30 Days Ultimatum(COMPLETED)[...

By strawberrytrifles

425K 19.6K 3.5K

This book is a RomCom book(Romance comedy). Read if you love laughing.😊 CURRENTLY EDITING AND WORKING ON RE... More

Author's note/ Official book trailer/Cast.
Chapter one- OMG..... My flight is by 5:00pm
Chapter two.... You are Fashion Deficient.
Chapter three- Don't choose love......Let your heart choose.
Chapter four- OMG... Are you bald?
Chapter five ...The feeling is mutual dude
Chapter six- You're such a sore loser
Chapter seven- Your name makes me think of Candy♥
Chapter eight....... You smell like strawberries.🍓🍓
Chapter nine- I think your Secretary hates me.
Jason's P.O.V
Chapter ten- Can I have this dance?
Chapter eleven- You forgot to take your Pile drugs.
Chapter twelve- Doctor sexy pants.
Chapter thirteen- I have waited my whole life for a friend like you.
The fiction awards 2018👏
Chapter fourteen- Are you Australian? 'Cause you meet all of my Koalafications.
Ashley+ Jason= Team Evil Twins😈.....Part one.
Ashley+Jason= Team Evil Twins😈.......Part two
Chapter fifteen- Hello stranger👋
Chapter Sixteen- You read on wattpad?
Chapter Seventeen- Omg!!... Our Ship is Sailing.💕💕
Chapter Eighteen- In you there's some sappy me.💖💖
Chapter nineteen- BETRAYAL!! ... It's the worst feeling.
Chapter Twenty- Dump Him Like a BOSS!
Chapter Twenty-one - From here to the moon and back.
Chapter twenty-two- I think I just met an angel!
Chapter twenty-four- Tell me everything.
Chapter twenty-five- You're like my personal star.
Chapter twenty-six- Like the sun aligned with the moon.
Chapter twenty-seven- I don't regret it.
Chapter twenty-eight- Let's give it a try.
Chapter twenty-nine- It hurts... Please take it away.
Chapter thirty- I think we should go on a vacation.
CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE- He didn't choose me and it hurts.
CHAPTER THIRTY- TWO- Love is all about forgiving.
You'll are simply the best!
CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE- Grand finale/Epilogue.
New Cover!!
New Book!!
Re- New Cover!

Chapter twenty-three- I was just too blind to notice.

8.3K 390 49
By strawberrytrifles

A/N- Words can't express how deeply sorry I am for going MIA these few weeks. Don't worry, this book remains ten chapters or less to end. So please hang on a little bit. I have thought about all the chapters on paper, it's just to type it that is the actual problem.
Please forgive me for my unprofessional behavior, it won't happen again.
Thanks for your understanding.

Please proceed🚶

🚫Not edited.

A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak.
-Michael Garrett Marino.


Last night a hooded figure was seen arguing with a young lady yet to be identified. The young lady yelled at the hooded figure, whom she later called Jason Steele. Due to the fact that he has been low-key for ten years, one can't really say if it was really Jason Steele, or a publicity stunt by the lady, or the lady was totally delusional probably after having so much to drink.
Witnesses say his face was totally covered by his pullover and they couldn't really see his face.

But if it really was Jason Steele, one can now say he finally came out of hiding after going MIA for ten years.

"Shit!... I'm really sorry about making you a newspaper headline." I hung my head down, feeling shame course through my veins.
"It's alright Mia. That's what the media is there for; ok." Jason smiled at me, but I could feel he just didn't want to make me feel bad.

"It's seriously not ok. You manage to lay low for ten years, but less than thirty days I'm here I blow your cover. All because I got mad over a petty thing. You didn't ruin my life, Dayne would have always cheated. I was just too blind to see that. I'm a hypocrite..." Jason shushed me by placing his fingers on my lips.

I suddenly want to kiss them.

"You seriously need to shut up Mia. I really care about you, so it takes more than a stupid newspaper headline to make me mad at you." He smiled while taking my fingers and kissing them lovingly. Exactly what I wanted to do to his, except I was too much a coward to actually do that.

"Your awesome personality makes me feel like shit next to a unicorn," I grumbled resting my head on his chest.

You're probably wondering where we are right now?

We are now on the sitting room sofa.

"Are you secretly sniffing me, Mia?" Jason asked while ruffling my hair.
"Hands off the merchandise Jason 'cause I can actually break those fingers you know." I glared at him playfully.
"Jeez... You're so aggressive. I'm actually going to congratulate the man that's actually going to marry you. He's in for a big surprise." He jokingly said.

