crucio ━ harry potter (1)

By harringtonsbloom

3.8M 160K 340K

KILLING CURSE SERIES || in which the daughter of sirius black discovers she is destined to destroy the wizard... More

introduction and cast
graphic portfolio + scene manips
i. Crucio vs engorgio skullus
ii. The singing lady
iii. the inner eye and lessons
iv. trevor the toad
v. boggart in the wardrobe
vi. late nights
vii. halloween disappointment
viii. rebellious gryffindors
vix. downfall of quidditch
x. lupin's favouritism
xii. christmas toll
xiii. chocolate cake
xv. the start of the damage
xv. full moon
i. Lonely days
ii. morsmordre
iii. the unforgivables
iv. inevitably doomed
v. punches and the hungarian horntail
vi. unknown parcels
vii. sky full stars
viii. the dog
ix. broken hearts (for more than one)
x. matchmaking
xi. the yule ball (part1)
xii. the yule ball (part2)
xiii. a lonesome christmas
xiv. a splash of water
xv. scarlet women
xvi. incapable of human emotions?
xvii. potter for the win
xviii. the return
xvix. a (not so) cheery family reunion
i. drunk words, sober mind
ii. grimmauld place
iii. humble encounters
iv. joys of parenthood
v. difference in demeanour
vi. star wars marathon
vii. black roses
viii. luke's intentions
ix. the boy who lies
x. the first day
xi. detention
xii. saturday
xiii. beckham hampton
xiv. the longbottoms
xv. high inquistor
xvi. hog's head
xvii. hagrid's tale
xviii. the dream
xix. the dragon
xx. the accident
xxi. long overdue
xxii. goodbyes
xxiii. déjà vu
xxiv. arthurs attack
xxv. christmas*
xxvii. chess
xxviii. beckham's theme
xxix. a bad day
xxxi. the start of the downfall
xxxii. o.w.l.s*
xxxiii. caught
xxxiv. ministry of magic
xxxv. loss of control
xxxvi. conjoined
xxxvii. bittersweet ending
i. The change
ii. search for sirius
iii. acceptance
i. the reawakening
ii. unexpected arrivals
iii. weeks
iv. her hope
v. flames arise*
vi. open grave
vii. the boy and girl who lived
viii. don't go breaking my heart
ix. control
x. love
xi. reality hits
xii. adjustment
xiii. tiny dragons
xiv. "why is it always you four?"
xv. gryffindor party of broken hearts
xvi. hyperion
xvii. the party of jealously
xviii. the aftermath
xvix. a different christmas
xx. the ski resort part one
xxi. the ski resort part two
xxii. ron's birthday
xxiii. the aleksanders*
xxiv. felix felicis
xxv. the four sisters
xxvi. sectumsempra
xxvii. tequila
xxviii. crash
xxix. runskin
xxx. bliss
xxxi. the plans
xxxii. the last dance
xxxiii. melancholy
xxxiv. obilerate*
time skip:
01. aurora's lament
02. Accomplice
iii. strangers

xxvi. times turning

31.9K 1.3K 2.9K
By harringtonsbloom


(chapter dedications to these people, thank you for reading and your comments and support on last chapter: frowninghale  @plumbicth @pottersblack @httplxnaaa @UnKnowPersonP -DROMEDA

  When Aurora woke up, she was surrounded by Remus, and Sirius.

     Neither of them seemed to notice her when she opened her eyes. She was in the sitting room. When had she fallen asleep? When she sat up, the two of them were on high alert and both turned around rapidly.

   "Woah, sit down!" Remus tells her, straight away. 

   "Oh thank god." she hadn't a chance to react as Sirius pulled her into a hug. He held her tightly. Even though she was confused as to what had happened. She frowns, hugging him back tighter. "You're alright. Are you alright? I..I didn't hear you...I'm sorry."

    "What happened?" she asks.

     She glances down at the bin by her side, which had been full of tissues soaked in blood. Before, either of the adults could try and hide it, she stood up and went over to the mirror. Her eyes widen, as the blood stains down her neck from her ears, and how bloodshot her eyes were.

      "Love, you need to seat down. P-Please just sit down."

       Then she remembered, what had happened. She remembered feeling a metallic ringing sensation in her ears, she heard voices, she saw things, before everything went black.

