Chapter Twenty-Two

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--- Okay so last chapter was a bit short, and I'm in a writing mood. So I decided to update a little early. So here's chappie 22 :D ---

Chapter 22


My phone buzzed in my pocket just as Liam opened his door. It was Lizzy.

"Oh thank god Liz! I hope you're alri-"

"Harry its Shy. Lizzy's... Not right"

"What do you mean?"

Liam looked at me worried and hurried me to the lounge.

"I came home from her grandparents house and I couldn't find her in her room. I just saw food and her laptop open to a picture of you and a blonde girl, on her bed. I heard the shower going in her bathroom and I checked on her.."

"What is it Ms. Anders?!?!"

"I-I- I found her on the shower floor un-conscious and the water was cold and she had cuts all over her body! Harry I don't know what to do!!" her voice broke and I heard her burst into tears.

I dropped my phone and just sat frozen. I don't know what was happening but I heard Liam talking calmly but fast into the phone telling Shyla to calm and breath and listen to him.

When Liam hung up he sat beside me and sighed.

"Harry. Shy is going to take Liz to the hospital now. We think she might have some blood loss. I told her that we would be up in a couple of days and she said that it would be nice. Ashlyn and Celia are going to stay with Shy tonight and make sure she's alright while Liz is recovering. Shy said that she'll get one of the girls to call us to tell us what's happening. Ok?"

I could barely move. I just nodded and stared straight at the wall. I had done this to her. I had made the most perfect, most amazing girl in the world hurt herself. Well, Charlotte got what she wanted. I hope she felt good about herself.

"I... I have to go now... I have to see her"

"We can't. Management won't like it, and it wouldn't do Liz any good. Please"


I broke down in tears. I felt Liam embrace me. Danielle made us some hot chocolate. I didn't even touch mine.

I felt cold and empty. I felt horrible. Eventually I had to go home. Louis would be worrying about me.

"Look, Harry, we'll go see her as soon as possible. For now though, you need to stay here. You need to finish recording, you need to stay safe. I'll take you home and explain to Louis what's up and tell him to look after you"

I nodded meakly.

"Thanks Liam. You're a really good friend"

We walked to mine and Louis' flat and I went to my room. I heard Louis gasp and eleanor cry as Liam told them what had happened.

I couldn't sleep properly that night.


I walked home. Everything was quiet. It was a short walk between our flats but I decided to take a walk through the park.

My mind was racing. Everything was too hard to believe. But, as usual I had to stay calm. I had to be the one to make sure everything was right.

I found a park bench to sit on. Luckily it was dark and no one was around. I wouldn't want fans to see me cry.

With my face in my hands, I sobbed like a little kid. Liz was hurt. This beautiful, funny, young girl had harmed herself because of one of us. I knew it wasn't Harry's fault, nor was it mine. But for someone reason, I still felt responsible. Of course Dani and El always got hate, but they had learnt to deal with it, and I knew as soon as I met Liz that she was broken, whereas Dani and El aren't. They could handle the hate. Liz, couldn't. And heck, her and Harry weren't even dating.

A poor girl had been hurt because of us. Because of the fame. It was a horrible feeling....

--- hey guys. How did you feel about that? I hope you liked it. I feel sad after writing that ha.. So um yeah. You know what to do. (: -Kathleen xo ---

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