You'd Think You'd Understand...

By Mash1400

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Ellane's lived a pretty normal life, other than the fact that she gets bullied on a daily basis by none other... More

You'd Think You'd Understand.. (A Princeton Story)
::Do You Think I'm A Bad Person?::
::She is scared of me::
::He's not my boyfriend::
::So, Does he have a girlfriend?::
::I know what I'm doing::
::It's not okay::
::If it wasn't for her::
::I guess It's just me::
::Promise me::
::Is it right?::
::She's Just Stubborn::
::You have more in common than you think::
::Call Me Ella::
::Mi Amor::
::I'm falling for her::
::Goodnight BabyGirl::
::Does this mean we're together?::
::Now he's heartbroken::
::Stay Strong Ray.. Stay Strong::
::I'm in some deep Shit::
::Sweet Love::
::What have I done?::
::This is all my fault::
::The Truth will set you free::
::(Almost) Everything's out now::
::It's just in their nature::
::Dress Shopping!::
::Prom, Here we come!::
::It's definitely going to be a night to remember..::
::Mark My Words::
::It Can't Be..::
::The End....?::

::I don't know what I've done to deserve this::

20.3K 403 147
By Mash1400

::Ellanae’s P.O.V::

My alarm went off and it seemed louder than ever. I pushed it off my bedside table and went back to sleep. My mom walked in a couple minutes later and turned on the lights and opened my blinds.

“Ella, wake up.”


“It’s Monday honey…”


“Just get up.”

I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom and had a shower and brushed my teeth, then I went into the closet and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans with a white top and pulled over a blue aeropostale jacket and slipped on a pair of black uggs and walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see my mom cooking pancakes. I sat down and ate two pancakes.

“You don’t want anymore?” My mom asked.


My older sister Claire walked downstairs.

“Claire drop your sister to school for me please.” My mom said.

“Okay.” She responded taking the box of orange juice out the fridge and pouring some in a glass.

“Thanks” I sad picking my bag up off the table.

“Have fun” My mom said “Love you”

“Yeah okay.. Bye”

Claire and I walked out the house and into her 2013 A4 Audi, and drove out the driveway and to my school.

We got there half an hour later and I quickly hurried out the car and into school as not to bounce into 'Him'.

I hurried towards my locker and met by best friend La’shanelle.

“So you can’t call me to pick me up?”

“Sorry.. Claire was rushing me…” I said scratching my nose.

“Ellanae you always scratch your nose when you lie… Is it cause of him?”


“Ellanae you’re gonna have to tell someone eventually…”

“No Shanelle… He’ll make my life more miserable…”

“He’s making your life miserable already, and it’s gonna get worse.”

“Can we just end the conversation please?”

“Okay, I'll meet up with you at lunch?"


She gave me a small smile before making her way down the hall to her classroom.

I took all my books I needed for today out my locker and as I was about to close my locker when he came and shut the locker door in my face. I looked away as all his friends started laughing behind him.

“So you silent now?”

“Jacob leave me alone…”

“What was that?”

I started walking away when he pressed me against my locker.

“You got anything for me today?”


He went in my pants pocket and pulled out a $20 dollar bill.

“Jacob I need to by lunch!”

“Well I do too, So now I got $30 dollars” He smiled, “I’ll see you back here for more money tomorrow right?”

I didn’t reply.

He tightened his grip on my hands.


“Yes!” I replied with tears forming in my eyes.

“Look… The poor baby’s getting tears in her eyes.”

He took my thumb and shoved it in my mouth.

“Enjoy your thumb bitch.” He smirked. 

He let go of me and walked away with his  friends.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and scurried down the hall and into homeroom. I was already 5 minutes late thanks to Jacob.

“Miss Gianpiero.”

“Sorry Miss Harrison….”

“You know I have to mark you down for another late. One more and that’s a detention.”

I saw Jacob smirk behind his shades.

I put my head down and my hair fell infront my face. 

“Yes miss.”

“Take your seat.”

I walked down the aisle of desks and sat next to Ray. He was my other really close friend. We’ve known each other since 4th grade. 

“Hey. You iight?” He whispered.

I nodded and put my bag on the back of my chair.

While Miss Harrison called attendance, I rolled my sleeves up to see red marks around my wrists.

Jacob’s grip was hard, and It’s not the first time he’s left a mark on me. 

“Ellanae… What are those marks?!” Ray asked shouting but whispering as he grabbed my hand. 

“Nothing!” I growled pulling my hand back.

Everyone looked back at me.

“Something you want share with the class Ellanae?”

“No miss” I said covering up my hands with my jacket and putting my head down. 


I looked up.

“Are you here dumbass?!” Jacob laughed.

“Present” I said and put my head back down. 

“Did he do that to you?” Ray asked.

I didn’t reply.


“No ray” I snapped.

He sat back in his chair.

Ray wasn’t used to me snapping, but it really wasn’t my day….

