The Wrath of a Saiyan hybrid

By BigDaddy_Delta

15.9K 296 21

(Ssj 5 teen gohan appears) BigDaddy_Delta is the creator of this story. The following fanfiction is a fan-bas... More

Teen Gohan's powers And Techniques
Arrival from the Past
Arrival from the Past part 2
The New Enviorment
The New Enviorment part 2
New yet Familiar
New yet Familiar part 2
Past meets Future
Past meets Future part 2
A Little Spar
A Little Spar part 2
A God Appears
A God Appears part 2
Convincing a God
Convincing a God part 2
Training to New Limits
Training to New Limits part 2
The Gravity Room
Self Rivalry
Self Rivalry part 2
Time to Get Stronger
Time to Get Stronger part 2
Intense Challenge
Intense Challenge part 2
Stronger Universe
New Hope
Back To The Past arc 2 (28-?)
Return to the Past
The Androids Appear
Going Back Home
A Newer Problem
A Strong Battle
Stubborn Saiyan and A Change in the Past
Explaining to a Kai
Battle at Capsule Corp
An Even Stronger Challenge
Training to be Stronger
Reaching New Power
Intense Battle and Power
Saiyan Strength
Author announcement

The Gravity Room part 2

301 7 0
By BigDaddy_Delta

Kid Trunks grinned as he flew in to attack Gohan, taking him by surprise. Due to the intense gravity, Gohan still struggled, taking a few hits from Trunks before getting knocked into a wall.

Future Trunks looked worried, "Think he'll be alright, I mean he-" As Future Trunks turned to face Vegeta, he took a punch himself from the Saiyan Prince.

"Don't worry about him, focus on your own training!" Vegeta said.

Future Trunks groaned as he struggled to stand up. "Fine, you asked for it father!" Trunks then turned Super Saiyan, with Vegeta following suit. The only thing preventing them from going all out is the extra pair in the room, for now at least.

Back at the Son Family home, Goku is working hard at the farm, hoping to finish up sooner so he can join Gohan in his training with Vegeta. Just a few more loads and he'll be done.

Chi Chi came outside, seeing how much work her husband did on the farm. Looks like there isn't too much left, and she could see that he's working extra hard, probably to finish up in time to go train with Gohan.

"Goku!" Chi Chi called.

Goku turned to her, "Yeah Chi Chi?"

"I think that's good enough for right now, why don't you stop and take a break," Chi Chi said.

Goku felt relieved, "Wow really? Thanks!" Goku put his tools down and walked towards his house. "I'm gonna go change and go meet with Gohan, the younger one I mean."

"I figured you'd say that, though why don't you have something to eat first, I'm sure you're hungry," Chi Chi suggested.

Goku's rumbling stomach seemed to agree with Chi Chi, getting a sheepish laugh from the Saiyan. "You know me so well."

"Of course," Chi Chi said with a playful smile.

Back at Capsule Corp, while Vegeta and Future Trunks went all out, so did Gohan and Kid Trunks. While Gohan was getting used to the Gravity, Kid Trunks was still proving much for him.

"Come on! I thought you were some type of prodigy!?" Kid Trunks said, getting Gohan hard with a punch to the jaw.

Gohan rubbed where he got hit and rushed in and managed to land a few blows on Kid Trunks, taking the young Saiyan by surprise.

"How's that?" Gohan said with a grin.

"Good, but don't get too overconfident!" Kid Trunks said, kicking Gohan under his chin, knocking the small Saiyan back. "That's my job!"

Kid Gohan got up and started to raise his ki, becoming more adjusted to the Gravity. "Bring it on!"

The two started exchanging blows, floating up into the air as they punched, kicked and dodged, even in his base form Kid Trunks was showing to more at an advantage than Gohan, though Gohan was quickly catching up, giving Kid Trunks quite the challenge.

"I keep hearing how much of a great fighter you were as a kid," Trunks said, getting Gohan in the cheek. "I can see why, you are pretty tough."

"You're not bad either," Kid Gohan said, getting a quick blow to his gut. "Trying to match your future self?"

"I'm trying to be stronger than my future self," Kid Trunks said, kicking Gohan in the side of his head.

Gohan flipped in the air and managed hit Kid Trunks with an uppercut, "So am I." He then kicked Trunks across the room. The two young Saiyans again got into a clash, trying to one up each other.

