Under that red hoodie √

Bởi bekahstull27

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Keith kogane is a young high school student who doesn't have the best home life. he's very good at keeping it... Xem Thêm

Can't take it anymore
Bad news
Never Forget
getting better
Happy Ending
Authors Note

The boy in the brown house

10.8K 169 822
Bởi bekahstull27

The back door made a loud creek sound immediately blowing his cover.

"Get in here now!"

Keith shut the back door and sighed before he entered the living room.

"Where the fuck were you!?"

"I was... out."

The man stood up from his place on the couch and went up in Keith's face.

"I'm not going to ask you again, where the fuck were you!?"

"The park! I was at the park okay?"

The older man threw Keith against the wall and pinned his shoulders down.

"You ungrateful piece of shit!"
He kneed Keith in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him.

He threw Keith to the ground and kicked his side's multiple times.
Keith whined in pain as his father finished him off with a punch in the face. His face collided with the several sharp rings his father was wearing.

He walked away and sat back on the couch.

Keith could barely move. He crawled over to his backpack and slowly made his way upstairs to his bedroom.

He shut his door and locked it before collapsing into his bed.

He took out his phone and clicked shiros contact.


"Hey... shiro um..."
Keith felt his eyes well up with tears.

"Keith? Are you okay?"

"Mmhmm, yeah, I'm fine just um, wanted to ask you something. "

"Okay, what is it?"
"Can you drive me to school tomorrow? I want to leave early and don't want to wait for the bus."

"Yeah, I'll come by your place around 6:20 how about that?"

"That's perfect. Thanks shiro."

"No problem... Keith? Are you sure you're alright? You sound upset."

Keith quickly wiped his eyes.

"Yeah, shiro I'm fine. Just tired."

"Okay, get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight shiro."

"Night Keith."

Keith hung up the phone and placed it on his night stand.

He stood up and went into his bathroom to check on his injuries.

He lifted up his shirt and revealed three new bruises on his chest. He stared into the mirror and looked at all his scars and cuts and healing bruises all over his body.

He angrily threw his shirt off and climbed into bed instantly falling asleep.

He was awakened by his alarm and quickly shut it off so his dad wouldn't hear.

He threw on a black t-shirt, black skinny jeans and his worn out red hoodie.

He quietly sneaked down the stairs and ran out the door to wait for shiro.

Not long after, a black truck appeared with shiro at the wheel.

"Woah, new car?"
Keith said as he climbed in the passenger seat.

"Yup, just got her yesterday. Do you like it?"

"Yeah! I actually do. It's nice."
Keith responded with a grin.

"Ha, thanks--- woah, Keith? What happened!?"

Shiro suddenly asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your eye!" Shiro exclaimed as he gestured to Keith's right eye.

Keith flipped down the passenger mirror and examined his face noticing the black and blue bruise around his right eye.

"Shit." He said to himself as he gently touched the bruise.

" He didn't... hit you again did He?"
Shiro sounded concerned.

Keith panicked a bit before coming up with a lie.

"No! I ran into uhh, my back door. I tripped on the last step and fell..."
Keith lied through his teeth.

"Are you sure? Keith, I already know that's not true, please tell me what's going on."

"I can't shiro, I just can't. "
Keith crossed his arms and looked out the window.

"Keith, if he hurt you, I need to tell someone."

"No!! Please shiro, you know that will make it worse! Please don't tell anyone!"

"Keith, you're being abused by your father, I can't let that keep happening."

"Shiro, I promise if something goes really wrong I'll leave, please promise me you won't tell."

"Keith i---


Keith raised his arm and lifted his pinky out for shiro to pinky swear.

"Promise..." shiro pinky swore with Keith and drove to school.

When they arrived at school, Keith automatically left for the courtyard to sit under his special tree.

"Hey! Look the emo kids back!"
A voice rang through the courtyard.

Keith rolled his eyes as he stood up to face the boy.

"What do you want rolo?"
Keith said with an annoyed tone.

"I want to kick your ass kogane."
Rolo said with an evil smirk as his squad rolled up behind him.

" Oh, you have your own little squad now? That's nice. Didn't know a badass like you would need help."

Keith smirked.

"Laugh all you want kogane, but you won't be laughing when all three of us are beating you to the ground."

Rolo said as he got closer and closer the Keith.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've been through this, you threaten to beat me up, I fight you, you start off strong, and then I break you're nose in the end right?"

Keith said crossing his arms.

"Not this time kogane, this time we are gonna win, my goal is to beat you so badly that you'll cry and then I'll take a video to prove that I officially broke Keith kogane. "

"Mmhhmm, yeah good luck with that. I'm not scared of you rolo, you're just so dumb that you keep forgetting that apparently. "

"That's it kogane, you are so gonna get it!"

"Bring it on bitch!" Keith said with narrow eyes.

Rolo punched Keith in the face and Keith fought back with a high kick to the neck. Rolo kicked Keith in the stomach and then kneed him in the ribs which made Keith flinch a bit.

"What's wrong kogane? Can't take it?"

