the silver wolf

By tikasgattie

406 20 0

claire and her friends go on a trip to a cabin in the woods, when Claire has an accident while she's getting... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
Chapter eight

chapter six

40 2 0
By tikasgattie

I hear leaves rustling all around me, I get the feeling I'm surrounded with no escape possibilitie.

When one of my surrounders comes closer I see it's a white wolf. It looks like my silver one except this one isn't quet as big.

When it keeps getting closer and closer i still don't feel threatend, I only get the feeling they want to check who came in their territory not that they want to eliminate a threat.

'Where are you from human, why are you here?' A womans voice askes in my head, i get the feeling it's the voice of the white she-wolf in front of me.

'I don't know,  I just ran away from a wild wolf and stopped to rest.'

The she-wolf came even closer than she already was and sniffed me eleborately.

'You carry the smel of our alpha like you've been with him a couple of hours ago and I also smel his blood, where is he?!' She started growling like I was the one who wounded him.

'I don't know, he was by the river when I got bored and went into the woods.'

'Wich river?' She started pasing in front of me.

I indicate the direction I've come from.'I don't know, I think that way but I lost my way back after venturing to far.'

She looked at me closely like she could see if I was lying or not and then gestured me to follow with her tail.

'You'll come with us and you'll help us find him.' and then they left and I had to jog after them not to fall to far behind.

After a while I recognised the tree where I fell asleep and told them so. They scatterd aroud me until one barked and followed a path with his nose ind the ground. After a while three men came back supporting my silver wolf.

'We found him behind a rock, I think he's exhausted an his wound are taking their tol.' one reported to the white wolf.

'Alright we'll take him back to our camp.' and she started leaving.

'What do we do with her?' one of the men remembered my existence.

'We take her with us, maybe she knows more. Either way we can't afford to split up and bring her to a town.' Then she looked at me. 'Follow us human, and don't get lost.' after that she trotted away.

I tried to follow as good as I can but I kept falling over roots and rocks. At one point a fell so hard I twisted my ankle and couldn't go any further.

A man came to me

'Can't you watch where you go?! Of course not, humans and their bad eyesight.'

He complained a little more, then he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing. Somewhere on the way I fell asleep on his shoulder.

I wake up in an empty hut made of branches and wood. I get up and when nothing happens I get out. The hut is part of a hut complex with littke huts scattered all around an opening in the woods.

I was about to venture around when two men come stand at eitch side of me. 

'allright, you're awake. The alpha want's to see you, follow us.' they took me too a cabin in the middle of the clearing and knocked. The door opened and a man came out. 

'The alpha wishes to speek to you alone, take your shoes of and go inside.'

I take my shoes of and het praticaly pushes me inside. I stuble trough the door and end up in a hall.

There are three doors in the room. One to the left, one to the right and one in front of me. All doors are guarded by men.

Some women are in the hall and are bringing drinks and food to the rooms and the guards. One man notices me and escorts me to the right door. He opens the door for me and pushes me inside, then he closes the door. 

The room has blue walls, a king-sized bed in the left corner and a bureau in the right. There are a lot of paintings on the walls and there's a chandelier in the center of the room that almost reaches till the floor.

'Ahum.' someone cleares his throat and I see a gorgous and huge man with sky blue eyes, and dark brown almost black black hair, sitting on a chair in the center of the room right beside the chandelier.

I was so taken aback with my surrounding I didn't notice him.

How could I not notice him?! You can't look beside him! 

Once he was sure he had my attention he spoke to me..


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