"I'm Just So Tired"

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I'm tired of trying.
I'm tired of crying.
I might be smiling,
But inside, I'm not dying...
I'm already dead.

I'm tired of running.
I'm tired of hiding.
The smile might stay,
But inside I'm crying.

I'm tired of life.
I'm tired of breathing.
That smile that never fades
Just hides my crying...

A cry for help...
A cry for comfort...
A cry for support...
I cry and cry...
Does no one hear...?

I'm always alone.
I'm always tired.
I'm just tired of being alone...
Is it really that bad...?

I'm sorry I'm not perfect.
I'm sorry I can't become better.
I'm sorry for everything wrong with me...
I'm Just So Tired...

A/N: A lot is going on personally and I'm starting school again tomorrow... I'm insanely stressed out and I have been for a while now, which has caused a few health issues for me but I'm managing the best I can for now.

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