The Tease - A DaTzu fanfic

By YesNoYes1

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TWICE, with the help from their management, arranged to live inside a huge mansion in order to prepare for up... More

Chapter 1 - The Argument
Chapter 2 - The Confession
Chapter 3 - The Arrangement
Chapter 4 - The Preparation for the First Teasing
Chapter 5 - The First Teasing
Chapter 6 - The Second Argument
Chapter 7 - The Rest of the Evening
Chapter 8 - The Frustration
Chapter 9 - The Plan for the Second Teasing
Chapter 10 - The Second Teasing
Chapter 11 - The Lingerie Incident
Chapter 12 - The Plea
Chapter 14 - The Spanking
Chapter 15 - The Fan Signing
Chapter 16 - The Lie
Chapter 17 - The Color Red
Chapter 18 - The Cameras
Chapter 19 - The Wondering Before Bedtime
Chapter 20 - The Wondering during the Daytime
Chapter 21 - The Date at the Ice Rink
Chapter 22 - The Continuation of the Date
Chapter 23 - The Dinner
Chapter 24 - The Unexpected Rejection
Chapter 25 - The Jealousy
Chapter 26 - The Love Session
Chapter 27 - The Destruction
Chapter 28 - The Girlfriend Proposal
Chapter 29 - The Reluctance
Chapter 30 - The Provocation
Chapter 31 - The Morning Teasing
Chapter 32 - The Minibus
Chapter 33 - The Next Step
Chapter 34 - The Second Date
Chapter 35 - The Aquarium
Chapter 36 - The Hot n' Heavy
Chapter 37 - The Wish at the End

Chapter 13 - The Dance Rehearsal

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By YesNoYes1

"So... Dance rehearsal today. We have to get everything right for the upcoming events." Jihyo spoke at breakfast. She said that not to remind everyone about the events, because she knew they knew the rehearsal was today. She said it because she wanted to encourage everyone, so she added:

"And I know we're gonna nail it" she said cutely.

"Yeah, I was about to ask" Nayeon pitched in "Today's rehearsals, are they with the cameras on or cameras off? Cause I know none of us like it when they film us getting super sweaty and greasy." she chuckled at the end of that sentence and everyone laughed. Jihyo responded that there weren't going to be cameras.

"What are you laughing at?" Momo asked Chaeyoung "You get the sweatiest." She laughed.

"No I don't!" Chaeyoung smiled, trying to defend herself. When she saw that Momo continued to laugh, she started to chase her around the house, trying to tickle her again.

"Oh those two." Jihyo commented.

Tzuyu and Dahyun were quietly eating their breakfast. It had been a couple of days since Tzuyu teased Dahyun, the last time being when she kissed her neck and shoulder. Dahyun would think about those kisses every day, but was now really trying to compose herself so she wouldn't be a mess around Tzuyu or around any of the girls.

Tzuyu on the other hand was contemplating on what she would like to do next. Let's see... I teased with my looks. I teased with my actions. I teased with my touching. I guess today I could tease her... by using my words. Yeah, that is still an unexplored area. But how? I'd have to give her something she should think about intensely. Something that will make her look over her shoulder, wanting me to touch her again.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the discussion between the girls.

"So... which song are we dancing to today again?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Oh! Oh!" Sana pitched in "I want to do Signal today! We haven't done that one in a while."

Bingo - Tzuyu thought.

"Yeah, I'd think Signal would be great today" Jihyo added. "I mean, we will do more than that song, but we can start with it."

Ohoho! Ohohohoho! Oh Dahyun! I only have like half an idea for today, but you better be prepared when I fully develop it. Tzuyu smirked and looked Dahyun's way. Dahyun smiled back, but she also knew that Tzuyu was making a plan.

Oh dear Jihyo, look at that smile! Look at that smirk coming off of Tzuyu's face! I'm in for a wild ride today. She's done so little, yet so much so far. Who knows what she'll do today.

The group got ready and headed towards the dance studio to do rehearsals.

"Okay, let's have some fun everyone. Let's run around first, so we don't pull a muscle or anything." Jihyo shouted across the dance studio and everyone followed. They were doing stretches, running, helping each other out before the actual dance rehearsal.

"Hey, can you help me stretch my legs?" Dahyun deadpanned towards Tzuyu.

"Oh!" Tzuyu was surprised. "Okay, no problem."

"I mean, I wouldn't bother you, but everyone else is kinda busy." They looked behind them to see Momo and Chaeyoung tickling again, Jihyo, Sana and Jeongyeon running and goofing around and Mina and Nayeon actually preparing for the dance rehearsals. They chuckled looking at them and then Tzuyu turned to Dahyun and asked with a huge smile:

"Yeah, how can I help you, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Oh, I wanted to lie on my back and do that thing where I stretch my leg out and then you would push it back towards my body. Kinda of like a push-pull situation."

"Oh, yeah, no, sure, let's do it." Tzuyu accepted happily.

Dahyun was on her back, lying, as Tzuyu was pushing her leg towards her and Dahyun would push back. They did this slowly while looking directly into each other's eyes. After a couple of pushes, they both started to chuckle as they were still doing the motions.

