More Than Friends? [Tom Holla...

By TomakaSpidey

214K 3.7K 1.8K

You're a very popular actress, you play one of the leading rolls in Riverdale, sister of Harrison Osterfield... More

-1 The Beginning
-2 Surprise
-3 Girlfriend
-4 Are they?
-5 Off
-6 The Waiter
-7 What do you think?
-9 Is This True?
-10 Crushes
-11 A New Boo?
-12 MCU
-13 good news
- 14 Fake
- 15 Forget
- 16 Tension
-17 Regret
- 18 New Girl
- 19 More
- 20 Everything
- 21 Atlanta
- 22 Shower
- 23 I want that too
- 24 Surprise
- 25 Already?
- 26 The Lake
- 27 The Threat
- 28 The Photoshoot
- 29 The Interview
- 30 Coincidence
- 31 The Flashback
- 32 The Flashback II
-33 The Flashback III

-8 The New Serie

8.8K 176 151
By TomakaSpidey

Your POV
'Oh well i'm going to take a shower.' you said and got of Toms bed and walked to your own room again.
When you were done showering you put on this:

You put on a little bit of makeup and curled your hair in wavy curls.
When you got out of the shower you checked your phone and saw tons of messages from a new group chat.

a MARVELous trip

[unknown added you to the group chat]

robert, how did you get
y/ns number?

i have my ways...

he got it from me.

hi girlfriend of Tom!

guys! She's NOT my girlfriend!

ah! young love!

She's way too pretty for
a guy like Tom.

uh hi

hi I'm Chris!

[unknown changed into Chris]

hi i'm Chris too!

[unknown changed into Chris 2]

Chrises you should probably
say your last names..
I'm Elizabeth, but you can call
me Liz.

[unknown changed into Liz]

When you finally got everyones phone numbers, they told you things about the trip and spammed a lot.
But you liked them already!
'What are we gonna do today?' Tom asked you when you where sitting on the couch and he walked towards you.
'Don't know, at the moment hoping your cast won't spam again.' you laughed.
'Yeah I'm sorry they still think you're my girlfriend.. you know?'
'Yes I get that from the messages.' you smiled at him and he smiled back.
Then all of a sudden your manager called you.
'Hi Y/N!' she said when you picked up.
'Hi Lydia, what's up?' you said and got a confused look from Tom, you mouthed 'Manager', he nodded his head and walked towards the kitchen.
'I got great news!' Lydia yelled.
'What?!' you said excited.
'You're going to play in the new Netflix series; Chilling Adventures of Sabrina!'
'What!!, really?!!' you yelled enthusiastic.
'Yes! You're playing a witch called Abigail Abernathy!'
'But what about Riverdale?'
'I already checked it, it's going to be busy but it can work.'
'Alright! Thank you so much!'
'I'll let you know the details, bye hun!'
'Bye!' You hung up and started doing a little victory dance.
'Someone's happy.' Tom said while walking to you again.
'Yes very happy!'
'Are you going to tell me why?'
'I'm playing in a new series.' you said mysterious.
'Which series?'
'You might know it, it's called Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.'
'What?! Are you serious?!' Tom said, now just as excited as you. 'I mean.. What is going on in that series?'
'Come on Tom, I saw your cartoons, you love Sabrina!'
Before you realized it Tom jumped on you and hugged you tightly.
'I'm so happy for you!' he said before letting you go.
'I'm happy too!'
'What character are you playing?'
'Abigail Abernathy.'
'That's so cool!' Tom let you go and you took a seat on the couch and checked you instagram:

@madelame Are y'all ready for season 2? Watch tonight on CW!
tagged: @vanessamorgan @thecwriverdale

981.726 likes 352.764 comments
@cherylbombshell OMG SO EXCITED
@lilireinhart cutieeesss💗
@queensofriverdale SLAY MY QUEENS
@caseycott yes cheryl!
@kjapa can't wait!
@y/nosterfield not even a tiny bit ready y'all

@kjapa @y/nosterfield misses this but we miss her! (especially Melton)
ps. check out the first episode of season 2 riverdale tonight!
tagged: @melton @thecwriverdale

1.573.974 likes 572.942 comments
@kjhottie Yes boi
@vanessamorgan Whose dog?!
@colesprouse weirdos
@Y/Nosterfield it's weird to say guys but my twin brother is a hottie, miss you too kj😘
@melton @y/nosterfield what 'bout me?😉

@camimendes @y/nosterfield is in Spain without taking us! but she misses this so guess it makes it up. (madelaines hugs are the best)
tagged: @madelame @lilireinhart

861.048 likes 462.291 comments
@hoeforriverdale YES
@colesprouse how many people would fit into that bed?
@kjapa admit it my caption brought you to yours.
@veronicalogdequeen BOOTY
@Y/Nosterfield Can i join? I wanna hug from mads!
@madelame @y/nosterfield you can always join bby!