Keith reached up and slammed his elbow into rolos nose instantly breaking it.

"Fuck! You broke my fuckin nose again!"

"Yeah, that was the idea."

Keith sarcastically said as he kicked one of the other boys behind rolo.

After a while the other two boys left to take care of their injuries.

It was just Keith and rolo.

"Keith, just face it, you aren't really tough. You just pretend to be. Don't forget that I know your secrets. You're the idiot who told them to me."

"Shut up, you don't know anything."
Keith angrily said.

"Right. So I don't know that you're mother left you when you were born, I don't know that you're dad beats you, I don't know you're dad brings home sluts and I don't know that you were raped by one of those sluts to try and make you straight. Okay you're so right, I don't know anything. Oh, did I do it? I knew I didn't have to injure you to make you cry, I just had to hit where it hurts the most, your fucked up life."

Keith wiped a few of his tears before getting in rolos face.

"You fucking asshole!"

He screamed before punching rolo in the face over and over until he broke rolos teeth and his face was covered in blood.

Rolo ran away as soon as he could and left Keith by the tree.

Keith looked down at his hands seeing the blood that covered them.

"I'm no better than my father..."

Keith sat against the tree and quietly cried into his knees.

"Um, what did you do that for?"

Keith heard an unfamiliar voice.

He looked up still having a few tears fall, and saw a tall lanky boy wearing an olive green jacket and light washed blue jeans.

"What?" He asked kind of annoyed.

The boy approached Keith and sat down next to him.

"Why did you beat that kid?"

"You saw that?"

"Well, yeah. You screamed "You fucking asshole" and then proceeded to beat the shit out of him. Kinda hard to miss."

"Shit. They're gonna call my dad for sure, I'm dead."
Keith said quietly.

"Well then, why did you do it?"

Keith was thinking about all the things rolo said. He began tearing up again as he remembered him beating rolo badly and then all the times his father had beaten him badly.

"Hey, are you... crying?"

The tall boy asked slightly concerned.

Keith wiped his eyes quickly feeling embarrassed.

"No, I don't cry. Ever."

"Why not? Are you one of those guys who's like "I don't cry cuz, I'm a man. Men don't cry blah blah blah"?"

"No I just, well... i don't wanna talk about it! I don't even know you and frankly it's none of you're buisness!"

"kay. You could have said that in the first place. But I get it. I'm lance by the way."

"Look, I'm sorry for snapping. I'm just uncomfortable with talking to new people..."

"Its cool, really. Don't apologize. I totally get that. I was just worried that's all you don't have to talk to me."

"Thanks. I'm Keith."

"Well, it was nice meeting you Keith. I'm gonna go to class now. Bye!"

With that lance left and ran into the school.

Why did he care so Much? He d oesnt even know me? And why did he take my side after I beat a kid senseless? Ugh, never mind. I'm going to class.

Keith was in his own thoughts as he walked through the doors and to his first period.

"Mr. Kogane, you are late, again."

"I know know I got caught up in something."

"Next time you're late, detention. Understand?"

"Yes professor Montgomery."

A few minutes passed and the tone of the intercom was heard.

"Keith kogane to the principles office now."

"Shit." Keith said under his breath.

"Go on Keith." Professor Montgomery gestured to the door.

Keith grabbed his bag and left towards the office.

He sat on one of the chairs as he waited for the Secretary to let him in the office.

"Keith, I was told by a few students that you were involved in a physical fight with rolo Williams. Is that true?"

"Yes sir."

"Right, so tell me what happened."

"Um, okay. I was sitting under a tree when rolo and two other guys came up to me. He started threatening me saying he was gonna beat me so badly and make me cry and stuff. So I got up in his face and I was being sarcastic. I called him dumb and he snapped. He punched me. So I broke his nose. Then he sent his goons on me and I kicked them multiple times. The other two left and me and rolo were left. He started saying... He said some things and I couldn't take it anymore so I launched at him and punched him until he bled. I broke a few of his teeth. Then he just ran away."

"Keith? What did he say to you that made you that angry?"

"I'd rather not say if that's okay."

"Keith, I can't understand your side if you don't tell me all the details."

Keith stayed silent.

"Well, I'm sorry Keith but I can't allow behavior like this at my school. But, I'm choosing to believe you in the facts that rolo threw the first punch and provoked you so you are not suspended. You have one week of detention."

"Thank you mr. Iverson."

"Now, get to class."

Keith left the office and realized it was free block. He walked to the back of the school and saw shiro standing by the wall.

"What are you doing here?"
Keith asked as he approached the older.

"I figured you'd come here. It's where you go when you're upset."

Keith just sighed.

"Keith, I'm so sorry about what he said. I don't know how he knows all of that but swear I didn't tell him."

"I know shiro, because I told him..."

"What? Why?"

"Back in eighth grade, I thought he was my friend. We always hung out at school and I would sneak out and go to his house. I told him everything. And he used to be there for me. One day, he started ignoring me, and then making fun of me. And well, you know the rest."

