Love Of Revenge. COMPLETED

By annu_pranushka_jam

123K 5.7K 1.5K

Rank #33 in pranushka.. Can Love emerged from revenge sustain? Lets walk throught the pasts of Mehbeer. And... More



3.4K 171 31
By annu_pranushka_jam

Meher's Pov

Its been one week we are here. Tommorrow we are heading back to India. We enjoyed a lot here, visited so many places. I am happy when I see kajal's happiness. And the feeling that her happiness is because of me, I feel proud.


Abeer.... something had happened to him. From 2 3 days he is acting so wierd. He is neither scolding me nor troubling me. Actually, he is not even talking to me.  Talking is far away when he is not even looking at me. I am irritated by his behaviour.

Yesterday I hit him knowingly. Not only he didnt scolded me but also he save me from falling down.... when I look into his eyes, I saw a new feeling other than hatred....

And at night... when I opened my eyes in midnight, I found him staring at me. I raised my eyebrows and gestured what happened.. he shook his head as nothing. Then I blinked my eyes, in asking him to sleep. First he didnt obey. When I showed it again, he closed his eyes. My lips curved into a smile and then I also slept.

But this is too much... I will ask him today directly what happened.

Just then she heard the door of washroom open. He came after the shower drying hair. She walked in full serious mode and blocked his way...

M: Whats your problem...?

He riffled his eyebrows.

M: Why are you not quarrelling with me. Neither you are talking to me nor you are scolding me. Why God has given you tounge, to talk is it? Then are you not using it ? Did I do any mistakes again ? If yes scold me, beat me, do whatever you want but please, please dont be so silent. Your silence is killing me, please Abeer, say something.

Meher's pov

I was blabbering without taking breath.  Suddenly he kept his palms over my mouth to stop me.
I was lost in his eyes. But something is different in his eyes. Its neither love nor hatred... then what is it...

Abeer's Pov

I know she must be suffocated. But if open my mouth I will split out something rubbish, so its better to shut it. But I never knew she is this much irritated. She was blabbering like nothing. Ibdidnt find any other option to stop her rather than to place my palms over her mouth. But I was lost in her eyes, which contained only love for me... but my eyes... only guilt....

A: Stop... and take a deep breath.

I took my hands back. She did what i said, still looking at me...

A: What you want...

M: I want you to scold me, irritate me...

A: Not possible....

M: Why....

A: Because I cant...

M: Atleast talk something then...

This girl... why she loves me this much... No I cant make her cry more... she deserves to be happy... she deserves the best....

A: Get ready soon... we will leave within 15 mins...

M: Where...?

A: Shopping...

M: But yoy hates shopping...

A: You loves it na...

I moved aside and turned towards the mirror. She was like a statue. I smilied at her expressions... Yes... she is so cute....

Dedicating this chappie for Aiswarya2018 my naughty bestieeeee😂😂😂

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