Ian x Mickey (Boyxboy)

By Earthtosaraaa

71.7K 1.1K 351

A bunch of different short Fan Fiction based on Ian and Mickey from Shameless. More

Ian x Mickey
Playing games.
Macho Bullshit
Playing House
Straight Couples
Should I be feeling this way? Part I
Fatherly Instincts

Should I be feeling this way? Part II

1.6K 25 14
By Earthtosaraaa

Part II

I got up early this morning around nine and jogged to the supermarket. I couldn't bear staying in bed with Mickey, knowing that I am being unfaithful to him. I thought that if my blood pressure rose my stress levels would go down and if I entered the supermarket and shopped for groceries then my mind would wander off and I could forget about this whole situation for just a moment.

I carried a shopping basket up and down the aisles, picking up whatever I thought was missing in the house.

As hard as I tried to focus on shopping I couldn't. Everything seemed to remind me of Aiden and that made my stomach turn. The cold air of the frozen food section reminded me of how his touch gave me goosebumps all over my body. The aroma of fresh fruit reminded me of how the restaurant smelled. It seemed like some powerful force wanted to remind me of him.

I couldn't stand being surrounded by the thoughts of him either so I decided the best option was to gather as many things as I could and head back to the house.

I entered the house as quietly as I could, hoping and praying that Mickey was still asleep. He was. I set the paper bags down on top of the kitchen counter and began to put away the groceries.

10 minutes later, my phone rang.

Fuck, I have to pick up the call before Mickey wakes up.

I scrambled through the living room, towards the end table and quickly placed the phone to my ear.


"Hey, thank God you're home."

"Huh? Jamie?"

"Open the door."


"Open the door, Ian!"

Are you fucking kidding me right now, Jamie is the last person I want to see.

I slowly inched my way towards the front door and placed my hand on the doorknob, without having even opened the door a wave of guilt overwhelmed me and I felt sick to my stomach.

Then, I heard an aggressive knock on the door and I flung the door open remembering that Mickey was still asleep.

"Hey!" Jamie gushed and almost threw her whole weight on me.

"Hey," I responded.

She separated herself from me and as soon as she did I caught a glimpse of Aiden.

"Hey, Ian." He smirked.

Flashbacks of the day before filled my mind so much so that Jamie had to snap me back into reality.



"You okay?"

"Uh... Yeah. I just remembered that Mickey is asleep... and I don't want to... uh... wake him."

"Ian, it's 12 pm. I think Mickey is close to waking up," Jamie responded while inviting herself in and planting herself down on the couch.

"I didn't expect him to be home," Aiden whispered to me as he walked through the door towards Jamie.

A cold chill sped through my body and I felt tiny goosebumps arise on my arms and legs.

What game is he trying to play with me?

"What the fuck is up with all that sound?" Mickey slurred while rubbing his eyes and entering the living room.

"Good afternoon to you too, sleepy head," Jamie responded.

"Oh, it's you. I should've known"

"What do you mean by that?"

"That you're loud as fuck." Mickey laughed

"It's a blessing and a curse." She responded smirking at Aiden.

Noticing her smirk at him like that made my lips curl, it's like I couldn't even control it. I quickly looked in Aiden's direction, I wanted to see how he reacted to what Jamie uttered.

SHIT! He's looking at me. He noticed, he fucking noticed my countenance shift.

"Feels more like a curse." Mickey laughed.

Aiden giggled and placed his hand on her thigh. His eyes remained fixated on me. 

I could feel my teeth begin to clench.

He continued to watch me and no matter how much I tried to hide how I was feeling at that moment he was able to see right past me.

Fucking asshole is playing with me.

"Okay Mickey, I didn't come here to get insulted by you." 

"So why did you come?"

"Well, I came here to tell you guys that Aiden and I are planning on taking a trip to Las Vegas and we were wondering if you guys wanted to come."

We? I wonder if Aiden was the one that brought up bringing us to Jamie.