"Keith, I'm so sorry."

"That's why I have trust issues. That's why it took me two and a half years to realize you were a real friend."

Shiro grabbed Keith and hugged him tightly.

"Shiro, I'm fine, Really."

"I know you aren't, just remember that im here for you always. Whatever you need, I'll be here."

"I know shiro. You're the only thing that keeps me going."

Shiro just hugged Keith tighter feeling sad for the boy he sees as a little brother.

"Keith, you're like a brother to me. I will do everything i can to protect you."

"Thank you shiro."

The bell rang for third period and the boys went off to their classes.

Keith entered his English class and noticed a bunch of kids staring at him.

That's the kid that beat up rolo for no reason." A random kid whispered.

"I heard rolo might have a concussion." Another one said.

"What's up kogane, here to beat another innocent kid?" A boy named James yelled.

"Yeah, what are you going on a murdering spree?"

"You know rolo is gonna kick your ass when he comes back."

"You're just an emo loser!"

The whole class seemed to attack Keith except for one boy.

"Hey! Shut up! You all don't know the full story. If you had been there, you'd know that rolo started it! And Keith was defending himself! So shut up and don't chime in unless you know the whole story!"

Keith looked shocked.

"Come on Keith, sit over here."
Lance dragged Keith by the wrist over to the back of the classroom.

"Why did you do that?"
Keith asked.

"You were getting attacked for no reason. It's not right to let you get called out for something you didn't do."

"Why do you care? You don't even know me."
"I don't have to know you to want to help you."
Lance said as he opened his textbook.

This kid really wants to help doesnt He? What if he's like rolo? Don't tell him anything.

"Good afternoon class, today we are starting our Shakespeare unit. Everyone open your textbook to page 437."

Keith opened his backpack only to realize he forgot his textbook at home.

"What's wrong?"
Lance asked.

"I left my textbook at home."

"Here, we can share mine."
Lance scooted closer to Keith and slid his book in between them.

Keith gave a small smile as he began to read Romeo and Juliet.

After class, lance and Keith walked to lunch together.

"Hey lance, I just wanted to y'know thank you for everything today."

"Aww, Keith, I'm happy to be here for you. look I know I'm really nosy and stuff but I really like talking to you. So, do you think we could be friends?"

Keith stopped for a second before continuing to walk.

"Look, lance. This might sound wierd and selfish but if we become friends, my trust in you will be small. Not becuase of you specifically, but because... I have major trust issues. I'm super careful about who I let in my life."

"That's totally fine Keith! I completely understand and I will stay within my boundaries. If I'm ever being too much, just tell me and I'll back down. I really appreciate you accepting me. And I trust you so much already, you seem so real. And I will prove myself to you in order for you to trust me too!"

"Thanks lance."

"No problem keith."

They entered the cafeteria and went through the line.

Lance slid his tray down the line and noticed that Keith didn't have one.

"Keith? Do you pack a lunch?"


"Then why don't you have a tray?"

"Oh, um, my account is empty."

"Oh, well, what do you want, I'll buy It for you."
Lance said opening his wallet.

"No, lance I can't let you do that."

"Keith, you have to eat so I'm buying you lunch. I insist."

"Thank you lance." "I'll take the salad with no onions or cheese please." Keith said to the lady behind the counter.

"Here you go sweetie." The women said handing Keith the salad.

Lance bought the meals and made his way over to his table.

"Keith, cone sit with me and my friends, they'd love to meet you."

Keith was hesitant at first but since lance bought his food, he decided to sit with them.

Keith sat down next to lance and looked straight across at the others.

"Hey guys! Look I wanna introduce you to someone."

"Oooh is this your new boyfriend?"

"Pidge! No! He's a friend. "
Keith face went bright red.

"This is pidge, she makes an incredible effort in humiliating me all the time. But she's also a math wiz and a total computer and science nerd!"

"Hey, my real names Katie, but my friends call my pidge."

"So, should I call you Katie Then?"
Keith asked awkwardly.

"Haha nah, man any friend of lance is a friend of mine! But, you can call me pidge." She said with a grin.

"Right, now this is hunk. He's been my best friend since kindergarten. He is also a nerd but is super sweet and loving. He loves to cook and bake and is basically a housewife. "

"Hey! Lance, we've been over this, I'm not a housewife, I am an independent woman who doesn't need a man and doesnt have to do the cooking and cleaning."
Hunk said which cuased him and lance to burst into a fit of laughter.

"So sorry, didn't mean to be sexist. Anyways hunk listens to any problem and will give the best advice he can so he's basically the best."
Lance said smiling at hunk.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you."
Hunk said shaking Keith's hand.

"Finally, we have Adam, he is really fun and likes studying which, is kinda wierd but, he loves space and even has a certificate from NASA!"

" Thank you lance, but it was just because of an essay I did about black holes. It was a contest. Anyways, I'm also on the volleyball team and I'm a student mentor, I'm in 12th grade so if you ever need help I'm here."
Adam said as he gave Keith a warm smile.

Just then, shiro came up to the table and sat next to Adam.

