Sick bts

By fruityappledreams

423K 3.9K 2.5K

Hello! This is a collection of bts sick fics I am writing. Some will be one shots and others will have more t... More

Sick Jimin part 1
Sick Jimin part 2
Sore throat 1
Sick at school
Stuck in the rain
Peanuts = Death (not really)
Yoonjin travling
Freakin pumpkins !
Just push through it (1)
Fixed up
Just Push Throuh It (2)
A Fever Named Scarlett
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Jin hyung
Kookie needs a rest
Hobi 💖
Jin Hyungs recovery
Have my coat tiny
Grammy Nerves
Jin's Stomach flu

Sore throat 2

10.2K 158 108
By fruityappledreams

TW: anxious stuff

Jin sat in his hotel room, A warm cup of tea in his hands and a soft blanket around his shoulders. The only noise in the room was yoongis soft snores coming from the other bed, along with the occasional shuffle of namjoon. Jin tried to sleep like the others, but it was impossible. His throat stung every time his swallowed his own spit, his nose was barely doing its job, a small ache sat in his head, his coughing was violent and on top of that he was freezing cold. Luckily the hotel had a personal coffee maker, which came with tea bags.

Jin sighed, looking down into the clear tea. He took a sip and relaxed as the warm drink temporarily soothed the constant burning in his throat. It wasn't the most ideal situation to be up all night feeling sick, he would much rather be asleep, dreaming about something more enjoyable. He knew it was no use going out on his own to seek some kind of medicine, he would probably get lost or mugged, but worst of all in trouble with his manager. Jin clicked on his phone and started googling his symptoms.

'Sore throat, head ache, cough' he typed, squinting at the bright light. The dreaded result he knew was a possibility popped up. Bronchitis. Sure bronchitis could be treated with some prescription and rest, but rest would be hard to come by with their busy schedules. The day after they got home the group would begin working on new music concepts and having different meetings. Non of which Jin could miss. He nervously bit his lip and jostled his foot.

Jin wipes his sleeve across his forehead when he felt beads of sweat starting to build up. He shook his head and pulling the blanket off his shoulders. He sneezed twice, leaning forward. Warm tears found their to the fronts of his eyes. He couldn't tell if it was his fever messing with his emotions of if he was actually beginning to work himself up.

Another sneeze/cough erupted from his throat. His gritted his teeth, trying to cause anymore pain to his throat, which was burning furiously. Jin sniffled, taking on shaky breaths as tears rolled down his cheeks. He knew it would be best to wake up his friends, but he also knew it was best for them to sleep. The conflict began adding to the stressed state Jin was in, and he brought his legs up to his chest. His foot bounced, shaking his whole leg and body.

It was horrible. He could hardly think straight, his mind flooding with hundreds of different and some completely of track thoughts. What if he misses new information, what if he can't talk, what if namjoon or Sejin get angry and decide to throw him out, what he gets everyone else sick?! It was an endless pool of anxious thoughts that caused him to cry.

"Stop." He mumbled to himself, whimpering at the pain in his throat.

"N-Namjoon." He strained, barely making a noise. "Joon!"

Jin inhaled quickly, choking out a cough. Namjoon stirred, rolling over and grumbling. The younger sat up slowly and reached out to turn on the light. He squinted and slowly started waking up.

"Jin-Hyung?" He said, well, asked.

Jin let out a painful cry, squeezing his eyes shut. Namjoon shot up from his bed and rushed to the oldest side. Jin grabbed onto namjoon arm like a life line keeping him alive.

"Jin, tell me what's wrong? Talk to me." Namjoon encouraged, starting rub Jins back.

"T-Too-" Jin mumbled, "much."

"Shhh, calm down Hyung. Take a deep breath, you're working yourself up." Namjoon said, speaking calmly.

Jin struggled, but eventually started to breathe at a steady pace. He flopped sideways on namjoon body, completely exhausted and flustered. He could hardly comprehend the small hushed sobs coming from the other side of the room.

"There you go, keep that up Jin. You're doing just fine. You're ok." Namjoon coaxed, resting Jin against the head board.

Yoongi curled underneath the covers at the sight of his Hyung in such a state. Jin wasn't someone to break down when under stress. He usually stood tall and took lead to help everyone else.

"Drink a little of this." Joon said, holding a cup of water to jins mouth.

Reluctantly, Jin took a small sip, scrunching up his face at the irritation it caused. Namjoon sighed and walked into the bathroom with his phone.

"I'm going to call someone, I'll be right back." He informed, before leaving.

Jin nodded weakly and blinked slowly. He looked right and saw yoongi balled under his covers.

"Yoongi..?" Jin weakly called out.

Yoongi rustled under the blankets and whimpered. Seeing Jin in such a state of panic frightened yoongi to his core.

"Yoongi? Come out-" Jin started, but was interuptted by a cough.

Yoongi peeked his head out from under the covers, his hair a mess and snarled. Jin sighed, wiping his nose. He knew how much the younger hating having to witness the people he cared deeply about in pain or upset, so Jin put on a brave face and gestured for yoongi to sit next to him.

"But, what if I get sick?" Yoongi questioned.

Jin rubbed his throat and shook his head.

"Never mind. I just wanted you to know I'm ok now." He explained, his voice practically a cracked record.

Yoongi nodded as a wide awake namjoon reentered the room. He held a bottle of purply medicine and some Vix vapor rub in the other.

"I brought this just Incase. I didn't think we would need it, but it looks like we do." He explained, sitting next to jin.

He poured the medicine into the small cup and passed it to jin. Jin pursed his lips and down the nasty purple liquid. He grimaced and shook his head.

"I know it's gross." Namjoon said, opening the Vix vapor rub and scooping some on his finger tips.

He pulled the front of Jin's shirt down and carefully rubbed it on the older boy's chest. Jin awkwardly looked away, wanting to tell Namjoon that he was perfectly capable of doing that himself, but decided he would rather be babied for once. When Joon had finished, he tucked Jin into the covers and turned off the light.

"Feel better Jin-Hyung. Goodnight." Namjoon said, dozing off.

Jin smile to himself, thankful for being surrounded by such caring people.

Oh snap a double update!

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Love you guys <3

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