In fact… Everyday’s never been my day since 5th grade….



::6 Years ago::

“Mummy I don’t wanna start a new school.”

“Your father would have liked you to Ellanae….”

My dad worked with the air force so I barely got to see him… But his base was moved to an area around LA and we had to move so we’d be able to see him more often.

This is the third time we’ve moved since I was 10, and it meant a new school and I’m not the best at making friends.

I was able to make a few but my mom thinks since we’re gonna be living in LA I’ll get more friends.

My sister doesn’t have a problem with that, She’s gorgeous with her long dark brown wavy hair that falls down to her back with her fair complexion and dark brown eyes and she’s tall.. Perfect model righ there.

Me on the other hand with light brown frizzy hair and a caramel complexion.

The one thing ii was always complemented on was my eyes.

I’m mixed with italian, so like my grandmother, I have green eyes.

Its an awkward mixture, but people say I pull it off, yet I don’t see it.

I wish I was as pretty as my sister…

I was getting ready for my first day at my new middle school…

Claire turned 16 last month and is driving around like a pro so she dropped me since my mom couldn’t drop me. She kissed me on my forehead. 

“Make lots of friends.”

I smiled at her and followed Claire out the house and into her car and we drove off. It took us forever to get there cause we were getting used to the area.

 About half an hour later we reached the campus… It had an elementary school… Middle.. Which I’m attending.. And high school…

“Have fun” claire said messing with my hair.

“I’ll try.. I mean I should be a pro at this by now.”

“There you go.” 

She flashed me a smile and I picked up my bag and walked towards the school and through the doors.

As I walked in, there was a boy that caught my eye.

He had curly hair.. Really curly hair.. and a pair of jeans with a white shirt that had a peace sign on it.

I saw a bunch of bracelets on his hand , As well as one with a peace sign… I looked closer and saw a peace sign drawn on his hand. He must like peace signs. I looked down at my pink shirt with a peace sign sprayed on and walked over to the boy and his friends

“Hi.. I’m Ellanae” I said extending my hand out.

“Why are you talking to us?” The curly haired boy asked.

“Well, I’m new,” I said.

“Nobody cares…” The one with A ponytail went.

“I just want to know where the principal’s office is…” I said feeling slightly uncomfortable. 

“Oh… it’s just down there.” The curly headed one said pointing down the hall

“Thanks…” I replied.

I made my way past them, Next thing I knew.. I was on the ground… The curly haired boy had put his foot out and tripped me.

I just lay there on the floor till I heard a “toc , toc, toc” sound coming down the hall. 

“Hello Ma’am.” 

I looked up to see a lady in a black and white jacket with a white top inside it and an appropriate length black skirt. I figured she was the principal.

She extended her hand out and helped me up. 

“What were you doing on the floor?”

I didn’t want to tell on the curly haired boy out so I just lied.

“Um….” I said scratching my nose. 

Bad habit I have whenever I lie….

“I tripped on my laces” I said dusting off myself. 

She looked at me, then down at my shoes.

“Sweetie your laces are tied.”

I looked down at my shoes…. With tied laces..


“What I meant to say was… My toe was hurting after I bounced it getting out the car and I was trying to hop around on it but I fell”

She didn’t look convinced but gave in. 

“Well… I don’t think I’ve ever met you before…” She extended her hand out “Mrs Brooks.. Principal.. And who might you be?”

“Ellanae Gianpiero”

She gave me a smile. 

“You’re our new student?”

“That’s me” I said smiling “I was looking for your office.”

“Oh honey.. Come come.. Let me get you your agenda and time table.”

I walked the opposite way down the hall with ms brooks.

The curly haired boy was wrong, Or he did he guide me down the wrong hall purposely?

We walked into a huge office and she let me sit and  introduced me to the school, went over the standards,Then handed me an notebook with a black cover and a silver pen next to it. 

“Its for you to decorate. Almost all students keep theirs till the end of high school.. You can do whatever you want with it. Write down homework, Use it as a journal, Anything. All the pages are black which is why you have the silver pen.”

“Thank you.” I smiled. 

She handed me an agenda and explained where all the classes were. 

“You’re actually our 2nd new student of the month…”

She looked through some papers and pulled one out

“Our other one is a Mr. Jacob Perez. I wonder if you’ve seen him, His curly hair can’t be missed.”
That was the curly haired boy….


I scratched my nose

“No, not as yet.”

“Well I think he’s in a lot of your classes..”

“Oh… Okay.”

“So Ellanae… Gianpiero is quite a name… What are you mixed with?”

I smiled.

“My father has mexican heritage… Which explains my hair… But my Mom’s italian.”

“Does that explain your eyes? Their gorgeous.”

“I smiled.” 

“Thank you.”

We talked a little more. She was so nice, and looked really young with her frizzy dark dark brown hair.

Just then the bell rang. 

“Well,  That’s the bell for first period." she said, "Enjoy your stay here and come to me if you have any problems.”