"Well, that person practically just ruffled my hair. Are you trying to congratulate yourself?" I jokingly replied as well.
"I'm sure I will be bullied in our marriage. Why did I ever put that ring on your finger?" He said fake crying.
"It's too late to back out dear 'cause I'm three months pregnant. Surely you won't leave your child alone without a father." I batted my eyelashes at him.

"Oh no... I have been roped craftily into a union I have no interest in. Save my soul lest I die oh Lord." He dramatically waved his hands.

I just couldn't help but notice how full his lips were. Was Dayne the barrier against me noticing these things?

"Mia...Mia." Jason tapped my shoulders incessantly.
"What?" I asked after I came out of my Lala Land.
"You spaced out. Were you thinking about how much you want to kiss me?" He wriggled his eyebrows at me.

If he only knew how he wasn't far from the truth.

"Eww... of course not. Boys have cooties remember." I said giving him a 'duh' look.
"That was when you were little, I'm pretty much sure that you wouldn't think of that when I kiss you right now." He said raising his brows challengingly.

Can someone call the ambulance right now?, 'cause I think my heart just stopped beating.

"Y-y-you wouldn't dare." I tried keeping my blush at bay.
"Let's see if I wouldn't." He said coming close to me as I backed further on the couch, causing my back to hit the couch and him to tower above me.
I closed my eyes in apprehension as I felt his lips coming closer.

I was slightly disappointed when I felt his lips brush the corner of my lips.
I opened my eyes and got lost in his eyes like I was in a trance.

"I wouldn't kiss you on the lips without you asking." He smiled thoughtfully.
"Cocky much." I raise my eyebrows in challenge.

"It'll happen sooner than you expect. You can only resist my charm for this long." He smiled in confidence.
"Let's just get going already, in the meantime you've got to tell me how you managed to know where Dayne lodged," I questioned immediately I rose from the chair.

"I have my ways honey, besides a magician never reveals his secret." He bopped my nose as he said this.

He freaking bopped my nose.

"I've have told you many times. Hands off my merchandise." I glared at him.
"And do you see me caring about what you say? Besides, I know you wouldn't want your nose job ruined." He smirked obviously teasing me.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but the jokes are on you, 'cause all this," I said gesturing at my body.
"Is a hundred percent natural."

"That's is what she said." He chuckled as he stepped into the car.

We kept bickering until I remembered something I have been meaning to ask Jason.

"Jason enough with your horrible comebacks. I have something to actually ask you." I shushed him by placing my hands on his lips, and he actually kissed them.  Something I couldn't muster the courage to do a while ago.
I quickly withdrew my fingers like it just got synched.

"Well, what is it you wanted to ask?" If he noticed the quick withdrawal of my fingers, he sure hid it well.

I quickly hid the blush that was suddenly creeping up with my hair.

He doesn't seem affected, and I wouldn't want to be the one blushing over something silly. I can't be wanting to kiss my friend.

"It's just that I haven't seen Philip in such a long time, also I remember Philip telling me that you have another cook called Alice, but ever since I got here I haven't seen her at all. Also, Philip said there are other drivers, but I also see none." I finally unburden my heart.

"Wow... that's a lot of question but I'll answer it the best I actually can. Philip is really busy with the company and also the current media situation," He said while casting an apologetic eye towards me.
I gestured to him to continue.
"Alice is in a culinary school, actually she went on leave but later discovered a really cool culinary school. She wanted to come back to work for me, but I told her to chase her dreams. The other people now work directly for the company, 'cause I understand you need space."

"Did you pay for Alice culinary school?" I couldn't help but be curious.
"Ermm...sort of." He scratched his head nervously.

I raised my left eyebrow questioning. "There is no sort of thing as sort of, it's either a yes or a no. So which is it?"

"I trust you Mia 'cause we are friends, but please don't blurt it out to anyone. I pay her fees and also I have no relationship with her if that's what you are thinking, it's just that..." I cut Jason off again.

"It's okay... You don't see me judging you okay! So quit trying to explain." I smacked his head playfully.

I was about to say something else when Jason low grumble of 'we are here' cut me short.

I gulped nervously. Somehow confronting Dayne about cheating on me didn't seem like a very good idea right now.

