
By HarleyRush

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Marinley is a different kind of Mermaid. She prefers the company of sharks and spends her time protecting se... More

Prologue: Mermaid Money
Chapter 1: Mouth of Teeth
Chapter 2: Shark Ridge
Chapter 3: Speak of the Devil
Chapter 4: Do I Correct Him?
Chapter 5: I Think Mermaids are Overrated
Chapter 6: Marinley Has a Crush on a Human
Chapter 7: Space Cadet
Chapter 8: Illumia Cove
Chapter 9: Green Slime
Chapter 10: Prom
Chapter 11: Fighter
Chapter 12: Fuck You God
Chapter 13: Jessica Alba
Chapter 14: Pirate Ship
Chapter 16: Seviran
Chapter 17: Grow a Fucking Tail
Chapter 18: Be Closer to You and the Sea
Chapter 19: Family Isn't Blood, It's Love.
Chapter 20: For Once, Keep Your Mouth Shut.
Hey Bitch. Get Ready to Get Fucking ROCKED!

Chapter 15: Haha...Tail.

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By HarleyRush


"Sailor I can't believe this place is real! It's like a giant playground for adults!"

I don't know what kind of playground she was on as a Nalea but I was definitely curious to know cause that seems pretty wild.

"Thank you for taking me here." She said, kissing my cheek and then looking away and grinning to herself.

I can't believe Marinley is here with me.

A Mermaid was on a date with me.

Since when did my life become a fairy tale?


"Sailor are you listening? Obviously not. The lady needs money so we can get inside."

I jumped and looked down at Marinley, a bored expression on her face topped off with a raised brow.

It was an unsettling look with her platinum eyes.

"Crap sorry here." I handed the lady a hundred dollar bill and took our bracelets and my change.

I did hers and she did mine, just like at the boardwalk.

But she was way more excited this time.

I think she might be an adrenaline junky.

"Holy shit Sailor look at that one! It's huge! I want to go on that one first."

The Tongue Twister.

We waited in line-very impatiently on Marinley's part-and when we got seated a grew a little nervous. I don't like being upside down-one of my biggest fears is being stuck upside and dying in some freak accident.

Screw those Final Destination movies.

They've permanently scarred me when it comes to roller coasters.

I looked over at Marinley as the ride kicked to a start. A deep grin took over her lips as we went up and up and up. When it got to the top it stopped, and I could see why it was called the Tongue Twister. It had three flips and two corkscrews back and forth until you reach the spot that takes you up and drops you and you catapult backwards and go through the ride again.

Holy shit.

Pardon my langue.

But holy shit!

I tried not to piss my pants the whole time but it was actually a crazy amount of fun. Marinley was cheering the whole time, even screaming FASTER! like the crazy bitch she is.

Again-excuse my language.

I'm crazy about her though, even if she is crazy.

"Okay. That was the best ride I've ever experienced ever! We're going again!"

Oh god please no I'll puke.

"There's other rides come on." I grabbed her hand and pulled her away, laughing at the state of her hair.

It was a wild mess-all blown up and crazy. I stopped and patted her hair down. She pushed my hands away and tied it up, showing her neck and shoulders.

Her scar from the shark bite was on display-and so was a tattoo on the back of her neck. It was a turtle. In pretty light greens and dark blues and was almost tribal looking on the inside. The detail was amazing. I wonder where she got it done.

"How do Mermaids get tattoos? Do you go to a tattoo parlor like people?"

Marinley shook her head, touching the back of her neck and smiled.

I hope she'll tell me about them. I want to know what each one means.

"No. Mer tattooing is also a sacred thing too. You don't just get senalas, you earn them. I've earned all of mine. The neck was the hardest one I've had to do. It's done with poisonous coral. It's not poisonous enough to kill us, but it does burn you."

I gasped-no way. That would hurt so bad. I'm a baby when it comes to needles and I definitely couldn't do it myself. She literally burns herself to do the senalas and they look perfect. Not a single flaw in them.

"Wait you mean you did it yourself? And it burns into your skin?"

She nodded, looking kind of annoyed. "Why do you always make me repeat myself?"

I blushed and glared at her.

I just needed clarification, jeez.

"Sorry. I'm hangry. We've been on five rides but I need food."

I sighed.

I could be as mad at her as I get at Clary.

Not at all.

I opened the map I'd snagged on the way in and looked for food. We were pretty close to where we needed to be. I stuck my hand out and Marinley took it easily, grinning of course.

"So what does the turtle one mean?" I asked as we made our way to the dining area.

"Later. I wanna eat first."