I gave her a weak smile… I think she read though it. 

“Want me to walk you to your first class?”

I nodded my head and she got up out her chair and I followed her. She put her hand around my shoulder as we walked toward the door and I looked at my timetable.


Mrs. Brooks opened the door and everyone stood up when we walked in. 

“Good morning Mrs. Brooks” they all went

“Good morning everyone. You can sit.”

They all sat and I noticed the curly haired boy…. 

“Well,  We have a new student. Wanna introduce yourself?”

“I’m Ellanae Gianpiero.”

“Well class?” the teacher said.

“Welcome to Golden Stars middle school Ellanae.”

“Why don’t you take a seat next to Jacob? Jacob?”

He rose his hand. 

“Well there he is, Have fun.”

“Thanks.” I said and walked over to the empty seat by jacob.

He scooted around a whole lot like I had some disease which made me feel bad and I barely paid attention in class that day. 

::A month later::

Jacob had become my personal bully in less than a week, and it’s been a month now.

He takes my money,  If we had to work together I always did everything, He would take my lunch if I had any, and he pushes me around.

I’ve never done anything to him, It's only because I'm an easy target for him.

I have 2 friends new friends, Well I guess their friends.

La’shanelle and Ray.

They know about Jacob, but I beg them not to say anything.


I was walking down the hall to my next class when I heard banging against the lockers. I turned my head around the corner to see Jacob being pressed against the lockers and lifted off the ground by a tall boy with a mowhawk and two other guys around him, One with shades and the other one with a snapback on. 

“Daniel, Come on bro,  I’ll get your money tomorrow, My mom didn't give me any lunch money today.” Jacob pleaded. 

“Naw, It's been more than 2 days and I’m hungry…” The one with shades said walking closer to Jacob. 

“I just told you I didn’t get enough money today.” Jacob said.


Daniel went in Jacob’s pockets and took out a $10 dollar bill and Jacob’s face went white 

“So you lying now?”

“I f-forgot it was in my pocket…”

“You always forgetting.” 

Daniel put the lollipop he had in his hand in his mouth and clenched his fist and punched Jacob in his mouth.

Jacob covered his mouth and the tall guy dropped him.

“Better have more money that this tomorrow, Twist, Latimore, Come on." 

Then Daniel and his “crew” walked away leaving Jacob there.

I didn’t want to. but something told me I should, so I walked over to jacob.

He spat out some blood as I approached him. 



“Are you oka—”

” I said move!”

He got up and pushed me down.

I hit my head against the locker and saw him running away. 

Ever since I found out about him being bullied, He made my life even more of a living hell, and after Daniel transferred schools, he had nobody to make him feel the same way he made me feel,

Giving him full permission to ruin my life.

I really don't know what I've done to deserve this.

::End of Flashback:: 


“Yo bitch!

I looked up and realized the teacher had left, then my eyes moved across the room to see jacob looking at me with the whiteboard eraser in his hand, but I still wasn’t completely out my flashback.

Next thing I know there was an intense pain at the side of my face.

I looked down on the ground and saw the whiteboard eraser on the ground.

Jacob had thrown it at me. I felt my lip.

It was swollen. 

"Quit Daydreaming!" Jacob laughed before turning back to his friends. 

“That’s it” ray said getting up.

“No ray!”

“He fucking hit you Ella!”

I looked up at Jacob and his friends laughing like crazy and half the class laughing along with him and the other half looking at me. 

“Don’t do anything.”

“Ellanae how can you be so stubborn?!”

“Just leave it.”

“Your lip is busten.. Swollen and bleeding…”

I touched my lip, Ray was right.

Then felt the side of my face. There was the pain. I got hit across my face.

I got up and tried to walkout the door but Jacob held me back

“Where you going?”

“She needs to go to the nurse’s office cause your dumbass self, busted her lip.” Ray snarled.

“So, Let her suck it up.” Jacob laughed. 

“Jacob just let me go.”

“Nah… I’ll give you a boost”

Before I could do anything Jacob pushed me.. Harder than before… I slammed into the door on the same side where I got hit the first time.

Now my face was throbbing and I was feeling light headed…

Then I blacked out completely….


So, There's the first chapter of;

'You'd think You'd understand."

Hope you guys like it so far, I've been working on this book for a really long time and I wanted to post it as soon as I finished it, But I felt as if I was taking soo long so I decided to just post the beginning to see how you guys like it.

Depending on the reaction I get is how quickly I'll post, and I really like how this story was going, So yeah.. (: 

&& I dedicated this to @MindlessJazmyn cause I found my story a bit similar to hers well walking on the bully theme except prince is the bully in my own, But yall should really check out her new story "Against All Odds." It's a Diggy Fan Fic (: && her other ones if you haven't read them, I <3 her books!

Comment, Vote, Fan? (:

Feedback is greatly appreciated ^_^

- Maya <3  

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