"This kinda looks..." Dahyun started to speak.

"This kinda looks like sex." Tzuyu said with a smile. They both laughed, but never stopped pushing.

"Girl, I don't know how you do sex..." She paused. They both laughed again.

Tzuyu started to lean in closer and closer while she was pushing Dahyun's legs, while also checking if any of the other members were looking at them. Their faces were only a couple of feet away from each other, but Tzuyu made it look like it wasn't suspicious. They could both feel their breath tensing along with the situation they were in.

"If you..." Tzuyu pushed. "...didn't want to..." She pushed again.

"...say..." she pressed a bit harder now. "...that this looks like sex..." She kept talking between pushes. "...then what..." She pushed faster "... does it look like?"

As she pushed that last time, she pressed against Dahyun's leg pretty hard and leaned in her body very close to Dahyun's, but again, not close enough to make anything suspicious.

Dahyun let out a moan because of what Tzuyu just did. It wasn't a very loud moan, but it was audible. They looked at each other concerned that this might look awkward to their band mates. They turned around, and luckily, again, Momo and Chaeyoung were being louder than before as they were still having their tickle fights.

Tzuyu turned around to face Dahyun again, still being in that close position that they were before:

"You bad girl." Dahyun gulped and it was visible she was nervous when she heard Tzuyu say that.

"Listen." Tzuyu leaned in and whispered. "This is today's deal. I will touch you. I will grab your ass! She paused, but soon continued: It seems childish. Our group members will notice it probably, at least once or twice. But I will play it off as if I'm goofing around. And since we are goofing around today, it won't seem out of place. In the end, it won't seem like a big deal, like I said, it will seem childish." Tzuyu stopped whispering and looked again if anyone else was listening.

Then she rolled over to Dahyun's left side, acting as if she was tired so that no one would suspect anything weird was going on. Their heads were touching and Tzuyu leaned in to whisper into Dahyun's ear. As soon as Dahyun felt Tzuyu's warm breath on her neck and near her ear, her body got stiff. Tzuyu continued:

"But, as you've already experienced yourself, I am a master with my hands, I'm great when it comes to dancing and today I have a chance to work on something until it's perfect. Wanna know what?" Tzuyu giggled seductively which sent shivers down Dahyun's spine and she visibly shook.

"What?" Dahyun asked scared, yet aroused.

"The next time we're going to perform this song in front of our fans is in a couple of days, maybe a week, I'm not sure. But it will be filmed. People will be watching and filming us."

"Yeah, I know." Dahyun barely let out those words, suspecting where this was going.

"I will be grabbing your ass during those filmed performances while everyone is watching. Multiple times. Some times even for a full second or two. It's a fast choreography, I know, but I will perfect it. And I will tease you on stage in front of ALL those people" Tzuyu said the word "all" in a low and husky tone of voice, which made Dahyun let out a quiet whimper.

"And... Do you know what the best part of the entire story is?"

"That no one is going to see a thing. Not even the cameras will catch it. And I won't be able to do anything about it. I'll just have to take it. I will just have to accept your teasing." Dahyun spoke instead of Tzuyu times time, while closing her eyes and imagining the whole scenario.

It frightened her because there was a chance they could get caught, but it also turned her on and she was so fascinated by the way Tzuyu's mind worked. I think I'm mostly turned on by the way she thinks. It's infuriating and frustrating to have someone control you so well. And yet, I can't wait for her to do it. Oh wow. Dahyun mused.

"Hyunie-bee, you smart girl." Tzuyu spoke as her eyes widened when she heard the last words Dahyun spoke. "That is exactly what is going to happen. Oh you're so smart. And clever. And good. You're a good girl, aren't you?" Tzuyu now spoke directly into Dahyun's ear, making Dahyun whimper once again.

"Oh how I would fuck you now!" Tzuyu whispered into her ear, gritting the word "fuck" through her teeth. As soon as she said those words, she got off the floor, acting as if nothing happened, leaving Dahyun aching on the floor.

I don't know if we're both starting to think alike... But that was exciting. Both Dahyun and Tzuyu mused.

"Okay everyone, let's get into formation and do this." Jihyo called everyone to line up. Dahyun barely got up from the floor and joined the line up.

Oh my... I don't even know... Huh? What is happening? Dahyun was dazed and confused, but she tried to collect her thought so that she could execute the choreography.

Tzuyu on the other hand was smirking and looking forward to her plan. She landed her first ass-grab in the first couple of seconds of the song. It was while everyone was turning around on the "Trying to let you know..." part of the song that Dahyun and Chaeyoung were supposed to be singing. As soon as everyone else in the line up turned their backs around to face the front part of the room, Tzuyu landed an ass-grab on Dahyun's behind. And the first one was the one Tzuyu wanted everyone to see. She didn't even grab Dahyun, she smacked her ass loudly, which caused the whole group to laugh and they stop dancing. Dahyun joined in so it wouldn't be suspicious.

Everyone kept asking Tzuyu while they were gasping for air:

"Why did you do that? That sound! And the way she moved - that was so funny!"