We got to the food court and I got a small basket of fries with mustard. I didn't want to eat too much and get sick. When I voiced my concern to her about to eat a giant corn dog, she only said Mermaids don't puke.

Well-I hope she's right about that.

By the end of the night we'd gone on every single ride. I had the best time of my life. Being with her felt so good and so natural, I hoped she felt the same way. Sometimes I think she does but she's so hard to read. I know she likes me though, at least that's what she said.

And she doesn't lie I've noticed, so I'm pretty sure she likes me back.

"I thought we were going home?" She asked as I turned down a road.

"One more stop." I parked behind the back of the diner.

Her eyes lit up as she looked at me.



I got mint chip and she got strawberry. I know it's her favorite. Next to the mango.

We drank our milkshakes and talked until they told us we had to leave.

I really didn't want this night to end.

"I'm not ready to go yet." Marinley said, voicing my thoughts.

"Then don't go."

We went down to the beach and I laid out my beach blanket for us to sit on. Marinley plopped down between my legs and leaned back with her head on my shoulder. I used one arm to hold us up and the other wrapped around her waist, gently stroking the skin of her stomach. She was so cool to the touch.

"This has been the best first date ever."

I looked at her with wide eyes. "You've never been on a date before?"

Marinley laughed, shaking her head. "What did I say about you making me repeat myself?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever. I'm glad you had a good time."

She smiled and turned her head, kissing my cheek again. "I always do when I'm with you."

That just made my whole night. 

I laid back and she curled up next to me, both of us looking up at the night sky.

"Can I know what your senalas mean now?" I asked hopefully.

I know they have to be some amazing chronicles and I'm dying to know the story behind each one.

"Okay Sailor. Where should I start?" She asked with a chuckle as she sat up and gave me a small smile.

"The turtle."

"I saved a whole bale of turtles from fisherman. It was one of my hardest missions. I had to destroy eleven different nets and lead them all to safety. One of them was a razor net too. This scar is from that net." She said as she pointed to a small cut on her wrist.

"What about the dolphin?" I asked next.

The dolphin was on her back right shoulder and done in dark and light silvers with the same tribal pattern like in the turtle. What was cool was that her senalas held a metallic sheen that regular tattoos didn't. They shimmered in the light and looked even more beautiful than they already were. I kind of want one the more I look at hers.

I wonder if she'd consider giving me one in the future...

"I heard some dolphins panicking and went to investigate. A female was giving birth but had some complications. Normally that means death for both mom and baby but I got there in time. Had to surgically remove the baby but I saved both of them. Got baby breathing and had the father take him to the surface to get his first breath as I stitched the mom up and healed her with my magic. Their pod stops by occasionally to say hi. The baby is doing really well."

"Do you have anymore?"

"I have one on my left thigh, one on my right calf, one by my ribs on the right side, and my Mermaid. Those are my last four I have so far."

She turned her leg and showed me the tattoo on her back right calf. It was the open jaws of a shark with a crown above it. This one wasn't colored in except for the teeth that were white and the crown that was a shimmering gold. That one was super cool too. Hard to believe she does these herself. I'm too much of a baby for that kind of pain but I really am a considering asking her to give me one.

"I gave myself that one after saving the King of Sharks. At first it was just the jaws but after I was anointed one of them I added the crown. The King loves it. Says it shows I'm proud to be one of them. And I am."

Marinley really is the voice for the sea. Protecting and saving them without fear or hesitation. Any kind of animal too it doesn't matter to her. She'll look a shark straight in the face and not be afraid. I mean if I got bit by a shark trying to save it I wouldn't have continued trying to save it I would've ran away.

Well, swam away.

But Marinley?

She wants to save them and love them and keep them safe. No matter what it takes. She really does believe it's her destiny. I kind of believe it's her destiny too.

She turned to her side and pulled up her shorts so I could see the one on her upper left thigh. It was an octopus. It was bigger than the other ones too. It's tentacles stuck out at all angles with some suction cups showing and the rest the top of the tentacles. It looked like it was spread out and holding onto her leg.

This one was in metallic reds and oranges and yellows with bright purple metallic spots. But instead of a tribal pattern like the rest it was all done in spots and small lines of detail. I liked the contrast a lot. It looked like it was on fire on her leg, shimmering bright and detailed to perfection.

These are amazing. And the stories behind them are even better.

"This one was actually about two months ago. I found an octopus tangled up in a web of netting and garbage and was on the brink of death. I took her back to my cave and spent all of low tide getting her untangled. Once I finally did I brought her back to her home and it turns out she had babies waiting for her. I helped her gather food for them and spent the day with them. The babies were adorable."