"Shiro? What are you doing here?"
Keith said puzzled.

"Oh, Keith! Hey. These are my friends, I sit here every day."

"You already know shiro?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, shiros my best friend."

"Shiro? Why haven't you told me about him, I would be loved to meet him sooner."
Adam asked as he bit a baby carrot.

"Sorry, babe, it's just, Keith typically likes to be by himself. He's usually not big on groups of people."
Shiro responded as he intertwined his hand with Adam's.

"Wait, did you call him babe?" Keith asked confused.

"Oh, yeah, Adam's my boyfriend. Did I not tell you that?"
Shiro looked up at Adam and then back to Keith.

"No, in fact, you never even told me you were gay."

"Well, I am haha. Sorry keith."

"Don't be sorry, I'm just surprised ha."

"So your names Keith?"
Hunk asked looking at Keith.

"Yeah, Keith kogane."
He responded.

"KO - GON- EY? Is that Japanese?" Pidge asked as she spooned mac n cheese into her mouth.

The whole table looked at Keith awaiting his answer which he thought was wierd.

"Yeah, I'm half Korean half Japanese."

"That is so cool! Do you know any Japanese and or Korean?"

Lance asked excited.

"Not really, I only know random simple words in Korean and like two things in Japanese."

"Well still, it's cool."
Pidge informed.

Keith said slightly amused.

It was so wierd to be genuinely happy again. Normally he would never talk to an entire group of new people but he felt safe with these kids.

"Keith? Do you wanna come to our annual movie night this Friday?" Adam asked enthusiastically.

"Oh, I don't wanna impose on you, we just met don't feel like you have to include me in things."

Keith said slightly anxious.

"Aww, come on Keith! It'll be fun! We all make a fort in Adam's living room and we eat snacks and play games and see who can stay up the longest!! And we all already like you so it's just like adding to the litness."

"Pidge, please don't ever say "lit-ness" again. But she's right! Keith it would be awesome if you came!" Hunk expressed.

"Its okay if you don't want to though, we don't want to pressure you or anything." Lance said trying to prove to Keith that he can trust him.

"Okay, yeah sounds fun I'll go."
Keith said smiling.

"Yay! Okay be there by 6:30 Kay?"
Pidge informed.

"Got it." Keith responded.

"Hey kogane!" A sudden voice appeared.

Keith looked up and saw a big tough senior with floppy hair and curled fists approach him.

"You hurt my brother, bad. So I'm gonna hurt you even worse! I know where to find you kogane, and I know your dad. Be prepared pipsqueek."

With that the taller boy stormed off out of the cafeteria.

Keith was somewhat frozen. He was scared of what the boy meant by him knowing his father. Was he going to team up with his dad and have them both beat him? Was he going to jump him in the street?Was he going to tell his father something?

Keith felt on the verge of a panic attack. His breathing became uneven and he began shaking.

"Keith? Are you okay?" Shiros voice rang in his ears.

He snapped out of it and looked at shiro.

"Yeah, sorry. I spaced out for a second."

"Who was that guy? What did he mean he was gonna hurt you? Keith are you in trouble?" Lance asked with panic in his tone.

"Lance, I'm not in trouble. It's an empty threat because I got in a fight with his younger brother."

"Are you sure Keith?" Shiro asked.

"Yes shiro."

"Okay, well if he comes after you, call one of us, or all of us! we could be like a gang and gang up on him haha." Pidge said as she slid a piece of paper to Keith.

Keith looked at the paper and smiled as he typed the numbers into his phone contacts.

"Thanks guys."

"You already have my number but just remember we are all here for you."

Shiro smiled as he said this to keith.

The bell rang and they all left for their last period.

Keith walked through the hallway and was about to enter his classroom when he was suddenly pulled away and slammed into a locker.

"Ah, what the hell!?"

"I told you! You shouldn't have taken my threat lightly bitch!" The taller boy from earlier said as he clutched Keith's collar.

He grabbed Keith by the shoulders and pushed him down the hall and out into the courtyard.

He kicked him to the ground and began continuously kicking him until he stopped resisting.
Keith tried to grab at the boys ankles but the boy stomped on his hands making Keith yelp in pain.

The taller boy kicked him a few more times before taking a picture of him and leaving.

Keith couldn't move, he realized that the boy did the exact same kicks as his father did the previous night.

His wrist hurt like hell and he was sure at least one of his ribs were broken. He didn't make an effort to stand up, he layed there on the concrete floor, curled in on himself.

He was alone since everyone was in class so no one was around to help him.

Keith began quietly crying as his wrist throbbed in pain. He felt his chest hurt every time he inhaled and his bruised abdomen throb when he exhaled. He wanted shiro, he needed someone he trusted.

Just then, Keith saw a tall figure walking down the pathway. He couldn't see who it was from where he was, but he was afraid it was the boy who beat him up coming back for more.

As the figure approached him, he was scared, he didn't want to be a tough guy anymore, be didnt want to get beat again.


He heard the voice and flinched.

