My Injuries, Your Injuries (C...

By xoCrashFire

663K 34.1K 49.2K

Frank Iero, 17 years old, gets injuries randomly, out of the blue. He doesn't do them to himself and no one d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 -Final-

Chapter 22

16.7K 792 2.1K
By xoCrashFire

Ugh. writing three stories at the same time is so difficult. ;-;

sorry to keep you all waiting. it's kinda like with a the bully, yknow, on that chapter that I titled 'this chapter sucks' because I have no idea what to write.

MCryiNG Welcome to the fucking black parade came on the radio today! I started bawling my eyes out and and anD I just.. FEels


I can't believe it, he finally said yes. We stay in the hug for a few minutes, just holding each other. I really enjoy it.

"I'm gonna take you on a date next week," Gerard says, his voice muffled by my shoulder.

"I don't have a problem with that," I say, chuckling. I'm going to be on some kind of mental high for the next few days. I mean, I have a boyfriend! My first one, too. I'll just have to try to not let my parents know something is up. That'd be pure blasphemy and I'd probably get sent to some school or camp designed to set me straight.

Hashtag, no hetero.

I laugh at myself and let go of Gerard. He smiles down at me, I think is a first for us both. I mean, my first boyfriend. And I think it's a first for him to have someone so persistent on having him say yes, begging, promising, real promises.

I won't hurt him. It just won't happen, he's too fragile, he'll break easily and I can't have that happen.  Yes, part of me is still being selfish and putting my physical wellbeing before Gerard's, but it's understandable right? I care about myself too. But that is definitely not the only reason I don't want him to break. I care about him a lot, I want to be the reason he wakes up with a smile, I want to be the reason he doesn't harm himself anymore. I want him to trust me more than he thought he could.

"So, uh, do you want to... watch.. a movie?" He asks, sounding more like he's questioning himself rather than asking if I want to watch the movie.

"Um, yeah, sure. Which one?" I ask, going to the kitchen to grab us each a soda.

"How about X-Men?" He asks, going through the cabinet.

I look into the living room, not missing the perfect view of his butt while he was bent over, and ask, "Which one?"

"Um, hm, hm.. Two?" He asks, turning around and holding the case up.

"Sure thing, what do you want to drink?" I ask, getting a Coke for me.

"Just some Coke," he says, preparing the movie. I grab the soda and close the fridge, walking over to the couch.

He grabs his soda and sits down next to me, popping it open.

After the movie starts, I don't really pay attention. I watch Gerard, whether he realizes it or not is beyond me. I hate this about me, I like to just watch people, as creepy as it sounds. I like watching for their reactions, noting their mannerisms, it's fun to me. It helps me get to know a little about the person without all that awkward conversation.

Gerard looks over at me, catching me staring. "Were you watching me the whole time?"

I nod, "Guilty as charged."

"I know I'm hot, Frank, but you have to watch the movie," he jokes around.

I laugh a little, "Nah, I think I'll just watch you." I turn my back to the arm rest and stretch out, laying my legs on Gerard's lap. "Is this okay?"

He nods and smiles a little, "Only if this is okay." He move his hand and latches onto mine.

"That's definitely okay," I say, giving his hand a small squeeze.

We basically ignore the movie for the rest of the time, we make conversation about random things. School, what food is the best, our childhood, things like that.

Gerard looks down at our hands and then frowns, looking so upset. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I made your arms ugly," he says, brushing his fingers along the scarred flesh. I flinch a little, due to the ones that aren't healed yet. We get our stitches out, like, tomorrow, I think.

"Don't feel bad for that, it's okay," I assure him, rubbing his knuckles my thumb on the hand I'm holding.

"No, it isn't. It's just.."

I lean up and kiss his cheek, then get up and sit on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, "It's fine, I'm not mad or upset or anything. Don't even mention a while back when I basically screamed at you, I was just being a massive dick." I smile at what I could've said after that to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, you don't have to say that twice," he mumbles. I laugh and rest my head on his shoulder.

"So, where are you taking me on this date you mentioned?" I ask randomly.

"That's for me to find out and for you to find out when we get there." He laughs a little and rolls over so we're laying down, our arms around each other.

"You don't know what we're going to do yet?" I ask him, chuckling.

"No, no I don't. I'm trying to think of something so wonderfully marvelous that you'll shit your pants when you find out what it is," he explains, his words muffled by my hair.

"I stopped shitting my pants when I was like three or something," I inform him, laughing a little.

"Well, now you'll be Frank Iero, pants shitting seventeen year old. Fourteen years of using the toilet for nothing." We both start laughing, I don't even understand how this shit happens.

"What if I'm wearing shorts?" I ask. "Would it still be shitting my pants? Or would it be shitting my shorts?"

"I don't know! Maybe?" He laughs for a while, then he quiets down and we just lay here.

"Do you like pasta?" he asks randomly, sitting up a little bit.

I try not to laugh, but what the actual fuck? "Um, yes, why?"

"I was just wondering," he says and lays back down.

"Do you like pizza?" I ask, knowing he's going to say yes because, well, everyone likes pizza. It's kinda like Green Day, if you say you hate Green Day, you still kinda like Green Day.

"Yeah, everybody loves pizza," he says in a duh tone. "Do you like-"

"Do you like to shut the fuck up because Ray and I like to sleep?" Mikey asks from the stairs.

"I actually don't, Mikey," I say, looking over the back of the couch at him.

"Where's Gerard?" he asks groggily.

"Over here," Gerard pipes in.

Mikey walks down the stairs and peers over the back of the couch. "Are you guys, like, a thing?"

"Yep," I answer, popping the 'p'.

"Oh, okay. Sweet, now Gerard doesn't have to whine to me about his problems. Your in for some grade A annoyance, Frank. Good luck," Mikey says and walks away.

"Thanks," I shout back at him. "So, you're going to annoy me with your problems?"

"Psh," he says, making a scrunched up and purely adorable face and waves his hand. "No! I mean, probably."

I laugh and sit up, covering my face with my hands, "Oh gosh, I can see it now. Headlines: local seventeen year old, Frank Iero, dies of complete and utter boredom because his boyfriend wouldn't shut the fuck up."

"My problems are more interesting than that! Like, like... Hm." He taps his chin dramatically, like he's really thinking.

"Oh, shut up, loser," I say and kiss his cheek. "I'll listen to your problems without dying because I'm just that fabulous of a boyfriend."

We both laugh and continue joking around for a bit longer, until I get a phone call from my mom, a very unpleasant one at that.


Welp, there it is. It took me a while to come up with that, hope you liked it!

Give me opinions

Tell if I could fix anything

Tell me if it sucks

Tell me if it's so fabulously amazing that you shat your pants like Frank will on the date Gerard takes him to.

I love you sexy motherfucking popsicle dicks


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