Beast Mode (RWBY harem X grim...

By Username19870o

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After being abandoned by his parents left to be torn to shreds by grimm he is instead treated as one of there... More

Left Behind (prologue)
Chapter 1: Time flys by
Chapter 2: Store of dust
Chapter 3: The New Team
Chapter 4: learning
Chapter 5: Opposites attract
Chapter 6: Hormones
Chapter 7: lust of animals (18+)
Chapter 8: new faces and flavors
Chapter 9: Getting Prepared
I'm sorry
Chapter 11: double trouble (18+)

Chapter 10: It's go time

8.6K 129 207
By Username19870o

There you were sleeping peacefully well that was until.

Ruby: RISE AND SHINE *whistle*

(Y/n) gah!

You shot up and tumbled out of Blake's bed and looked up angrily at an embarrassed and slightly worried ruby.

Ruby: hehe um...sorry.

You grumbled in response and picked yourself up.

Yang: well everyone ready?

You know what she was talking about, today was the day 哦招聘 assigned a mission for your team. You looked around and saw everyone doing there last checkup on there equipment. Weiss counting her dust vials, Ruby cleaning the scope on her rifle, Blake sharpening her sword, and yang brushing her hair. You decide to check on summoning your arsenal sense it's been a while sense you last did. You summoned weapon after weapon from maces,swords,daggers,bows, and finally your scythe you turned to Ruby while holding it and see her having stars in her eyes with a puddle of drool at her feet when she sees you starring she wipes her mouth and charges at you with extreme force she was on top of you.

Ruby: Your going to show me every weapon you have! I want to see your biggest club oh and your favorite swords!

As she was saying this she was moving her hips vigorously on your pelvis.

(Y/n): R-Ruby stop...p-please.

Ruby: also which weapon do you...oh um

She slowly started rising until she was about half a foot higher. She felt something larger inbetween her legs going under her. She stood up and looked down to see your massive bulge. Everyone in team RWBY was blushing madly but each one had a different response.

Ruby: u-um...(y/n) what is t-that

Weiss: y-your that pervert!

She marched into the bathroom.

Blake:*thinking* thank oum she didn't rub against it more or else she would've saw his full size. But even when I'm not in my heat just looking at it make me want to have sex with him again.

Yang: hehe now that's a weapon I want to see.

She says licking her lips.

You push Ruby off and marched out of the room a blushing mess. You already had your armor on so all you had to do now was go to the pickup area.

When you arrive you see Glenda also there. You walked up to her and tilted your head in confusion. She seemed to understand what you were trying to say with the look.

Glenda: Ozpin has requested me to watch over your group as your on your mission. Things like your fighting style, team coordination, and of course if you really require assistance.

You nodded your head in response and waited with her. Soon enough your team arrived with blushes still on there faces. Ruby was looking down twiddling her thumbs, Weiss was looking away from you but was still blushing, Blake seemed the most calm but still had a blush on her face, and yang was now looking at you hungrily like prey.

Glenda noticed there behavior.

Glenda: are you four alright?

They all jumped at her voice but ruby spoke up.

Ruby: we just had an embarrassing moment this morning.

Glenda nodded her head and continued waiting. Soon after the bull head arrived. You were about to destroy the large beast thinking it was the same one that helped Roman escape but yang held you back and explained what it was to you. You all got on with you still feeling uncomfortable both of the flying beast and of what happened this morning. The girls must've been feeling the same thing as they still had blushes on there faces. Deciding you had nothing better to do you decide to fall asleep until you reached your destination.

You were woken up by yang gently shaking you.

Yang: c'mon (y/n) get up I want to punch something!

You grumbled and got up. When you stepped off the flying beast you saw you were in a small village of both humans and fauns. It seem peaceful they were smiling and laughing together. Why couldn't the rest of the world be like this? You snapped out of your thoughts when Ruby once again climbed on your shoulders.

Ruby: March!

She said pointing to the town hall. You couldn't help but smile. But the thoughts of what happened earlier popped into your mind. In fact you could just hold her by her waist as you...

No! Bad (y/n) don't think of her like this. Keep your feelings down until she is ready you don't want to hurt her.

You started walking to what looked like a town hall.

Blake: so Grimm have been attacking this village but I don't see any sign of destruction.

Glenda: that because they were able to hold them off. Fauns guards spotted them as they were planning a sneak attack on the village at night. It wasn't long before everyone was out of there houses ready to protect there home.

Yang: seems like we could do more helping each other in a year-

(Y/n): than we could at each others throats for a decade.

Everyone was surprised at (y/n's) voice. Except for Blake who agreed heavily to the statement

Ruby: *gasp* you completed half a sentence without stuttering!

She starts patting your head.

Ruby: good boy!

Yang: Yea see I told you those teachings would pay off.

She pats your back.

Weiss: about time I was starting to think it was a lost cause.

You felt hurt by what she said but quickly gestured to her scroll.

