Broken(Kevin Ortiz)

By GiovanaArreola123456

13K 495 36

Another Kevin Ortiz Fan-fic Warning: It's Spanglish so sorry if you can't read spanish. The ending might surp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors note
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note
Chapter 18
Authors note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author Note
Authors important note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Author's Note
Authors Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Authors Note
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Authors Note
Chapter 43
Happy Birthday
Chapter 44

Chapter 8

289 10 1
By GiovanaArreola123456

3 Months later...

3 months have passed which means its summer. you have 2 more years until you graduate.

You have feelings for Kevin but you don't want to confess.

(Your POV)

"Finally no more school for 3 whole months" Carmen says while you and the other students hurry out of the doors.

"I know right I can't wait to hit the beach soon"

"Yeah me too (Y/N) maybe we should all go someday"

"You're right Kevin" Carmen says.

"Carmen where is your car"

"Remember it broke down yesterday"

"Ugh that means we have to walk"

I laughed at Ana.

We all walked home talking about what we should do.

We arrived at my house. Ana and Carmen are sleeping over tonight.

"Are you going to stay to Kevin" Carmen smiles

"No se" he smiles back.

You got a little jealous but you ignored it.

"You can stay if you want but it's going to be weird since you'll be the only boy" I tell Kevin.

"Puedo traer a mi ermano"

"Whatever lets just go inside I'm melting" they laugh.

I walked towards my room they followed me.

Kevin closed the door behind him.

"Ill call Gera"

"Ok" I smiled. its still weird tho.

"Hola Gera soy yo Kevin"

"Ok our neighbor is having a sleep over and I'm going y no kiero see el uniko boy aki"

"Mhm ok aki te esperamos" he hung up.

"What did he say" Ana said smiling.

"Dijo k si"

"Yay oops" Ana immediately closed her mouth and had both her hands over her mouth.

"Ooooooh someone has a crush on Gera" I poke her cheeks

"Shut up you guys better not say a word or ill kill you guys" she said

I laughed "oh wait you're serios"


I heard a knock.

"ILL GET IT!" I yell and run out to open it.

It was Gera he had a bag of chips.

"Come in follow me" he followed me to my room.

Shit I forgot to tell my mom. I pulled my phone out and texted her.

"Mom my friends are staying over"

"Ok Ana y Carmen?"

"Umm sip y Kevin y Gera"

"Hay hija bueno ok cuidate tu ermana se va a kedar con tu tia"

"Ok mum T.K.M gracias I love you"

"Me too hija" I put my phone on the bed and sat on the floor by Gera.

"So what should we do first" I ask.

"Lets order pizza🍕" Gera suggested.☝

"Ok what kind do you guys want"

"Pepperoni" they all said in unison and we laughed.

"Ok" I got my phone out as ordered.

"Can I have 2 large Pepperoni pizzas please"

"Ok thank you" I hung up.

"It will be ready in 30 minutes"

We just sat on the floor. it was quite to quite. This makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Someone talk please😫!" I whine

They laughed at me.

I heard a knock on the door. Kevin stood up.

"Ill go get them"

"Ok" he left to get the pizzas

3 minutes later he finally came in with our pizzas🍕

We all grabbed a slice of pizza.

"What should we play" Ana asked while munching in her pizza

"Truth or dare!" Carmen said quickly.

"Ok ill go first" Carmen said.

"(Y/N) truth or dare?"


"Are you virgin" I gasped and blushed.of course she would ask a question like that.



"Yeah who cares if I'm virgin or not, ok now my turn, Ana truth or dare"

"Dare" oh this will be good.

"I dare you to kiss Gera"

"What! I'm goi-"

"You chose dare now do it" her cheeks were red and Gera had his eyes wide.

I just laughed and Carmen and Kevin joined me.

They kissed just a simple kissed In the lips. I didn't say lips but lol.

The whole game was kind of fun

Gera was dared to drink a whole can of soda with out stopping.

Carmen was dared to lick the toilet seat. I recorded the whole thing.

Ana had beed asked who she had sex with. she said Haiden the class clown.

Kevin was dared to take off his pants and shirt.

"(Y/N) truth or dare" Ana asked

"Dare" I said. I started to drink soda

"I dare you to lick Kevin's stomach"

I spit the soda out "what!"

She was smiling but not kind of smile but a pay back smile.

I turned to Kevin and he was smiling. why is he smiling. oh well that's what I get for daring Ana to kiss Gera.

Kevin laid on the floor. "no te preocupes me bañe hoy" everyone laughed of course except me and Kevin.

I leaned towards his stomach and licked it.

After I did that I ran to the restroom and washed my tongue.

I walked back and they were laughing. I just glared at them.

I grabbed a pillow and tossed it at Ana. it hit her face. she threw it back but I caught it. I stuck my tongue at her.

She grabbed a pillow and walked towards me. She swung the pillow at me. she hit me in the stomach.

"Pillow fight!" Carmen yelled everyone one grabbed a pillow.

10 minutes have passed with beating our selfs up with the pillows.

"Lets go to sleep I'm tired" I yawned

"Agreed" Kevin said who is still in boxers😱😍

Ana,Carmen and I walked to the bathroom to change pjs.

We walked out they the guys were already dressed.

Kevin with his shirt off and some sweats😱

"Lets sleep on the floor so it can be fair since only 2 people can fit in her bed" Ana said.

I grabbed my blanket and another one just in case.

We laid on the floor and fell asleep.

The order was Carmen, Ana,Gera,Kevin and me.

It's weird but oh well.

(Kevin's POV)

We were going to sleep I laid next to (Y/N).

I still can't believe she was dared to lick my stomach it was weird but still

I slowly drifted to sleep


((I feel like this chapter sucks 😐))

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