     "I had this a vision of this people in jackets, coats, almost like white lab coats. They were hurting people, people that...resembled me. Sort of. They had the same hair colour as me. T-They were hurting them, taking their blood. I know it sounds mad-"

     "Oh no, you're not mad at all." Remus says softly down to her, he then turns to Sirius, with maybe the most angered look ever. "I told you this was going to happen."

     "I-I didn't think it would happen this soon-"

     "You knew it was going to happen! let this happen, Sirius."

     "You think I would have kept it from her if I knew what would happen?" he yells back at him. "Do you really think I would have done that to my daughter?"

   Her brows furrow. "What would happen? What's going on?" suddenly then she remembered another thing. "They said a name. The man from my dream the other night. He said a name. I think it was the Bun Fidi?"

     The both of them went quite.

    "Boan fiade?" Remus asks.

    She nods. "How did you know that? Someone tell me what's going on? What happened?"

     Her words cut short when she tried to keep speaking but found her throat had become dry all of a sudden. She coughed for a few moments, only increased the worry with the two of them.

      Sirius held her. "Should we take her to Saint Mungos? Remus, please tell me what to do. I need her, I need Magnolia. I need her, I can't do this."

      "If we bring her to the hospital, what do we say? This isn't normal. There's no answers. If anyone could save her, it's gonna be her, no one else."

      Typically, she wanted to think she had a high pain tolerance, but how she felt right now was different.
Every few seconds, she felt a coldness come upon her, causing her to shiver uncontrollably. Sirius had come over, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders allowing her to rest her head on his chest. 

       "It's them Sirius." Remus says, once she stopped shivering. "They're trying to find her again. It's been fifteen years to the day and they still haven't given up."

    "Wait!" Aurora suddenly says. "What day is it?"

    "You passed out a few hours ago. It's the first of January. Happy Birthday."

    "This is already a miserable birthday. Please, please, tell me what's going on?"

     Sirius covered her ears, as if she was a child, then just to her thoughts says. "She is just a child."

       "I can hear you."

      Suddenly, the phrase dad had come to her mind and she remembered the fact she called him that before passing out. Maybe he didn't remember, she hoped he didn't remember. 

"You might want to sit down."

" I am sitting down."

  "Aurora, my love." he begins, and she knew he had no idea where he was going. "You come from a strong family, a strong bloodline I should say. Your bloodline, your entire family, dating back to the first Aleksanders, they aren't normal. They can do weird things-"

      "Weird?" Remus repeats, eyebrows lifting. "What he means to say is unique things, things that normal witches and wizards can't typically do."

       Her eyes dart between them both. "Alright..."

      "Right. I'm sorry. Unique things, very unique things." he gives a small side eye to Remus, sort of like he wanted him to leave. "Okay, so think of it this way. Have you ever done things normal witches can't do?"

       "Like what? What do you mean?"

       "Something that made no sense. Maybe wandless magic but more advanced. Something you did accidentally maybe...."

      She thinks back to her third year when she was in the compartment with Luke, a dementor came in and something happened. Something completely completely insane: something her and Luke promised not to talk about. She extended her hand and the Dementor had flew away.

      Then, there was so many other times when stuff happened out of the blue.

      She reluctantly nods.

    "The Aleksander's have been around for longer than witches and wizards. They started off as the first Wizarding family ever. That's what the books say anyway. Your ancestors ran the Wizarding World, muggles even knew about them. Other wizards came along, and they couldn't do anything in comparison to what your family could do. They had powers, you have powers."

       She rose a brow. "Powers?"

     "From what I know, every Aleksander got normal powers, such as healing, setting fire to things, as well as a one different more specific type."

     She was so confused, but nods.

    "You could have the power of extensive-healing, you know healing people who shouldn't be able to be healed. Creating other words, alternative places, being able to turn into any creature of your desire, being able to see the future, maybe the past, and opening a portal to worlds. There's many more I just can't remember them. I mean every Aleksander had one. There was also immortality, but your mum says that was a myth."

    "So my mum had a gift..."

   "Your mothers gift was portals, she could open them and go anywhere. For our anniversary we went to Paris." explained Sirius, his eyes resembling sorrow. " I mean she could transport to any easily. Each of your ancestors dating back have a different powers."

       As he spoke she realises...that she must have had these powers .

     "If my mum had powers?" she interjects. "That means I have these powers, too right?" when he nods she didn't think her eyes could widen any further but they do. She then thinks of her grandmother. "What powers does my grandmother have?"

       Sirius hesitated, and that's when she knew there was more to the story.

   She saw him clean the his jaw, but when she noticed he stopped. "Rotandia's powers are hard to explain."

