She's our bodyguard?!?

By Tillytheboss

142K 3.9K 732

I'm Lenna Vick and believe it or not, I'm One Direction's new bodyguard. I know, it's pretty hard to believe... More

Chapter 1 - ABOUT ME
Chapter 2 - Meeting The Boys
Chapter 3 - DADDY
Chapter 4 - 5 AM
Chapter 5 - Dang it
Chapter 6 - Wait You're My Brother
Chapter 7 - What's going on?
Heads or Tails
The Event
The Vicks are Back Bitch!
Little town
We bought a diner
The tapes
Pregnancies and fighting
Like mother like daughter
Stacy the little liar
Answers and updates
The shootout
Old friend
Story Time
Danny Baby
Bye Bye Bye.
One Direction's return
Children and fighting
Hospital Suprises
Looks like she's back
Wrong Lad
Veronica veronica.
Dear kinda husband
Calm before the storm?
Bang bang/// 1 more chapter
Last Chapter


2.7K 92 13
By Tillytheboss

Leanna's POV..

"Guys, this is my diner." I told the boys rushing to the front entrance to unlock the door. Soon people should be coming since I had the news announce my return to town and the opening of the diner.. Turns out the chief added some info saying I was married... Yay...

I unlocked the door, rushing the boys into the small dinner, after I stepped into the dinner also I relocked the door.

"What's that?" Niall asked pointing to our best costumer award that was engraved into the plaque on the wall with Liam, Janet, and my picture in our booth smiling like the happy dorks we were.

"That proves how awesome we were." Liam said grinning at the ole thing on the wall. He walked closer to it. He wiped the picture off with his fingers to get rid of the dust.

"We were such dorks, right, Liam?" I asked him even though he seemed lost in his own world.

He and Janet were so in love it was crazy. She forgave him for leaving her when she was pregnant with little Sydney. I plan on visiting Sydney soon, she knows who I am. I'm auntie Lea. Sydney is 5 years old currently. Her family always loved me, they never stopped they thought of me as their own daughter. Liam on the other hand, they hate him.

"Whose that?" Louis asked pointing at Janet in the picture.

"Don't L-" Harry began but I cut him off.

"No, Harry it's fine." I told him putting my arm in the air to silence.

"She was our best friend." I told the boys, but then noticing it was almost time for the diner to open I shooed the boys but Zayn into the back.

"So what's my name again?" Zayn asked me.

"How about Mark?" I asked him.

"Works for me." He replied.

I rushed to the door unlocking it realizing it was opening time.

"WE ARE OPEN!!" I yelled into the back.

Me and Zayn sat behind the counter for five long minutes waiting for someone to walk through the door when Earl walked through the door... Of course he comes here..

"Hello, Leanna, where is the husband?" Earl asked me looking around for Harry.

I looked over to Zayn to see he had wide eyes full of shock. Great, he thinks I'm actually married.

"Oh, he's in the back, he's a cook." I smiled at Earl grabbing a menu that by the way took me only two hours to make. I handed to menu to Zayn.

"This is Mark. " I told Earl pushing Zayn forward.

"Hello Mark, I'm Earl police chief." Earl said sticking his hand out for an handshake.

Zayn cautiously put his hand forward then shook his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." Zayn said to Earl.

"Same kid, Leanna why don't you bring your husband out for a sec?" Earl asked dam raising an eyebrow.

"I'll go get him." I faked smiled at him before turning and walking into the back.

The boys are leaning against the counter talking.

I walked up to them grabbing Harry.

"Hey guys, Liam, Earl is here." I said pulling Harry out of the back to the front counter.

"Ahh, Harry, nice to see ya again." Earl said sticking his hand out for an hand shake. What's with him and hand shakes?

"Pleasure to see you chief." Harry said fake smiling and shook his hand.

"What would you like today?" Harry asked him

"How about some bacon and eggs?" Earl said not even looking at the menu... What would he have done if that wasn't on the menu?

"Coming right up." Harry said shuffling back into the back to get started on Earls order.