I kinda wish I was a Merman so I could experience this with her. I want to save the sea life too. It just sounds so fulfilling. I want to have stories to tell like she does. I want to make experiences like her. I know I definitely don't want to take over my father's business.

I want to save the sea, not hurt it.

Marinley may have just given me my goal in life without even trying. I've been saying I don't know what I want to do in college but now I think I do.

And with Marinley's help I know I can succeed.

My own personal cheat sheet.

She probably knows more about the sea than anyone.

And I want to learn everything I possibly can from her.

Next she pulled up her shirt and showed me the whale on the side of her ribs. That one was the same tribal pattern as the others but done in shimmering silvers, light blues, and white. I really liked this one. And I can't wait to hear how she got it too.

"I heard desperate calls from an animal and followed them to a baby whale out in open waters. It's very dangerous for a calf to be out in open waters without its Reintos. And what was happening to him was exactly the reason why. He was surrounded by three rogue sharks. They were circling him ready to eat him so I saved him.

"It was intense Sailor. I used one of my runes and put the sharks to sleep. Two got knocked out but one of them dodged my spell and started to chase us while I attempted to bring the baby whale to safety. I ended up seeing two of my shark friends and called them. They scared the rogue off for me so I could bring the baby to the coral reef and hide him in a cave while I looked for his family. He got separated pretty far away from them and they were all frantic looking for him. I brought his mom to where he was hidden and reunited them."

I loved that too.

But this tattoo is the one I wanted to know about the most.

This one proves that she's the Mermaid Marauder.

And I want to hear all about it.

"Finally my Mermaid. I'm already trusting you with my secret so I'll let you have this one too. Yes, Sailor, I'm the Mermaid Marauder. Are you sure you want to hear this it's a long story?" She asked as we sat down with our food to eat.

"Yes. Please. I want to know everything."

Marinley sighed and showed me her mermaid with a faint smile on her lips.

"Okay. So about a year ago, in human time, I came up with the Mermaid tag after destroying a whale hunting boat. I've been doing this for years Sailor, since I was about ten years old in human years.

"When I first started I couldn't really fight multiple men or destroy ships just yet, but I did destroy nets and save what animals I could. I would sneak into warehouses and release what animals I could, but at ten years old I only had the strength of one grown man so I couldn't do as much as I wanted to.

"For animals that were too heavy like grown dolphins or baby whales, I would have the sharks I had befriended help me the best they could. But sometimes...sometimes I couldn't save them. And it broke my heart. But I didn't give up. I worked on getting stronger and kept saving whatever animals I could. The older I got, the stronger I got, and I could do more.

"At about thirteen human years, I had the strength of five grown human men, so I was able to save some of the animals I couldn't before. Most of them anyways. When I became sixteen in human years, I had the strength of ten human men. And now I could save all of the animals I couldn't before. And at that point I felt strong and confident enough to start destroying ships and fighting the men harming the animals of my home.

"But it wasn't enough. So I sat back and devised a plan to really ruin the people hurting the creatures of the sea. I learned about police officers and what they did and how they would put these poachers away for good and they would also release the animals caught back into the wild.

"I figured out how to use a phone and would call in the poachers I hunted down and tell the police where they were hiding the animals so they could be set free and the men would be put in jail or prison so they couldn't hurt the animals anymore. I did this for over two human years and I finally felt like I was doing enough. Well, mostly enough.

"My job will never be finished until poachers are gone for good. Anyways, I would watch the news every day to see the men being arrested and the animals being released, but they weren't correlating that it was one person doing this. That someone was fighting back for the sea.

That I was coming for them.

"I had seen some graffiti and asked someone what it was and what it meant, and they explained that it was someone's art to show that they had been there and make their mark so people would know who they were. So I sketched a few different tags, as she had called them, and after a few tries I came up with my Mermaid.

"What better way of marking my work than with what a lot of people call Sirens-The Voice of the Sea. Because I am the voice of the sea. I'm a Mermaid, but the idea of Sirens came from Mermaids. People thought Sirens were different from Mermaids because Sirens sing and Mermaids don't. But all Mermaids do sing. But only Mermaids with magical abilities can do the Siren Song. So that's why people thought Sirens were different.

"Anyways, people say Sirens are the voice of the sea and since I'm a Mermaid with magical abilities, I'm technically a "Siren" in a way. But I believe I am the voice of the sea, the voice for the sea. Since the sea doesn't have one. But that's why I chose the Mermaid to be my mark on those who are hurting my home. And after I destroyed my next boat, I tagged it with the Mermaid. And it was perfect to me.