   "Give it your best shot."
   "Magnolia, your mum was powerful." Remus speaks up, when Sirius couldn't form words. Her eyes flicker over to him. "The most powerful Aleksander to this day. When your mum was a baby, about six months old in the womb, she unintentionally absorbed your grandmothers powers."

       She made a face. What?

     "Your mum never found out how this happened, it just did. Despite the fact, your grandmother is nice to you, she wasn't to your mum. She resented her because of this."

       She nods, he had absolutely no idea.

      "This meant that your mum was twice as strong as any witch or wizard. She didn't just have her own powers, but she also had your grandmothers."

      Great, now it made sense as to why her grandmother hated her mother, and her for that matter.

       She looks between them both. What did this mean for her? Both of them seemed to be waiting for her to understand it.

      "And me....?"

     For the first time Sirius actually smirked, looking almost proud.

   "It means that your going to make your mum very proud."

         Remus clears his throat. "Rotandia lived for her powers, she loved the glory but once they were gone, she became even more viscous than she originally was. I know you say you never had any big problems with them, but she did treat your mum horrible."

       Lie, lie, and lie, was all she could think.

     "From a young age she studied your mother, things that your mother liked, such as art. So she forbid everything from her. Everything she loved, and tried to make her like a robot. When she found your mum was with your father, she became more angrier than anyone could have seen. So, she found out the one thing your mother had wanted more than anything in this world."

     "What was that?"

     "A child."

    Sirius is looking at the ground.

   "Your pleasant grandmother and grandfather had some strings pulled, and got a dark wizard named Marcos-"

    An odd shiver ran up her spine. Another feeling. A bad one.

    "To curse her. It was an old type of magic, herbs and stuff we think. Magnolia said they made her drink a purple coloured drink every Christmas, my guess was that was it." Sirius mentions, frowning. "Marcos somehow managed to curse her that she would never have a child. At the time, we were sure she could never have a child."

    She blinks. "Marcos." she repeats. Her left hand twitched.

    "I was fine with it because at the time I didn't want children-"

    She frowns.

   "Of course that changed the second you wrapped your little hand around my own." he sent her a small wink. "Don't worry." she smiles at him. "Your mum always wanted a family though. You shouldn't even be alive today yet here we are. No one believed that you were even going to survive at first."

     "Here I am." she repeats, again, eyes falling.

     His smile fades. "Magnolia was so worried, she didn't tell me for three whole months!"

       "I can't believe all of this. But my power is visions...then....but what I saw..."

       "That's what I'm trying we're trying to say. You don't just have your grandmothers powers, you also have your mums powers, and your own ones. We think maybe there's something about you that's special. You were born for a reason. You shouldn't have been but you are."

      "Here I am. So that means that I'm...the most powerful one yet?" she asks, sitting up.

       Remus grins, and nods. Sirius almost seems like he was forcing a smile, behind it was a worrisome expression.

     "When your grandparents found out that the spell hadn't worked. Marcos formed a group. He told people about you. That you were stronger than magic. Wizards and witches joined. They wanted you and your mum dead." Sirius tells her, not looking her in the eye. His tone was sharp, he was angry. "They thought..think that your going to kill us all."

      There was more, she thought once again, what? So basically everyone wanted her dead?

     "We hid out for months, before you were born. Dumbledore wanted me to go on a mission, one mission, it would take one hour. Magnolia wanted me to go, she told me to, and I did." she never heard her father sound so broken, so defeated. "I went and they took her, she was only pregnant six months and they took her."

     Sirius stops talking and abruptly stands up, he faces away from her.

    "They took you out." Remus finishes.

    "Took me out?"

    "Cut you out."

    This was all getting to much. It was so much to process and she had no time to even comprehend what was going on. When she was six months old, they cut her out of her mum's stomach, because they thought she was going to be a danger? A danger?

      "Then what happened?" she asks, needing to know how it ended.

      "It's far to long of a story. The night you were born. This night fifteen years ago." Sirius says turning back around, his eyes watering. "I'll tell you it one day. When your older. For now, you need to know about Marcos. We got most of his followers that night but not all of them, we missed some, a few, including him."

      Now, she felt angry.

      "He's still alive?"

      "He's not just alive. He's got more followers, we think more than last time. He's reforming it - the Boan Fiade, the pure hearted as they called themselves."

        She stands now, suddenly feeling worried. How many followers did he have now? She tries to remember what he looked like in the dream, but couldn't but an image to his face. He was the same age as Sirius, or around it, that's all she remembered.

