Teacher Crush (Completed)

By BriaJWrites

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18 year old Olivia is forced to leave her hometown and move to Ohio when her mother, Rosie, gets a new job. I... More

A/N; Meet The Characters!
Chapter 1; New School, First Day
Chapter 2; New Friends
Chapter 3; Chyna Vs. Olivia
Chapter 4; Lies And Jealousy
Chapter 5; Working Girl
Chapter 6; Fake Friends
Chapter 7; True Feelings
Chapter 8; I don't want to wait
Chapter 9; Moving
Chapter 10; Welcome Home, Liv
Chapter 11; Good Terms
Chapter 12; Moving On
Chapter 13; Liv, I. . .
Chapter 15; Open Up To Me Liv
Chapter 16; Pressured
Chapter 17; I Trusted You. . .
Chapter 18; What's Going On?
Chapter 19; There's Been An Accident.
Chapter 20; Keep The Faith
Chapter 21; He's Back
Chapter 22; A Surprise
Chapter 23; Graduation
Chapter 24; Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 25; Regret
Chapter 26; Scheming Hour
Chapter 27; Michael's Chapter
Chapter 28; Shots Fired
Chapter 29; These Are My Confessions
Chapter 30; Thank You, Doctor
Chapter 31; Catching Up
Chapter 32; Part 1/3: Meet My Mother
Chapter 33; Part 2/3: Meet The Jackson Family
Chapter 34; Part 3/3: Janet
Chapter 35; The Ride Home
Chapter 36; Spilling The Tea
Chapter 37; Triniti's Chapter
Chapter 38; Who's There?
Chapter 39; Unwanted Guest
Chapter 40; Ex
Chapter 41; Snake
Chapter 42; Girl's Day
Chapter 43; Break up, Make Up
Chapter 44; Goodbye (Pt. 1/2)
Chapter 45; Goodbye (2/2)
Chapter 46; Dirty Diana
Chapter 47; Welcome To The World!
Chapter 48; Welcome Home!
Chapter 49; Kathy's First Birthday
Chapter 50; The Final Chapter; Here Comes The Bride
I visited MJs Childhood Home!!!

Chapter 14; Yours Truly, Michael

2K 48 45
By BriaJWrites

She didn't know what to do, so the best option for her was to just avoid Michael as best as possible. It would be hard since they live together, and they had to keep the truth from her mother but she knew she couldn't be around Michael if neither of them could contain how they feel. . .

The next morning Olivia woke up and got dressed. She had texted Triniti the night before to pick her up. She wanted to be gone before Michael was up but she was sure he was already awake. She finished getting dressed and rushed into the bathroom. She brushed her hair and teeth and skipped makeup this time. She was wearing black leggings with a hooded short sleeve crop top and white nike sneakers. She rushed downstairs and was surprised when she didn't see Michael. He must've already left, she told herself. She grabbed a granola bar to eat. She heard a horn outside and left knowing it was Triniti.

"Hey girl." She said as she entered the car.

"Hey, Liv. You're out of breath, and sound bothered by something. You okay?" Triniti questioned her as she put her car in drive and left Michael's house.

"I know I asked you to pick me up, and I'm happy you did.. but Michael didn't know that and he just left without even waiting for me. Like what if I didn't have a ride?" Olivia complained.

Triniti shook her head, "so how did it go last night?"

"He brought it up to me. I told him we shouldn't really hang around eachother anymore. I really like him Trin, but how can I be with him... he IS my teacher." Olivia admitted.

"Well, not after next month he isn't. But don't even stress it. You've got Bryson now. Just focus on getting out of school and your new little boyfriend." Triniti teased her. Olivia nudged her. The girls pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. Triniti locked her car and began walking while Olivia froze. "Liv? Come on!" Triniti called out. "Trin, his car isn't here." Olivia said in a worrisome voice. "He's probably just running late. Come on." Triniti reassured her. Olivia could feel a knot form in her stomach as she walked away with Triniti. She was worried. He wouldn't leave without her just to be late to school.


Michael officially awoke at 4 am. He was tossing and turning and waking up every hour. He was unable to sleep due to he and Olivia's conversation last night. His chest was in pain. He was unsure of what to do but he didn't want to stay away from Olivia. He got up and turned his light on, grabbed some paper and a pen. He sat down at a desk in his room and began writing.

