My Feelings On The Inside

By Kaggy1519

780 43 221

Just how I feel on the inside everyday.... I will try to update on a daily basis, but I wouldn't count on eve... More

Day 1 - Am i really me?
Day 2 - What is my life really worth
Day 3 - How many fake smiles/I'm just a girl
Day 4 - Who am i
Day 5 - Cruelty
Day 6 - I'm tired....
Day 7 - Y cant i just be myself
Day 8 - My strength is.....
Day 10 - I can't take it anymore.....
Day 11 - Stupidity
Day 12 - The Quiz
Someone, Anyone, Help me....
My Grandfather's Memory
You Never Knew Me
Why We Never Talked...
Sparked Fire
"I'm Just So Tired"
Everything's Gone
I'm Trying

What music is to me (plus A/N!!! plz read 2nd paragraph!!)

8 0 0
By Kaggy1519

Music, to me
Is not just a random melody.
Not just a song,
Not just a tune.

The music I listen to,
Can tell you more about my mood than even I can.
I'm not good with talking,
Writing, maybe some,
But saying how I feel...
I just can't get it out.

The words I hear,
With the voices to accompany,
Calms me more than anyone could tell.

My music,
To me,
It's not just a song.
It's not just something I like.

It's something I need everyday,
Just to get me through this hell.

(Hi! It's Kaggy! I've been really busy with family, friends, and starting school, but I'm finally getting to updating my stories! This one just came to mind, after an extremely long and nervous week. I just started high school! Yep, I'm a freshman... And learning the school is much harder than I thought. I can barely walk in the building without feeling queazy because of my overthinking things and nervousness. Not to mention that my mom wants me to be in a club already... IT'S NOT EVEN BEEN TEN DAYS YET, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!😭😭😭 In rl, I'm a very quiet, and "mouse-like" girl. Anyone not my friend, barely ever heard me talk. So going to classes that I know not a single person, is really taking a toll on me....😰

I'll try my best to update at least once a week, if not just once a month. I'm also thinking of new story ideas, so please read my rough-draft book, it will soon be updated! And I need opinions on the ideas before I take them too far! I better stop talking now before I begin rambling again! I'll update soon! So please read the upcoming updates!!! BAI!!!!😄)

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