Why ~Zach Herron~

By WhyDontWe_Dolan

578K 12.6K 6.4K

*Sequel to I Depend On You* "Iris there's nothing that'll make him feel better. He needs to know the truth ab... More

48(Part 1)
48(Part 2)
New Fanfics
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3
Bonus Chapter 4

Bonus Chapter 5

5K 121 74
By WhyDontWe_Dolan

Iris's P. O. V. *3 years later*

"Wesley Dean Herron." The principal announced as Wes walked across the stage.  I stood and hollered with Zach and the guys while recording on my phone.

Zach wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. I wiped my tears and felt Zach kiss my head. We watched as Wes took his diploma and walked off the stage and back to his seat.

Emersyn was valedictorian so she had already walked across the stage. We all sat and waited, clapping when appropriate. Once the last person got their diploma, they all walked out of the stadium and we all got up and left.

"Mom! Dad!" I turned and saw Wes, Emersyn, Xavier, and Randy standing by a tree wrapped in Christmas lights.

"I'm so proud of you!" I squealed and hugged Wes. He chuckled and hugged me back. Zach, Desi, and Noah all came and hugged us, too.

Wes stood and took pictures with us, then we had a group picture with all the guys and their families. Then we took pictures with Xavier, Randy, Emersyn, and Wes. Then just Emersyn and Wes. Then Wes and just his guy friends. And all the other families.

It took a while but finally everyone was happy with their pictures. Wes took Noah in his arms and walked to the car. We were all meeting up at our house for a graduation party.

Wes's P. O. V.

We were home first, but pretty soon everyone was in our living room or our backyard.

"So you ready for college?" Grandma asked. I was sitting on the couch with grandma and grandpa Herron on either side of me.

"I'm really excited."

"I heard you got a soccer scholarship to UCLA, that's impressive."

"Thanks." I chuckled. Aunt Reese came up and started talking, thankfully taking the subject off of me.

I slowly pulled myself out of the conversation and got up, finding my way outside. Emersyn was talking to my mom and Kayla when I walked up. I put my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. She instinctively put her hands on mine.

"Yeah, I was like in shock when I got the letter. Like everyone always told me like of course I'd get in, I'm valedictorian, but I just didn't want to get my hopes up and then be let down. But I'm beyond excited to go, especially on such a huge scholarship," Emersyn rambled on. I smiled at how cute she was.

"It's quite the achievement to be proud of," my mom said.

"What's up Wes?" Emersym asked.

"Hey babe," I said kissing her cheek. My mom smiled before her and Kayla excused themselves.

"You having fun?" Emersyn asked, spinning around in my arms.

"Yeah, I just wanted to come find you." I smiled. She put her hands on the sides of my face and kissed my lips.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too." I smiled and kissed her again.

We found the guys and hung out with them, joking as we brought up memories from the years. Avoiding the topic of Jeanette because of how sensitive Randy still was. She dumped him for some college guy at the beginning of the year. They were together for three years and he couldn't believe how she had just thrown him away. He said he'd get over her before he left for college, but he still gets all mopey when we talk about her.

Eventually all the families left and it was just the four of us. We all sat around the campfire on our porch, roasting s'mores.

"Guys, I just wanna thank you," I blurted.

"What?" Xavier asked. I looked up from my marshmallow and glanced at everyone. Xavier sitting across from me, Randy to my right, and Emersyn to my left with her head on my shoulder and my arm wrapped around her.

"I don't mean to get all mushy, but like thank you so much. There were so many talks I'd had with my mom and dad about people just using me. And there's so many tikes that it's actually happened. I-i don't know what I would've done if I hadn't found y'all. Like seriously, thank you so much for just always being real and always being there for me."

"Of course, man," Randy patted my shoulder.

"You're like a brother to us." Xavier shook his head.

"We've always been here for you." Emersyn sat up and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, it was never about your parents. I mean it's nice, getting all the free stuff and going to shows with you. But I'd be your friend even if you were a nobody," Xavier said. We all laughed and smiled.

"I love you guys."

"We love you too."

                         *2 months later*

"Mom, I'm going to Emersyn's. I'll be back for dinner."

"Okay, have fun." I grabbed my keys as I walked out the front door. The drive was quick to Emersyn's house.

"Hi." She smiled widely and opened the door, letting me in.

"Hey, are we alone today?" I asked.

"My sister's here, but she's leaving pretty soon. Wanna go to the tree?" She asked. I nodded and let her lead me to the backyard. We climbed up into the tree and sat next to each other. We always came here when we had serious things to talk about. We both knew what we gonna happen, it was just hard to process.