As the figure got closer, Keith screamed.

"Please! Please don't hurt me again! I'm sorry! I won't ever bother your brother again. Please!!"

"Keith! Hey, it's me buddy, it's just me it's lance. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise it's just me."

Lance said somewhat panicked but also tried to sound reassuring.

"Lance?" Keith sniffled as his breathing hitched.

"Keith, are you okay? What happened? Did that senior hurt you?" Lance asked with an angry tone.

Keith stayed quiet before not caring anymore. He began crying which quickly turned into sobbing.

"Keith?! Oh, my god, hey, hey, it's okay buddy, here let me help you up."
Lance said as he gently picked Keith up and placed him into a sitting position.

Keith hissed in pain as his ribcage burned as he sat up.

"Keith, can I look at your chest? I wanna see what happened. "
Lance slightly blushed as he asked Keith to remove his shirt.

"Oh my God, Keith. There are so many bruises! Oh, no, one of your ribs could be broken."

Keith just continued to silently cry as lance examined his injured chest.

"Does anything else hurt?" Lance asked calmly.

Keith lifted his wrist onto lance's thigh showing him the giant black and blue bruise around his throbbing wrist.

"Fuck, it's broken. Keith, we have to get you to the hospital."

"Lance, please. I don't want to go to the hospital please don't take me! Please!"
Lance watched as Keith let more tears fall which broke his heart.

"Okay, okay, I won't take you to the hospital, but I have to fix up your wrist. Will you let me do that?"

Keith just nodded.

"Hey, Keith. Look, I'm not the best with helping people but, I know what to do when someone's sad."

Lance gently pulled Keith into his chest hugging him close trying to make Keith feel better.

Keith was hesitant at first but accepted lance's embrace and collapsed against lance's small chest.

"Keith, thank you for letting me help you. Now let's get your wrist fixed."

With that the two boys stood up and walked to lance's car. Lance gently buckled Keith's seatbelt and drove away from the school towards his house.

"Do you wanna call your parents and let them know what happened?"

Lance asked concerned.

"No! Um... no, I can't he's uh, at work and I can't call when he's working."
Keith went pale.

"Oh, well what about your mom?"

Keith felt sick.

"Um... she's uh... on a...... Buisness trip! Yeah, she got sent to... Japan for....uh, nine months!"

"So, you can't call anyone?"

"Nope, it's fine though. I like being alone."
Keith said as he looked out the window.

"No one should be alone Keith. You don't have to solve all your problems by yourself. Especially now that you have me, and pidge and hunk and Adam. We will all be here for you."

"Thanks lance. "
Lance pulled up in his driveway in front of a big tan house with five cars parked outside.

"Welcome to la casa de mi!"

"Wow, your house is huge."

"Yeah, well 12 people live here so... kinda need the space haha."

Lance walked through the door and greeted his mother who was in the kitchen prepping for dinner.

"Holá mama, como estás?"

"Holá mijo, esta bien. Quien esta?" Lance's mother asked gesturing to Keith.

"Esta mi amigo Keith. Habla an ingles por favor?" Lance asked.


"Thank you. So mama this is Keith my new friend."

"Hello Keith, it's so nice to meet you. My goodness! What's happened to you sweetie?"

"Mama, some kid beat him up and I think his wrist is broken. Nobody is home at his house so I figured I'd bring him here is that alright?"

"Of course mijo, you know that. Keith you are welcome here and don't hesitate to ask me anything okay?"

"Thank you Mrs. Mcclain."
Keith looked down feeling shy.

"Oh sweetie, you can call me Teresa, you don't have to be formal or anything." Teresa gave Keith a warm smile.

Keith smiled back.

"Okay, come on Keith, let's fix you up."

Keith followed lance up the stairs and down a giant hallway to his room.

Lance's room was painted a baby blue color with accents of white and teal on the doorways and crown molding.
He had a Lego model of the space shuttle halfway built on a small table in the corner next to a giant bookshelf. His bed was small but had a blue and black printed bedspread with a bunch of pillows and blankets stacked on top. He had posters of shakira, and a couple of random soccer players scattered around his walls and a giant fluffy white area rug in front of a tv with an Xbox and ps4 with two controllers.

"Wow, your rooms amazing!" Keith said in awe.

"I don't know about amazing. But I like it haha. Okay, sit down right here."
Lance pointed to the bed as he got up and went to cupboard in the hallway.

He returned holding a wooden box with a red cross stamped on the top.

"Okay, give me your wrist. This might sting a little okay?"


Keith lifted his wrist into lance's hand and allowed lance to spray it with saline solution.

Keith hissed in pain at the burning sensation In his wrist.

"Sorry, I'm almost done."
Lance said feeling bad for Keith.

Lance took out a sturdy ace wrap and carefully wrapped up Keith's wrist.

"Okay, so I'm gonna ask my mama to come check your wrist and make sure you're okay."

Keith just nodded.

Lance left to go downstairs and get his mom.

"Mama, can you come check on Keith for Me? I just wanna make sure he's okay."
Lance looked down at the floor.