@Y/Nosterfield @kjapa @camimendes jealous yet?
But guys! Tonight second season first episode! Check it out on the CW! @thecwriverdale
tagged: @tomholland2013

2.764.831 likes 901.653 comments
@kjapa no not at all 😪 but i still miss you!
@y/nosterfield @kjapa 😘😘😘😘
@camimendes you're not getting mads hug honey
@camimendes joking! ily
@y/nslaysmylife GOALS I LOVE YOU
@robertdowneyjr Hello avenger!
@marvelfanbase WHAT IS SHE AN AveNGeR?!
@marvel no @marvelfanbase but @robertdowneyjr you want to keep your job right?
@tomholland2013 cutie💗
@avengersendgame @marvel is sassy today

'Hey Y/N, did you heard anything from Camilo?' Tom asked all of a sudden.
'Hmm, no actually I don't.'
'Well you want to get some food?'
That was a quick subject change..
'Yeah sure!' you replied and the two of you went to a cute lunchroom.
'Excited for tonight? The new season!' Tom said.
'Very excited, but a little nervous..'
'I bet you're amazing, you can act like the best.'
'Thanks Tom, I really appreciate that.'
You smiled widely and Toms cheeks got a little red again.
After you ordered, ate and obviously took some pictures:

@y/nosterfield sorry I had to!🙃🙃
tagged: @tomholland2013

2.751.901 likes 964.618 comments
@chrisevans they're having a date!
@marvel.spiderman Are they dating????
@tomholland2013 it was so hard to make this pic..
@elizabetholsenofficial cute!
@y/nslaysmylife She's friends with the marvel cast now!!!!
@vanessamorgen yes girl😘

@tomholland2013 we just ate an hour ago, and @y/nosterfield wanted more..

2.162.983 likes 1.183.005 comments
@kjapa that's mah girl!💗
@lokiloviee just date already!
@lifeisaloha where are you guys at?
@robertdowneyjr she wanted more of
what? 😏
@Y/Nosterfield food robert food!
@peterman They're cute together!
@thomasstanleyholland They're not cute together! He's mine!

'Seriously where were you guys?' Jacob asked, now in real life, when you and Tom were back at the hotel.
Now you guys were just chilling by the pool and chatting with each other.
'We were just exploring the city.' you replied while sipping your drink.
'Really?' Zendaya asked with a little smirk on her face.
'Yes! What else would we do?' you said.
'Oh gosh, Jacob stop just stop.' you quickly cut Jacob off and he chuckled while Tom was getting red cheeks again, Tom quickly jumped into the pool before anyone could see it.
'Aren't you guys joining me?' He asked.
You felt two hands pulling you up and pushing you into the pool.
'Oh my!' you turned around and saw Harry laughing. 'Harry My drink!!' you shouted and splashed water all over him.
Tom grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him.
'Tom what are you doing?' you chuckled.
'Just hugging you.' he replied while he rested his head on your shoulder.
'Hey love birds! We're going back upstairs.' Sam said and the rest of the group followed, you wanted to go after them but Tom didn't let you go.
'Tom.' you said and he lifted his head, you looked into his big brown puppy eyes and couldn't help but smile.
'I love the way you smile.' Tom complimented you.
'Thank you, Thomas.'
'So everything is good between us again?' Tom asked a little nervous.
'Yes, everything is good.' you smiled and the two of you got out of the pool and made your way to your room.
Y'all agreed meet in your room so you quickly put on this before they came:

Just something comfy but still cute.

Later in the evening you got bored, you already watched a movie and ate a lot.
'I'm so bored!' Sam said.
'Me too..' you mumbled.
'Lets play a game or something.' Laura suggested.
'Yeah sure.' Harrison shrugged his shoulders and all of you sat in a little circle.
'What game?' you asked.
'Truth or dare!' Jacob said enthusiastic.
'No! Those games are always played!' Tom whined.
'Do you have a better idea?' Jacob asked him.
Tom sighed and shook his head.
'Who's first?' Jacob asked.
'Me!' Laura said excited. 'Truth or dare... Sam!'
'Truth.' Sam answered.
'Boringggg.' Harry mumbled before he got a punch from his twin.
'Who do you prefer, Y/N or Harrison?' Laura asked.
'I'm sorry Haz, but I think Y/N!' Sam replied, you smiled and gave him a side hug.
'Okay. truth or dare, Zen.' Sam said.
'Dare!' Zendaya shouted.
'I dare you to knock on someone's door and asked if they have a condom.' Sam said while smirking.
Zendayas eyes widened and she took a deep breath before getting up.
You quickly grabbed your phone made a video for your instagram story.
Zendaya walked towards your neighbors and knocked on the door.
An old lady opened the door and looked at the girl in front of her.
'Hello miss, can I ask you something?' Zendaya started.
'Of course! How can I help you?' The older lady asked.
You felt kind off bad for her, she was really nice to you.
'Do you maybe have a condom for me?' Zendaya just asked like it was nothing.
'Oh! I think I do!' The lady said before walking towards the bedroom and you and Zendaya burst out in laughing.
The elder lady returned with a condom in her hand, she handed it over to Zendaya.
'Don't make too much noise!' The lady said with a wink before she closed the door and you and Zen laughed even harder.
'She was so nice!' You said.
'I feel bad now.' Zendaya pouted as the two of you walk back to the hotel room, you posted the video in your story.
You told the rest the story and got back in the circle.
'Truth or dare, Y/N.' Zendaya said.
'Dare.' you replied.
Zendaya thought and smirked when she had an idea.
'I dare you to sit on Toms lap till the end of the game.'
'What? What kind of dare is that!' you said.
'It's a dare Y/N, you need to do it.' Jacob said.
You shook your head and walked over to Tom, who had got in tomato mode already.
You chuckled and took a seat on his lap.
'Jacob truth or dare?' you said.
'Truth.' Jacob replied.
'Tell us something embarrassing about yourself.' you said.
'I... I once pooped in a closet.' he said while looking down and everyone laughed.
'You actually pooped in a closet?' Laura asked and Jacob nodded his head.
The rest continued the game but you felt something with Tom.
'Tom.' you whispered.
'Yeah?' he replied.
'Stop that.'
'Stop what?'
Tom looked confused and you licked your lips before saying: 'Stop with doing that.'
'Doing what? Y/N I'm not doing anything!'
'A part of you is.' you nodded your head towards his area and you could tell he was embarrassed.
'I.. I can't control that..' he whispered.
You chuckled.
Was Tom interested in you?
Because this is not a way to treat your sister...

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