"You fucking hear this shit, Ian?" Mickey laughed.

"Vegas? You want us to go to Vegas with you guys?" I asked.

"Yeah, Vegas is a better time with a group, right, honey?" Jamie sang.

"Right," Aiden answered.

This has got to be a fucking dream.

I looked over in Aiden's direction, we locked eyes and he carefully mouthed the word, 'bathroom'.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCKKKKK. Not now, not now, not now, please not. Fucking. Now.

I could feel my heart begin to skip beats and my stomach swirling like a washing machine. 

How the fuck are we supposed to pull off going to the bathroom together? Does he fucking realize that this isn't a fucking mov-

"Hey, can one of you guys show me where the bathroom is?" Aiden questioned.

Without hesitation, I stood to my feet. 

"I'll do it."

I guided him through the long corridor that leads to the bathroom, it seemed longer than it usually does and that was only because I could feel my body being weighed down with this anxious feeling. He walked behind me, silently. As we reached the bathroom, I extended my arm to open the door and all at once he pushed me into the bathroom with him. 

"Um... I... uh," 

I couldn't form words.

His hazel colored eyes stared right into my soul. I didn't know how but just with the way he looked at me made me melt.

I was cornered, back to the wall and he stood in front of me. He took one step closer towards me and the pace of my breathing changed.

"You nervous?" he whispered.

"N-no," I lied.

He moved his face closer to mine, he breathed my air and I breathed his.

"How about now?" He questioned.

I could feel a knot form in the back of my throat, I was unable to answer him.

The tension between us was driving me crazy, I knew I wanted him to kiss me and I knew that he wanted to tease me. At that moment I was lost in his eyes, the only thing I wanted to do was lean in and smash my lips onto his. 

Suddenly, my mind told my body to move in closer to him and it obeyed.

"Are we playing some game of chicken? I'll let you know that I suck at that game so don't get too upset if my lips touch yours," he breathed.

The sound of his voice rang in my ears, it was all I wanted to hear. The way that his voice could sound so sexy at such a low pitch and volume was beginning to drive me crazy.

"I'm beginning to think that that wouldn't be so bad," I confessed.

The corner of his lip rose upwards as he leaned in closer to me. I could taste his breath now and as my body temperature rose that's when it hit me. Mickey and Jamie are waiting for us.

"Shit... uh... We should go back." I uttered staring back into his eyes.

"You should come to Vegas with us," He mumbled into my ear. His request didn't surprise me, I mean I didn't have time let out an emotion because his lips then quickly grazed my neck and the warmth of his breath distracted me and caused me to push my head back in satisfaction. 

Get yourself to-fucking-gether, Gallagher!

"We need to go back," I moaned.

"Fine. Anything for you," he smirked while leaning in to kiss my cheek.

He reached for the door handle and waited for me to lead the way back into the living room. I took a deep breath and tried to quickly compose myself before walking into the room.

"So... guess what," Jamie let out as we entered.

"What?" I questioned, attempting to control my heart rate.

"Jamie convinced me. I think we should go to Vegas with them," Mickey laughed.

I looked at Mickey wide-eyed. I thought for sure he would be the one to reject this whole plan, for fucks sake, he barely even liked Jamie.

"So what do you say, Ian?" Jamie asked.

I looked over at Jamie and then at Aiden. 

What should I fucking do?

"What do you say, Gallagher?" Mickey questioned.

"uh... S-sure," 

"Oh my god, I am beyond excited, this is going to be fun!" Jamie cheered, jumping up off the couch and on top of Mickey and me. 


"So much fun," Aiden giggled. 

Thanks for reading! xoxo

PSA: Sorry it took me years to write this story and get it out to you guys. I lost the desire to write and now I completely miss it and want to come back to the Wattpad community. I have also decided to extend this part of the story to 3 parts, maybe even 4 if you guys don't mind. :) Thank you all for the support, I am happy to be back!

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