The Day That Changed It All

By KathleenAdams

35.9K 592 99

Elizabeth Anders is 16 and she has depression. She believes she can't go on anymore. The only thing that is k... More

The Day That Changed It All - A One Direction FanFic
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Eleven

1.3K 23 2
By KathleenAdams

------ Wow. Eleven chapters already? How amazing. Hehe. Anyway. I had the urge to update quite early. So you love me don't you (; okay here we goooo!!!-----------

Chapter 11

Its been 3 weeks since I left Manchester. Since I met One Direction. And boy has life changed already. Since Harry tagged me in his tweet on the day I met him I had gotten 500+  followers for the next couple of days. I had gotten a little hate from fans. But I didn't get nearly as much as the girlfriends. I'm proud to say that I never sent any of them hate. Although I was never much of a Zerrie shipper. But since seeing them together I warmed up to the idea. 

But it wasn't  just twitter that had changed. My whole attitude changed. I was actually feeling happier. I had actually made some friends at school. Well sorta. I found out that Ashlyn and Celia went to my school. I guess I never noticed them much because I didn't pay attention to the people around me. But we actually hung out alot. And actually, they were coming to stay tonight.

School was a little difficult because there were some hardcore fans that knew I was friends with the boys and I sometimes got a little hate from them but I had Ash and Ce to help me through that. I didn't even have to go to the slaughter house anymore. I mean I still talked to Keri a bit because shes almost like my sister. We went out for coffee alot. 

My family was so happy that I was feeling so happy. They had said multiple times that they wanted to meet the cause of my happiness. But Harry was my wee secret.

I was going around the house cleaning up a little while listening to Stole My Heart. Mum was at work and the girls would be coming over soon. I was really excited. We were going to watch a few scary movies and just have alot of fun. It was really great having these friends. Of course they had gotten to talk to a couple of the boys when Harry called me each day. And they did get to meet Eleanor when she came into Warrington to stay for a few days.

I was just finishing up when I heard a knock on the door.

"COME IN!" I yelled towards the front of the house.

"GONNA DROP MY STUFF IN YOUR ROOM!" Came the reply from Celia.


"What you got to eat?" I heard from Ashlyn in the kitchen.

 I walked into the kitchen and saw Ash with her head in the pantry. So I crept up behind her and jumped on her back.

"Giddy up horsey!!" I shouted in her ear. She started running around the house with me on her back. We burst into my room and saw Celia standing looking at my 1D wall. Well more looking at my Zayn section. She loved all the boys but she had a soft spot for Zayn.

"Alright there Ce?" I asked walking over to her.

"Yeah" she sighed.

"You sure?"

"Yeah Its just.. I'm so jealous of Perrie. I mean look at her and then look at me. I know that Zayn loves her. But I wouldn't have a chance with him anyway..." She trailed off.

"Sure you would love! Your so gorgeous! He would be so lucky to have you! Any guy would!" I said.

"Yeah come on! I mean I know I feel the same way for Niall but your so gorgeous!" Ashlyn exclaimed.

"You both are gorgeous and any of the guys would be lucky to have you!" I said.

The girls looked at eachother and rolled their eyes.

"Yeah says the girl who already has a certain curly haired, green eyed, sex god wrapped around their little finger" Replied Celia.

"I wouldn't say that. We're just friends"

"Yeah for now. Anyway. I want food!" exclaimed the blonde girl. Celia and I laughed at Ash as we made our way down to the kitchen. I was starting to make pizza when mum came home. Joy. One more person to cook for.


We were sitting on my bed when I felt my phone start to vibrate. I heard a particular ring tone that meant it was Harry. I put the phone on speaker


"LIZZY!! WEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Okay what the...

"HI LIZ! CATCH ZAYN!" Came a muffled reply. Niall I think.

"Hi liz.." That could only be Zayn. He didn't sound so good.


"Hey Liz. Sorry about Niall and Louis. They took Harrys phone when he was ringing and started throwing it around the room. Here's Harry"

"Haha thanks Liam. But put the phone on speaker. I have mine on because Ashlyn and Celia are here"

"Okay!" I heard a few clicks and muffeled cries. They were obviously trying to sit around the phone. Silly boys.

"Okay! All set!" I heard Niall call.

"Cool! Hey guys!"

"Hey giiiiiiirls!"

"How are we all?" I asked.

"We are all good. But Zayn could be a bit better" Came Harry's reply.

"Yeah I could tell he wasn't sounding happy. Whats up Zayn?"

"Its Perrie.. We broke up..."

----- Poor Zayny. :( but its all worth while! Anyway! You know what to do!! (: ----- 

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