~Later that day, Olivia; Lunch~

Triniti and Olivia were sitting at the table. Triniti was eating but Olivia didn't have an appetite. Bryson was getting lunch and decided to sit with them today.
"What's wrong with Liv?" He whispered to Triniti. "Probably just one of those days" Triniti lied. Bryson shrugged and sat down next to Olivia. He placed his hand on her back, "you alright, pretty girl?" He asked her. She painted on a fake smile and nodded her head. "I'm just not hungry. I didn't sleep well." She lied. "Can I take you out after school?" He asked. Olivia paused for a moment and wondered if she should go. She thought it would be best for her to go out and get her mind off of things. "Yeah, I would love to." She responded. Bryson and Triniti finished up their lunch just in tine for the bell to dismiss them. Olivia hugged Triniti and left with Bryson.
Bryson unlocked his car and they got inside. "So, what do you feel like doing today, Liv?" He asked. "Let's go see a movie!" She suggested. "That's fine by me!" He responded. They fastened their seatbelts and left to go to the theatre. When they arrived, Bryson was a real gentleman and opened her door for her. They made their way inside and scanned their options. "The Notebook!!" Olivia squealed. Bryson chuckled and bought two tickets for The Notebook. They took their seats in the theatre and the previews started. "So what made you like me, Bryson?" Olivia asked. "Well, to be honest I think you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I just hope that I can have a chance to get to know you and convince you that I can treat you like a Queen. You deserve it." He said. Olivia got butterflies. "Oh, that's so sweet" Olivia responded. "So, how do you feel about me so far?" He asked. I just met you...she thought. "Well you're very handsome and clearly a gentleman, so that's good." Olivia responded. Bryson smiled. The movie started, the lights got dimmer and everyone in the theatre grew quieter.

~1 week later~

Olivia broke out into laughter at the joke her new boyfriend just told. "Bryson! That's too funny!" She exclaimed. Bryson smiled. Bryson, Olivia, Triniti and a guy named Jared were all sitting in the gazebo. They all had on their swim suits except for Olivia. "Okay Liv, we want to swim now! Please?" Triniti begged. "Fine fine, you 3 go get in, I have to get changed." Olivia said as she parted with the three and left to her bedroom. Bryson and Olivia grew closer as the days went by. They didn't know that within a week they'd be together but they clicked better than Olivia thought they would. They were completely inseperable. She didn't forget about Michael, but Bryson knew how to distract her mind.
Olivia made it into her room and opened her drawer. It got jammed so she had to fight with it for it to open. While she did this her necklace fell behind her dresser. "Ugh!" She shouted. She got down on the ground and reached behind the dresser. She felt a piece of paper. She pulled it out and began reading.

My dearest Liv,

I have decided to take a break. You will not find me, nor will I tell you how long I'll be gone. I'm giving you the space you so badly desire. Please strain from worrying about me. I will be fine. I think we both need this. You hold a special place in my heart and you'll always be there. I will see you soon, hopefully.

Yours truly, Michael

She couldn't believe it. It must have fell off the door and slipped under the dresser. No wonder she hasn't seen Michael. She knew he told her not to worry but she couldn't help herself. After all, she did have feelings for him whether she chose to admit it or not. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and quickly shoved it in her dresser. Forgetting about her necklace, she rushed to change into her swim suit and came outside her room just before Triniti approached it. "I came to check on you. You're taking so long!" Triniti said. "I'm sorry girl, I had to find my swim suit." Olivia lied. She didn't want to keep bringing up Michael, especially after her and Bryson just started dating. The knot in her stomach that she felt a week ago returned. This time it was worse. She chose to ignore it. She put on her fake smile and went to have fun with her friends.
Olivia and her friends swam for hours. They all began getting hungry and it was starting to get late. They all got out of the pool and made their way over to the gazebo where Rosie had set down a plate of hot dogs and hamburgers. It was a Friday night so they all had the weekend off from school. However, as soon as they finished eating they all decided to go home. Olivia was okay with that decision because she kind of wanted to be alone ever since she found that letter. The sun began setting and Olivia was cleaning up after having her friends over. Once she finished she sat down for a moment and thought about Michael. She had so many thoughts going through her mind. I wonder where he is. I hope he is okay. Why did he leave? When will he be back? She pondered over this as she watched the sun set and the moon rise. Her mother interrupted her thoughts when she joined her outside for a moment. "Sweetie? Is everything okay? You haven't said a word since your friends left. Is Bryson being good to you?" Her mother questioned her. Olivia had a poker face. "He's okay Mom. I'm okay. Just got some things on my mind that's all." She truthfully told her mom. "Alright. I'm here if you need to talk, honey. I'm gonna head to bed though okay?" Her mother reassured her. With that, Rosie headed inside and went to bed. Olivia sat there for a moment and then made her way inside. When she got inside she noticed a door to a room that she had never seen before. She grew curious. "Mom?" She called out to make sure she was asleep. When she got no reply she made her way over to the door.
She opened it to see a flight of stairs. "This must be the basement, how boring." She whispered to herself. She still proceeded to enter the basement. When she got into the basement she was shocked. There was an entire recording studio down there. She made her way over and found a few records that Michael sung himself. She found the one he wrote about her earlier, 'I Can't Help It'. She also found many other songs, but one that stood out to her in particular, 'All I Do Is Think Of You'.

She listened to it and silently began sobbing. He wrote and recorded this song in February before he and Diana got together so she knew it had to be about her. She couldn't help but think about him too. She wanted to reach out but she deleted his number once she got home that night. She felt horrible. Eventually after she wiped the tears away she made her way back upstairs and went to bed. She didn't know if she'd be sleeping but she didn't want to be anywhere but her bed right now . . .

A/N; Hello readers!! Hope you're enjoying my book!! I have updated the character section for Jared. I removed pictures so that you guys can use your imagination with them instead! However I kept the descriptions to give you a bit more insight on them! Feedback is always appreciated! Have an amazing day!! -B_R_I_A♡

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