Tzuyu would simply reply:

"I wanted to have some fun." which caused even more laughter.

Good. Now that they've seen it, they know that I'm going to act all goofy today. Which gives me plenty of room to improvise and to work hard to grab that ass. Also, the sound! The sound it made was.... delicious! Tzuyu mused to herself.

I don't think I was ever INTO spanking... But that was hot! Dahyun tried to collect her thoughts. I'm guessing she did that because she wanted to play it off as quirky and goofy so that she would be able to act freely for the rest of the day. She's looking at me... I think she just gave me the look. The look that says "Oh don't worry, I'm only getting started". Yup. Well. There goes my concentration.

For the rest of the day, the group practiced really hard, both Signal and other songs in their repertoire. Tzuyu was becoming a master of "ninja-butt-touching". That's what she named it in her head while dancing. I think I should tell Dahyun about the name of the move. I think she would laugh at it. I'll tell her later. She smirked. At one point of the choreography, she managed to keep her hand on Dahyun's butt for one whole second.

One second might not seem a lot, but in a world where everyone is watching everything, it can be long. She was proud of herself. She mastered that one-second-butt-touch after a couple of tries - it was also at the beginning of the song, when she was changing positions and moving towards Dahyun, while Jeongyeon started to sing her first lines of the song.

Yup, when Jeongyeon starts to sing, a one-second-butt-touch I will bring! Tzuyu rhymed in her head and felt proud.

Dahyun felt her cheeks become red every time Tzuyu would touch her, but she didn't want them to get caught, so she focused real hard on her dancing. The other members caught Tzuyu in the act of touching only two more times, but it was all played off as goofing around.

After a full day of choreography and relaxing, choreography and eating, and then choreography and relaxing again, the group went back to their mansion, exhausted.

"This will all pay off." Mina said as she was the first one to open the door of the mansion. A collective "yeah" was heard from the other members.

They all went to eat dinner quietly, then watched some TV, then to their respective bedrooms. They wanted to do more, but they were all pretty drained.

Another collective "good night!" was heard throughout the mansion as the girls went into their respective bedrooms.

"Today was..." Dahyun started to say something.

"...Intense?" Tzuyu added.

"This is the second time you've done that today." Dahyun smiled.

"Done what?" Tzuyu asked confused, but also with a smile on her face.

"You tried to finish my sentence, but both times you did it incorrectly." Dahyun giggled cutely.

"Oh right!" Tzuyu remembered. "You started to say something during that leg-pushing thing we were doing, that it looked ... looked like what?"

"...intense." Dahyun finished.

"Oh! So the leg-pushing was intense? Alright, I see... Then what do you call the rest of what happened?"

"Interesting!" Dahyun said while giggling.

"How so?"

"Well, the rest of the day you showed me that you really are what you claim - a great dancer and great with your hands." Dahyun complimented Tzuyu.

"Are you flirting with me?" Tzuyu blushed.

"Maybe." Dahyun said cutely while waving her body around with her arms behind her back.

Tzuyu contemplated on several things she wanted to do at that moment, but in the end, without too much thinking, she went over to Dahyun's bed and gave Dahyun a soft kiss on Dahyun's cheek. The kiss was gentle and full of care. Dahyun was blushing and grinning from ear to ear.

"What was that for?" She asked sweetly.

"For giving me a compliment. Thank you Dahyun." Tzuyu gave Dahyun a smile that said she was really grateful for having her in her life.

Dahyun stood up on her toes to match Tzuyu's height and gave Tzuyu a soft kiss on the cheek as well. Tzuyu blushed:

"And what was that for?" She asked grinning.

"I don't know... I just felt like doing it. You were nice. I wanted to be nice."

They smiled at each other.

"Well, aren't we both dorks now?" Tzuyu broke the comfortable silence.

"Haha, I guess we are." They both chuckled and stood there a few moments looking at each other.

"Okay... I think it's time we go to bed... Tomorrow is another busy day." Tzuyu said while smiling.

"It sure is." Dahyun smiled back and they both went to their beds.

Okay. This was weird. Most of the time I just want to fuck Dahyun. Like dirty sex. Like, slam her on the counter of our kitchen and fuck her brains out. But this... Was different. When she gave me a compliment, I wanted to tease her again. But at the same time, I wanted to be nice. So in the end I went in and just gave her a kiss on the cheek. Without even thinking about it. My body just went there and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Like it was natural. Like my lips belonged on her cheek. Huh... Such a weird feeling. I'm probably tired so that's why I'm feeling weird. Better get back to sleep. Tzuyu lightly shook her head, smiled and went to sleep.

I.... did not know Tzuyu had THAT side as well. The gentle side. I mean, she was never mean to me. But... The kiss... On the cheek. It felt so... So different.... What is the word I'm looking for? Is it "pure"? It is "innocent"?... Well, whatever the word is, I'm so confused. Like... Up until now I only wanted to let her fuck me with my head buried into a pillow while I scream out her name... But this... Huh... So weird... Meh, it's probably just the exhaustion we're feeling. Nah, better get to sleep. Dahyun smiled as well as she went to sleep.

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