
De SimplyPenned

14.7K 947 37

A must-read love story of two lesbians under completely different circumstances, brought together by one thin... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

654 48 1
De SimplyPenned

Friday comes so quickly. I am happy that I have gotten a chance to get Gwen to agree to go with me. She is a hairstylist, and she works by appointment, so she was able to schedule around Friday.

Early Thursday morning, as I was having breakfast with her on a video call, I asked her to accompany me. Truly, this girl will do anything for me. I would do the same for her. I love our friendship.

Friday starts great. The sky is clear. It is sunny and windy out. I have gotten my morning jog and breakfast. I am feeling great.

I drop my towel from around my wet body, fresh from the shower. I decide on just a summer dress and a straw hat. I add some flip-flops and let my curly hair open. The summer dress is easy because I have my swimsuit on underneath. I won't have to go to a changing room when we are finally there.

Gwen is right on time. She is looking nice. It seems great minds think alike. She, too, is wearing a summer dress. Orange and brown, while I have on yellow and black. I grab my sunshades, and we are off.

Everyone from work attending this retreat has to be at the Bayside Dock by 8 a.m. Of course, because it isn't for work, everyone is right on time.

As I am making all the last-minute adjustments, I hear a voice behind me.

"Did you do a head count, Ms. Hunter?"

I know that voice. I am already answering before I fully turn in her direction.

"Yes, I did that al..."

My speech gets cut off for a few seconds when I see her. She is wearing a skin-fitting, yellow tank top and low-cut denim shorts. I can see the string of her bikini caught between the end of her tank top and the waistband of her shorts. She opted for flip-flops as well. It sounds normal, so casual, but on her, it is anything but. This woman looks like she could be gracing the cover of a magazine. Her waistline area looks so narrow compared to her wide hips and broad shoulders. She is well-proportioned. She looks breathtaking with her hair blowing in the wind.

"Yes, I was able to count already. We have a turnout of forty employees and thirty-five guests."

A young boy, about twelve years old, comes up behind Mrs. Canton.

"Excuse me, where should I put this?" he asks about a bag he was holding.

She ruffles his hair and says, "just hold on to it for a few more minutes, and then I'll get it from you."

Is this her son? I wasn't even aware she had a child. As I am finishing up with Mrs. Canton, Gwen comes hugging on me.

"This thing taking too long to move off, Em. I'm dying to get you in your bathing suit."

I am grinning, but I smack her arm.

"Behave, Gwen."

I can see the look of shock on Mrs. Canton's face, but I will not apologize for my friend's actions. I would be apologizing for a lifetime.

Without saying a word to Mrs. Canton, Gwen wanders off again. She is a friendly, outgoing person, and she isn't afraid to meet and mingle.

Everything is finally set, and we are off. We reach the island in record time.

The place is beautiful. It is like a picture came to life. The water is turquoise blue. The sand is purely white. Whoever selected this place, because I didn't, for our retreat really made a marvelous choice. Everyone is oohing and ahhing over the place.

There are some loungers and picnic tables along the beach. Everything we ordered is waiting for us. There is an area for massages. There are abundant refreshments. Everything is well organized for our enjoyment. Soon enough, everyone is in their bathing suits. Most of the men came in their trunks, not bothering with a change of clothes.

I want to get a tan before taking a dip. Gwen is running all over the place, interacting, and taking photos, no doubt for social media. I am laying on my beach towel in just my bathing suit when I see Mrs. Canton approaching.

She has taken off her clothes, too. She is in her bathing suit, flip-flops in hand. I know I shouldn't stare, but in this moment, I don't want to listen to that logic. I stare right at her. Loving the way her hips sway from side to side. This woman doesn't even know how sexy she is.

I can see I am making her a little uneasy. She is near enough to see me looking. I don't care. I slowly drag my stare up her legs. When she walks, I can see her quadriceps bulge a little. Gosh, she is so toned. Her appearance just oozes her strength and fitness. My stare continues up her stomach. There is a mole right below her navel. I find it so appealing. Continuing upwards, my stare reaches her breasts. Yes, they are a perfect handful. She seems to have her moles in all the best places. There is one located right between her breasts. I eventually catch her eyes and lick my lips, not daring to lose eye contact.

She blushes. It is so darn adorable.
I smile wickedly at her. I'm not hiding it from her that I like what I see.

I pat the ground next to me to encourage her to sit. She does it without saying a word. I know I make her uncomfortable. As if staring isn't bad enough, I say something I should've probably kept to myself.

"You look amazing in your swimsuit. The golden color complements your skin tone and eyes."

She looks away, but not before I notice her cheeks. The girl is blushing yet again.

I chuckle as she keeps her eyes away from me.

To change the topic, I ask what is on my mind.

"Who's the kid? Is that your son?"

That seems to work. She looks shocked.

"No! That's my husband's nephew. We have had him for two months now. He is a good kid. He will be returning to his parents, hopefully, in two months. What about you? Who's the girl? Is that your girlfriend?"

My mouth falls open.

"No! That's my best friend. What about your husband? How come he didn't come with-"

I am not able to finish. She, quickly, interjects.

"Race you to the buoy."

I catch on to the fact that she is trying not to talk about her husband, but I am too excited for the race. I honestly feel like I will lose. I know she is in better shape than I am.

I grin, "what does the winner get?"

She is also grinning. She has never been this way in front of me before. I like this.

"Anything of her choice," she replies.

"You're on," is all I say.

She sets the rules of the race. We are to swim out to the buoy, and the actual race starts from the buoy to the shore.

When we finally reach the buoy, and our race is about to start, I say, "Mrs. Canton, look!"

I point in the distance, and she tries to look for what I am showing her. I take this time to take off. I am ahead of her.
I can hear her screaming at me. I don't stop. I keep swimming. Once I am close to the shore, she is right there behind me. Damn! It seems like I will still lose. I put everything I have into it. I feel sand. I quickly stand and race back to my towel. I crash on the towel breathless, and she crashes right next to me, giggling.

"That is not legit, Ms. Hunter."

I roll to my side, and I am right up next to her. She is still on her back, and I am so close to her.

"Too late. You lost," I tease.

Still smiling and trying to catch her breath, she asks, "well, what is it that you want for your victory?"

Her hair is almost in her left eye, so I brush it away, hooking it behind her ear. I feel her stiffen.

Looking directly at her, I say, "a date. That's what I want."

She stops smiling and says softly, "but I'm married."

This doesn't phase me.

"The winner gets anything she wants. You made the rules."

She is just looking at me, and the same force that is driving me to either be totally obnoxious or to get fired won't let me break eye contact. I look at her, and the water glistening on her skin is looking so inviting. This same force makes me move my finger to trail the water droplets running from her jaw to her neck. My finger is barely touching her skin. Her breath hitches, but she is not moving. My eyes go to her lips. They are slightly parted. I so want to know what they feel and taste like.

Luck is on Mrs. Canton's side. Gwen comes running over.

"Ask her out already, Emma."

I laugh, "hush, G."

She hugs me and introduces herself to Mrs. Canton.

"I want you to come take some pictures of me, and with me."

I shake my head. My friend is so typical.

"Sure, G."

We excuse ourselves from Mrs. Canton's presence and go to do our own thing.

The rest of the day is just spent playing numerous water sports. I think everyone is having such a good time. I never really got a chance to catch up with my boss after that.

By 6 p.m., we are at the dock. I drop Gwen off at home and make my way home, too. I am beat. I barely feed and cuddle Missy before I am in the shower. I don't bother getting dressed. I go to bed naked.

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