While fighting Future Trunks, Vegeta noticed that Gohan was slowly adjusting to the Gravity. "Didn't take him too long, he's just like his father, learns things pretty quickly."

The two kid Saiyans continued fighting as they floated around before Gohan managed to knee Kid Trunks in the gut and whack him down. He then flew down and threw a punch, which was blocked by Kid Trunks last second.

Kid Trunks then threw his own punch, which Gohan blocked last second. The two struggled a bit, both hoping to one up the other.

Kid Trunks felt Gohan starting to overpower him, feeling his ki rise higher by the moment. Not wanting to be outdone, Kid Trunks then turned into a Super Saiyan and managed to break out of that situation and kick Gohan to the corner of the ceiling.

"Wow, you're getting good, I had to go Super to break out of that," Kid Trunks said.

Gohan floated down, feeling a bit envious of the Super Saiyan Transformation, but also felt curious. "Showing more of your power huh? Good, I want to see your best."

"Just be careful, I'm much stronger than I was before, the Super Saiyan Transformation multiplies your power," Kid Trunks said.

"I'm sure it does," Gohan then charged his ki, "But that doesn't mean you'll beat me!"

Vegeta noticed Gohan while blocking Future Trunks's attacks. He can feel the potential the kid has to offer, he just needs that one push to turn Super Saiyan. Unfortunately due to his distraction from watching Gohan, he left himself open for Future Trunks to attack, knocking him back. Vegeta rubbed his chin while slightly glaring, but praising his son for finding an opening.

"I see you're power is increasing Trunks, I'm happy to know you've still been training," Vegeta said.

"I want to be stronger after all, so I'm always ready for the next challenge," Future Trunks said.

"Good, just like a Saiyan," Vegeta said, then going to attack again.

Kid Trunks had rushed at Kid Gohan and punched him across the room. Gohan could barely register the speed, and definitley didn't notice when Kid Trunks appeared behind him and kicked him across the room again.

Kid Trunks rushed in and threw a load of punches, getting Gohan at several angles and then kicking him up before reappearing above and smashing him down.

"That the best you got?" Kid Trunks taunted.

Kid Gohan snarled as he looked up. He started to charge his ki, raising it much higher than normal, something all three Saiyans in the room noticed.

"His energy is rising pretty fast!" Future Trunks said.

Gohan flew up and threw fast paced punches at Kid Trunks, the young Saiyan doing his best to block, but as it continued, Gohan just got more and more frustrated as his speed started to pick up and he managed to punch Kid Trunks in surprise and then whacked him across the room.

Gohan flew around, kicking Kid Trunks at every angle, knocking him around and then ended it with a punch to the floor and him charging his attack, "MASENKO-HA!"

Gohan fired the attack, hitting Kid Trunks and causing some damage to the Gravity room. Luckily it wasn't a lot but the commotion did get the attention of Bulma.

"What are those boys doing over there!?" Bulma asked, getting up from her seat and rushing to the Gravity Room.

Kid Gohan panted as he looked down, once the smoke cleared, Kid Trunks was seen standing, a few cuts and bruises on his face but still pretty much alright.

"Geez, where did all that power come from?" Kid Trunks asked.

Gohan panted a bit before snapping out of it. "Oh, did I get carried away again?"

Vegeta crossed his arms, "Your power increases when you get angry, or at least frustrated. Your determination to win makes you stronger, your father noticed that during the Androids attack and did everything to help you unleash that power."

Gohan became a little worried, "I don't like feeling that way though, I don't like losing control and attacking, the other day I nearly hurt Videl because of that."

"That's why you need to control your anger, turn your rage into power you can use at any time," Vegeta said.

"My dad told me that, I'm just not able to do it," Gohan said.

"Don't give me that! Unless you try to do so you won't reach your full potential," Vegeta snapped.

Gohan looked at his fists, "Still, it sounds easier said than done."

Vegeta thought a moment before getting an idea, "Come with me outside, I have a plan to try out."

The Saiyans followed their Prince outside to the backyard of Capsule Corp, Vegeta then ordering them to spread out. "Gohan, did your father mention how you turned Super Saiyan in this timeline?"

Gohan thought, "Um, not really sure..."