"Mijo, are you alright? You seem upset. "

"I'm fine mama, I'm just worried that's all. He gets in fights alot but I can tell he's a good kid. I'm afraid something is seriously wrong."

"Aww, mijo, that's very sweet of you and I am so proud of you. You are a great friend and I want you to be there for him okay?"

"I will be, thanks mama."

"You're welcome mijo."

Lance and Teresa walked upstairs to where Keith was.

"Keith sweetie, I'm just going to take a look at your wrist okay?"

"Okay. "

Teresa knelt down next to Keith and unwrapped the ace wrap exposing his badly bruised wrist.

"Aw, you poor thing. Ok, I'm going to bend your wrist so this might hurt but I promise I'll be gentle."

She began twisting Keith's wrist and bending it up and down.

"Tsssssss, ouch!" Keith hissed in pain.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I promise I'm almost done."

Lance winced at Keith's whines as he watched his mother from the doorway.

"Sssss! Ah!" Keith yelled as he clutched the side of lance's bed.

"Lance? Come here. "

"Yes mama?"
Lance ran over.

"Be here with Keith, I know that this is gonna hurt him alot, I'm gonna pop his wrist back into place."

"Okay got it."

Lance sat next to Keith on the bed and held out his hand.

"Keith, this is going to probably hurt alot, so if you want to you can squeeze my hand."

To lance's surprise, Keith grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

A bright red spread across lance's face as keiths trembling hand interlocked with his own.

"Okay sweetie, this will only take a second. One, two, three!"

She pushed on Keith's hand and abruptly pushed it backwards popping his wrist back into place.

Keith bit his lip to keep from yelling and squeezed lances hand extremely tight.

"There you go Keith, you did a great job." I'm just gonna put a brace on you okay?"

Teresa smiled and walked off to the other room.

"Are you okay Keith?" Lance asked noticing that Keith was still holding his hand.

"Yeah... I'm okay. How does your mom know what to do? How do you know what to do?"

"Mama's a nurse and she has taught my whole family basic skills. Shes always helped us so much so I wanted to learn from her so I can take care of her one day."

"Wow, that's really amazing lance."
Lance's face went red again and he could feel his pain become sweaty underneath Keith's hand."

Keith was still squeezing lance's hand.

"Uh, Keith..." Lance gestured to their hands.

"Oh! Uh, I'm sorry... I didn't uh..."

Keith's entire face went bright red.

"No, it's okay don't worry about it."

Just then, Teresa came back in with a black wrist brace and a bottle of Advil.

"Okay Keith, I'm just going to position your wrist and put on this brace."

She bent his wrist back slightly and placed the brace on his arm.

"Thank you so much Teresa."
Keith smiled as he adjusted the brace.

"You are so welcome sweet heart. I would recommend taking ibuprofen when it hurts."

"Okay, I'll remember that. Thanks. "

Teresa smiled and went back down stairs to the kitchen.

"Do you wanna stay for dinner? Mama's making paella, it's really good."

"I would love to lance, but I should really get home."
Keith looked guilty.

"Awww, come on, I insist. Please??"


"I'll take you home right afterwards."

Lance gave Keith puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, ok fine! I'll stay for dinner."
Keith giggled at lance's pouty face.

"Yay!!" Lance smiled as he led Keith down the stairs and into the giant dining room.
Keith sat down next to lance on the right side of the table as lance's family all entered the dining room.

"Uncle lance! Welcome home!!"
Lance's niece ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Maria! Hey! How was your nap?"

"Boring. I hate naps!"

"I know but you need them so you can grow up as strong as uncle lance right?"

Lance smiled as he flexed his bicep for his niece.

"Yeah! I'm gonna be big and strong like you!" Maria giggled as lance placed her in her seat.

" Who Is this Lance?"

"Veronica! Hey! I didn't know you were coming home. Its So great to see you!"

Lance yelled as he hugged his sister.

"This is my friend Keith. He's staying for mama's paella!"

"Its very nice to meet you Keith." Veronica shook Keith's hand as she smiled warmly.

"Nice to meet you."

He replied awkwardly.

Not long after, the rest of the family came and sat down at the table as Teresa brought a big dish of paella out along with fresh rolls.

The family finished dinner and lance was driving Keith home when lance noticed something on Keith's arm.

"Keith? Is that a bruise on your arm?"

Keith shot up in his seat and covered his arm.

" Yeah, I fell in my room this morning. No big deal." He lied.

Lance gave Keith a suspicious look before pulling up in front of Keith's run down house.

The outside was a dingy brown shade covered in dust and dirt. There was trash all over the concrete porch and an unkept lawn at the front. The yard was littered with broken beer bottles and empty take out containers.

"This is it?" Lance asked trying to not sound rude.

"Yup, look I know it's not much but it's what I got."

Keith said slightly annoyed.

"Wait, Keith I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted to make sure I got the address right. I'm sorry."

"Its fine... Lance. Thanks for the ride. Tell your mom thanks for me okay?"

