Save Me

By asgardixn

271K 9.9K 10.6K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 20

5.8K 251 509
By asgardixn

After the whole incident at on Peter's first day back at school, everything seemed calmer. Flash wouldn't bother him as much as he used to. The guy that Peter yelled at, telling him that he was Spider-Man, didn't say anything. Ned and MJ were protective of him when someone talked bad about him. They had also heard of a new kid joining their grade. Apparently, they had been held back 2 years and their old school expelled them for behavior issues.

Peter slumped in his seat. There were still 10 minutes before class started but he didn't have anything to do. He was really tired considering he stayed up til 1 am on patrol then stayed up til 2:30 am doing homework. He still had a bruise on his shoulder and a cut on his cheek from a fight that he was in.

The 10 minutes went by pretty fast. Peter ended up taking a nap and Ned had to shake him to wake him up.

The teacher started talking. "We have a new student in our class." Peter finally looked up and saw a guy standing there. He was blond. His face had some scars on it but other than that, he was hot.

Oh, fuck. Go away gay thoughts.

"Introduce yourself."

"I'm Wade Wilson. I was held back 2 years for reasons. I was kicked out of my old school for behavior problems. It's not my fault someone was bothering us. Whatever. Yeah. I was born in Canada but... no. Just no. Yeah. That's all. Oh, and also, I like mexican food."

For some reason, he seemed familiar but Peter knew he would've remembered him.

"Alright. Why don't you go sit by Peter. Peter? Raise your hand."

Peter groaned and rose his metal hand out of instinct. He always rose his left hand in class so it was just instinct.

Wade walked over to the seat next to Peter. "Woah. You have a metal arm? That's awesome!" He exclaimed.

"Um, yeah. I guess." Peter shrugged. He didn't understand why some random guy would think his metal arm was cool.

"I'm Wade, by the way."

"Yeah. I know. I'm Peter. Which you already know since the teacher said it out loud. Right, I'm dumb."

* * *

"Alright, so! We're doing a project in partners!" The teacher, Mr. Balcom, said. Everyone started looking around to see who they wanted to be with. "Yeah, no. I'm picking partners." He picked up a list. "Max and Ruby. Ned and MJ. Chris and Robin. Eddy and Freddy. Wade and Peter. Derek and Meredith. Lance and Keith. Adam and Matt. Serena and Dan. Blair and Chuck. Stefan and Caroline. Damon and Elena. Han and Chewie." The teacher listed. Some kids cheered, some booed. "For your project, you have to interview someone you both look up to and ask them about their life. You're going to turn this into a biography presentation. Your presentation cannot be longer than 4 minutes. Get to work."

Peter turned to Wade. "Wanna come over to my place to plan?" Peter asked.

"Yeah sure." Wade smiled.

* * *

"Who's picking us up?" Wade asked Peter. They just walked out of school and were waiting for one of Peters family members to come pick them up.

"I think it's my brother, Bucky...? But also I think it might be my step-dad Stephen...? He lives around here he needs to talk to my dad."

"Wait. Your step-dad and dad don't live together? Are they divorced?" Wade completely ignored the fact that he had two dads, thinking it was completely normal.

"No. They're not together together but it's like so close. I'm gonna push them together at my brothers wedding."

A portal opened up.

"Hey, kid. C'mon. Let's go." Stephen said. He was wearing a t shirt and jeans.

People stopped and looked at Stephen as it walking out of a portal wasn't completely normal.

"K. Wade, let's go."

Peter walked through the portal, Wade following and Stephen last.

* * *

The three arrived at the Avengers Tower.

Peter walked through the lounge room. He saw a blue aura. "Hey, Piet."

He heard a distant hey.

"Hi, Dad, Buck, Steve, Loki, everyone else I don't feel like naming." Peter said before walking towards the elevator.

"Hold up. You live with the Avengers?" Wade asked once they were inside the elevator.


"Hold the elevator!" Natasha said. Peter grabbed the doors and pushed them back apart. She walked in and clicked the button for level 16.

Level 16.

Peter hadn't thought about that floor since the explosion. He hadn't been on the floor since the explosion. He completely ignored it. It was only a conference floor, he never had to go down there but still.

"-ey, Pete. You okay?" Natasha waved a hand in front of his face.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." He scratched the back of his hair. It was still short even though the surgery was weeks ago. It bothered him.

The elevator went down first. To level 16. The doors opened and it's as if Peter could see the last standing there, taunting him.

Without thinking, he hid his face in Wade's chest, clutching on to his shirt.

Wade, also without thinking, protectively wrapped his arm around him. He didn't know why Peter was scared of level 16 but he knew he didn't even want to look at it.

Peter felt the walls shrinking down on him. He shouldn't have stepped into the elevator. He felt as if it were going haywire again. Everything hurt. He just wanted to get off and Wade to hold him. Well, maybe not the second one. Actually, maybe yeah. It would be nice to be held by someone who's not related to him.

"Hey, Peter. We're almost there. Hang on a second." Wade whispered into his ear. It calmed him.

The doors opened.

Wade, again, without thinking, picked him up, wrapping Peters legs around his waist and walking out of the elevator. He walked around for a bit edits finding a room that said 'Peter' on it.

Peter still didn't let go of Wade. He just felt safe in his arms for some reason.

It was nice.

Wade set Peter down on the bed and backed up.

Peter still didn't let go of him. "Don't let go of me." He whispered.

* * *


word count: 1053, without this a/n

k bye I have to wake up early for a movie marathon w mybestie tomorrow

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