Robin, the best kept secret

By AhsokaTanoJedi

8.8K 257 46

Everyone knows Robin's a boy, right? Wrong! Richard Grayson, is actually Stephanie-Rachel Liliana Grayson, or... More

That's not Good
Rescue Mission
Out in the Open

Robin, the best kept secret

1.5K 31 17
By AhsokaTanoJedi

Ok, so my name is Stephanie-Rachel Liliana Grayson-Wayne. Daughter of Bruce Wayne, so, you might be wondering who the hell I am. Well, I'm the Ward/almost daughter of Billionaire Bruce Wayne. I had an older brother, Richard(Dick) Grayson, but he died with my family.

Oh, about that...

When I was eight years old, my family was murdered right before my eyes. You see, I grew up in the Circus, and we where trapeze artists. My brother, Dick, he was eleven. My mom and dad died as well, along with my aunt and uncle. Oh, and my cousin Johnny, he was 14, and annoying. However, I would do anything to see him, Dick, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Josh, mom, and dad. I was the only survivor, and I saw them fall to their deaths. It was all because of Tony Zucco, that stupid Malfia bos, he tampered with the ropes, that broke and killed my family.

Ok, so I have a secret......

I'm Robin, ya know, the 'Boy' Wonder. My identity is the most guarded secret in the Justice League, only Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Hawk Girl, Martin Manhunter, Green Lantern, Zatara, and Black Canary know my true identity.

So, your probably wondering how I'm a girl yet a boy. Well, when I first became Robin, Batman asked Zatara to enchant something for him. To change the appearance of the wearer, the item is a silver bracelet. Zatara did, on one condition, to see the person he was intended to change the appearance of. Me, so, he enchanted the bracelet to make me look and sound like a boy while I wear it.

I have two best friends, Wally is my best friend in uniform, Barbra Gordon is my best friend ever. She has recently became Batgirl, and she loves it. Bruce has taken on another kid, Jason Todd. I heard that the little boy I met my last preference, Tim Drake, his parents died, and he was adopted. I'm sad, I really liked that kid. Jason is younger than me by four years, I'm currently 13. It's been four years since I became Robin, and since my parents died. It's been a year since Young Justice started, and the team still doesn't know I'm really a girl.

So, you probably want to know what I really look like. So, I'm 4'9, I have Raven black hair that goes down to my waist. I have blue eyes and pale skin, I'm flexing cuz I'm an acrobat. Bruce Wayne is Batman, obviously, and well that's me.

Present time

"Ok, team, your going to be going undercover at a school. A student has been targeted, and she is a very important person." I'm looking at Batman, I think I know what he's getting at, and I don't like it at all! He pulls up a picture, and guess who it is, yep, yours truly, me!
"Her name is Stephanie-Rachel Liliana Wayne, Ward of Bruce Wayne. She's been targeted by the Light, because they linked her to us."

"What!" I flinch as Wally screams.

"Kid Flash, volume." He just looks angry, and Superboy is recovering his ears.

"As I was saying, they found out that she coded and programmed all of our systems. As you can see, she is only 13, so this is impressive. They want her on their side so they can hack all of our systems. Team dismissed, except Robin. I need to discuss with you a different mission." I nod, glaring furiously at my father.

"Robin, your going to be on a different mission." I nod and scoff, he's only doing this so that if the others are snooping they will think I'm gonna be on a legit mission.

"Your job, solo assignment. I'll give you the details back at the Batcave." I nod then Zetatube out, once I get to the batcave, and Bruce gets there, I vent.

"What the hell! I don't need protection, I'm a flippin bat for god's sake! Why the hell is the team going to my school?!?" Bruce sighs then pulls down his cowl, and places both hands on my shoulders as I take off my gloves with the bracelt coming off as well. Bruce pulls off my mask and looks me in the eyes.

"Lily, I'm doing this because I care for you. We don't know who found out it was you who coded the League, I'm worried that I'll loose you." I sigh then hug Bruce, this is all a nightmare for me.

"Fine, but don't expect me to fine with this." Bruce nods, then I change out of my costume. It's a female suit, the bracelet only makes me look like a dude, so I get to wear a suit that is a feminine make, it just isn't noticeable with the bracelet. I put on a simple shirt, and leggings. Then head upstairs to see Jason. I find him in his room, he is nervous, tomorrow is his first day at Gotham Academy. They have been renovating the building, and added the middle school to it. So, I get to go to school with my adoptive brother.

"Hey Jaybird." He looks over at me and smiles, if I was a boy, Jason would act differently, but I'm a girl.