       "We think he brought on your vision, your powers are almost warning you."

        "Warning me?"

        "Warning you that he's looking for you."

        For the first time in her entire life she felt scared, petrified. "So my powers basically made me bleed to sent me a message. I can't tell tell if that's a good thing or not. What happens now? Am I going to die..."

        "Die?" Sirius almost looked confused. "What? No of course not. You're never going to meet him. Your mum put a spell on you when you were a child so he couldn't track you. He has no idea where you are, but he's trying to find you."

      "If he was going to attack, we would have presumed he'd have done it when you were living with your grandparents." Sirius says, eyes lifting. "When you were a child. When the entire world knew where you were living. I spent all those years in Azkaban thinking you could have been dead.

    "So why?" she was starting to get it now. "Why is he waiting till now?"

     Sirius and Remus had no answer for this.

  "They see you as a threat. They think your going to burn down the Wizarding World, and that you were going to cause destruction."

  " A-A threat? I can't even tie my own shoelaces!"

      They gave her a few moments to take everything they said in. The only things occupying her thoughts were the Bona Fiade and her mum.

     "Marcos had nothing to do with my mum dying though? She was killed by a Death Eater, right?"

     "Yes." Sirius answered, almost quickly. "On a mission for Dumbledore. She died."

    Aurora nods, glancing at the floor.

        After a moment she asks. "How do I use these powers? Figure them out? What's my special gift? How do I use them-"

        Sirius interject, "Why?"

       "Because I need to know how."

       "You'll have time to learn. Besides they aren't important." he suddenly says, she doesn't show her surprise. Remus seems to get annoyed by this also. "For now just try and relax. Take in everything we said."

      She knew there was more to the story that he wasn't telling her.

       Her birthday was a miserable day, she spent it in bed and only went down for a couple hours before returning. Apparently according to Sirius, Remus and Molly (yes because Molly knew about it also) she needed her rest.

        She was also told not to, under any circumstance, tell anyone about her bloodline or her powers.

       She looks down at the drawings in her notepad. She didn't even remember drawing half of these. All of them had been dark. The one that had been the weirdest to her was the church, it was the same one from her Boggart. Yet, why was she scared of it? She didn't even know where it was.

       There was also the letter R, which she had no idea what meant.

      There was a knock on the door, she put the notebook under her pillow. "Come in."

       The person who entered made her smile straight away, Harry came in and closed the door. He comes over and sits beside her. "Sirius said you were tired all day. You feeling up to talking right now?"

       "With you? Always."

       He smiles and suddenly pulls out a box from his pocket, and hands it out. "Happy Birthday."

        "You really didn't have to."

        "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't get my girlfriend a gift for her birthday? The most important day of year."

          She felt her face go slightly red, but quickly averted her attention and opened the wrapped box. She flicked it open, and straight away she wanted to put it on. It had been a necklace, a silver one, and dangling from the bottom was none other than a small outline of a dragon, and the wings.

      "It was originally my mums. I think my dad gave it to her. It was a bracelet, but since I got you one of those, I attached it to a chain." Harry says simply, as if it was nothing. "It's nothing special. Happy Birthday."

        Tell him you love him, three little words, she thought.

        "I-I, Harry. I love it so much. It's not nothing. It's really not nothing." she removes herself from under the covers, and leans across to his lips. He kissed her back in the same way he had done before. She pulls away, still beside him. His hands on her waist. "Will you put it on?"

        He nods, and she hands him the necklace.

        She turns around, and when she does, she feels his hands come to she side of her neck pushing some of the hair away. She glances down at the necklace when he puts it on. However his hands remained on her shoulders. He leaned across to her face and pressed a kiss to the side of her cheek, and then another one.

          "Harry!" she laughed.

          He pressed another one slightly lower. "You're blushing."

           "I-I...ugh no I'm not!"

           "Tell that's to your face."

           "I'm just warm!" she was flushed.

           "Yeah, from blushing."

           He continued to kiss the side of her face, before coming down to her neck. There was a moment of hesitation from him, but when she nodded, and turned back around to face him, he leaned into her neck and started kissing it. Initially, she had been quite surprised, quite happy in fact, before one thought came into her head, where on earth did he learn that? He seemed like he knew what he was doing, who taught him that?

      A second later he leans up, and connects their lips once again. For the next few moments, the two teens indulge in exploring this. She pulls away, and smiles at him.