"I gave myself this senala that night, and kept tagging boats with the same thing every time. After I destroyed about five ships and tagged them all, they finally started putting it together that someone was doing this. And then they started calling me the Mermaid Marauder, calling me a hero. And while I don't necessarily think of myself as a hero, I do think I'm doing what Mermaids are supposed to be doing and saving the lives that I can.

"When you asked me what my purpose was, I meant it when I said Mermaids were supposed to protect those of the sea. To me that's my purpose. And every animal I save takes me one step further into my destiny. Of being able to say I lived a fulfilling life. I can't save all of them, but I make a difference for the ones I do save. And to me, that's what matters most.

"That is my purpose Sailor, to be the voice for those who don't have one. And that's why I will do what I do until I can't anymore. But I plan on raising my Naleas to be just like me, and continue to make a difference, to be a voice for the sea, and save those that they can, and live a fulfilling life too.

"Wow that was a lot. I'm sorry. I don't think I've spoken that much in years honestly. But yeah, that's the story behind my Mermaid. Now you know." Marinley blushed and looked away, seeming uncomfortable with everything she said but she shouldn't be.

I like her even more now. Way more. She's always been a badass. And has always known who she was and who she wants to be. What she wants to do. How she wants to save lives and make a difference. She has to be the most selfless person I know. And she's all mine.

How lucky can one guy be?

"I can't believe...I can't believe you've been a badass since you were ten years old. Even younger because you liked being around sharks, but a real badass since you were ten. I didn't even know what I wanted to do at ten years old aside from playing pretend with Clary and eating chicken nuggets.

"But that's amazing Marinley. You truly are a voice for the sea, ya know. And the sea is lucky to have someone as strong and devoted and protective like you are. And if you have Naleas I'm sure they'll be just as badass as you are. I mean how could they not be if you're their Monay?

"I'm glad you're defending those that can't defend themselves. And to be honest, I didn't even know what I wanted to do with my future until I met you. Now I know I want to do what you do, save the creatures of the sea, be a voice for the sea, and defend those that can't protect themselves.

"I want to be just like you. Which is why I'm going to go to college to be a marine biologist. And with you by my side, we're going to make a difference Marinley. A big difference. A good difference. We're going to change many lives, in the sea and on land. And that sounds pretty fulfilling to me too." I told her, my heart swelling at the giant and glowing smile on her lips.

She's my forever, I'm sure of it.

And together, we are going to make a difference.

Even if it's only a little one.

"I'll be there with you every step of the way. You're going to be a pretty great marine biologist if you have someone like me by your side, as I'm fluent in all sea animal languages and know all the tricks and secrets of the ocean.

"But I'm happy you love the sea now, that you love my home as much as I do, and that you want to save and protect the sea just as much as I do. Who knows, maybe on my next mission I'll take you with me. And you might just earn your first senala. I mean, if you want one anyways. You looked kind of scared when I told you how they work. Let me guess, needles make you squeamish too?"

I'm not answering that.

She's just going to make fun of me.

But I do want a senala, even if it's going to hurt like crazy. But I want to make a difference. I want to earn a senala. So to me, the pain will be worth it. Especially since it'll have a profound meaning, and a purpose.

Yeah, I could totally get one.

"I would love a senala. And I would also love to join you on your next mission. I'm not sure I'd be the best at fighting, but I would be totally down to break stuff and save some sea animals. To make a difference, even if it's only for a few."

Marinley smiled, falling back with me as I laid down flat on the sand to look up at the stars. I've always loved the sky, but I think I love the sea even more.

No I do love the sea more.

I may not be a Merman, and can't live in the sea, but that doesn't mean the sea can't be my home too. Maybe I'll get a boat and live on the ocean with Clary and Strover, and close to Marinley so I can always be with her. Even if she's deep below and I'm on the surface.

That actually sounds like a pretty good life to me. And I would be the best marine biologist around with Marinley as a cheat sheet. We could travel and meet different pods and protect sea creatures all over the world, making a difference.

Even if it's only a little one.

Yeah, that sounds pretty great.

That sounds like a very fulfilling life to me too.

"I really did have a good time. Thank you." She said through a yawn, putting her arm over my chest.

I didn't realize I was so tired I just couldn't find it in me to speak. I was so comfy I could barely keep my eyes open. I didn't want the night to end, but I hope she'll be here when I wake up.

Waking up next to her is what I want forever.

"Goodnight Sailor." She chimed through another yawn, adjusting so she fit against me just right.

This was too perfect for words. I've never felt this content before in my life.

This is really what I want forever.

Who I want forever.

"Be here when I wake up." I managed to say.

"Okay. I'll stay."

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