"Hey Lil. I'm nervous about tomorrow, what if others don't like me?" I sigh then walk over to him.
"Jason, you might be bullied because you where adopted by a billionaire, Bruce Wayne, these kids grew up rich, so they see us as different. You'll have to live with this, but remember this," I kneel down next to him and smile.
"Bruce loves you very much, I love you, and you weren't adopted for publicity, but because Bruce loves you and wants to make your life better. If you want, you can hang with me and Babs." He nods then hugs me, I smile as I hug him back. Jason has a tough personality to block out the pain. He is like me, just I show mine through cheerfulness. I get up and lead him to dinner, Alfred made Chicken parmesan. It's one of my favorites. We eat dinner then head to bed, tomorrow is gonna be a long day. I sigh then fall asleep, thinking about how I'm gonna have to be careful to not slip up.

Next Day

So when I got to school, I saw Barbra. I smiled and walked over to her, as I did, I saw certain team members in the crowd.
"Hi Barbra." I wave at her as I reach her.
"Hey Lily, what's up?" I look at her and sigh.
"Oh, the usual. I've got another threat, Bruce is being overprotective, Jason is being Jason, and I still have a Chemistry essay to do." Barbra laughs, and I just roll my eyes, but then I feel something pull my sleeve. I look down and see Jason, I smile then pick him up. Even though he is three inches smaller than me, he weighs a bunch.
"Jason, have you been gorging on Alfred's cookies?" I ask/exclaim, he just chuckles.
"Maybe, but he makes me eat them, now, I want to go on your back." I sigh then hand Barbra my backpack, and Jason climbs onto my back. Me and Barbra are Laughing and so is Jason, I can tell the team is confused, and other students are staring at me like I'm crazy. I just ignored them, then remembered.
"Shoot." Jason and Barbra look at me confused, I sigh.
"I'm giving the tour to the new middle schoolers, I just remembered." I set Jason down, then grab my backpack.
"Come on Jason, time to get you to class." He just sighs then grabs my hand, then we walk over to where the middle schoolers are.
"Middle schoolers, over here please!" I yell at them, they rush over to me, and Jason joins them. I smile and look at the gaggle of kids.
"Ok, my name is Stephanie-Rachel Wayne. I'll be showing you to your part of the school, but first the rules." I look at each of them in the eyes, they squirm under my strict stare. They are weak, I'm not even batglaring.
"Rule one, no bullying. Rule two, respect school property. Rule three, no judgment of others because of their background or their parents. Rule four, listen to your elders. Because we live in Gotham, we have to listen to our teachers, in case the school is attacked." They nod, and I sigh, now for the most important rule.
"And last rule, no weapons or objects that are used in harming others." They nod vigorously, and then I smile.
"Now, to class." I turn around and march to the middle school wing. Smiling and acting happy.


I'm getting ready for school, this Liliana girl is just gonna be a snob. Like all rich kids, and I'm not looking forward to that. I sigh then head to school. When I get there, the others are already here, well, minus Robin. He's lucky, he gets a solo mission. We're protecting a snobby rich girl. We see her arrive at school, with a little boy. About 7 grade, and she walks over to a red hair girl. They laugh after she says something, and I roll my eyes, but then I see the boy walk over to her, and she smiles at him and then picks him up. I'm confused, that's not how rich kids behave.
Team. I see her, but aren't rich kids snobby and not whatever that is? I say into the mind link. They shrug, then I see the little boy on her back. She is laughing and smiling, like this is everyday for her. Then she puts him down and rushes somewhere else, next thing I know someone yells.
"Middle Schoolers, over here please, like now!" All the Middle schoolers rush over to that girl were supposed to protect.
"There you have it, snobby rich kid!" I say into the mind link, the others sigh, but then I hear what she's saying.
"Rule one, no bullying. Rule two, respect school property. Rule three, no judgment of others because of their background or their parents. Rule four, listen to your elders. Because we live in Gotham, we have to listen to our teachers, in case the school is attacked. And last rule, no weapons or objects that are used in harming others. Now that the rules have been addressed, on with the tour!" She exclaimed, laughing while heading into the building.
"What was that?" I asked into the mind link.
"No idea, but we just got a notification from Batman, he said that we are to go to her house after school and guard her there, her father will introduce us to her and her brother, oh and her friend is coming over as well."
"Got it Aqualad, now we have to go to the office. So we can get a tour of the school." Miss M says, we all just shrugged then head there.