With that Keith shut the door and made his way to the house.

Lance didn't drive away waiting for Keith to get in the house.

Keith stepped on the porch and was surprised by the door opening very aggressively.


Lance looked out his window and saw a taller man angrily throw Keith into the house.

"What? Who was that?" Lance said to himself as he watched the front door slam.

"Was that his dad? Why was he so angry?"

Lance was confused as he drove down the street back to his house.

"I'm tired of you disobeying my orders!!! If I ever catch you coming home late again, you are going to regret it!"

"Look, I got hurt I needed some help." Keith spat.

"What do you mean you got hurt!?"

Keith's dad screamed.

" I just hurt my wrist it's no big deal."

"Well if it's no big deal, explain why I got a call from the fuckin school today!?"

"I got into a fight. The other kid started it."

"You will never learn will you!?"

Keith's dad kicked Keith in the groin which caused Keith to fall to his knees. His dad upercutted him in the jaw and followed with a punch to his left eye.

He slammed his foot into Keith's stomach and shoved him into the wall proceeding to kick him several times.

He reached in his pocket and took out a small dull pocket knife and began slicing Keith's shoulders and cheek. He finished him off by throwing his empty jack Daniels bottle at him and storming to the kitchen.

Keith stayed against the wall curled up in a ball forcing himself not to cry.

He finally rose to his feet and limped up the steps to his bedroom.

He slammed the door and fell to his knees in a sobbing mess.

He felt small pieces of glass pierce his skin as he collapsed onto the carpet.

He continued to cry as he crawled to the bathroom. He grabbed a pair of tweezers and sat himself on the edge of the bathtub. He located the glass shards and ripped them out of his flesh one by one.

He hissed in pain as he felt the cold metal enter his skin to retrieve the sharp glass.

The final piece of glass was really deep in his arm and he couldn't get them with the tweezers. He decided to open up his arm and tame it out then. He grabbed a clean razor blade from the sink and placed it to his skin. He carved out a small rectangle in his arm and began removing chunks of flesh with the blade. He bit his lip to keep from screaming as more tears streamed down his face. Keith had never cut before so he was not prepared for the pain he received.

After a few seconds, the would was deep enough for Keith to retrieve the small piece of glass.

He threw the glass in the trash and put a bandage on his arm not quite sure how to treat it.

All cried out, he climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Keith woke up, threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a gray t-shirt and his red hoodie and ran out the door.

He began walking when he saw a familiar car in front of his house.


"Hey Keith! Wanna ride?"

"Yeah, sure."

Keith clibedninto lance's Ford focus and smiled as he felt the cool air conditioning hit his fragile skin.

Lance drove to school and parked the car.

They were still in the car when lance noticed a red stained bandage on Keith's forearm.

"Keith? What happens to your arm?"


"Keith? There is so much blood staining the bandage, what happened?"

"Nothing lance... I said nothing. "

Lance reached over and began struggling to take of the blood soaked bandage.

"Lance! Stop I said it's nothing don't touch it!"

Lance ignored Keith as he unraveled to bandage revealing the wound Keith had given himself last night.

"Holy fuck! Keith!! There's a fucking hole in your arm! That's not "Nothing"!!

"Lance! Calm down! It's ok really, I'm fine. I got caught on a piece of wood last night."

"Keith?... can I ask you something?..."

Lance's face changed into a sad expression as he clutched his steering wheel.

"Lance? What's wrong? Just ask me it's fine..." Keith said slightly concerned.

"Keith... are you Okay?"

"What? What do you mean Lance?"
Keith looked confused.

"You always come to school with new injuries. I notice new bruises and cuts on you everyday. Is someone hurting you?"

"Lance. Thank you for being concerned but I'm fine. I'm just clumsy and fragile. I promise I'm fine." Keith avoided looking lance in the eye feeling guilty for lying.

"Keith... does your dad... hurt... you?"

Lance looked scared as he watched Keith's face change.

"Eh, What!? Why would you even think that!?" Keith felt nervous. How could lance Know?

"I'm sorry, it's just, I saw him throw you in the house last night. He looked really angry and I was worried. Just forget i said anything."

With that, lance got out of the car and walked to class.

"Shit. How could he Know? I haven't told him have I? Did shiro tell him? Did rolo tell him? Fuck. I'll have to tell him, before I lose him..."

Keith hung his head as he stepped out of the car proceeding to walk into the school to his first period.

"Good morning Keith, what's up? You look upset." Shiro said approaching Keith in the hallway.

"Fine... just tired..."

"Keith! What happened to your arm?!"

"Nothing! I'm fine! Jesus, I got cut it's no big deal."

"Keith! Come here!" Shiro firmly grabbed Keith's hand and dragged him underneath the left stairwell.

"What the hell shiro? What's wrong?"

"Keith, don't lie to me. Is your father still beating everyday? Or are you hurting yourself again? Don't you dare make up an excuse." Shiro held Keith firmly by the shoulders.



"Ugh. Fine, yes, he still hits me. No I don't hurt myself. I'm dealing with it it's fine." Keith crossed his arms and stepped back.

