F A T E 爱 Kol Mikaelson {SHOR...

Oleh _FandomPrincess_

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In which Kira Dawson comes back to Mystic Falls after 2 years to realize not only did her friend fall in love... Lebih Banyak

E I G H T -T E E N
T W E N T Y~ O N E
T W E N T Y~ T W O


1.5K 34 1
Oleh _FandomPrincess_


You the one that I dream about all day
You the one that I think about always
You are the one so I make sure I behave!
My love is your love, your love is mine

Baby come, take me now, hold me now
Make me come alive
You got the sweetest touch
I'm so happy, you came in my life




it's been 7 years since The Mikaelson's separated, of course, I still visit every one except Elijah who had Marcel compel him to free him of his devotion to his family which basically means he forgot about all of us it was a stupid idea if you ask me. Rebekah is living the life well everywhere with Marcel and I couldn't happier for her she deserves this kind of happiness in her life, Hayley and Hope well they are more difficult to explain turns out Alaric is alive and has a school for children of the "gifted" I think it's dumb but who am I to say that? Hayley still remains in New Orleans with Freya who's still with Keelin and I'm actually happy for them because if anyone else besides Kol and me deserve happiness it's Freya. Klaus, on the other hand, is doing horribly when I saw him last he was on a killing spree and I actually feel bad for him because as soon as he got an ounce of happiness it was torn away from him yet again.

Now to the important stuff, today is Kol and I's wedding day and I'm honestly the happiest I've been in a long time, I woke up at 8:30  well more like got woken by Demi who's actually now engaged to my brother and they most definitely deserve each other. They wasted no time getting together at all 

'"The  morning after I made Alec and Demi share A room we all planned to meet at a cafe down the street from the hotel, but Demi and Alec are 30 minutes late and as soon as we're tired of waiting and are about to order we see them sit at the table and I move to Kol's side and he pecks my lips smiling into the kiss I smile before looking to Alec and Demi  who are holding hands "didn't waste time did Y'all?" Alec chuckles "of course not, I said I like her so I automatically made a move thank you, sis." I smile at them looking down at the menu happily as I think about how good my life is going to be in the future."

I sigh as my mother helps me slip into my wedding dress and I smile as she tightens it before I look at myself in the mirror smiling "wow, that's me." she nods "you're so beautiful... I'm so proud of who you've become, Kira. you and your brother have made me and your father so proud to call you our children." I tear up and automatically fan my eyes before they try to slip out "stoppp... I can't cry it'll mess up Demi's masterpiece and she'll hurt the both of us" Demi walks into the room with my veil "you're damn right." 

I look back into the mirror observing my wedding dress yet again while smiling 


I don't hear Hayley come into the room "so, I heard you were getting married today." I smile into the mirror turning around I skip to her and hug her tightly sighing "I missed you, so much" did I mention that Hayley and I became almost as close as Demi and I are, so if Demi isn't available I know Hayley will most definitely answer the phone just for me to be dramatic.  I look over at my something new and smile realizing it's from Kol it's a bracelet with a 'K' on it and I laughed dialing his number 

"couldn't wait to hear my voice, darling?" I giggle and look at the bracelet 

"I'll be quick my love... I have a question. was the 'K' meant for Kol or Kira?" He chuckles "stop being a smartass it's for my name Kira." I giggle "yeah I know I just wanted an excuse to hear your voice to calm my nerves" he sighs "I love you" I blush looking down "I love you too, my love." he chuckles "meet you at the altar?" I chuckle "I'll be the one wearing white." I say hanging up.

After the phone call with Kol, all my nerves went away and I knew that this is the moment I have been waiting for. I put on my something blue, something old, and something used before looking at myself in the mirror one last time and putting my heels on walking down the long hallway with my bouquet in my hand I look up to see my father tearfully looking at me "wow... I can't believe your mother and I made you... you look so beautiful, honey." I smile "no matter what you will always be my baby girl" I almost cry but I have to stop myself "I'll always be your little girl dad, no matter what" he nods and holds out his arm and I put my arm through it as I hear the song "I choose you by Kiana Lede" playing and  my bridesmaids and maid of honor walk first with the men.

When I look up the whole world stops it's as if it's just him and I in the room, when we start walking down the aisle the song "Glasgow love theme from love actually"plays we look into each other's eyes and before we knew it, I was in front of him and I place my hand in his as we walk further up so we're in front of the priest.

The priest motions everyone to sit as Kol and I stood facing each other hand in hand 

"Welcome, everyone. We gather today to celebrate the love between Kira and Kol. Weddings are the best, aren't they? It's hard to do better than seeing two people publicly express their unconditional love for one another. What makes it special for each of you in the audience is the love we share for Kira and Kol. You're here today not just because of your love for them, but because of their love for you and their desire for their family and friends to take part in this special day in their lives.

We're all fortunate not only to know Kira and Kol, but to know how special the love they share is, and to begin today we will have two readings they've selected expressing how they feel about their bond and the commitment they're making today."