Ok, so the middle school tour was a breeze, it was what happened after that peeved me off.
"Stephanie-Rachel Wayne to the front office, Stephanie-Rachel Wayne to the front office please." I sigh as I head to the office, probably to give my team their tour, and sure enough, they where there and so was the principal.
"You wanted to see me Principal?" I let my Romani accent show, not bothering to hide it with my American one.
"Yes, I would like you to show these new students around, they all got in on scholarships from your father. And please, stop using your accent, I know you can hide it so please refrain from using it." I just sigh an nod my head, kinda.
"Sorry principal, it just gets tiring hiding it, when it's there. As you well know, English isn't my first language." Then I face my team, and smile at them.
"Well, hello. My name is Stephanie-Rachel Wayne, and I guess I'm gonna be your tour guide. So, follow me please." I led them out, and once we got a few minutes into the tour, my phone rang and I had to answer it. One good thing about having Bruce as your guardian, he managed to get the teachers to allow me to answer my phone wherever it rang during school. So I answered it, and I wish I didn't.
"Lily, so, the team is gonna head over to our house after school. They will be protecting you while you are home, since I will be at work. Please don't let Jason tell them about or nightly activity, and Barbra is coming over as well."
"What??!?!" I say into the phone, making the team look at me like I'm crazy.
"This isn't fair Dad, I'm perfectly fine, besides if Alfred is there, I don't need anymore 'babysitters'." I put sarcasm into that last word.
"Lily, no buts, your gonna deal with it like it or not."
"Fine, But we're talking about this later. Oh, cuz this ain't cool." Then I hung up, and saw my team looking at me like I'm weird.
"What?" I ask, I'm super confused.
"You just argued with your dad, during school!" Artemis exclaims.
"Yeah, and he's not my biological father mind you. It's also none of your business what I'm mad with my foster father about." The I turn around and continued the tour, once it finished, it was time for lunch. However, on my way there, Jason ran up to me. I imitatively checked to make sure he was ok.
"Jaybird everything ok?"
"No, you where right, I was bullied. They kept saying I was a charity case and that I should go back to my drug addicted mom." He said as he started to cry slightly into my chest, I calmed him down, mainly because he is only in sixth grade.
"It's ok, I get bullied to, everything will be alright, ok?" He nods, then I stand up and start heading to the cafeteria with my brothers hand in mine. Till, someone grabs me from behind then slammed me into the lockers. I looked up and paled, it was the worst bully in the school.
"So, Grayson. That homework you gave me, it had all the wrong answers. Why is that?!!"
"Maybe it's cuz I don't like you Braden, and your just a bully I won't give satisfaction to." He then smacks me, and I can feel the bruise starting to form.
"Hey, leave my sister alone!" Jason tries to help me, but gets pushed back by Braden.
"So, Bruce took on another charity case? Well, maybe it's time he learned some manners." I'm dropped and he advanced on my brother.
"No! Leave Jason alone!" I say as I stand up and rush in front of him, using my body as a shield. Braden punches me in the gut, and I collapsed. He then starts to kick me, and Jason is being restrained by one of Braden's 'friends', I think I saw Barbra rushing to help, but getting held back in the process.
I felt two ribs break, and then he jerked me up and slammed me into more lockers. I was held there as he slapped me again, then two of his goons held me as he put all his force into punching my gut. I'm suddenly dropped, blood is coming out of my mouth, and then I feel two pairs of hands gently picking me up. I look to see that it was my brother and Barbra. A few teachers where in the hallway, and they gave me worried glances.
"Lily, can you move?" Babs Asked me, and I only shakes my head no. I wasn't lying, my stomach was on fire.
"Mia Grayson, I think we will send you home early, I'm sorry about the beating." I simply nod, then look at Barbra, she was clutching her stomach and Kason was cradling his arm.
"What about them, they where also hurt. I'm not leaving my brother here alone, and Barbra is my friend."
"Fine, they can leave with you. However, we expect all make up work to be done by tomorrow." We all nod, then Barbra puts one of my arms over her shoulder, then she helps me walk out of the school. We both are clutching our stomachs, but at least she didn't have blood on her.
"Jaybird, are you ok?" I asked, my voice shaking.
"Yeah, I think they just fractured my wrist. Why'd you take the beating for me?"
"Cuz, that's what family dose. I'll tell you what my big brother did for me before he died. Would you like that?" He nods, and I smile, but that turns into a grimace.
"Look, here is Alfred, come on. Let's get you back so we can patch you up." I nod then we get into the car and head home.