"I remember Goten saying that you transformed because you imagined your friends getting hurt or something," Kid Trunks said.

Vegeta had another idea, "You mentioned image training with Krillin correct?"

Gohan nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"You're gonna put that to use, except it'll be much harder. The Trunks from the Future along with myself are going to attack you, I want you to fight for everything," Vegeta said.

"Huh? What does the image training have to do with that?" Gohan asked.

"You're going to pretend you're fighting enemies of your past, you must imagine us as such," Vegeta said.

Gohan looked confused, "Huh? So I need to pretend you're an enemy?"

"Exactly, try to think of the strongest enemies you can imagine," Vegeta said.

Gohan thought a moment, "Well, I only really know Frieza, I guess I could imagine him and one of his men?"

Kid Trunks thought of something, "Or Goku Black."

Future Trunks looked confused, "This Gohan's never met Goku Black, the other Gohan didn't really meet him either."

"It's not hard to imagine, he's just Goku with black clothing and a mean looking face. He's also really arrogant and loves being strong," Kid Trunks said.

Gohan looked unsure, "Still, it's hard to imagine dad as mean, where do I start with that?"

"Just remember when Ginyu switched bodies and how aggressive he looked," Vegeta suggested.

Gohan nodded, "Alright, I'll pretend to fight Frieza and try to imagine fighting Goku Black as well."

Vegeta got into stance, "Good, let's get started."

Meanwhile Goku and Goten were flying over to Capsule Corp, they could feel the energy being given off there.

"Feels like the training has already started, better pick up the pace son," Goten said.

"Sure thing dad!" Goten said, the two flying a bit faster.

Back at Capsule Corp, Gohan had already started attacking Vegeta, throwing several quick punches, but the Saiyan Prince blocked them almost easily.

"Come on! Fight as if you're trying to obliterate me!" Vegeta shouted, punching Gohan back. "Do you intend to protect your loved ones with that power!?"

Gohan growled, glaring at Vegeta while imagining Frieza. Just seeing the taunting of the Frost Demon was enough to send him into more rage.

He flew over and attacked Vegeta with more ferocity, his power starting to increase, which Vegeta liked, but it wasn't enough.

"Come on! Is this really all you've GOT!" Vegeta shouted the last part with a strong punch to Gohan's gut and then whacked him down. "You call yourself a Saiyan!?"

"Father, you might be getting carried away," Future Trunks warned.

"Nothing compared to what my father did," Vegeta stated.

Gohan struggled to get up, glaring at Vegeta, imagining him as Frieza. He powered up greatly and charged again, much more ferocious, causing Vegeta to increase his own speed as a result.

"Good, just like that, now I have to take it further!" Vegeta said and turned Super Saiyan, stunning Gohan a bit. This is the first he's seen Vegeta as a Super Saiyan, kinda shocking.

"Lets see how you handle this power!" Vegeta kicked Gohan down and started firing ki blasts, causing Gohan to dodge frantically.

"Father! You might be taking things a bit too far!" Future Trunks warned.

"I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think he could handle it!" Vegeta shouted through his blasts.

Gohan backed away and flew through the beams, dodging and looking for an opening. He managed to punch Vegeta in the gut, but Vegeta just grabbed his arm and tossed Gohan down.

Gohan struggled to get up, starting to feel his old rage set in. Images of Frieza on Namek raced through his mind, imagining the tyrant destroying everything, hurting his friends, then wondering what he could do to others like Videl. Just the idea of Frieza doing anything to Videl sent Gohan into more fury.

Gohan powered up even further, nearing the limits of his base form, but not enough for the transformation. He flew in and punched Vegeta again, this time knocking him for a loop. Gohan then kicked Vegeta down as as he fell, Gohan put his hands to his head. "MASEKNO-HA!"

Gohan fired the beam down as it hit Vegeta, sending him into a crater. The young Saiyan remained in the air, panting angrily, still feeling a bit of rage. Future Trunks slowly approached him.

"Gohan, you feeling ok?" Trunks asked.

Gohan turned too Trunks, still feeling some anger within him, then started remembering everything he's heard about Goku Black, imaginging him to the best of his ability. He mainly remembered Ginyu in Goku's body back on Namek, but more sinister, more evil looking. He could only imagine how horrible he must have been, the imagination alone was enough to cause Gohan to power up again.