"So, what's up?" She asked.

"We're leaving tomorrow," I said quietly. Emersyn was going to Massachusetts, while I was staying in California for college.

"We sure are."

We both sat there silently. I took Emersyn's small hand in mine and I felt her lean her head on my shoulder.

"You know what we have to do?" I asked. She took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I do. It's for the best, there's no way we could make it work with our schedules."

"Exactly. So we're agreeing on this together. No hard feelings, no grudges, nothing bad. We're leaving on good terms."

"Of course." It was silent again for a few minutes. The light breeze blew through the trees. The sound of the leaves blowing around was almost soothing.

"I still want to say goodbye tomorrow. Before we officially...do it."

"Yeah, me too."

"Let's just act like nothing is changing. I don't want to be thinking about leaving you the last days I get to spend with you."

"Me neither."

She sat up and looked at me.  Turned my head towards her and stared into her watery eyes. She put her hand on my neck, and slid it up into my hair, slightly smiling at me. I grabbed her hand and pressed it to my lips.

"Let's go back inside," she whispered. I nodded before hopping out of the tree. I grabbed her hands and helped her jump down. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and walked back into her house.

I sat on the couch and pulled her onto my lap. She played with the ends of my hair before kissing my cheek. I turned my head and kissed her lips. I slowly moved my lips on hers as I lay her back on the couch. I hovered over her, running my hand along her side.

She tugged at the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up. I sat up and threw it over my head, dropping it onto the floor. I leaned down and pressed my lips onto her neck.

"Wes...I want this," she said breathlessly.

"A-are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah." I smiled and got off the couch, grabbing my shirt and carrying Emersyn to her bedroom.

I lay her back on the bed and took my joggers off. She pulled her shirt over her head and took off her shorts.

"You're absolutely sure, Em?" I asked, hovering over her.

"Yes, Wes. Please, I need you." I smirked and kissed down her neck and stomach.

It may be surprising, but this would actually be my first time with Emersyn. She had heard all the stories about my parents and how I was born when they were only 16. She was terrified after that. My parents had a lot of money and their parents were easygoing. Her family is a whole lot different. She was always against having sex while in high school, and I never judged her or held it over her head for any reason. I didn't need sex to prove that I love her.

Throughout it all, the only thing I was thinking about was how much I love her. Not anything else. I treasure the feeling of her lips on mine and everything else.

"Wes," she panted. I handed her my shirt to put on before I out my underwear back on.

"That was amazing," she whispered. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight against my chest. She kissed my jaw and I looked down at her before pressing my lips onto her soft perfect ones.

"I love you so much."

"I love you." We cuddled in her bed for a while, but it started getting late.

"What time is your flight tomorrow?" I asked, putting my clothes back on.

"Eight. I'll probably try to get there at like six."

"Okay. Just let me know tonight."

"Okay. Bye, I love you." I reached across the bed and softly kissed her lips. I pulled away, smiling.

"I love you, too." I walked out of her room and out to my car.

Once I got home, my mom helped me finish my packing. She ended up crying, saying how proud she was. Neither her or my dad even finished high school. And here I was on a college scholarship.

"Hey bud." My dad walked in. He came and sat across from my mom and I on the floor.

"Are you crying?" He asked mom, softly chuckling.

"Stooop he's my baby!" She whined, hitting dad's knee.

"I'm not even leaving the city, mom. I'll be home all the time." I chuckled.

"So how'd it go with Em?" Dad asked. I looked at my lap as my smile fell.

"There was nothing else we could do. So after we say goodbye tomorrow, that's it."

"You don't think you'll stay in touch?" Mom asked.

"I mean, maybe. But like I don't want to not be able to see her. It'll be too much."

"Yeah. I'm sorry Wes."

"It's fine. If it's meant to be we'll find a way back to each other."


"Flight 127 to Boston, Massachusetts is now boarding."

"That's me," Em whispered, looking up at my face. I held her tightly against my chest, pressing my cheek on the top of her head.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you more." She stepped back and stood on her toes to kiss me.

"Bye." She stepped back.

"Bye." She waved and walked off. I watched until I couldn't see her anymore, then I went back to my car.

I drove to the UCLA campus and found my way to my dorm. I texted my dad and soon he was pulling into the parking spot next to me. We both took boxes from the back of my car and went up to my dorm.

I unlocked the door and opened it, seeing a few boxes already in the small living room.