Shiro teared up as he released from Keith's shoulders.

"Shiro? Why are you crying?"

"Keith.... you promised you'd tell me if he beat you again. I can't stand seeing you hurt." Shiro wiped his eyes.

"Shiro, you know that if I told you every time it happens you'd eventually break and tell someone.  Speaking of.... you didn't tell lance did you?"

"What!? No Keith of course not. I would never. Why?"

"Becuase this morning he asked me if my dad hits me because of my arm."

"He saw dad throw me into the house. I think he's getting suspicious."

"Just deny it."
Shiro suggested.

"But, I'm afraid if I don't tell him......"

"What Keith?" Shiro asked concerned.

"Uugh, I just don't want to lose him Okay?!" Keith threw off his arm and ran back to the hallway and to his class.

As Keith was walking through the hall, he saw a body lying in the courtyard. At first he continued to walk but quickly noticed who the body was.

"Lance!?" Keith ran out the doors and knelt down next to Lance.

"Hey! Hey are you okay!?"

Lance had bruises all over his neck and face along with a bloody nose and scraped up hand. His lower lip was busted and blood was seeping from the corner of his mouth.

"Lance!? Lance, can you hear me!?"

Lance let out a small whine as he twitched in pain.

"Shit. Hey? Lance? It's me. it's keith can you hear me?"

"Mmhhmm..." Lance mumbled.

"Buddy, I'm gonna help you up Okay? Let me know if I'm hurting you."

Keith slid a gentle hand to lance's back and held his torso with his other hand. He slowly sat lance up against the wall of the school to examine his injuries.

"Lance? What happened?" Keith asked as he brushed his fingers over lance's bruised neck.

"I don't really know... I was sitting here one minute and next thing I knew...I was being hit. This... this guy came up to me and said something like "let's see kogane do anything after he finds his beloved "friend" beat up." The rest is kinda a blur."

Lance whined as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

" Are you Okay?" Keith reluctantly asked knowing the answer.

"Yeah, I'm just a little scared I guess...Ive never been beat like this..."

Lance began tearing up remembering the beating he'd just received.

"Hey, hey, lance? Hey don't cry." Keith brushed lance's hair out of his fave as he watched quiet tears roll down his face.

"I'm sorry Keith *sniff* I'm just a little shaken I guess... *sniff*"

"Lance..." Keith gently pulled lance into a hug allowing him to cry into his chest.

Keith felt his hoodie become damp as lance began crying harder.

"I'm so sorry lance, I didn't mean to drag you into anything. This is all my fault." Keith admitted as he stroked lance's hair to comfort him.

Lance sat up and wiped his eyes with his arm.

"Keith? This isn't your fault. It's rolos fault. I'm okay now, sorry if that was wierd..." Lance said as he scooted away from keith feeling embarrassed.

"It wasn't. Lance, I'm your friend, you were there for me so I'm here for you. And I really don't want to see you get hurt. From now on, I'm sticking by your side, I'll never let this happen again."

Lance smiled as Keith said this. He felt his swollen lip throb as he smiled causing more and more pain in his mouth.

He hissed in pain as he touched his lower lip.

"Are you sure you're Okay?" Keith said as he took a hold of lance's lip.

Both boys froze as they stared into each other's eyes. Keith saw lance's ocean blue eyes sparkle as he stared into his violet ones.

"Keith?..." Lance looked confused.

Without thinking, Keith leaned in and kissed lance on the lips.

Lance twitched as Keith's lips connected with his.

He kissed back immediately melting into the kiss.

Keith realized what he was doing and quickly released.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry Lance! I don't know why I just did that! Oh fuck that was so wierd I'm sorry."
Keith backed away but lance grabbed his red hoodie.

"Wait. Who said I didn't like it?"
Lance gave Keith a smirk as he loosened his grip on Keith's hoodie.

"Wait, What? You did?" Keith looked shocked.

"Look Keith, if I'm being honest, I sorta kinda really like you...?" Lance's face went red as he scratched the back if his neck.

"Really? You do?" Keith asked smiling.

"Yeah... I was thinking about telling you but, I didn't know if you were into guys, or if you were even single and I guess I just panicked and didn't ask you and-----

Keith placed his hand on lance's shoulder.

"Lance, I like you too. I really like you."

Lance smiled as Keith leaned in and they connected lips once again.

When they broke apart, Keith looked lance directly in the eyes.

"Lance, I promise that I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."

"So... does this mean we're...uh You know..." Lance stuttered.

"Boyfriends?" Keith giggled.

"Lance, I'd love to be your boyfriend, if you would be okay with that."

"Haha, I'd be more than okay with that!" Lance laughed as he threw his arms around Keith giving him a big hug.

Keith hugged back wanting lance to feel safe.

Keith helped lance stand up and they interlocked their fingers as they walked into the school building.

Authors note:

Hey! Thank you for reading my first chapter! I really hope people like this book and I really want to continue it. Let me know what you think! XOXO luv you the most❤

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