"Such amazing power! And he hasn't even turned Super Saiyan yet!" Future Trunks said.

Gohan imagined him some more, how he might have acted, maybe similar to how his father would be if he was a more aggressive Saiyan. Suddenly another image flashed, this time the thought of Goku Black hurting Videl.

Gohan flew in and punched Future Trunks hard in the gut and then continued the assault, hitting Trunks at every angle before kicking him away.

Trunks caught himself mid-air and narrowly dodged an oncoming Gohan. Trunks then turned Super Saiyan, figuring that's the best way to handle Gohan at the moment. "Come on, I'm ready!"

The two started battling mid-air, dodging and kicking, going all out. Future Trunks got some flashbacks to his own training with the Gohan of his timeline, it was so amazing and so surreal for him to be training with a young version of his old master, even if at the moment, Gohan is in pure rage.

Trunks managed to knee Gohan in the gut and then punched him down. Gohan managed to fix himself mid-air and flew over and punched Trunks hard in the face, then kicked his chest. Gohan then elbowed Trunks in the head and sent a ki blast at him, knocking him further back.

Before Gohan could continue, Vegeta flew in to attack again, this time the two were just about even. During this Trunks also flew over to attack, the young Saiyan now dealing with a two on one situation. Eventually Kid Trunks decided he wanted to have more fun and flew over to attack, creating a three on one situation.

Despite Gohan's rage, he could barely fend off three attackers. Vegeta didn't care for the help but he figured this would help Gohan greatly. Gohan is getting that much closer to the transformation. He could imagine more double teaming scenarios, what if he had to fight Nappa and Raditz at the same time? What if he had to face all members of The Ginyu Force? He had to keep fighting, for his loved ones.

Not too far off, Goku and Goten had arrived, surveying the area.

"I feel their energy, but where are they?" Goten asked.

Goku looked around and pointed, "Right over there."

Goten looked carefully and felt out the ki, he could see Future Trunks, Kid Trunks and Vegeta all fighting Kid Gohan.

"Wow, that's a lot!" Goten said.

Goku could feel Gohan's power rising, he seemed close to his goal. "All he needs is a little more of a push..."

Gohan continued to fend them off, but eventually Future Trunks had managed to kick him down to the ground below.

"All this and he still hasn't transformed? What gives?" Kid Trunks asked.

"He needs time, he'll get there," Vegeta said.

"Yeah, took me a while to achieve Super Saiyan, father too," Future Trunks said.

Vegeta noticed Goku nearby, "I see Kakarot, he brought his younger son."

Kid Trunks waved at Goten, "Sup Goten!?"

Goten waved back and then flew over with his dad. "Were you training with Gohan?"

"Yeah, dad's trying to get him to reach Super Saiyan," Kid Trunks said.

Kid Gohan struggled to get up down below, feeling very angry at the moment. Goku flew over to him, "You alright son?"

Gohan continued to pant in anger, though the anger slowly started to fade. He looked around, noticing that both his dad and brother were around. He also checked his hair, but nothing. "I couldn't reach it."

"Don't sweat it son, it took you a while in this timeline, though you did get close, maybe this is the type of training you needed," Goku said.

"Yeah, I guess so," Gohan said.

Vegeta flew down with a grin on his face, "So, Kakarot, up for a family spar? You and your two sons against me and my two sons."

Goku grinned, "That sounds fun."

The two families stood apart from each other, father vs. father, main timeline son vs. son and alternate timeline son vs. son.

Back at Gohan's house, he's in his studies, trying to focus but can't forget about that dream. Was it a warning? Is he really that much weaker now than when he was a kid? Hopefully Kid Gohan won't replace him. Suddenly he felt a large spike in energy from Capsule Corp. He could feel the energies from Vegeta's family and his own. Wait, his own?

He can sense his father, he senses his little brother, but now he can sense his younger self? A big family spar and he's not even part of it? Instead they have the younger Gohan!? Suddenly he remembers the dream again. Gohan's words of him being the only Gohan they need. He can't allow this, he can't be replaced by his younger self!

"That's it," Adult Gohan said, standing up. "Time to show the little me that I DO have some fight left!" With that he stood up and placed his studies on hold. He had a trip to Capsule Corp to make, now he had something to prove. That he was the superior Gohan, the true Saiyan Prodigy.

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