"Hey, you must be Wes." A guy came around the corner. I set the boxes down and shook his hand. "I'm Hayden."

"Nice to meet you. This is my dad."

"I'm Zach." They shook hands.

"You're in a band, aren't you? My mom's a big fan." Then a woman my dad's age came around the corner.

"Oh my gosh," she gasped. My dad and I chuckled.


"I'm Audrey, I've been a huge fan for years," she said walking up to my dad. They hugged and Audrey stood there in shock.

"Are you from here?" Dad asked.

"No, Arizona. I'm just here to get Hayden settled in."

"Oh. Well it was nice meeting you."

"You, too. Oh my gosh." She chuckled. "I hate to ask this but...can I get a picture?"

"Yeah, of course." They stood together and Hayden took pictures.

"Wow, thank you so much."

"Of course."

We all got over the initial awkwardness and started unpacking all of our stuff. Once we finished, our parents left. Hayden and I sat in the living room getting to know each other.

"You play any sports?" I asked.


"Oh, no way. Me too, I actually got a scholarship."

"Wow, that's impressive. What position?"


"Oh, cool. I'm a goalie."

"What's your major?"

"Uh, I'm gonna be a teacher. You?"

"Sports medicine."

We kept talking until it got late. I felt less nervous about this year, knowing I already had a friend. College wouldn't be too bad.

                           *4 years later*

"Wes, where are you? You never came home last night," my mom said. I was out with my friends at the bar celebrating our graduation. That's right, I graduated. I'm all done with college.

"Um, I don't really know how to say this..."

"Wes, where are you? You're supposed to be home. The whole family is here and you're not. This is your graduation party and you're not even here! Where are you?"

"I'm in New York."


"I don't know. I got drunk last night and bought a one way ticket to New York with Hayden. And now I'm sitting in a hotel."

"Why would you go there?"

"I don't know. I'll come back as soon as I can, I'm sorry mom."

"It's fine, I'm just glad you're safe."

"I'll see you soon."

I hung up and dropped my phone on the hotel bed. All that was total bullshit.

I'm not in New York. I didn't get drunk last night. Well, I did but not enough to buy a plane ticket without knowing it.

I'm in Massachusetts. I know Emersyn is still here. I've seen all her social media, I know she's still here. I had a plan.

I hopped in the shower and got dressed and everything. I packed my stuff up and left the hotel. I got a taxi and told him the place I wanted to go.

I had no idea where I was going. I was going to this little shopping center near the campus to look around and hopefully find her. The taxi driver dropped me off and I paid him before getting out of the car.

I walked around, looking for any clues to find her. After about an hour and a half, I felt like giving up.

"Dad, I'm never gonna find her," I said into the phone. I told him. I told him before I even left. I had to find her.

"You can't just give up. Keep looking. Ask around if you have to."

"I don't know. I think I'm just gonna come home."

"No, you're not coming home until you find her. I'm not letting you give up that easily."


"Nope. Keep looking. I gotta go, but don't give up on her."

I sighed and hung up, looking around me. I shook my head, not knowing what else to do. I saw a coffee shop and decided to go inside and get a drink.

I walked in and stood in line to order. Once I got my drink I turned around and looked for a place to sit. My eyes landed on a booth with a familiar girl sitting in it. My eyes lit up and I walked towards her.

She was wearing leggings, a sweater, and her glasses. She only wore those when she was insanely tired. And I could tell that she was. Even from twenty feet away I could see how tired she was. She was busy, typing away on her computer when I sat down.

"Hey," I said getting her attention. She looked over her laptop and her eyes went wide.

"Wes?" She asked. I smiled widely. She stood up and I did too. She jumped in my arms and I held her tightly

"This can't be happening," she whispered.

"When we were sophomores in high school, we promised we'd always find our way back to each other. I couldn't break that promise."

"Wes, I-i don't even know what to say."

"Don't say anything." I picked her up and tightly hugged her again.

I set her down, keeping my hands in her waist. She put her hands on my face and kissed my lips. I felt all of the feelings we had rush back into my heart. My stomach was overwhelmed with butterflies.

"I-i love you," she whispered.

"I love you too."


I'm so so so so sorry it took so long to get this up. but yeah this is it. The end. I'm not gonna go any further with Wes and Emersyn, sorry I know a lot of you wanted that. You can use your own imagination to see how their relationship plays out.

I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for all the love on this story. Go check out my other fanfics, it'd mean the world. Love you guys so much.

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