad finally got back from work hours later I had pretty much controlled it. I knew that when the time came that I was in danger again, it would still come out on its own, but hopefully now I could control its strength, keeping myself from passing out. The rest of the night went by like every other night and by midnight I was asleep.

The rest of the week went by smoothly; I had to endure Edward’s insistent stares and his unending questions during Biology. How did you stop the van? Can you see the future or not? Talk to me? Blah blah blah, he was taking my silence really bad, you would think I was the first person who ever ignored him, oh wait!

Tyler apologised to me and once I accepted it, he left me alone, which I was grateful for. Alice still smiled whenever I glanced at her and the rest of the Cullen’s were acting pretty much the same. I spent lunch time in the cafeteria, simply sitting with Angela, either reading or talking to her.

At night I spent my time getting used to my force field. I convinced my mind that the Cullen’s, besides Edward, wouldn’t kill me without reason. They weren’t a threat. And their black eyes didn’t always mean that they were hungry.

When Friday came, I was convinced that I had control of my powers and decided to test them out. I sat down at my table in Biology, waiting patiently for Edward to arrive.

I knew he’d ask me again and today I would answer him. Maybe I’d tell him the truth or I’d dance around it. Really, I just wanted to see what my force field will do when it comes into contact with him.

I heard the tell tale screeching of the chair, and looked up at him as he sat down. “Hi.”

He was surprised by my greeting, considering I mostly stayed silent. He narrowed his eyes at me but still greeted me, “Hello.”

I smiled and turned to listen to the lesson. When the teacher was finished explaining our lab, Edward immediately asked me the same question he always asked me. “How did you stop the van?”

I nodded my head and started filling in my assignment. “I used the Force.”

He blanched and slowly his expression turned into a frown, “Really. You’re a Jedi?”

He let out a sigh and started with his own assignment. I took this as my chance and slowly extended my force field. I reached out towards his hand as it wrote and just graced the back of it.

He flinched away, pulling his hand into his chest with a growl. Some of the students stopped to see what had happened, but quickly continued with their work.

Edward glanced at me with something else in his eyes. Was it fear? Did I just make a huge mistake? I slowly met his gaze and took a breath. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

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