     Merlin, she is like a little teenager in love.

   "You're perfect." Harry says, fixing her jumper which had fallen down slightly.

   "No, I'm really not-"

   "You are." he leaned forward, capturing her lips in a kiss. As if trying to prove something, he pulls away and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. "You're so perfect."

      An I love you came into her head again. It happened almost immediately, and caused her eyes to widen softly.

  "I think your too nice to me."

  He grins. "I am."

  " Shut up Mr Boy who lived."

  " You mock me to much."

     Aurora leans up and connects their lips. Except this time, the two found themselves lying down on the bed rather than sitting up. If it was even possible, he pulled her closer towards him.

      The boy didn't understand the effect her had on her. Everyone had been saying it was the opposite, but she was just as much hung up on him as he was her.

     It was rather odd to have Harry's hands on her lower waist, plus the other one softly pulling her towards him. She went from being his friend, to being like this.

     To be honest, it was probably the best thing that had happened to her.

    She had become even more quiet when he put his right hand over her pyjama bottom on her thigh (she was wearing shorts so the skin to skin contact was different). As they started to kiss and move closer, his lips had dropped from her own to kiss along her neck, and collarbone.

        Everything he did and the way he acted, she found herself comfortable with. She was at ease with him. He did everything in quite literally the best way possible. It had her wondering was all relationships suppose to be like this? Excluding Beckham she had never rarely enjoyed doing anything.

      Then the both of them pulled away laughing.

    "Are you feeling any better?" he asked, lying down beside her.

       She puts her head on his chest. "Slightly better. Still have a small headache though. Today's been a bad birthday. I mean you've definitely managed to cheer me up a little."

       He snorts. "Thank you...I think...".

    "You're cute, you know? Speaking of knowing stuff, Sirius is sleeping and Remus is helping Luke with his homework." she hinted. " And I think everyone else is outside playing in the snow...."

Harry quickly went to speak. " You mean your dad and mom are-"

   " Stop saying that!" she interrupts to which she's greeted with the sound of his laughter. "-If you call them mom and dad again I swear you'll have two scars when you leave this room."

  " Voldemort would be impressed."

  "You shouldn't say that. Joke about Voldemort as if he isn't out to kill you."

     He pulls her into his arms, and she lays practically on him. He sighs. "Voldemort is just rude."

      She smiles. "So rude. He is so obsessed with you."

      "So obsessed."

        For the next few minutes they are sitting there in comfortable silence. She glances up at him, these last few days with Harry had been better than any of the days she had with any other guys. She couldn't believe that she never saw him as more than a friend until recently.

   "What is it?"

   "I shouldn't tell you. It's a secret." she whispers.

   He turns to her, resting his head on her shoulder. "Now I'm even more intrigued."

    "Promise you won't say to anyone?"  


      And so she told him everything she had learned.

      The following morning she woke up with an arm wrapped around her side. She sits up in her spot, and glances at the arm which belongs to a sleeping Harry. She hadn't even realised they ended up falling asleep. She looks at the clock.

       "Harry." she nudged him. "Wake up."

       He didn't stir. Her mouth opens to shake him but suddenly the door had opened and out of no where Sirius had come in.

        "KNOCK." she yells at him, waking Harry who fell onto the ground. "YOU KNOCK!"

         Sirius eyes went to the boy on the floor. "I really can't handle this right now. You can't be serious."

         "No I'm not. You are."

         His lips twitched but stopped. "No! This is not okay. I have rules, a set of rules-"

         "I can't see." Harry trips onto the ground, again. "Glasses?"

        Aurora glances down and sees them at the end of the bed. She hands them to him. He puts them on and sends her a smile, before noticing Sirius' expression.

       "Kind wish I kept them on."

       Aurora laughs, loudly but quickly covers her mouth.

      "Good morning." Harry says cheerfully, to his godfather, before (practically running) walking past him and out.

        Sirius turns around to her, with raised eyebrows. "The rules, Aurora. Really?"

        "So you're telling me you never stayed in a bed with mum when you were dating?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at him.

        "No, never."

       "It was my birthday." she says, in a way of justifying herself. "He just feel asleep."


    Sirius made another set of rules that night. 

Sirius, Remus:  *preaches to Aurora to not say anything about her powers to anyone, that's it been a family secret for centuries**

Aurora: *tells Harry less than a day later*

This chapter was a big handful to take in!!! If you don't understand anything ask the question here:

Also what did you think??

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