So I was somewhat near Stephanie-Rachel when that fight in the hallway broke out. I mean who attacks a girl, who's comforting their sibling. This guy, Braden, was beating her up cuz she gave him the wrong answers to homework?!? I was about to intervene when he was about to attack her little brother, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. It was the girl Liliana was friends with, Barbra.
"Don't, it's not your fight." She told me, but then Braden attacked Liliana again, even though she was protecting her brother. Barbra threw me back and ran to help, but she was punched in the gut and held back before she could do anything. Luckily the teachers got there not to much later, they sent the three of them home, and I was surprised that Liliana wouldn't go home without her brother and friend.
Guys, Liliana was just attacked by a bully. I don't think she's all that bad.
I get whatever as replies, but that leaves me to wonder, why dose the name Liliana ring bells with me?


Ok, so I got patched up. Then I told Jason about Dick.
"So you know how my parents died?" He nods.
"Well, let's just say I was on the trapeze with them when it snapped."

"Come on, Lil's it's not that scary. You can do it!"
"Shut up Dick, I don't want to miss my cue." Then mom cave towards me, I smiled then jumped. She caught me, and then I flipped to dad and ack to mom. I was reaching out for Dick, hen I saw what he was looking at. The wires, they where tampered with! He looked back at me right as they snapped.
"Liliana!" He screamed as he dived and grabbed my arm, he managed to pull me up into the platform, but lost his balance and fell over the edge in doing so.
I heard the loud crack that rang through the tent, then I heard another, quieter one seconds after. I looked over the side of the platform, and choked, there all mangled and dead was my family. I rushed down the ladder to their bodies, Dick wasn't totally gone yet, I leaned in to hear what he said to me.
"I love you sis, don't blame yourself for what I did. I did what any brother would, save their baby sibling, now fly on little bird, fly on." Those where his last words before he stopped breathing, I lost it and screamed in agony, my heart heart, it was so much pain. Then I broke down into sobs, I was sobbing over their mangled bloody bodies. The blood pooled around me, and them. The crowds where screaming and trying to shield their children, also lots where crying. However, that was the night, the night I became the last flying Grayson.

End of flashback

I told Jason how my brother died because he saved me, how his last words made me feel guiltier. I showed him a picture of my family, before they fell.
"Lily, so if that's what your brother did for you, why did he do it?"
"I don't know Jaybird, I really don't know. I wish he didn't, he should have lived, I was already on the trapeze, yet he risked his safety to try and save me." I say, and Jason just gives me a huge hug. I look at the time, then sigh.
"Well, time to 'meet' these heroes." I lead Jason and Babs down, and see Bruce.
"Bruce." I say coldly.
"Lily, please don't be mad,
It's only till this event has passed."
"Whatever." Then he opens the door and the heroes come in.
"Hello, my name is Bruce Wayne. You must be the young heroes I was told would help protect my daughter." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, but then my phone rang. I picked it up, unsure of who it was.
"Hello, is this Stephanie-Rachel Wayne?"
"Yeah, Who May I ask is this?" I walked into another room for more privacy.
"I am Mary, from child services. I'm sorry to tell you that Timothy Drake's parents are dead, he told us that you knew him. He said your his emergency contact."
"Umm, Yeah. I am, what happened?" Ok, so I lied, but Tim clearly did as well.
"Well, they died in like a car crash, the car crashed then exploded. Would you like me to call your guardian to see if he can do anything?"
"Yes please, and umm, may I speak to Timothy before you do?"
"Fine, you may."
"Timmy, is that you?"
"Steph? You actually went with my little wording?"
"Yes, now What happened?"
"I don't know, all I know is that this was my second family to die." He starts to sobb, and my heart breaks.
"Hey, Timmy, it'll be ok. I lost everything to, remember? But I actually came close to joining my family's fate. I'm always gonna be there for you Tim, ok?"
"Ok, bye Steph."
"Bye Timmy." I ended the call and rejoined the others, only to find Bruce giving me the What was that look.
"Dad, could I talk to you for a second please?" He excused himself from my team then joined me.
"Lily, what is it?" I can hear the worry in his tone.
"Tim, that little boy I told you about. Well his family just died, I was wondering if you could take him under your wing as well? Please, I'm the only person he knows." Bruce just sighs then agrees, right as his phone rang. He shoes me away, then I 'introduced myself to my team'.
"Hello, I'm Stephanie-Rachel, I'm guessing your the heroes that where sent for my safety?" They nod, and I sigh.
"Well, congratulations, you get to protect the girl who is overprotected. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the gym." Then I walk off to our gym, I put on trapeze suit and head into our trapeze.

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