The Tease - A DaTzu fanfic

By YesNoYes1

126K 3.8K 1.8K

TWICE, with the help from their management, arranged to live inside a huge mansion in order to prepare for up... More

Chapter 1 - The Argument
Chapter 2 - The Confession
Chapter 3 - The Arrangement
Chapter 4 - The Preparation for the First Teasing
Chapter 5 - The First Teasing
Chapter 6 - The Second Argument
Chapter 7 - The Rest of the Evening
Chapter 8 - The Frustration
Chapter 9 - The Plan for the Second Teasing
Chapter 10 - The Second Teasing
Chapter 11 - The Lingerie Incident
Chapter 12 - The Plea
Chapter 13 - The Dance Rehearsal
Chapter 14 - The Spanking
Chapter 15 - The Fan Signing
Chapter 16 - The Lie
Chapter 17 - The Color Red
Chapter 18 - The Cameras
Chapter 19 - The Wondering Before Bedtime
Chapter 21 - The Date at the Ice Rink
Chapter 22 - The Continuation of the Date
Chapter 23 - The Dinner
Chapter 24 - The Unexpected Rejection
Chapter 25 - The Jealousy
Chapter 26 - The Love Session
Chapter 27 - The Destruction
Chapter 28 - The Girlfriend Proposal
Chapter 29 - The Reluctance
Chapter 30 - The Provocation
Chapter 31 - The Morning Teasing
Chapter 32 - The Minibus
Chapter 33 - The Next Step
Chapter 34 - The Second Date
Chapter 35 - The Aquarium
Chapter 36 - The Hot n' Heavy
Chapter 37 - The Wish at the End

Chapter 20 - The Wondering during the Daytime

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By YesNoYes1

"Mm" Dahyun murmured while lying in Tzuyu's bed.

Her sheets smell of her. I mean, of course they do, their hers. But it's a nice smell. I really like it. Oh, I'm going to- Huh? Where is she?

Dahyun felt the rest of the bed with her hand with her eyes clothes. She then opened them and realized she was lying in Tzuyu's bed alone.

Oh right.... Yeah... She has the thing today. Okay. Wow. Now I feel... Sad? Why am I sad? It's just the morning, nevermind. I'll go get breakfast and I'll probably feel better. Yeah, lack of food. Plus, it's the morning, I mean, no one normally functions in the morning.... I mean, some people do. But I don't. Food!

Dahyun went into the kitchen to see most of the girls awake, already eating their breakfast. Everyone greeted her and continued to eat while she poured herself some cereal into a bowl and started to eat.

"So... Day off today... What are you all going to do with it?" Jihyo asked after a few moments of silence.

While most of the responses were outdoor-related, Dahyun kept quiet.

"Dahyun, and you?" Momo asked.

"Oh, I don't know, I might just stay in today."

"Are you sure? It's a beautiful day outside, we could hang out." Dahyun then looked into Momo's eyes and figured Yeah, I mean, if it gets me to stop thinking about Tzuyu, that would be great. She then replied:

"Well, why not? What did you say you were doing today?" Dahyun replied with a smile.

"Oh, I was thinking on going ice-skating, there's this new indoor rink they opened downtown."

"Okay, I've never done that before, so... Might as well do it now."

The girls went downtown to visit this new indoor rink and to enjoy.

This is a nice place. Look at all the people! Wow! You really want to bring someone here and enjoy the day with them... I could bring Tzuyu here- oh damnit I thought of her! ...... Okay, let's get back to talking with Momo and not thinking about her.

"So, you've never ice-skated before?"

"Nah, I tried when I was younger but I failed miserably."

"Oh don't worry, you're going to fail miserably today as well, but I'll do my best to help." Momo tried to cheer Dahyun up and they both laughed.

Like Momo predicted, Dahyun did fail plenty of times, but Momo never gave up on her and helped her getting up plenty of times as well. In the end, Dahyun managed to skate for a while, which gave them both a reason to celebrate and cheer.

"Oh Momo, thank you so much for being here. You really helped me with this!" Dahyun thanked Momo with a huge smile.

She helped me get up so many times and she really taught me the moves. I wonder if I could teach Tzu- DAMNIT!

"No problem, Dahyun. Wanna go get something to eat now?"

"Sure!" Again, Dahyun, think of something else.

"I know this great place nearby, it's really quiet and nice."

"Okay, let's go then!" Dahyun was getting excited again.

They entered a small restaurant that wasn't far away from where they just came.

"Wow, this really is so nice. And quiet, and romantic." Dahyun commented.

"It is, haha, I would definitely love to take someone here on a date someday." Momo responded equally excited.


"So... Momo, did you have someone in mind?" Dahyun asked, trying to poke fun at Momo and trying not to think about Tzuyu for the nth time that day.

"Oh... Uh... No..." Momo was fumbling through her words.

