the silver wolf

By tikasgattie

406 20 0

claire and her friends go on a trip to a cabin in the woods, when Claire has an accident while she's getting... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter eight

chapter four

41 3 0
By tikasgattie

The next time i wake up the sun stands high in the sky.

 I Stand up on wobly legs and start walking.

After some time I hear a river. I continue to walk in that direction. Awhile later I reach the river.

I bend down to drink some water and catch my reflection.

I look awfull!

 My head is coverd in blood, I have a bruised eye and my hear is full of twigs and leaves.

I strip my shirt of and try to wash my upper body as good as possible. the water is icy cold but I don't mind, it calms the aches off the bruises on my head.

After washing the blood from my face and combing the dirt out of my hear with my hands I put my shirt back on and lay down some.  I dozze of asleep.

I wake up because of a whet snout in my face. I open my eyes an clear blue ones stare back at me. I'm so startled I yelp and crawl backward.

The animal  is stratled by my yelp and tries to go backward but falls down with a pained cry, it's then I see it's a wolf that woke me up and it's badly wounded.

It tries to get up but sinks trough it's paws, and then it doen't move anymore.

I can barely see his back rise and fall with every breath it takes. We stay like that for awhile until I get the courage to go closer.

I rise quietly to my feet and slowly walk to the wolf and try not to startle it. Once I get a closer look I see the wolf is coverd in blood and dirt but beneath all that it's fur has a silver color.

I've never seen a wolf this beautifull,and big. Even while it's lying down its shoulders reache above my knees. I kneel beside it at a safe distance. 

The wolf barely opens it's eyes but I stil see they are a clear sky blue color. It sighs loudly and keeps a close watch on me.

When I reach out and try to touch its fur it makes a sound of distrust and leans away from me but makes no further move so I keep reaching out. after some time it relaxes again and I touch it's fur.

It's the softest thing I've ever touched. I take a strand of its fur and sigh becaus it feels that good. The wolf does also make a purring sound so I start carres its fur.

'Why you are a pretty boy with a soft fur.' I say to it with a cooing voice. The wolf snorts like it's offended.

'Alright, I'm going to call you Silver becaus of your fur. So Silver I think you should drink some water.'

 In the back of my mind I get that I'm talking to a wild wolf that could rip me into shards whenever it wants but it just feels good and normal to take care of him.

I push him  up and help him get to the water.

After some half-heartedly growling and almost biting he stands up and let me help him get to the river. We drink some water and lay down at the riverbank.

 I feel comfotable and safe at his side and fall asleep.


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