"Mia doesn't think about it, and just do it. If there's anyone who actually deserves to know the truth, I think that person is you." Jason smiled while saying these to me.
"Thanks so much. I totally needed that motivational push." I hugged him, but quickly stopped him when he wanted to ruffle my hair again.
"Hands off..." I was interrupted by Jason.
"the merchandise. I know the drill dear. I'll be here waiting for you. If you need any help, I'll appear like a night in shining armor." He said striking a pose.

I just shook my head and stepped out of the car.

After clearing up with the receptionist that I already knew where and who I want to meet, I was cleared to go.

I took an elevator to the upper-class Lodge and was searching for '453'. I started counting as soon as I saw'451', 'i advanced slowly to 452', '453.' Viola! Finally!

I knocked for quite sometime before Dayne's shocked face comes into view.

"Why are you looking so shocked Mr. Matthews? you're looking pale so much." I pushed him aside and entered his lodge.
"Of course not. I'm so happy..." I cut Dayne short as he attempts to hug me.

"Let's cut the chase, shall we. I already know Jason." I smirk.
"Know about what?" He looked at me genuinely confused.
"I know you are cheating on me moron, I just want to know why?"

Dayne sighed heavily and bent his head sadly.

"It was because of s*x Mia. I wanted something you kept refusing to offer, so I went to people who could offer it. I'm sorry Mia for everything, but I still love..." He started but I quickly held up my hand to stop him.

"You don't know what Love is. You have been clearly deceiving me for a long time. I'll tell you what love is. Love is when you go to the store in the middle of the night to buy menstrual cramps supply for her.
Love is when you genuinely bug someone to remind them that you are always special to them.
I could give you a million instances but you'll never understand."

"You love him don't you?" Dayne spat bitterly.
"You are in no place to ask me questions, neither are you in the right place to get Jealous. He has shown me the meaning of love in less than thirty days as a friend, than you have shown me, love, in your five years as my fiancé.
So how long have you been cheating on me?" I asked rubbing my head tiredly.

"Four years and eight months." He muttered in shame.

I really feel stupid.

"Wow! I am really dumb. Less than six months of being together you have been cheating on me till this moment. You're are really smooth Dayne. I guess I was just so dumb as not to read the handwriting on the wall.
You never called when I got here, you didn't even send a message to me. Jeez, Dayne five years isn't just five days. What are you doing in New York anyway?" I wiped my tears hastily.

I can't help it. We've been dating for five years now.

"I was here for a business deal, and I heard that 5SOS are coming to New York. So I decided to attend, the thing with Claire was just a spur of the moment."

One thing Dayne and I shared, was our obsession with 5SOS. That common ground brought the common truth of our relationship.

"It wasn't just a spur of moment Dayne because I saw you when I climbed the podium. Claire kissed you with love, so it wasn't a spur of the moment at least for her. I'm so happy we are done with this toxic relationship. So goodbye Dayne Matthews, although I hate to say this in the end, grandpa and Ash were right about you being an ass. Claire is a chance, don't be stupid and mess it up." I left the room leaving a dumbfounded Dayne stare at my retreating figure.

And that is how to be a boss!

"So how did it go?" Jason asked immediately I entered the car.
"Well... I can now say goodbye to toxicity and a welcome breath of fresh air." I whooped in happiness.

Jason just chuckled a bit and muttered something along the lines of being a drama queen as he started his car.

I don't know if you've ever gotten out of a relationship that makes you even want to do a Thanksgiving about it. Or you just want to gift everyone in the world with a really large cone of ice-cream. If Dayne could still cheat on me for close to five years, then I have a lot to learn about love.

"I have a surprise for you. I guess you can call it a pre-birthday gift." Jason said immediately we packed the car in the garage.
"Really?... Then what are you waiting for! Lead me to it." I said with obvious impatience, as I dragged Jason out of the car.

"Slow down hot stuff. You're going to rip off my arm."

As soon as we neared the door, he stopped me quickly.

"I told Ma'am Pagnole to set it up while we were gone. I just want to say that I wish you all the good things life can offer. Also as you faced a relationship flop before your birthday, may your next birthday be better than this." He said opening the door, as Ma'am Pagnole screamed surprise at the other end.

Is that what I think it is?

The update is finally here. *Yay*
Ten chapters or less to go. *Sniffs*😢
I know this is not the official end, but this book represents my growth as a writer. I couldn't have done it without you'll. I just wanted to say thank you, before my official thank you speech at the end of the book.
Thanks, everyone and thanks for sticking around.
Till the next update.
Stay Fabulous💖

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