Weiss: m-my father finally found a hair dresser for me. As for you (y/n) I'm glad your improving.

She then hugs you making you feel happy once again. Blake came up to you and hugged you arm.

Blake: good job (y/n).

Glenda: *ahem*

We all turn to look at her.

Glenda: while it is nice that your celebrating his accomplishment I'd suggest you stop making a scene.

We look around to see several towns people looking at us with small smiles on there faces.

Woman: aww how cute.

Woman 2: just adorable!

Man: hehe I used to be just like that kid when I was younger.

Masked man: oh no he has a harem...may god have mercy on his soul...and loins.

Yang: I don't think they mind.

Glenda pinched the bridge of her nose.

Glenda: children please you can continue this in private for now let hurry up with this mission.

The girls let go of you except for ruby who stayed on your shoulders.

Ruby: hehe sorry right... Onward.

You got down on all fours and looked at the other girls.

Yang: heck yes I'm on.

Yang got on, Blake said nothing and got on your back.

Weiss: I'd think I'd rather walk.

Yang: are you suuuurrreee?

Weiss looked around for a moment.

Weiss: fine just this one last time.

Yang: I dont think this will be the last time we ride (y/n)~

RBW blushed while yang smiled.

You look at Glenda.

Glenda: there is absolutely no way I'm ah!

Yang picked her up and held her over her head.

Yang: go (y/n)!

You start running on all fours to the town hall while the girls were laughing and screaming with excitement, except for Glenda.

Glenda: young lady put me down this instance!

Yang was having to much fun to hear her.

When you started getting close you attempted to slow down however the ground became muddy making you slide while continuing your momentum until you crashed through the double doors thankfully all the girls landed on you safe and...we'll okay not sound.

They all got off of you and when you proceeded to get up Glenda hit you on the head with her riding crop.

Glenda: young man you better be glad we all landed safely otherwise I'd give you a worse punishment. *sigh*

Yang: *gasp*

Ruby: what?

Yang: *points at Glenda's face*

Ruby: *gasp*

Yang&ruby: she smiled!

Blake&Weiss: really?

Glenda was indeed smiling however quickly changed it to a face of authority.

Glenda: tch let's find the person in charge already.

???: are you the team they sent to help?

We all look over to see an old looking man. He's definitely been through some things. He has large bags under his eyes and three scars across his face. He was very lanky and seemed to be in his late 70's.

Ruby: yes we are...sorry for the sudden burst in...

She said as she twiddled with her fingers. A smile spread across the old man's face as he raised his hand and dismissed the action we did.

???: now now all is fine I'm just happy they sent someone to help.

Blake: excuse me but what is your name.

???: ah yes of course where are my manners I am Wilber Jackson. But most folks call me Wil for short.

Yang: well when do we get down to business?

Wil: well you can start right now if you wish. Here are the areas you need to clear out.

He says as he hands Glenda a map of areas around the village.

The examines it before nodding and looking at us.

Glenda: okay children let's get this over with quickly.

She says as she walks out with us following her. One this I could feel but kept to myself is I could feel the large presents of Grimm around.

*time skip*

Team RWBY are all on the ground exhausted after killing so many Grimm you however were sweating a bit but wiped it off even Glenda was a little winded.

Glenda: okay children *huff* I think that's enough for today.

Yang: gee I know I said I wanted to punch something but I didn't expect there to be this many Grimm. What's attracting them.

Weiss: can't be the town they all look happy.

You fully stand up and look over to team rwby and Glenda.

(Y/n): that's exactly it, there too happy and the Grimm can feel it. Sense there happy there getting confident and plan on expanding, and sense Grimm are territorial the don't want that happening.

They were all surprised but then got scared sense you only speak full sentences this well when your mad or angry.

Blake: (y/n) are you okay?

(Y/n): I'm annoyed that these Grimm wish to destroy these people's happiness.

Yang: Yea I think now would be a good time to rest.

They all nodded and decided to head back to town.

*time skip brought to you by chibi (y/n) drinking with chibi pyro*

They were all in front of a hotel.

Glenda: okay children rest up because we still have Grimm to clear out tomorrow goodnight.

She said as she walked off into her own room.

Team rwby would share a room together while (y/n) would have his own room. They all said goodnight and (y/n) reluctantly went off into his own room he open the door to see it was smaller than the other rooms but still cozy.

After taking a shower and undressing (y/n) climbed into his own bed but felt as if something strange would happen soon he finally ignored it enough to go to sleep which he did.

*???'s pov*

???: are you sure we should do this?

???: oh please calm down its about time we have our fun with him.

She says as she swallows a pill.

To be continued...

(Authors note: hey guys awesome pyro here and imma be honest I'm not to proud of this chapter but felt as if I needed to post something anyway I feel as if I don't need to say any more than tell me if you enjoyed. But as always this is the awesome pyro signing off see us later.

P.S. right now I just added these words to reach 2000 words K.

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