I smile looking to Kol before looking to Demi who hands me the paper with the reading that I chose on it 

A passage from "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

"When he looked into her eyes, he learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke — the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in their heart. It was love.

Something older than humanity, more ancient than the desert. What the boy felt at that moment was that he was in the presence of the only woman in his life, and that, with no need for words, she recognized the same thing. Because when you know the language, it's easy to understand that someone in the world awaits you, whether it's in the middle of the desert or in some great city.

And when two such people encounter each other, the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love and creates a twin soul for every person in the world. Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning."

Kol looks to me as I finish with tear filled eyes and I sniffle as tear are threatening to spill but I stop them as he starts to read his reading 

Union by Robert Fulghum

"You have known each other from the first glance of acquaintance to this point of commitment. At some point, you decided to marry. From that moment of yes, to this moment of yes, indeed, you have been making commitments in an informal way. All of those conversations that were held in a car, or over a meal, or during long walks – all those conversations that began with, "When we're married", and continued with "I will" and "you will" and "we will" – all those late night talks that included "someday" and "somehow" and "maybe" – and all those promises that are unspoken matters of the heart. All these common things and more are the real process of a wedding.

The symbolic vows that you are about to make are a way of saying to one another, "You know all those things that we've promised, and hoped, and dreamed – well, I meant it all, every word."

Look at one another and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another – acquaintance, friend, companion, lover, dancing partner, even teacher, for you have learned much from one another these past few years. Shortly you shall say a few words that will take you across a threshold of life, and things between you will never quite be the same.

For after today you shall say to the world –
This is my husband. This is my wife."

Tears fall down my face as I look to him without realizing it and I look to Demi who's pouting while looking to me but I quickly look back to the love of my life, Kol reaches up and wipes my tears while smirking.

"Kira and Kol have prepared vows for us to hear."

I look to Kol and I chuckle "I guess I'm going first" everyone in the ceremony laughs " When I first met you, I was in a rough place mentally and emotionally I didn't want a boyfriend or anything that had to do with a relationship because my past relationship didn't go well at all so I gave up but... then this cocky, smart, amazing, handsome man came into my life and changed my mind about love not only did I fall for you quickly but I saw myself being with you for the rest of my life, I knew I had to have you and nobody would get in my way of the love I have for Kol you're an amazing person and I'm happy that I saw it before anyone else got a chance to.

I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together.
With my whole heart, I take you as my husband, acknowledging and loving your faults and strengths, as you do mine.
I promise to be faithful and supportive and to make our love and happiness my priority.
I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph.
I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring.
You are my person—my love and my life, today and always." 

I look into Kol's eyes I see tears slipping until he lets them go and I coo while pouting then listening to his vows 

"how can I top that? When we met I was known as being reckless an abomination someone who always was put away because I didn't live up to my family's expectations but then I met you and you taught me not only to love myself but do not let anyone call me reckless, I never thought in a billion years that I'd find someone as amazing and full on spunk as you. at first, nobody even wanted me they were too focused on my brothers but you... you gave me the time of day... years and for that, I will always love you... you were broken when we first met but I'm happy I had the pleasure of fixing you before anyone could even try.

I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together.
With my whole heart, I take you as my wife, acknowledging and loving your faults and strengths, as you do mine.
I promise to be faithful and supportive and to make our love and happiness my priority.
I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph.
I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring.
 You are my person—my love and my life, today and always." 

When he finished his vows tears are rolling down my face as the priest speaks

" Please face each other and when asked, respond by saying "I do." " we both nod 

"Do you Kol, take Kira as your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, to be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

Kol immediately speaks up without hesitation "I do." I smile at him lovingly 

"Do you Kira, take Kol as your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, to be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

I immediately speak up "I do." he smirks at me with a loving glance and I know the ceremony is seconds away from being finished 

" in the presence of family and friends you have expressed your love for one another...  By the power vested in me by... pronounce you man and wife, You may kiss your bride."

Kol wasted no time in grabbing the sides of my neck softly before kissing me softly and passionately and I smirk into the kiss before I kiss back just as passionately before we release our kiss. 

Kol picks me up all of a sudden before walking out of the ceremony and once we're out he flashes us to our room. When we get to our room I sigh in relief and turn towards him "can you help me?" he nods before helping me out of the dress "I was wondering where the something blue was" I giggle "had to surprise you, but now we have a reception to get to." I chuckle as he groans "can't we just skip to our honeymoon" I chuckle as I look at him before attaching our lips together as he climbs on top of me and I giggle before suddenly stopping as he attaches our lips together and grinds his hips into mine, his lips move to my neck before nibbling and sucking on it and I let out a moan as he licks over where he was sucking on my neck.

We're interrupted by a knock on our door and I groan angrily "KIRA! KOL! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE TO YOUR OWN RECEPTION!" I whine really wanting to just have sex with my husband in peace.


I swear there's going to be a part two updated, and I realized after I finished I forgot to mention that she handed her bouquet to Demi... but I'll be updating FATE AND FORBIDDEN TOMORROW, WELL TECHNICALLY TODAY. 


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