"He's a nice man Leanna, much better than the last guy." Earl said chuckling . What the hell is funny about that? Sick bastard.

After ten minutes of Earl rambling on and on about stupid stuff to Zayn and I. Harry came back out with Earls order.

"Here ya go chief.." Harry said laying the plate down on the counter where the chief was.

"Thanks Harry.. Did you make this yourself?" Earl asked then stuffed his face.

"Actually no, I have a few cooks helping me." Harry said looking at me for approval I nodded quickly.
He was referring too Liam, Louis, and Niall.

"Oh, well it's good." Earl said after a few minutes of stuffing his face.

"How much is it Leanna?" Earl asked and I thought the faster he's out the better.

"Just for today it's free." I told Earl.

"Have a nice day." I told him waving, signaling for him to leave.

"You too ." He smiled walking out.

"What was that?" Zayn asked referring to My new found "husband"

"Well, the other day Earl came in and I told him that Harry was my husband.." I explained to Zayn.

"Here take this to the back for Niall to wash." I handed the plate to Zayn.

After I made sure Zayn was gone I turned to Harry smiling.

"You did a great job." I told him.

"I know. I did the best job." Harry said smirking.

"Yup." I told him.

I was about to shoo him to the back when Liam came out do the back.

"When did you two get married?" Liam asked angrily... Damnit Zayn...

"Yesterday." Harry told Liam making a heart with his fingers before continuing " It's true love."

Me and Harry started laughing, but Liam didn't find it funny.

"Just, both of you go to the back and get Zayn." I told them shooing them.


After a few hours, a few people came Into the diner.

Currently it's 10 AM and there is five people in here.

A pair of two are in here. Also something that makes me smile so much Is that in the corner in a worn out booth is a group of three friends. 1 boy and two girls. They are laughing and I'm gonna give them this meal for free cause I can.

I walked up to the group of three.

"Ok guys, what do you want? I decided I'm giving you your meal for free today." I told them

One if the girls with long red hair and bright blue eyes bursted out really loudly,

"OMG Really?"

"Shh, Rachel you're so loud." The other girl with light brown hair that was in a pony tail told her friend hitting her shoulder.

"Thank you so much m'am ." The boy who had curly brown hair that kinda looked like Harry's he also had bright blue eyes.

"No problem guys, I'm Leanna. I'll be your waitress today, may I ask you a question?" I asked the boy.

"Sure." The boy replied

"Is your hair naturally like that?" I asked him causing the three of them to go into a chorus of laughs.

"No, his hair isn't. The story is actually quite funny." The red head told me.

"Do you mind If you tell me?" I asked

"No, but you might wanna sit down." The brown headed one said patting the spot next to her.

"Ok." I accepted sitting down next to her.

"Ok, so Henry over here." The red head, Rachel, said pointing at the boy who looked rather embarrassed by his friends.

"He thought, I wanna get the ladies, so he was like ' who is a ladies man?' " Rachel continued the story.

"Who do you think is a ladies man?" Henry asked me.

"Um... I honestly don't know." I replied to him.

"Well anyway, he was like I'm gonna get my hair done like the biggest ladies man he knows." The brown haired girl said.

"Who is this ladies man?" I asked them

"Harry Styles! This Idiot is like the only guy Directioner." Rachel said, they all started laughing. I started laughing really hard. I looked over behind the counter and Zayn was staring at me weirdly, Zayn made his way over here.

"What's so funny Leanna?" He asked laughing at my facial expression.

"Harry Styles." I replied to him.

"Umm... You know Harry isn't that funny." Zayn said causing the table to laugh.

"No, so this kid, Henry." I said pointing at Henry.

"He got his hair done to look like Harry's." I told Zayn.

"Why would he do that?" Zayn asked

"He thought Harry was a ladies man." I told him and me and him burst out into fits of laughter. I just noticed that the couple from before already left leaving just us and these kids here.

"You guys are talking about Harry Styles like you know him or something." Rachel said out loud.