"Not even a special tickle buddy?" Dahyun grinned at Momo.

"Who? Chaeng? No way! The only place I'd take her is somewhere where I can torture her."

"How did you know I was talking about Chaeyoung?"

"Uh... Uhm... Well, she's the only one I ever tickle!"

"Hm... I wonder why." Dahyun spoke with a grin on her face as they both sat down at a table.

"It's because she does that to me too!" Momo tried to defend herself.

"Hey, Momo, don't worry, I'm okay with it. If there's nothing going on, there's nothing going on. I was just teasing ya."

"Oh... Okay... Good!" Momo retreated and picked up the menu to see what she would eat. Dahyun did the same.

After a quick silence a waiter came by and took their order. Momo and Dahyun were now sitting in silence, enjoying each other's company.

"So, we always talk about work..." Momo broke the silence first.

"Yeah...?" Dahyun was confused.

"You know, we always talk about the music, and the fans, and the events, and the recording. And I love all those things and people. I really do. But sometimes I feel we don't get to experience much else. Not that I'm complaining... I was just wondering about certain things..." Momo murmured those last words but Dahyun understood her.

"Oh, I get what you mean" Dahyun chimed in. "I mean, sometimes you need a break from things. Even the things you love and like." Hm... Could this apply to...? No, I'm talking crazy. Dahyun thought to herself.

"Exactly! Like, you don't want them to go away or anything. You just want... Another thing in your life... like a new hobby, or you know.... traveling. Or even more new people!"

"Okay?" Dahyun was again confused.

"Like, you want to experience new things."


"Like... Ugh... Dahyun, I know this is going to sound corny, but.... I want to know what dating feels like. I know, it's so corny. It's laughable even. But we don't get a chance to do that, you know? There's never time. There's never even a place! Like, fan meetings are great, but you don't get to spend time with people that much to get to know them and to then ask them out. And the events, well... the events we perform at, there's always a lot of buzzing, and people going around.... It's just, you can't find someone..."

Dahyun was silently listening and nodding her head towards everything Momo was saying. Momo continued:

"I don't know... I mean, I have no one specific in mind, but... Just the feeling, the excitement of a possible new experience... That would be great!"

"I think I understand what you're trying to say. And yeah... No... I wish I could help you somehow."

"Yeah... I mean, we're all still young, it will happen. I'm just curious." Momo tried to brush it off.

"Yeah..." Dahyun agreed. There was a silence followed by Momo's question as they were getting their food served:

"So, Dahyun... Do you...?"

"Do I what?

"Do you ever feel like you're missing out and that you would like to experience new things... like dating?"

"Huh..." Dahyun pondered for a couple of seconds. "I don't know. I guess, in all of the things we were doing, you know, with the group, I never had sat down and asked myself that."

"Mm... Okay." Momo ate her meal and nodded her head. There was another silence as they were eating and then Dahyun broke it:

"But I guesss..."

"Yes?" Momo replied excitedly.

"Now that you've mentioned it... It does seem like unexplored territory."

"Hm...Dahyun, you seem like YOU have someone in mind?"

"Oh no... No... I mean, not anyone specific. You know... Just the experience. Just the feeling of it."

"Alright, if you say so..." Momo smiled and Dahyun chuckled. I can't tell her about Tzuyu. I don't even know what's going on between me and Tzuyu, and I definitely can't talk about it yet.

After that, they ate their meal, talking about the future, their hopes and dreams and they were generally enjoying their day.

As they were getting out of the restaurant, Momo half-jokingly asked:

"So, do you think Chaeyoung would enjoy this place?" They both laughed. Dahyun didn't want to provoke Momo too much, but she did suggest something to her:

"I don't know if she would, but I think this place would work better if you brought someone here for a dinner, and not for a late lunch."

"Oh" Momo considered "I think you're right." They smiled at each other and went out.

"So... where to now?"

"Well I was thinking about going to a nearby park, there is a small carnival or festival held there, I'm not sure what it is, but I would like to see it. I heard there was going to be performances and music and whatnot."

"The park it is!" Dahyun agreed.

Like Momo predicted, there was a performance festival in the nearby park that featured carnival rides, magicians, small stages filled with acoustic acts or smaller bands and many other activities.

This place is so romantic. Ah... It really would be nice to come here again with someone. Dahyun mused, this time more relaxed than before.

They enjoyed the rest of the afternoon and early evening there before they decided they were tired and went back to their mansion.

"Hey, thanks for a great time!" Dahyun spoke as they entered the house.

"You too. And for the advice." They giggled and went to each other's rooms.

Okay... I don't know what this is. But I want to take Tzuyu out on a date. Like a proper date. Actually, I do think I know what this is... I think I'm in love with Tzuyu. Dahyun mused as she was lying on her back in her own bed. Just as she thought that last sentence, Tzuyu opened the door.

Should I tell her something now? Dahyun pondered.

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