"Oh, but haven't you heard, I'm married to him." I told them.

"You're funny." The brown haired one said.

"I don't know you're name." I said to the girl.

"Oh, why yes you do." The girl smirked.

I thought for a while, but then it hit me.

"Stacy!" I shrieked hugging her.

"Finally, god Leanna, you forget what your own family looks like." Stacy said hugging my back.

So Stacy is mine and Liam's younger cousin that used to always annoy us.

I have a feeling she knows that Liam Payne from One Direction is also Liam Vick her cousin. You see Stacy has a gift sorta.. She can see through peoples discuses, just like her dad.

"Ooo, fuck." I said out loud without thinking.

"You, little girl need to keep that mouth of yours closed." I told her glaring at her.

"Don't worry cuz, I will but I wanna see him later." She said referring to Liam,,everyone at the table was confused.

"So guys what do you want to drink?" I asked shooing Zayn.

"Coke." They all replied at the same time and started laughing, must be an inside joke.

"Ok, I'll be right back." I said winking at them and then hurried to the back.

"LIAM!" I screamed barging into the back

He rushed over to me.

"What is it." Liam asked

"Stacy is here and she knows you guys are with me." I explained waiting for him to register who she is.

"Oh. Ok." Was all Liam said

"Just wanted you to know." I said rushing over to the soda machine thang..

I filled up three cups of coke and walked out handing them to the kids . I walked behind the counter waiting.

The door burst open and she started running towards me.

"AUNTIE LEA!!" Sydney screamed crawling under the counter and running/ jumping to hug me.

"SYDNEY!!" I yelled back In response catching her mid jump and hugging her.

"How ya been girly?" I asked her staring down at her.

I signaled Zayn over

"I've been great, today I went to a doctors appointment so I got off school so Grammy said I could visit you. She said that you got married?? Who did you get married too? Did you get married to him?" Sydney said pointing at Zayn who was over her by now.

"No I'm not, but do you wanna meet him?" I asked her

"YES!" She squealed making me wanna cover my ears.

"Mark go get my husband." I demanded, Zayn shook his head chucking, walking into the back to retrieve Harry.

"Where's Grammy?" I asked her looking around for Janet's mom who was no where to be seen.

"Oh, yeah she wanted me to give you this and that." She said handing me a piece of paper and also pointing at a box by the door.

"Ok..." I said unsure

Harry came out the back.

"Sydney, this Is my husband, why don't you talk to him." I said dumping her into Harry's arms catching him off guard.

I ripped open the note confused at what it said.

Dear Leanna,

Honey I know you just got back in town with your new husband and all, but I need you to do something for me, it's really important. I'm getting older and Janet's father recently died. I cannot watch Sydney anymore. I'm going to Vegas with a few of my friends and I need you to watch Sydney , for a long time probably.. In the box is some of Janet's stuff, she would of wanted you to have. The ugly yellow purse on Sydney has the keys to my house, which you know where that is, you need to go get Sydney's stuff, like clothing and some toys or whatever she wants since she's staying with you. You are the only one Janet would have trusted to have Sydney.. So I'm signing her over to you. I hope you understand.

- your second mother xx

"WHAT?" I yelled out loud earning a worried glance from Harry.

I looked at Harry in shock. me, as a legal guardian? Is that even legal?

"What is it?" Harry whispered to me

"I'll tell you later... Watch her, and get that box, it's important." I told Harry pointing at Sydney and the box.

"I'll be right back hunny." I told her.

I ran to the front door and grabbed the box moving it inside away from the rain . I closed the door, locking it so no one else could come in.

I walked into the back where the boys were.

"Guys, get over here." I demanded.

The boys , Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn rushed over to me.

"What is it?" Liam asked annoyed

" God... Liam, guys... I can't be a legal guardian... What the hell was that woman thinking?" I said mainly to my self.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked

I read the letter to them.

"Sydney? Like my Sydney?" Liam asked

"Yes, like your Sydney." I confirmed.


Quick chapter guys! I gotta go!


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